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lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Major Career New Plan or Cheap Smartphone?How to choose and review the best smartphone plan

I think it is new to remember that this spring, major carriers have implemented a cheap plan for smartphone usage fees.

If you want to lower the communication costs but are worried about using something other than a major carrier, it should be easier to lower the price.

So, based on this new plan, how do we decide on a mobile phone smartphone plan to use?

What are the features of the cheap plans for major carriers?

The cheap plans for major carriers have their own names.DoCoMo is "AHAMO", au is "POVO", SoftBank is "LINEMO", and Rakuten Mobile is "Rakuten Un-Limit VI".

The major feature is that the plans are very simple, eliminating the generous support of major carriers.

Originally, Rakuten, who was a Internet -only professional, has left contracts and support at the counter, but other careers only apply online.

The mainstream is that you can't receive the window support, or pay a fixed fee and receive support.

Some people may get the impression that the service has deteriorated a little, but it seems that the low cost operation without waste is reducing the usage fee.

The plan is simple, a contract of a 20GB communication fee, and the call is 22 yen/30 seconds.

People who have a lot of calls can give all -you -can -eat and unlimited all -you -can -eat, and can be used for data communication and calls for a total of 2728 to 4378 yen (tax included)/month.

Radio waves use a carrier, so no matter which career you use, you will be less concerned about the communication situation, and you can use it cheaper than a regular contract.

Rakuten Mobile, which is a later -time Rakuten Mobile, is different from the other three companies, so the price is 0 yen or less to the stages of 1GB or less, and 20GB or more is 3278 yen (tax included).Call charges are free.

The price of cheap smartphones tends to decrease

So what about cheap smartphones and cheap SIMs?

The price range of major carriers is approaching cheap, and the price of cheap traders tends to decrease.

For example, IIJmio is 858 yen/month for a 2GB audio plan.NURO Mobile is 792 yen/month for 3G.If you want all -you -can -eat, you can make an all -you -can -eat 880 yen/month for 10 minutes, and we have launched various plans for each company.

It is a great attraction that you can use a communication plan that allows you to make voice calls for less than 1000 yen per month.

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Especially for those who do not want to call too much like me, and want to make money for communication, the price reduction of the cheap plan is very welcome for those who want to eat out and clothes.

To be honest, the situation of communication is not bad for cheap traders.However, the communication speed may be slow during the time when radio waves are crowded, such as lunch breaks and evening.

If the communication situation in such a time is important, and if there are many calls and it is not all you can speak, you do not need to overdo it and use a cheap company.We recommend using a major carrier plan that is easy to connect.

How to choose a mobile company / plan

Cheap companies are not bad, but I think the cheap plan for major carriers is also good.So how do you choose?

Looking at the results of the MM Research Institute's survey "Monthly usage fee for mobile phones and actual use of services (as of December 2020)", "The average monthly data communication of smartphones is 7..56GB, median 3.At 00GB, 60 % of respondents were 3GB or less. "In other words, most of them are 3GB and sufficient in communication.

In addition, the weekly call time is 3 major carriers 40 companies.1 minute, sub -carrier (Y! Mobile and UQ Mobile) 39.3 minutes, the cheap trader 24.It seems to be 1 minute.

Considering this, I think that it is good to choose a plan that can make free calls for several minutes for a cheap company unless you are basically a very large amount of usage.

There is a way to use free calls for free calls.

Also, if you have many opportunities to watch videos and have many calls, you should choose a career without hesitation.

In cases where communication costs are higher than expected, it seems that there are many cases where the contract content is not suitable.Choosing a plan that suits your usage and amount is the most saved.

Some people say that the lowest plans are enough, while others say that the amount will be too high unless it is a conventional plan of a major carrier.

With the price of cheap career plans, the options for reducing smartphone communication costs have increased.If you use a more suitable plan, you can reduce waste from monthly fixed costs.

What do you spend when money floats?The value is the same even though the money that floats has floated.Find a plan that is perfect for you and use your money effectively.

Mitsuaki Yokoyama

Household regeneration consultant, representative of Mye Fupy Co., Ltd.It is a unique household rehabilitation program that improves how to spend money itself, and has received high praise for individual consultation and guidance aiming for a reliable regeneration of households.The number of consultations so far has exceeded 23,000.He has written and gives many lectures in books and magazines.His book is more than 600,000 copies, "3000 yen investment life for the first person" and "declaration of savings from 2 million yen per year," and has been a total of 3.3 million copies.

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Source: MM Research Institute