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Panasonic with Abrahah's waste material on a wooden board, contributing to greening -effect gas reduction | Radio newspaper digital

Middle material made by removing impurities from the abrayage waste material and compressing long fibers

Abrae Purchase Waste Working Board derived from the waste material

 The Panasonic Housing System Division has developed the world's first recycled wooden boards that utilize Aburayasha's waste material.

 Palm oil collected from the fruits of Abrahahs is used as a raw material for edible oils and detergents, and is a large -scale commercial crop in Southeast Asian countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, and in these countries.Oil exports are an important industry.

 The problem is that after the harvest period of the Abrasha (25-30 years), it is downturned and left unattended.

 Abrahahashi has a lot of water containing impurities (such as silica) and starch, and is easily rotten when left unattended, and has not been used as a waste material.When corrupted, the greenhouse gas (methane and CO2) was excreted, and it was expected to be used.

 This time, the company has developed a recycled wooden board technology using a unique intermediate material that has been removed by the cleaning process and compressed the extracted long fibers.Successful to play a stable board with quality.

 The company has a research topic of the international science and technology cooperative program "SATREPS" (Japan and Malaysia's two -country project "High in oil palms aimed at using and regenerating oil palm farms and regeneration."Development of value -added technology"] ("The development of a recycled wooden board as an effective use of abrayashastick waste material.

アブラヤシの廃材を木質ボードにパナソニック、温室効果ガス削減に貢献 | 電波新聞デジタル

 Finished the Abrahachi waste material in the middle material (pellets), made it a recycled wooden board at an existing wooden board factory, and provided it to the domestic market furniture manufacturer (Otsuka Furniture / Tokyo Interior Furniture) from the spring of 2022, and examined the acceptance.The company plans to expand the use of furniture markets and building materials in FY2013, and to develop full -scale overseas markets.In particular, we aim to expand the use in the Asian furniture market, which is said to be 26 trillion yen a year.

 By using Abrahachi waste materials, the effects of reducing greenhouse gas emissions can be expected to be greatly effective, and in the interim material, the transportability and storage properties are improved, so the traditional wooden factories in remote areas around the world are conventional wood.It can be used in the same way as a board raw material, and contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gases by improving the efficiency of maritime transportation of raw materials.

 また、世界的に木材資源の減少が深刻化する中、未利用資源であるAbrae Purchase Waste Working Board derived from the waste materialは従来の木質ボードの代替品として高い利用価値がある。

 By recovering and utilizing waste materials, it also promotes resource recycling in the farm, and re -planting can contribute to the sustainable development of the palm oil industry, which is essential for modern life.

 It is said that the amount of abandoned waste (trunk) is 45 million tons per year in Malaysia and 90 million tons in Indonesia.

 On the other hand, the amount of wooden boards used in the Asian furniture market is 42 million tons per year, and if you make effective use of palm palm waste, you can secure sufficient regenerative wooden boards.

Panasonic uses the world's first abrayasha waste material in the world to prevent global warming