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Production of NES cassette with built -in raspberry pie

The NES released in 1983 is a legendary hardware that boasts an absolute presence, with new software regularly released in the indie market.However, description performance is not a dimension that is naturally comparable to the current hardware.Here is a kit that operates "DOOM", which is said to be the founder of FPS games, with a retro NES.

ラズパイを内蔵したファミコンカセットの製作の画像はこちら >>

NES that Raspberry Pi is in charge of processing

The Bakuten Studio's "Raspberry Pie on the FC cassette and the DOOM moves slimy" is based on "NES DOOM", which was originally developed for NES of the overseas version of NES.The actual price is 5,480 yen.

"Raspberrypi", which is prepared separately, is in charge of the main processing, but not all processing on the NES side, but draws images tailored to the specifications of the NES and draws the BG screen at high speed.However, the shape of the NES side outputs to the last.DOOM, which moves slimy on the NES actual machine, is a shocking loss for viewers.


The kit comes with sockets that allow Raspberry PI3A+and USB development board to be detachable.This time, let's create a FCDOOM -only cartridge that implements all parts directly on the board without using any socket.

NES casset with built -in raspberry pie

The materials required for producing NES cassettes with a built -in raspberry pie are "RaspberryPi 3A+(4,200 yen)," FX2LP CY7C68013AUSB Development Board "(1,320 yen)," Cassette case for FC cassette substrates [clear] "(1,300 yen).is.

Since there are not many parts that have soldered on the board, including the rasp pie body, it will not be a problem if you are used to electronic work.

However, in order to put it in an existing FC cassette case or the "Daika Cassette Case" used this time, it is necessary to remove the rasp pie connector, cut the printed circuit board, and cut the projection on the case side finely.。

In particular, the space around the microSD card is severe, and if you force it in, it will cause electrical damage to the microSD card and slot, so you need to be careful and polite.(Sentence / Marenen)


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