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  • Mobile carrier companies, in 2022, universal service charges to "2.2 yen" -1 yen reduction-CNET JAPAN

Mobile carrier companies, in 2022, universal service charges to "2.2 yen" -1 yen reduction-CNET JAPAN

 NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, SoftBank, Rakuten Mobile, and other mobile carriers such as Rakuten Mobile, on November 24, the universal service system will be revised from January 2022, and the user is bearing 2 fees..It has been announced that it will be revised to 2 yen (tax included).2021 commission is 3.It will be reduced by 1 yen for 3 yen (tax included).


 The revision of this universal service fee also targets sub brands such as UQ Mobile and Y -Mobile, Povo, and LINEMO.As an exception, only the prepaid service "Simple Style" provided by SoftBank will collect 7 yen (excluding tax) for each recharge, not the monthly fee.

 The universal service system includes "subscription telephone", "public telephone" such as landline telephones, "emergency call" such as 110, 118, and 119, "Amanau's provision is provided throughout Japan.A system for maintaining high public services that are said to be secured.It was founded in 2002, and the system began in 2006.

 It is an indispensable system for providing telephone services throughout Japan, including unprofitable areas such as remote islands and remote areas, as well as urban areas.It is paid to NTT as a grant through the Telecommunications Business Association (TCA), which is contributed and collects the burden and calculating the amount of burden.

 The burden business operators include NTT East and West Japan, and 20 mobile phone carriers such as NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, Softbank, and Rakuten Mobile.The user's burden is the one in which the total amount of the contribution is divided by the number of telephone numbers.In addition, the universal service system is imposed on the business operator, and it is a management decision of each business operator to seek the burden on the user, and Rakuten Mobile was paid uniformly by the company until July.

 According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications materials, the universal service fee has fluctuated between 2 to 3 yen (excluding tax) from 2012 to 2021.