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Open Ran for 5G, what happens to the 2021 wireless network market?| TECH+ Mynavi News Mynavi

Liberation of spectrum

Release the spectrum to respond to more users and data is indispensable for connecting the connector to build a future that is accessible to everyone.

However, most of the low -band and middle bands around the world have been used historically by the army, commercial satellite businesses, wireless Internet service providers (WISP) and public interest businesses.Initiatives to convert or share these bands into next -generation services, usually need a wide range of arguments on the aggressive relationship between current users and government regulatory authorities and reducing the impact on existing services.

Although there are such issues, it is expected that the government will continue to take initiative in order to release the spectrum after 5G.For example, in the United States, the Federal Communications Committee (FCC) has recently been 3..5 GHz band's priority access license (Pal) auction ends and 3.7-3.It is ready to start a 280 -megahert spectrum auction of a mid -band (C band) spectrum that can be used flexibly (including 5g) in the band of the 98 GHz part.

Regarding the latter, the telecommunications carrier will continue to investigate the site this year, and the first use of the C band will begin in late 2021 or in urban areas in early 2022.In many suburban areas, MNOs and subscribers cannot use C bands until June 2023.In addition to CBRS (Citizens' Broad Band Wireless Service) and C band, the 3450-3550 MHz continuous mid-band spectrum 100MHz will be available at 5G in the next 18 months.

In the Latin American Caribbean region, Colombia and Puerto Rico have recently completed many spectrum auctions.Since 2021, Colombia has developed a low bandwidth LTE network to provide services to rural areas, and Puerto Rico's CBRS auction will be able to develop an additional LTE network with MNO and WSP.In addition, Chile has recently 700 MHz, AWS, 3.The launch of a new 5G spectral auction of 1800 MHz in four bands, 5 GHz and millimeters (26 GHz).

Additional auctions for the entire area may start earlier than originally expected.This is because the spectral auction is an advantageous source of income for the government suffering from the economic downturn of Corona.

However, some countries have postponed the planned auction.For example, Brazil is 700MHz, 2.3 GHz, 3.Auctions including 5G spectrums in four different bands, 5GHz and 26GHz are aimed in May or June in 2021.3.5 GHz is attracting the interest of various MNOs in the Latin American Caribbean, but the 600 MHz band has already been announced in Mexico and Uruguay.In Mexico, 3 in the second half of 2021.We plan to bundle with 5 GHz (both for 5G) and auction this band.Other countries are likely to continue this.

In Europe, the European Union (EU) is working to open a 5g new band and bandwidth in all EU countries.These are 700MHz-30MHz, 3.Contains 5GHz-400MHz, 26GHz to 30GHz bands.Many European businesses have already used 1800MHz or 2100MHz in 5g in the dynamic spectrum sharing mode.In the Middle East and Africa, multiple businesses have been assigned to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman and South Africa.

5GにOpen Ran、2021年ワイヤレスネットワーク市場はどうなる? | TECH+ マイナビニュース マイナビ

The continuous release of the spectrum after 5G is expected to accelerate worldwide this year.

Open Ran

This year, Open Ran will lead new generation products and innovative technology.Open Ran supports open and interoperable interfaces between various sub components and various sub components of RAN, such as wireless, hardware, base band unit, and software.This paradigm reduces Capex through open interfaces and general -purpose hardware, and promotes innovation by promoting the expansion of supply ecosystem while avoiding single vendor "lock -in".

According to Mobile Expert Chief Analyst, Joe Madden, almost all companies in the wireless access market are "under consideration" and will be a "selection solution" for coverage issues.As he points out, Open Ran hardware and software can be cheaper while achieving the same coverage as conventional architectures.

Open Ran has multiple benefits to mobile phone operators.First, Open Ran reduces costs with the base band device (BBU) and the COTS (general consumer) processing device that supports the commoditization of RU hardware.In addition, Open Ran releases software from its own hardware to promote new services and operation solutions and prompt developments.

In this way, Open Ran is expanding the supply chain ecosystem as the new vendor enters the market.Therefore, the development of Open Ran has gained powerful traction, leading new -generation products and innovation such as the integration of wireless and antennas, and is expected to be dismantled in 2021.

In addition, Open Ran plays an important role in accelerating the development of 5G infrastructure by realizing the interoperability of equipment.In fact, DISH, a US telecommunications carrier, has chosen Open Ran technology for 5G rollouts throughout the United States, and has promised to cover 70%of the population by June 2023 with a 5G network.

In Japan, Rakuten's 5G network is based on the Open Ran architecture, allowing the most appropriate combination for subscribers.Vodafone, on the other hand, plans to start the first exam in Europe and Africa, focusing on 2G, 3G, and 4G mobile calls and data services.In the future, a border phone Open Ran trial, including 5G, will be added.Note that Vodafone has recently become the first mobile phone company that has active in the Live Open Ran 4G site in the UK.

The COVID-19 Pandemic has influenced the global development of the 5G network, but 5G-compatible solutions and devices will continue to be announced this year.To support these new devices, MNO focuses on the practical implementation of the 5G network while verifying solutions that benefit from active MASSIVE MIMO deployment.

Governments around the world will continue to release the spectrum to respond to more users and data.It is thought that the development of Open Ran will be the traction, the new generation of products will be introduced, and the spread of 5G will accelerate.