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[Latest] Summary of DOCOMO Hikari!Introducing the cheapest contract and campaign window | Getnavi Web Get Navi

It is "DoCoMo Hikari" that docomo users can only apply for set discounts, but if you are considering applying, you may be worried about the actual price.

[Breakdown of DOCOMO Hikari]

* Price is tax included ※クリックすると解説項目へジャンプします


In addition, we will compare the discounted campaign window to apply for the price of docomo light at the lowest, and introduce docomo Online Concierge as the most recommended contract destination.

If you sign a good contract for DoCoMo Hikari, DoCoMo Online Concierge

・20,000円キャッシュバック! ・最短翌月振込で受け取りが早い! ・オプション条件不要!

> Click here for the official website of DoCoMo Online Concierge

There is also a method of checking the price of docomo light for those who are contracting DOCOMO Hikari, so please refer to it to understand the price of DOCOMO Hikari.


* This article is information as of February 2022.

First, let's know the breakdown of DOCOMO Hikari

DOCOMO Hikari is the optical line that can use the docomo smartphone and the only set discount.

First, let's review the outline of DOCOMO Hikari.

エリア全国 (フレッツ光とエリアは同じ)

* The price is tax included * 1: The real charge is when applying from DOCOMO Online Concierge

DOCOMO Hikari has a different monthly fee between detached houses and apartments!

The main rates generated when contracting for docomo lights are as follows.

[Breakdown of DOCOMO Hikari]

DoCoMo Hikari fee varies even more depending on the contract period and provider, so be sure to check it out in advance.

The monthly fee for docomo Hikari depends on the contract period and the type of provider.

In DoCoMo Hikari, you can divide type A and Type B by the provider you choose!

タイプA2年契約5,720円4,400円ドコモnet、plala、GMOとくとくBB、 @nifty、DTI、BIGLOBE、andline、 Tigers-net.com、BBexcite、エディオンネット、 hi-ho、スピーディアインターネットサービス、 IC-NET、SYNAPSE、楽天ブロードバンドネスク、 TiKiTiKi、01光コアラ
タイプB2年契約5,940円4,620円OCN、@TCOM、TNC、AsahiNet WAKWAK、@ちゃんぷるネット

* Price is tax included

In order to make the monthly fee of DoCoMo Hikari as low as possible, it is necessary to select a two -year contract plan with a type A -compatible provider.

Type A can select a provider from 18 companies and Type B, and Type A can contract 200 yen cheaper.


DOCOMO Hikari provider is less than type A, but the quality of communication is not inferior!

The reason why type A is 200 yen cheaper than Type B is determined by whether or not the provider company can be profitable, so it has nothing to do with the communication environment or speed just because the price is different.

It's better to sign a contract with a cheaper type A than a type B, which is the same in terms of specifications!

DOCOMO Hikari also offers a maximum communication speed of 1 Gbps, as well as a 10Gbps ultra -high -speed plan "DOCOMO Hikari 10 Giga", which is available only in detached houses.

The monthly fee of DOCOMO Hikari 10 Giga is as follows.

基本料金 (戸建てのみ)対応プロバイダ
タイプA2年契約6,930円ドコモnet・plala・ GMOとくとくBB・andline・hi-ho・ic-net
タイプB2年契約7,150円エディオンネット・BB.excite・ AsahiNet

* Price is tax included

In the case of DoCoMo Hikari 10 Giga Plan, the corresponding provider can be selected from 5 companies and 3 companies in Type B.

If you want to stick to high -speed, such as online game users, consider DoCoMo Hikari 10 Giga!

However, the area provided by DOCOMO Hikari 10 Giga is limited to the following areas.

Docomo Hikari 10 Giga Area Area

If you are considering DOCOMO Hikari 10 Giga, start by searching for area.

For docomo Hikari, you can also select "Type C" and "Single German type" in addition to type A / Type B, DOCOMO Hikari 10 Giga, which generally contracts.

The monthly fee of type C, which contracts with a cable TV line instead of an optical line, is the same as Type A.


* Price is tax included

Type C is a plan for properties outside the optical line offering area or cannot be introduced!

In addition, the single -Germany type contracts individually with a company other than affiliated provider, and a separate provider fee (500 yen to 2,000 yen) is charged.

2年契約5,500円 +プロバイダ料金4,180円 +プロバイダ料金
契約期間なし7,150円 +プロバイダ料金5,280円 +プロバイダ料金

* Price is tax included

In addition to the monthly fee of docomo Hikari, the provider fee is paid to the provider company, so it is expensive in total.

Unless there is a special reason, choose a type A or type B with a provider fee in the monthly fee.

DOCOMO Hikari costs the following initial costs at the time of contract.


In DoCoMo Hikari, in addition to administrative fees, opening work costs.

However, DOCOMO Hikari is currently free for construction costs depending on the campaign.

DOCOMO Hikari is easy to understand because the construction cost is 0 yen in the campaign in the first place!

It is a nice point that the free construction cost campaign is applied just by applying for DOCOMO Hikari.

DOCOMO Hikari has abundant useful options using the Internet.

Check out the main usage fees for popular options.

ドコモ光電話・「ドコモ光電話」:550円 ・迷惑電話対策などの機能オプションがついた 「ドコモ光電話バリュー」:1,650円
映像サービス・「ひかりTV for docomo」 :月額2,750円 ・「スカパー!」: ドコモ光テレビオプション825円+ スカパー基本料385円+チャンネルパック料金 ・「ドコモ光テレビオプション」:月額825円

If you use optical telephone or optical TV options, you will be charged an administrative fee of 2,200 yen and the construction cost (2,200 yen to 9,900 yen) will be charged.

However, if you contract with DOCOMO Hikari, the administrative fee is free.

Please note that there are some options that cannot be taken over when converting from FLET'S Hikari to DoCoMo Hikari.

Let's take a look at the price of DOCOMO Hikari's cancellation.

If you apply for DoCoMo Hikari with a two -year contract, the monthly fee will be cheaper, but if you cancel within two years, you will be charged a cancellation fee (penalty, contract cancellation fee).

DOCOMO Hikari's cancellation fee is different between detached houses and condominium types as shown below.


In addition, there is no cancellation fee in the 24th, 25th, 26th month, and 26 months, which are the expiration of the contract.

Don't forget to check the contract period and cancel at the best timing!

Docomo Hikari Cancellation is accepted only at the following window.

[Docomo Hikari Cancellation window]

By the way, there is an optical line that requires the removal of the Internet line that is drawn into the house at the time of cancellation, but DOCOMO Hikari has no obligation to remove the line.

If you need to remove the line in a rental house, you will be able to do it for free.

Simulation of the actual price in DoCoMo Hikari!Is it cheaper than other companies?

I introduced various expenses when I signed a docomo light, but I'm curious how much it actually costs every month.

In this item, if you sign up for type A in the following two patterns, we will explain the total cost of paying in two years of docomo Hikari.

Examples of DOCOMO Hikari Fee Simulation

In considering the fee you actually pay in DOCOMO Hikari, the first thing you want to consider is a set with DOCOMO.

DOCOMO Hikari is the only optical line that can be applied to DOCOMO, so it is especially recommended for docomo users!

If docomo users sign up for docomo lights, up to 20 discounts can be obtained up to 20 cars.

・5Gギガホ プレミア ・5Gギガホ ・ギガホ プレミア ・ギガホ ・5Gギガライト/ギガライト (~7GB)−1,100円
5Gギガライト/ギガライト (~3GB)−550円
5Gギガライト/ギガライト (~1GB)なし

* Price is tax included、新規受付中プランのみ記載

By the way, keep in mind that DOCOMO's cheap plan, AHAMO, is not applied to docomo light set discount.

This time, if docomo users have contracted for docomo lights, and those who use smartphones other than docomo, we will compare the price differences, so please refer to them.

If you look at the simulation and use a docomo smartphone, it's a good idea to change your career together!

First, let's look at the real charge when contracting for docomo light under the following contract conditions.

Note how much the total payment is different between docomo users and non -docomo users!

ドコモユーザー (5Gギガホ契約)ドコモ以外
開通工事費16,450円 ⇒0円16,450円 ⇒0円
月額料金4,400円 ×24か月4,400円 ×24か月
ドコモ光セット割-1,100円 ×24か月0円
2年間の実質 月額料金3,438円4,538円

* Price is tax included

If you live alone with a docomo user, you can get a maximum of 1,100 yen discounted from the monthly fee of the apartment type, and it can be used for 2 years for 3,438 yen per month.

It is great that up to 1,100 yen is discounted every month for one person!

If you use DoCoMo Hikari with your family, the more docomo users, the lower the total payment fee.

Let's take a look at the real charge when a family is contracted by a family of four under the following contract conditions.

ドコモユーザー (5Gギガホ×3台 5Gギガライト/~3GB)ドコモ以外
開通工事費19,800円 ⇒0円19,800円 ⇒0円
月額料金5,720円 ×24か月5,720円 ×24か月
ドコモ光セット割-3,850円 ×24か月0円
2年間の実質 月額料金2,008円5,858円

* Price is tax included

If you have a family of DOCOMO smartphones with "Gigaho 5G" and one with a small capacity plan of "Gigalite 5G", the discount you can receive in the docomo light set is 3,850 yen per month.

As a result, the actual monthly fee for two years is 2,008 yen, which is much cheaper than those who do not use docomo smartphones.

With a detached house contract for an optical line, the real 2,008 yen per month is quite cheap!

If the docomo Hikari set discount is automatically applied if the name of the docomo smartphone and docomo light is the same, there is no need to join a paid option as an applicable condition.

The more families you have, the greater the benefits of the set discount, so if you contract for docomo lights, use DOCOMO as well.

【最新】ドコモ光の料金summary!最安で契約する方法やキャンペーン窓口も紹介 | GetNavi web ゲットナビ

DOCOMO users are docomo lights that can be used at a great deal, but many people want to know if they are cheaper than other companies' optical lines.

I compared the price of docomo light with seven main optical lines, so please take a look.

Compared to other companies, I checked it when using a smartphone other than docomo users and docomo!

ドコモ光 (ドコモユーザー ギガホ5G×1台)2年4,474円3,154円ドコモ5,720円~4,400円~0円3,300円
ドコモ光 (ドコモ以外)2年5,574円4,254円ドコモ5,720円~4,400円~0円3,300円
auひかり3年(マンション は2年)3,961円1,777円au5,610円4,180円実質無料3,300円
BIGLOBE光3年5,203円4,103円au BIGLOBE SIM5,478円4,378円実質無料3,300円
OCN光2年6,889円5,170円OCN モバイル ONE5,610円3,960円戸建て:19,800円 マンション:16,500円3,300円
ソフトバンク光2年5,966円4,426円SoftBank ワイモバイル5,720円4,180円26,400円3,300円

* Price is tax included、1Gbpsプラン(NUROは2Gbpsプラン)、マンションは16契約以上、オプション加入なし

If you are a docomo user, you can see that if you subscribe to DoCoMo Hikari, it can be used cheaper than other companies. 

In addition, DOCOMO Hikari is the merit that opening construction costs are free, so even if you are not a docomo user, the real charge is just the middle amount.

However, if you select an optical line according to your smartphone carrier, you can contract at a cheaper set.

It is a point where the optical line is cheaper to choose according to your smartphone!

For more information, please read an article that explains the recommended optical line for each smartphone carrier.

Deep smartphone!Read an article that explains the recommended optical line

DOCOMO Hikari fee is cheaper!Compare the great campaign window

When applying for DOCOMO Hikari, you can contract from the following window.

[Docomo Hikari application window]

No matter which window you apply, you can always receive the following official campaign.

[Official campaign for docomo light]

However, if you sign up for DOCOMO Hikari at a great deal, we recommend applying from a campaign window such as an agency site or a provider site that offers your own benefits along with the above official campaign.

The presence or absence of your own campaign, the amount of cashback, conditions, etc. are different depending on the window, so let's compare them well!

Let's compare the latest campaign window of DOCOMO Hikari.

窓口名実質料金 (戸建て)実質料金 (マンション)キャッシュバック受け取り時期オプション加入有無
@nifty 5,658円4,338円20,000円12ヶ月後
ドコモ光公式サイト (ドコモnet)6,408円5,008円0円

In conclusion, it is the cheapest to apply for DoCoMo Hikari from "DoCoMo Online Concierge".

In addition to docomo online concierge, there is a window where you can get a 20,000 yen cashback?

There is also a window with the same docomo online concierge and cashback amount as 20,000 yen, but the cashback receipt time may be slow or it may be necessary to join the paid option as an applicable condition.

However, in DoCoMo Online Concierge, you can receive your own 20,000 yen cashback in the shortest month without an option.

If you subscribe to the paid option for cashback, the monthly fee will increase, so DOCOMO online concierge without option is a great deal!

Let's take a look at the specific recommended points of DOCOMO Online Concierge.

With DOCOMO Online Concierge, you can receive a 20,000 yen cashback at the end of the following month without an option subscription.

You will receive an email for cashback application guidance from DOCOMO Online Concierge the month after the scheduled construction date will be decided, so register the account information of the cashback transfer destination according to the email information.

Please be careful not to overlook your account information by the end of the month of the e -mail transmission date!

If you apply according to the procedure, the cashback will be transferred at the end of the month after the opening of docomo light in the shortest!

In addition, you can get 2,000pts of D Point, which is the official bonus of DoCoMo Hikari apart from its own cashback.

D points can be used as 1pt = 1 yen for convenience stores, restaurants, and internet stores nationwide, so it is the same as real cashback.

D points will be automatically granted two months after opening!

Please note that the official bonus d point 20,000pt gifts cannot be used together!

If you apply from the official, you can receive 20,000pts, but there is no cashback.

However, if you apply from DoCoMo Online Concierge, you will get a D point 2,000pt 2,000pts for the cash bag of 20,000 yen.

Also, if you apply for DoCoMo Hikari with DoCoMo Online Concierge, you can freely select the provider from 24 companies.


現金で還元を受けたい方や簡単にすぐキャッシュバックを受け取りたい方は、ぜひドコモオンラインコンシェルジュからの申込みを検討してくださいね。 >Click here for the official website of DoCoMo Online Concierge

This time, we recommend the application from DOCOMO Online Concierge, but some of you may say that the official application is safe.

If you are such a person, let's consider applying from the "DOCOMO Hikari LP site"!

If you subscribe to DOCOMO Hikari via DOCOMO official website (special LP site), you will get up to 20,000pt D points!

1pt = 1 yen is equivalent, so it costs 20,000 yen!

DOCOMO official website limited D -point present benefits and methods for receiving them are as follows.


Please note that the above d -point benefits are different from the d point 2,000pt bonus that can be obtained at the agency window.

The agency docomo Online Concierge can be reduced to 20,000+2,000pt of cash, so it can be said that the total benefits are larger!

On the DOCOMO official website, you can not get a cashback like an agency, but there is a return at D point, so you can sign up well.

If you are looking for a sense of security unique to the official window, please consider applying from the docomo official website!

See the campaign on the docomo official website in detail

Three ways to contract for docomo lights at the lowest

Here are three ways to know the price of DoCoMo Hikari for the cheapest contract.

[How to contract DOCOMO Hikari at the lowest]

Check out points to sign a lower contract for DoCoMo Hikari!

If you want to keep the price of docomo light cheaply, apply to a provider that supports Type A.

Type A providers are 200 yen cheaper than Type B, so they can be used more than Type B.

GMO, which is a type A with a low monthly fee and has the following provider benefits, is recommended!

The reason why GMO and BB are recommended for the docomo light provider

You can select your favorite provider on the docomo Online Concierge or DOCOMO official website introduced as a recommended window this time, so let's apply for GMO, especially BB.

You can apply for DOCOMO Hikari directly from the provider window of GMO, especially BB, but if you do not join paid options such as video services, you will not receive a cashback of up to 20,000 yen.

If you apply more advantageously, it is recommended to choose GMO and BB with Dokanline Concierge and get a 20,000 yen cashback without an option!

The V6 Plus is a new standard service that makes it easier to connect to the Internet even during crowded times by freely traveling between the conventional "IPv4 connection" and the latest "IPv6 connection".

If you can compare it with a car, you can freely select a road with a small lane where access is concentrated and an empty road with a lot of lanes, so you can use smooth and stable high -speed communication.

GMO and BB provide V6 plus technology for free, and we rent a dedicated router required for V6 plus connection for free.

GMO and BB are V6 plus compatible and have a good reputation for speed!

Let's look at the word -of -mouth of how fast the person who is connected in V6 plus can actually communicate at a V6 plus in DOCOMO Hikari.

There was a user who published the measurement results.The down speed exceeds 760Mbps and is very comfortable.

This person seems to have poor condominium equipment, but it seems that the communication environment that can be satisfied with the V6 plus of DOCOMO Hikari + GMO, especially BB.

He says he doesn't feel the lag of online games, so it's suitable for those who want to enjoy online games comfortably.

If you want to stick to the speed, use the provider to GMO, especially BB, and rent a V6 plus compatible router!

GMO and BB can use the security software "McFimalch Access" for free for one year.

In order to use the Internet with confidence, security software is essential, so I am grateful that it can be used without spending money.

From the second year, it will be a paid option of 550 yen per month, so let's use it for free to check the feeling of use!

GMO, especially BB, is safe because you can use visiting support for free.

After the opening of DOCOMO Hikari, the contractor has to set the connection by himself, so if a professional staff can do it, you can save time.

If you are worried about setting it yourself, apply for a visit support in advance on the construction day!

If you use docomo lights at the same time, docomo lights will be automatically applied, and 1,100 yen per unit will be discounted from DOCOMO's smartphone fee.

Docomo smartphones are available up to 20 cars between families!

For this reason, the more people register in the same family discount group, the more recommended the docomo light.

The docomo light set discount is discounted from the monthly fee for smartphones and mobile phones of those who use the plans in the family discount group.

Therefore, let's check the statement of the mobile phone fee, not the price of DOCOMO Hikari.

You can check the smartphone price statement with My docomo!

The discount amount differs depending on the plan, so let's understand it in the table below.

・5Gギガホ プレミア ・5Gギガホ ・ギガホ プレミア ・ギガホ ・5Gギガライト/ギガライト (~7GB)−1,100円
5Gギガライト/ギガライト (~3GB)−550円
5Gギガライト/ギガライト (~1GB)なし

* Price is tax included、新規受付中プランのみ記載

If you subscribe to unnecessary paid options, your monthly payment will be higher.

When applying for an option, make a contract after carefully considering whether it is really necessary.

Even if you don't remember joining the option, you may have a paid option that you have contracted because it is said to be free at the time of purchase!

If you find out that you have subscribed to unnecessary paid options, cancel immediately.

If you want to cancel, make a call to My docomo, docomo shop, or docomo Information Center.

[DOCOMO Information Center]

How to check the price of docomo light

If you are contracting for DoCoMo Hikari, you can check the following method if you check the price you are using.

[How to check the price of docomo light]

Especially my docomo for contractors is recommended because you can contact you online 24 hours a day.

If you want to check the fee with "My docomo", you need a d account or a network PIN.

Please log in to My docomo and click [Contract contents] at the top of the screen.

Q & A about DOCOMO Hikari Fee

Here are some common questions about DOCOMO Hikari charges.

[DOCOMO Hikari Frequently Asked Questions]

Check out the points you care about!

DOCOMO Hikari does not change the initial cost and monthly fee regardless of any window, but if you apply from the docomo online concierge where you can receive your own cashback, it will be even more advantageous.

With Doko -online Concierge, you can receive a 20,000 yen cashback without an option, so you can contract at the cheapest.

In addition, DOCOMO Online Concierge allows you to choose a provider from 24 companies, so it is recommended to choose a GMO, especially BB, which has a reputation for its low monthly fee.

If you are safe to apply from the official window, apply from the special website of DOCOMO official website and get a d point for 20,000 yen!

For details, the price of DOCOMO Hikari is cheaper!See the comparison items of the great campaign window.

If you move while using DOCOMO Hikari, if you perform a "relocation procedure", there will be no cancellation fee and you can continue using it as it is.

However, please note that relocation fees and construction costs will be charged separately.


* Price is tax included

In DoCoMo Hikari, you can get 5,000pts of D points as a relocation campaign!

It is possible to change the provider after a docomo light contract.

DOCOMO Hikari provider can be changed at docomo Information Center and DoCoMo Shop.

【対応プラン】 ・1ギガ(タイプA/B) ・10ギガ(タイプA/B) [DOCOMO Information Center] 電話番号:(一般電話)0120-800-000 (ドコモ携帯)151 受付時間: 9:00~20:00(年中無休)

The cost of changing the provider of DoCoMo Hikari is only 3,300 yen of the administrative fee, and basically the provider penalties are exempted.

If you are contracting FLET'S Hikari, you can easily switch to DOCOMO Hikari as "diversion".

If it is diverted, the penalty for FLET'S Hikari will be exempted, and the same line and equipment will be used as it is, so there will be no construction cost.

The cost of diversion to docomo light is basically only 3,300 yen for administrative fees.

I will explain how to convert it to docomo light!

First of all, please contact NTT East and West Japan under the contract to get the "diversion consent number".

NTT東日本・電話番号窓口:0120-140-202 (受付時間:9時~17時、年末年始以外) ・インターネット窓口 (受付時間:8時30分~22時、年末年始以外)
NTT西日本・電話番号窓口:0120-553-104 (受付時間:9時~17時、年末年始以外) ・インターネット窓口 (受付時間:7時~25時、年末年始以外)

Use the acquired "diversion consent number" to apply from docomo online concierge, where you can get a cashback of 20,000 yen.

Click here for details of DOCOMO Online Concierge

The list of docomo light inquiries is as follows.

インフォメーションセンター一般:0120-800-000 ドコモ携帯:151各種注文・総合問い合わせなど9:00~20:00
インフォメーションセンター (故障・修理など)一般:0120-800-000 ドコモ携帯:113故障・修理・電波状況に関する 問い合わせ24時間
ネットトータルサポート0120-825-360設定・トラブル対処方法・通信機器に 関する問い合わせ9:00~20:00
dポイント カスタマーセンター0120-208-360dポイントカードに関する問い合わせ24時間
Web問い合わせ (新規・転用など)Webフォームドコモ光の新規、転用の申し込みなど24時間
Web問い合わせ (移転時)Webフォーム引っ越し(移転)手続きなど24時間


If you sign up for docomo lights, the required charges are as follows.

[Breakdown of DOCOMO Hikari]

* Price is tax included ※クリックすると解説項目へジャンプします

DOCOMO Hikari is a great deal for docomo users who can apply docomo set discounts.

In addition, in order to sign a cheaper and cheaper contract, it is recommended to apply from DOCOMO Online Concierge and make the provider "GMO and BB".

If you sign a good contract for DoCoMo Hikari, DoCoMo Online Concierge

・20,000円キャッシュバック! ・最短翌月振込で受け取りが早い! ・オプション条件不要!

> Click here for the official website of DoCoMo Online Concierge

With DOCOMO Online Concierge, 20,000 yen can be received at the end of the following month without conditions such as option subscription.

If the provider is GMO, especially BB, wireless LAN routers and security software can be used for free, so you do not have to sign up for paid options separately.

Also, understand the following three points to use DOCOMO Hikari cheaply.

[How to contract DOCOMO Hikari at the lowest]

If you are contracting for DoCoMo Hikari, you can check the fee from My docomo.

If you feel that DOCOMO Hikari is high, check the breakdown if there is an unnecessary option or the initial cost.

Click here for the official website of DoCoMo Online Concierge
