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  • [Latest in 2022] Thorough comparison of cheap SIM campaigns!The best MVNO is here!

[Latest in 2022] Thorough comparison of cheap SIM campaigns!The best MVNO is here!

If you switch to a cheap SIM, it is recommended to compare the latest campaign information and choose the best MVNO.

Some MVNOs have a campaign benefit for several thousand yen to tens of thousands of yen, so if you decide where to transfer without comparing, you may lose!

In this article, we will thoroughly compare the latest campaigns of 14 cheap SIM companies in 2022 and introduce the recommended contracts for you!

Currently, there are four special cheap SIM campaigns!

Y!mobileの 詳細はこちら QTmobileの 詳細はこちら UQmobileの 詳細はこちら 楽天モバイルの 詳細はこちら
特典額 最大10,000円 Cashback (PayPayボーナス) 最大30,000円 Cashback 最大13,000円 Cashback (au PAY) ・最大35,000円 Cashback (楽天ポイント)
月額料金 3GB:2,178円 15GB:3,278円 25GB:4,158円 2GB:1,100円 6GB:1,760円 20GB:2,200円※おすすめプランの場合 3GB:1,628円 15GB:2,728円 25GB:3,828円※くりこしプラン+5Gの場合~1GB:0円 ~3GB:1,078円 ~20GB:2,178円 20GB~:3,278円

If you say "It's troublesome to choose yourself ...", you can switch to a great deal if you choose from these four cheap SIM campaigns.

We will also explain how to transfer cheap SIMs and points to be aware of, so please refer to it and choose the most dealing campaign for you.


Thorough comparison of the campaign of 14 cheap SIM companies!

This time, we compared the campaigns of 14 cheap SIM companies while emphasizing the following five items.

In conclusion, the following four companies, which have a large cashback price, are especially recommended among the 14 compared 14 companies.


Rakuten Mobile has become the fourth carrier along with docomo, au, and SoftBank since April 2020, so it is not strictly cheap SIM, but it is growing because it can be used with low rates.

The campaign contents of "Y! Mobile", "Qtmobile", "UQ Mobile", and "Rakuten Mobile" will be explained in detail after the comparison table!

Let's take a look at the results of thoroughly comparing the campaigns of 14 cheap SIM companies.

MVMOY!mobile(ワイモバイル)QTmobile(QTモバイル)UQ mobile楽天モバイルy.u mobile (ワイユーモバイル)LIBMO (リブモ)エキサイトモバイルmineo (マイネオ)イオンモバイルOCNモバイルONEBIGLOBEモバイルIIJmioモバイルHISモバイルBIC SIM
キャンペーン概要・最大10,000円PayPay ボーナスプレゼント ・ネットからの申込みで 事務手数料3,300円が無料 ・Data increaseオプション 1年無料 ・固定回線とのセット割・最大30,000円 Cashback ・端末補償サービス無料 ・固定回線、電気との セット割・最大13,000円 Cashback (au PAYチャージ) ・Data increaseオプション 最大2年無料 ・固定回線、電気との セット割・最大35,000円 Cashback (楽天ポイント) ・固定回線とのセット割 ・楽天ポイント倍率が 1倍アップ前月分ギガを永久繰り越し ・スマホ修理費用保険が無料・最大12,000円分 のTLCポイント ・初期費用(事務手数料)0円 ・固定回線とのセット割・3GBプランが3か月間無料 ・固定回線とのセット割・デュアルタイプ月額料金が 3か月間1,188円割引 ・パケット放題Plus 最大2か月無料 ・固定回線とのセット割最大10,000円分の WAONポイント ・指定スマホ購入で 5,000円分の WAONポイントスマホ商品入れ替えSALE ・固定回線とのセット割・初期費用(事務手数料)0円 ・1年間の特典料金 (毎月最大500円割引) ・エンタメフリーオプション 最大6か月無料 ・固定回線とのセット割・初期費用が1,100円 ・1GB×12か月間増量 ・乗り換えで端末が110円・国内通信プランとレンタルWiFi 同時契約で3,300円 Cashback ・HISモバイルWi-Fi 20%オフ ・複数回線同時申込みで 最大8,250円Cashback・【WEB限定】 対象端末が最大99%オフ ・【店頭限定】 ビックポイント10,000円分 ・固定回線とのセット割
適用条件・新規・他社からのSIM乗り換え ・前月末までに作成したYahoo! JAPAN IDで 特典エントリー後にY!mobileの申込み ・申込み日の翌月末日までに Y!mobileサービスの初期登録 ・Yahoo! JAPAN IDとPayPayアカウントを 申込日の翌々月末までに連携 ・シンプルM/Lプラン契約 (シンプルSプランでは最大7,000円) ・特設サイトからの申込み「データ+通話」コースに申込み 対象端末を購入する・新規のSIM購入、端末購入 (au・povoからの乗り換え以外) ・くりこしプラン+5G (S/M/L)の契約 ・UQモバイルオンライン ショップからの申込「Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI」 新規契約、乗り換え、端末購入 ・申込翌月末までに 開通手続きをする ・申込翌月末までに Rakuten Linkアプリ で10秒以上通話する・シングルプランまたはシェア プランの音声通話SIMの新規購入 ・公式サイトからの申込・音声通話SIMにてなっとく プラン(20GB/30GB)の契約 ・SIMのみ購入では最大12,000円分の TLCポイント進呈・新規・他社からの乗り換え ・音声通話SIMの購入 ・Fit/Flatプラン契約デュアルタイプ(音声+データ) の申込み・他社からの乗り換え ・指定のスマホを同時購入指定のスマホを購入・新規・他社からの乗り換え ・音声通話SIMのみ購入 (シェアSIMを除く) ・キャンペーンページまたは 電話での申込・新規・他社からの乗り換え ・「ギガプラン」契約 ・指定のスマホを購入・国内通信プランとジャパン プラスWi-Fiレンタルを契約・他社からの乗り換え(MNP) ・音声通話SIMの購入 ・ギガプランの申込み
月額料金 (音声通話SIMの場合)3GB:2,178円 15GB:3,278円 25GB:4,158円2GB:1,100円 6GB:1,760円 20GB:2,200円※おすすめプランの場合3GB:1,628円 15GB:2,728円 25GB:3,828円※くりこしプラン+5Gの場合~1GB:0円 ~3GB:1,078円 ~20GB:2,178円 20GB~:3,278円5GB:1,070円 データチャージ1GB:330円 データチャージ10GB:1,200円 ※シングルプランの場合3GB:980円 8GB:1,518円 20GB:1,991円 30GB:2,728円~3GB:880円 ~7GB:1,430円 ~12GB:1,980円 ~17GB:2,750円 ~25GB:3,245円 ※Fitプランの場合・5GB:1,518円 ・10GB:1,958円 ・20GB:2,178円 ※デュアルタイプの場合1GB:858円 5GB:1,298円 10GB:1,848円 20GB:2,178円 ※さいてきプランの場合1GB:770円 3GB:990円 10GB:1,760円1GB:1,078円 3GB:1,320円 6GB:1,870円2GB:858円 15GB:1,848円 20GB:2,068円 20GB:2,178円 ※格安弐拾プランの場合2GB:858円 8GB:1,518円 20GB:2,068円

* All prices include tax * Information as of February 2022

Comparing with all 14 cheap SIMs, Y! Mobile, Qtmobile, UQ Mobile, and Rakuten Mobile have high cashbacks, and we also have campaigns such as set disciples with fixed lines.can.

Let's explain the contents of each company's campaign in more information.

Recommended ① Y! Mobile (Y -Mobile)


Y! Mobile is a cheap SIM operated by SoftBank Co., Ltd., and is a popular company for major security and abundant campaigns.

料金プラン (データ通信+音声通話)3GB:2,178円 15GB:3,278円 25GB:4,158円
平均通信速度(※1)下り:50.97Mbps 上り:11.94Mbps
支払い方法・口座振替 ・クレジットカード

* Price is tax included * 1: See everyone's net line speed

If you subscribe to Y! Mobile at the online store, you will get a payPay bonus worth up to 10,000 yen.

Y!mobile PayPayボーナス還元キャンペーンの内訳

There are several other Y -Mobile campaign application conditions besides the specified plan and contract method, so let's check it together.

Y!mobile PayPayボーナス還元キャンペーンの適用条件

Please note that if you apply or create an ID on the month without entry for benefits, you will not be able to take the campaign.

Create your Yahoo! JAPAN ID by the end of the month before the Y -Mobile application!

In addition, transfer from MVNO companies using SoftBank or SoftBank lines cannot receive an online store -only benefit (up to 7,000 yen equivalent PayPay bonus).

Even though Y -Mobile is a cheap SIM, there are many actual stores throughout Japan, and for those who use cheap SIMs for the first time, it is a contract destination that is safe.

See Y! Mobile campaign in detail

Recommended ② Qtmobile (QT Mobile)


QT Mobile is a cheap SIM service provided by QTNET, a subsidiary of Kyushu Electric Power.

利用回線・ドコモ ・au ・ソフトバンク
料金プラン (データ通信+音声通話)2GB:1,100円 6GB:1,760円 20GB:2,200円 ※おすすめプランの場合
平均通信速度(※1)下り:72.56Mbps 上り:9.43Mbps
支払い方法クレジットカード (BBIQ光・九州電力など他サービス利用者は 口座振替、ゆうちょ銀行自動払込みが利用可能)
初期費用・SIMカード発行:375.1円 ・登録事務手数料:3,300円

* Price is tax included * 1: See everyone's net line speed

By the way, QT Mobile can be contracted outside Kyushu!

QT Mobile is set at a low price of 1,100 yen from 2GB to 2GB, so even if you live outside of Kyushu, you can use it at a great deal.

In addition, if you apply a set discount with Kyushu Electric Power and Kyushu -only optical line BBIQ, the monthly fee will be discounted.

For example, in the case of a 2GB plan of 1,100 yen per month, it will be cheaper to 880 yen per month!


In addition, if you subscribe to QT Mobile by transfer, you will get a cashback of up to 30,000 yen and 10,000 yen for new contracts.


Not only cheap SIM contracts but also simultaneous purchases of terminals are required, but it is advantageous because you can receive the highest cash cashback among the 14 cheap SIM companies.

To receive the QT Mobile cashback, you must apply for the application procedure within two weeks from the e -mail that arrived 7 months after the start of use, so be sure to put it in a calendar or smartphone reminder so that you do not forget it.

In addition to QT Mobile stores, applications from the official website are also eligible for the campaign, so if you do not have a store nearby, please apply from the official website.

See the QT Mobile campaign in detail

Recommended ③ UQ Mobile


UQ Mobile is also a shop nationwide like Y! Mobile, and is a service that is easy to choose even for those who have a cheap smartphone for the first time.

料金プラン (データ通信+音声通話)3GB:1,628円 15GB:2,728円 25GB:3,828円
平均通信速度(※1)下り:46.02Mbps 上り:9.49Mbps
支払い方法・口座振替 ・クレジットカード

* Price is tax included * 1: See everyone's net line speed

However, when applying, if you sign a contract at an online shop instead of a store, it is recommended because you can charge up to 13,000 yen.


Reduction to au Pay can be automatically received at the end of the following month as long as the use settings and conditions of the au pay, so it is a nice point that there is no troublesome procedure.

In addition, if you use a set of optical lines such as au Hikari and Big Robe Hikari and services such as au Denki as a set, "home set discount" can be applied.

UQ Mobile's smartphone fee will be up to 858 yen, so be sure to use it.

The whole family can apply a discount up to 10 lines, so check it out!

Furthermore, now, the increase option for 550 yen/month is usually free for one year.

In the case of Kurikoshi Plan S, 2GB is increased every month and 5GB can be used at 1,628 yen per month!

See UQ Mobile campaign in detail

The monthly fee is as low as cheap SIM!Rakuten Mobile campaign


If you are considering switching to a cheap SIM, let's consider "Rakuten Mobile".

Rakuten Mobile is a career with communication equipment in -house, not MVNO, but it is popular because the monthly smartphone fee is as cheap as cheap SIM!

Rakuten Mobile is a pay -as -you -go service that determines the fee according to the monthly data usage.


If it is 1GB or less, it is 0 yen per month, and if it is 20GB or more, it costs 3,278 yen.

利用回線・楽天 ・au
料金プラン (データ通信+音声通話)1GB:0円 3GB:1,078円 20GB:2,178円 20GB~:3,278円
平均通信速度(※1)下り:29.01Mbps 上り:17.02Mbps
支払い方法・クレジットカード ・口座振替 ・楽天ポイント
初期費用・SIMカード発行:0円 ・登録事務手数料:0円

* Price is tax included * 1: See everyone's net line speed

Rakuten Mobile offers cashback with Rakuten points at any time, so check it out!


For example, if you purchase a popular iPhone series latest model iPhone13/iPhone13 Pro at the same time, you will be granted up to 35,000 yen for a transfer of up to 35,000 yen.

In addition, if you sign a contract with the optical line Rakuten Hikari, you can use the monthly fee for the optical line (detached house: 5,280 yen, condominium: 4,180 yen) for free for one year.

Rakuten Mobile is also introduced in related articles, so please check it out.


See Rakuten Mobile campaign in detail

There are 6 main campaigns implemented with cheap SIMs

It is important to see if a campaign according to your wishes is being implemented when choosing a cheap SIM.

However, there are many people who are lost in the contract due to the unique campaign content.

It is difficult to choose because various campaigns are prepared depending on the contract destination of the cheap SIM!

Actually, the types of cheap SIM campaigns are roughly divided into five!

Main campaigns implemented by cheap SIM companies

First of all, if you identify which campaign that suits you, it will be easier to select a cheap SIM.

I will explain the 6 main types of cheap SIM campaigns in detail, so please refer to it.


Among the cheap SIM campaigns, "cashback" is a privilege that allows you to realize the best deals.

The four companies introduced as the recommended contracts this time are also selected based on those with a large cashback bonus!

However, cashback has a different method of reduction in points and gift certificates, not only in cash, so be sure to check in advance and apply after convincing.

Y!mobileの 詳細はこちら QTmobileの 詳細はこちら UQmobileの 詳細はこちら 楽天モバイルの 詳細はこちら
特典額 最大10,000円 Cashback (PayPayボーナス) 最大30,000円 Cashback 最大13,000円 Cashback (au PAY) ・最大35,000円 Cashback (楽天ポイント)

In addition, cashback has applied conditions, and the application method and the time of receipt vary depending on the contract.

【2022年最新】格安SIMのキャンペーンを徹底比較! 最もお得なMVNOはここだ!

Later, I will explain it in the items to note when choosing a cheap SIM campaign, so please check it carefully.

Monthly fee discount

There are also many "charges discount campaigns" where discounts of about several hundred yen are applied from the monthly smartphone usage fee.

The discount period varies depending on the campaign, and in some cases it is applied for a few months for a short time, or one year.

If the monthly discount is several hundred yen and a small amount, if the discount period is long, it will be a large benefit amount, so it is good to calculate how much you can save at the maximum!

In addition, the monthly discount campaign, unlike cashback, is an advantage that unnecessary benefit receipt procedures are unnecessary.

The cashback is not forget to apply for the application procedure, so if you want to keep the trouble and get a privilege, the monthly discount campaign is recommended!

However, in many cases, the applicable plan and line type are limited in the type of campaign that is discounted from the monthly fee, so please check the official website of each MVNO carefully.

Discount of initial cost

When changing cheap SIMs, the initial cost of several thousand yen is charged for the name of the administrative fee and the MNP transfer fee.

If you are looking for a cheap SIM contract destination for a transfer, we recommend a type of campaign that discounts or gets the initial cost free.

In Rakuten Mobile, other companies usually have a 3,300 yen administrative fee!

Depending on the campaign, the initial cost discount and the monthly discount are set, so you can not miss it because some companies are more profitable.

In the first month of the transfer, it is easy for the cost to be expensive, such as the administrative fee and the penalty for the previous contract, so it would be nice if the initial cost could be reduced even a little!

In the initial cost discount campaign, it may be necessary to apply from the official website, so it is suitable for those who are troublesome to go to the store and perform the transfer procedure.

If you do not have to worry about applying from the Internet, or want to reduce the smartphone fee of the first month of transfer, consider the initial cost discount campaign.

Discount for terminal charges

If you want to buy a terminal at the same time as a cheap SIM, why not consider a type of campaign that discounts the terminal fee?

The latest terminals in the tens of thousands of yen can be purchased at a discounted price of several thousand yen, and the benefits may be larger than other types of campaigns.

For example, Y! Mobile discount popular models such as iPhone12 at a limited time special price!

However, the discounted terminal may be a model or used item depending on the campaign, so if you are looking for the latest terminals or new products, check if there is a desired model before the contract.

Conversely, for those who are not particular about terminals, it is a cheap SIM campaign that you want to actively use.

Data increase

The data increase campaign for cheap SIM is recommended for those who do not know how much monthly data usage is required.

For a certain period of time, you can increase the data capacity without an additional charge, so even if you use more data capacity than expected, you will be able to cover it instead of the speed limit.

With UQ Mobile, you will be free for 13 months optional charges with the application of "Increased Options II"!


However, the data increase period of the campaign is limited to several months to one year, so if you want to keep the data capacity even after the period, you need to review the contract.

If the data usage is large and the smartphone fee is over at the end of the data increase campaign, consider changing the plan or changing to other MVNOs.

Set discount with fixed lines and power services

Depending on the cheap SIM, you may be able to receive a set discount by using a fixed line such as optical lines that are operated or affiliated in -house or using the power service at the same time.

Just pay the fixed fee to pay for the Internet fee and electricity bill at the same contract as your smartphone, which will save you a lot!

For example, the four cheap SIMs recommended this time will receive a set discount as follows.

Y!mobileの 詳細はこちら QTmobileの 詳細はこちら UQmobileの 詳細はこちら 楽天モバイルの 詳細はこちら
セット割対象サービス・ソフトバンク光 ・ソフトバンクAir ・モバレコAir ・NURO光・BBIQ光 ・九州電力・WiMAX ・auひかり ・So-net光プラス ・BIGLOBE光 ・コミュファ光 ・auでんきなど楽天ひかり
割引額/1台あたり最大1,188円BBIQ光:最大220円 九州電力:110円最大858円楽天ひかり月額 料金1年無料

It is also recommended to choose a cheap SIM with a combination that can make monthly payments a little cheaper.

Precautions when choosing a cheap SIM campaign

Cheap SIM companies carry out special campaigns, but when choosing, understand the following precautions.

I will explain one by one, so be sure to check it out so that you do not regret after the contract!

Check the application conditions for the campaign

The cost of applicable is basically set for the cheap SIM campaign.

The following are mainly specified in cheap SIM campaigns.

Application conditions for common cheap SIM campaigns

The campaign applied when selecting the specified plan or model is advantageous because it is applied just by applying if it matches the content you want to contract.

However, if you do not accept a service or paid option that you did not intend to sign up, you may not be able to receive a campaign, and as a result, the service usage and option fees may be low.

We also summarize the conditions for applying the campaign for the four cheap SIMs that we recommended this time, so be sure to check it before applying.

Y!mobileの 詳細はこちら QTmobileの 詳細はこちら UQmobileの 詳細はこちら 楽天モバイルの 詳細はこちら
特典額 最大10,000円 Cashback (PayPayボーナス) 最大30,000円 Cashback 最大13,000円 Cashback (au PAY) ・最大35,000円 Cashback (楽天ポイント)
適用条件・新規・他社からのSIM乗り換え ・前月末までに作成したYahoo! JAPAN IDで 特典エントリー後にY!mobileの申込み ・申込み日の翌月末日までに Y!mobileサービスの初期登録 ・Yahoo! JAPAN IDとPayPayアカウントを 申込日の翌々月末までに連携 ・シンプルM/Lプラン契約 (シンプルSプランでは最大7,000円) ・特設サイトからの申込み「データ+通話」コースに申込み 対象端末を購入する・新規のSIM購入、端末購入 (au・povoからの乗り換え以外) ・くりこしプラン+5G (S/M/L)の契約 ・オンラインショップから の申込「Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI」 新規契約、乗り換え、端末購入 ・申込翌月末までに 開通手続きをする ・申込翌月末までに Rakuten Linkアプリ で10秒以上通話する

Basically, it is recommended to choose a cheap SIM that allows you to receive a campaign just by applying for a normal plan or device.


It is a cashback that is particularly strong in the campaign, but you will not be able to receive it unless you complete the application procedure.

It doesn't make sense if you don't receive the important cashback even if you choose a contract destination with emphasis on campaign!

Cashback application procedures vary from the arrival email to the transfer account, the exchange by documents and faxes.

There are also companies that have a period of cashback transfer, from the shortest month after the start of use, six months to one year from the following month.

Please check the application method and transfer time for the campaign with the four cheap SIMs recommended this time.

Y!mobileの 詳細はこちら QTmobileの 詳細はこちら UQmobileの 詳細はこちら 楽天モバイルの 詳細はこちら
申請手続き適用条件を満たせば不要7か月後に届くメールで 2週間以内に申請適用条件を満たせば不要適用条件を満たせば不要

Y! Mobile, UQMOBILE, and Rakuten Mobile will automatically receive points if you meet the applicable conditions.

QT Mobile is a cash back in cash, so it is necessary to apply for a transfer account, but it is easy because it can be done from the email that arrives at the application time.

When choosing a campaign and applying for a cheap SIM, be sure to pay attention to the simplicity of the application procedure and the transfer time so that you do not forget or forget it.

Online contracts that have web -limited benefits from store contracts are recommended

However, applying on the Internet tends to be more advantageous because of the lack of labor and store maintenance costs.

Y! Mobile and UQ Mobile can receive points redemption and administrative fee of 0 yen only online!

If you want to contract a cheaper SIM more, look for a campaign on the premise of applying on the Internet.

How to contract a cheap SIM using a campaign

The procedure for contracting a cheap SIM depends on whether you take over your phone number and terminal as it is.

Each pattern will explain the flow from contract to opening, so please refer to it.

[By pattern] Flow to contract a cheap SIM

Also, if you select a cheap SIM contractor with emphasis on the campaign, apply from the window where you can receive the benefits you want.

Some campaigns are applied only for applications from the special campaign site, so check them out!

When the application for a cheap SIM is completed and the SIM card or terminal arrives at hand and starts using it, please do not forget to apply for cashback.

Sign for new phone numbers and models with a cheap SIM and apply

If you don't have a phone number now or make a new phone number and apply for a cheap SIM, follow the steps below.

  1. 契約したい格安SIMの窓口にアクセスする
  2. 契約するプランや契約者情報などを入力する
  3. 新たに機種を購入する場合は希望の端末を選択する
  4. 本人確認書類をアップロードするなどして提出
  5. 端末とSIMカードが発送される
  6. 端末とSIMカードが届いたら開通設定をして利用開始

From the application of a cheap SIM to the opening, you can basically do it online, so let's do it at a convenient timing from home.

However, when applying online, some companies can only choose credit card payments, so if you wish to transfer account transfer, please consider a contract at the store.

If there is no incomplete identification documents or credit card information, the terminal may be shipped on the day of the application!

If you use your terminal to contract with a new phone number, select unnecessary terminals when applying.

Once the product arrives, insert the SIM card into the terminal and dial to the transmission test number to complete the opening.

Take over the phone number and switch to a cheap SIM

If you take over your telephone number and switch to a cheap SIM, get the MNP reservation number in the career under the contract.


The expiration date of the MNP reservation number is 15 days from the acquisition, so it is recommended to apply on the day of the application.

The method of taking over the phone number and switching to a cheap SIM is as follows.

  1. 契約中のキャリアからMNP予約番号を取得する
  2. 契約したい格安SIMの窓口にアクセスする
  3. MNP予約番号とプランや契約者情報などを入力する
  4. 新たに機種を購入する場合は希望の端末を選択する
  5. 本人確認書類をアップロードするなどして提出
  6. 端末とSIMカードが発送される
  7. 端末とSIMカードが届いたら開通設定をして利用開始

Enter the MNP reservation number at the time of application and complete the transfer when the opening setting is set.

You don't have to cancel again with the original carrier you have obtained MNP reservation number.

Use the current terminal as it is to switch to a cheap SIM

You can also use your smartphone terminal as it is and switch to a cheap SIM.

If you want to take over the current terminal, first check from the official website to see if the model you use with the cheap SIM you want to switch.

Depending on the cheap SIM or line you contract, the same terminal may not be used, so it is essential to check!

If the model is compatible with the cheap SIM where the model is replaced, the SIM lock of the terminal must be released by the line.

Basically, if you sign a cheap SIM on a docomo line on a docomo terminal, you don't need a SIM lock, but if you use a different carrier line, you need to unlock SIM!

SIM unlock is accepted by a carrier where you purchased the terminal.


If you take over the phone number, get the MNP reservation number from your career.

The flow of taking over the terminal and contracting a cheap SIM is as follows.

  1. 事前に端末のSIMロック解除(必要ならMNP予約番号の取得)を行う
  2. 契約したい格安SIMの窓口にアクセスする
  3. MNP予約番号とプランや契約者情報などを入力する
  4. 端末を選択せずに申込みを完了させる
  5. 本人確認書類をアップロードするなどして提出
  6. SIMカードが発送される
  7. お手持ちの端末にSIMカードを挿入し開通設定をして利用開始

Only the SIM card arrives from the cheap SIM contracted, so you can start using it by inserting it into the device at hand and setting the opening settings.

Frequently asked questions about cheap SIM campaigns

Let's take a look at frequently asked questions about cheap SIM campaigns.

Where is the recommended cheap SIM that is a great deal for campaigns?

The following four companies are particularly recommended for comparing the latest campaigns in 2022.


The above four companies can receive high cashbacks in cash and electronic money, so they are great.

For details, [Thoroughly compare the campaigns of 14 cheap SIM companies!Please check the item.

When there are many cheap SIM campaigns?

In February, March, April, and September, when the new year and the new semester begin, the demand for transfer to cheap SIM will increase, so there will be more campaigns.

There is also an MVNO that conducts a high reduction rate campaign to differentiate from other companies, so it can be said that it is a time of aim for those who want to switch to a discount with a cheap SIM campaign.

Let's remember the timing before and after the beginning of a new life, when the cheap SIM campaign is abundant!

Please refer to [this item] for cheap SIMs where the campaign is advantageous.

Can I apply for a cheap SIM at the store instead of the Internet?

All of the cheap SIMs recommended this time can be contracted at stores.


Up to 30,000 yen cashback campaign for QTMOBILE and Rakuten Mobile Rakuten Point Present Campaign will be applied to the Internet and stores.

However, up to 10,000 yen for Y -Mobile PayPay reduction and UQ Mobile up to 13,000 yen au Pay reduction is a campaign exclusively online shop, so applying at the store will be less profitable.

For more information, please see the recommended items for online contracts that have web -limited benefits than store contracts.

What is the initial cost required to transfer to a cheap SIM?

The following expenses are required when transferring to a cheap SIM.

The amount varies depending on the contract destination career, MVNO, and contract status, but please refer to the estimated amount of each fee.

The MNP transfer commission is free of four carriers, docomo, au, Softbank, and Rakuten, and MVNO companies are increasingly free.


Currently, there are 6 types of campaigns launched by each MVNO that provide cheap SIMs.

Main campaigns implemented by cheap SIM companies

Each features are different, so let's check out the cheap SIM companies after determining the contents of the campaign that suits you!

As a result of comparing the latest cheap SIM campaigns of 14 companies this time, we recommend a contract because the benefits of the following four companies are large.

Y!mobileの 詳細はこちら QTmobileの 詳細はこちら UQmobileの 詳細はこちら 楽天モバイルの 詳細はこちら
特典額 最大10,000円 Cashback (PayPayボーナス) 最大30,000円 Cashback 最大13,000円 Cashback (au PAY) ・最大35,000円 Cashback (楽天ポイント)
月額料金 3GB:2,178円 15GB:3,278円 25GB:4,158円 2GB:1,100円 6GB:1,760円 20GB:2,200円※おすすめプランの場合 3GB:1,628円 15GB:2,728円 25GB:3,828円※くりこしプラン+5Gの場合~1GB:0円 ~3GB:1,078円 ~20GB:2,178円 20GB~:3,278円

The campaign content is not only a great deal, but the monthly fee is reasonable, so if you want to keep your smartphone fee cheaper, please consider it!
