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Re -organize the story of "technical options": MVNO's deep good story (page 1/3) --Itmedia mobile

 When choosing a SIM lock -free terminal, there is a "technical mark" as an item you always want to check.Even if you don't know what the technical mark is, if you look at the symbol, you may think, "That's what you saw somewhere ...?"This time, I would like to explain the skill mark that cannot be passed when choosing a SIM lock -free smartphone.


 The technical mark is indicated by a seal on the terminal or a screen display in order to indicate that the two systems with similar names have been publicly certified by the abbreviation of "technique".It is a mark.

  1. 電気通信事業法に基づく「技術基準適合認定」
  2. 電波法に基づく「技術基準適合証明」

 If you look closely at the smartphone's skill mark, you can see two numbers strings.Among them, the head has a "T" of the Technical Standards Compatible based on the Telecommunications Business Law, and the one with the "R" to the head indicates a certificate of conformity to the technical standard based on the Radio Law.

iPhone 7 Plusに記載されている技適マーク。マークの右に、頭がTの認証番号(技術基準適合認定)と、頭がRの認証番号(技術基準適合証明)が記載されている

 Among them, the technical standard conformity (certified number of the head is T) based on the Telecommunications Business Law is an electrical communication device that is technically authenticated as a terminal that can be connected to the equipment of the telecommunications carrier.In addition to mobile phones, for example, various communication devices such as analog telephones and faxes are eligible.

 A terminal that has not obtained this technical standard conformity may have an effect on the communication equipment and communication services of telecommunications carriers, such as chamber and inoperable communication.It is not banned by law to use such equipment in Japan, but special obligations may be imposed in the terms and conditions (contracts) of each telecommunications carrier.

 For example, in the NTT East telephone service agreement, if you use a device that has not been certified by the technical standard compatibility certification, such as a telephone purchased overseas, you must make a request for a connection by the company's prescribed document.It is.

 Another, technical standard conformity certificate based on the Radio Law (the head is R authentication number) is applied to relatively small radio devices that emit radio waves, for example, taxi radio and ships.Wireless, amateur radio, etc. are eligible.

 The "Technical Standards Compatible Certification" based on the Telecommunications Business Law does not necessarily prohibit the use of un authentized terminals in Japan, but the technical standard conformity certificate based on the Radio Law is undecided.It is a harsh system that the use of wireless equipment in Japan is prohibited by law.

 Mobile phones, including SIM rock -free smartphones sold in Japan, often have both these two authentications, so the technical mark is T, and the head is R.It is natural that the authentication number is listed.

 This time, let's take a closer look at the "technical standard conformity certification" based on the Radio Law.

 What is the reason why it is prohibited to use wireless devices that have not obtained a certificate of technical standards? 

 Unlike a wired communication where an electric signal is trapped in the electric wire, and the optical communication that laser light is trapped in an optical fiber, as a radio characteristic that spreads on all sides, the radio waves of unauthorized frequencies are not permitted.If you send it out, it will be mixed with other radio waves, and the effect may be extensive and the damage may be enormous.

 For this reason, wireless devices (radio stations) are strictly stipulated by the Radio Law that it is necessary to pass the test and receive a radio station license so that it does not emit radio waves other than the permitted frequency or output.This wireless station license is no exception on mobile phones.

 However, with over 160 million mobile phones in Japan, it is a bit unrealistic to inspect each mobile phone and issue a wireless station license.

 For this reason, only mobile phones (= specific radio stations) that have obtained a certificate of conformity to technical standards have provided a provision that a carrier can comprehensively obtain a radio station license (Article 27-27-27 of the Radio Law).In other words, if you use a mobile phone terminal that has not obtained a technical standard conformity certificate, it will be used in Japan to emit radio waves with radio equipment that does not receive a radio station license, so it will be useless.increase.

 A carrier (NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, SoftBank, etc.) that operates a base station that is a telecommunications partner can be applied, and does not include MVNOs.However, if you use MVNO's SIM card into your smartphone, a carrier that provides a SIM card to the MVNO (strictly, a carrier that operates a base station that can be connected with the SIM card.) Because it is covered by a comprehensive license, it may be possible to emit radio waves.

 In addition, the Radio Law also defines a license system for those who can operate radio stations so that they do not confuse society by operating wireless stations.It may not be very popular these days, but when I was a child, there were many friends who were hobby of amateur radio.In order to use this amateur radio, it was necessary to pass the national exam of the "amateur radio engineer" such as telephone class and telegraph class ( *) ( * currently renamed the 4th and 3rd class).This is a license (wireless worker license) for those who can operate the wireless station (Article 40 and 41 of the Radio Law).

 Then, it is a bit unrealistic to take the test to use a mobile phone, so there is no radio worker license for terminals (specified radio stations) subject to comprehensive license.It is allowed by law to operate by anyone (Article 39 of the Radio Law Act, Article 33, Paragraph 2 of the Radio Law Enforcement Regulations).In other words, there is no need for an exam or license to use a mobile phone, but this is also a condition that it is a mobile phone that has acquired the technical standard conformity.

 In this way, mobile phones have a special treatment in the radio law for user convenience, but define the terminal that can receive the "special case" and the radio environment.The mechanism that technically secures the security of is the proof of the technical standard conformity.


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