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Scheduled to start production by the new Noble "M500"

Rivals are Corvette and 911

Noble M500

新型ノーブル「M500」 年内に生産開始予定 英国スーパーカーメーカー復活の狼煙

英国のスーパーカーメーカーであるノーブルは、2009年に登場し好評を博したM600以来の新型車「M500」を発表した。【写真】新型Noble M500【前作のM600やM12と写真で比較】 (61枚)2018年のグッドウッド・フェスティバル・オブ・スピードでコンセプトとして初公開され、その後順調に開発が進められているM500は、M600よりも安価で低出力のモデルとしてこれに取って代わるものと見られる。プロトタイプによる最終的なテストが始まったばかりだが、ノーブルは最初の1台が今年中に納車されると述べている。新型M500は、M600と同様、スチール製のシャシーにエンジンをミドシップ搭載した2シーターのスーパーカーである。しかし、ボルボのV8ツインターボではなく、フォードGTに搭載されている3.5L V6 twin turbo is adopted.According to the standard, the engine generates just over 500ps and nearly 83kg-m, while noble intends to put the M500 into the market at about 550ps.The M600 demonstrated 660ps in the maximum boost setting, making it one of the most powerful supercars at the time.The 550ps M500 will be a sports type model that contains the new Chevrolet Corvette C8 and Porsche 911 Turbo S.

Developed based on the previous M600

Noble M500

The body is not a carbon but a new glass fiber enhanced composite material, aiming to reduce costs.However, according to Peter Bootwood, Noble Managing Director, the steel pipe chassis under the body is "70 % M600."The M500 is almost the same size as the M600, and the width is only a few mm, but it has been redesigned to ensure a larger space.Bootwood predicts that the riding comfort and handling are "close to the M600" because the basic design of chassis and suspension is very similar.The suspension is a double wishbone, with coil over spring and passive damper on the front and back.It is equipped with hydraulic power steering, but is not equipped with anti -lock brakes and airbags.The transmission is only a 6 -speed manual made by Graciano, and the metal gate and the shift action are unique.The cabin has two recalo podium sheets, and although the pedals are slightly offset, it is a preferred driving position.The meter has a simple digital type.Redigating the chassis has reduced the door silicy, making it easier to get on and off than the M600.At the moment, it is a prototype, but the fit and finish of the inner and exterior panels are extremely good.

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