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  • I want to pass the card loan examination! Thorough explanation of the reasons for failing the examination and countermeasures

I want to pass the card loan examination! Thorough explanation of the reasons for failing the examination and countermeasures

When you don't have enough money for sudden expenses, a card loan is useful. However, when borrowing, there is always an examination. If you do not pass the examination, you cannot use the card loan.

"I applied for a card loan, but I failed the screening", "What should I do to pass the screening by applying again?" Therefore, this time, for those who want to use a card loan, we will explain the reasons for failing the examination, the examination criteria, and the precautions and countermeasures when applying again.


  1. What is a card loan “screening”?
  2. What was the reason for failing the card loan examination?
  3. What if I fail the credit card review?
  4. Precautions to take when reapplying for a card loan
  5. Will it affect the mortgage review if I fail the credit card review?
  6. Does the screening and use of card loans affect car loans?
  7. Information about failed card loan screening remains! What is a credit reference agency?
  8. Card loan screening process and points to note
  9. Card loan screening criteria
  10. Three tips to pass the card loan screening
  11. >
  12. Isn't it a good idea to apply for multiple card loans?
  13. What types of card loans are there?
  14. Things you should never do if you fail the screening of a card loan
  15. It is not possible to accurately compare the difficulty of screening a card loan
  16. Prepare money now Consumer finance card loans are recommended when you want to. Q&A about card loan screening
  17. It is important to keep your credit information sound when screening a card loan

What is the "screening" of a card loan?

What is checked in the card loan review?

It is believed that the financial institution that provides the card loan judges whether this person has the ability to continue repaying according to the plan. Of course, we cannot lend to people who have the risk of defaulting on the money they lent and not getting it back.

If you are using a card loan for the first time, you will always be screened. The user cannot receive a loan unless the examination is passed. What does a card review mean?

In principle, all applicants are screened for card loans without exception. The main reasons why card loans are reviewed are as follows.

You can use a card loan only if you pass the screening correctly.

The screening criteria for card loans are determined by each financial institution. In order to maintain the fairness of applicants, the judging criteria are generally not disclosed. Therefore, it would be difficult to make a general judgment and compare whether the examination standards are strict or loose for each financial institution.

All financial institutions conduct strict screening based on their own screening standards. The examination criteria are not disclosed, but the following three criteria are considered to be duplicated by each financial institution.

The financial institution will check whether these criteria are met from the applicant's application information and judge whether the loan is possible.

When you apply for a card loan, you will generally declare the following information to the financial institution.

If there is an error in the application, it may not be possible to review it correctly or it may take extra time to reconfirm.

In Japan, there are no card loans that can be used without screening. This is because Article 13 of the Money Lending Business Act stipulates that when lending money to an individual or company, a money lending company must conduct an examination.

If you can use a card loan without screening, there is a possibility that it is a illegal loan. Don't use it.

As mentioned above, the screening of card loans is stipulated by the Money Lending Business Act, so it is not possible that only certain financial institutions are lax in screening.

For that reason, you need to be careful if you are a money lender who claims that the screening is lax. For example, a company that appeals to its lax screening, such as "no income is required", "registration confirmation is not required", and "multiple debts are okay", may be in violation of the law (Money Lending Business Act).

In addition, there is no card loan that is easy to screen, but the closing rate is a guideline for choosing a card loan. If the financial institution has a track record of a high closing rate, it will be objective evidence that many people are using it. Therefore, it can be said that it is easy to pass the examination.

There are people who say that banks are stricter in screening and that small and medium-sized banks are less screening than major consumer finance companies, but this is also a misunderstanding.

Both banks and consumer finance companies have their own screening criteria, but the criteria are set according to the rules. Housewives (househusbands) can also borrow if they meet the criteria for bank card loans. Conversely, if you do not meet the criteria, you will not be able to borrow from consumer finance regardless of size.

Financial institutions are considered to focus on whether they can continue to repay without failing. Therefore, it can be said that there is no difference in screening standards between banks and consumer finance.

What was the reason why I failed the card loan examination?

I don't think my annual income is insufficient, but why did I fail the examination?

There are various reasons why a card loan screening may fail. However, there are three main causes: income, borrowing status of other companies, and past repayment performance. In other words, annual income is not the only criteria for judging. Financial institutions that provide card loans also take into consideration the repayment ability of applicants and conduct strict screening so that the repayment burden does not increase.

There are several reasons why you may be rejected for a card loan. If you understand the tendency, you will be able to take measures when you challenge the examination again.

Even if you actually fail the card loan screening, they won't tell you the reason. However, considering from various points of view, it is thought that there are the following 13 reasons for failing the card loan examination.

  1. The application was incomplete or contained false information
  2. Applied to multiple financial institutions at the same time
  3. Delinquent payments or delayed repayments in the past
  4. Borrowing from multiple companies
  5. Too much borrowing from other companies
  6. Delaying mobile phone payments Yes
  7. Imbalance between income and expenses
  8. Income is low relative to desired loan amount
  9. The number of years in current residence is short
  10. < li>The number of years of employment at the employer is short
  11. Employment confirmation cannot be obtained
  12. Stable employment, annual income is not
  13. Set by the financial institution Conditions not met

However, as mentioned above, the examination criteria have not been published, so it cannot be concluded that the reasons given here are the causes. Please check on the premise that what you are introducing is "things that are considered to be the cause of failing the examination".

When applying for a card loan, it is necessary to correctly declare the items required by the financial institution. Please be aware that incomplete or incorrect information in your application may result in your application being disqualified.

Generally, applications will not be rejected due to incomplete application content. This is because if the content is unclear, the card loan company will reconfirm. However, in cases where the phone does not connect even after repeated attempts to reconfirm, there is a possibility that the examination will be terminated in the middle.

In addition, if you declare false information intentionally, it will be subject to examination failure. Specifically, the cases are as follows.

Past credit information is registered with personal credit information agencies for a certain period of time. If your application is inconsistent, your application may be rejected, so be sure to declare it correctly.

If you apply to multiple financial institutions at the same time because you feel uneasy about applying to just one company, you may be rejected.

Because the information you applied for the loan will be shared with other financial institutions. If you apply to multiple financial institutions at the same time, you may give the following distrust to the person in charge of the examination.

For that reason, even if you are worried, try to apply for one company at a time as much as possible. Also, if you have a history of applying many times in the past, the examination may be disadvantageous.

Because you may be in a situation of "application black". For example, in the case of CIC (a credit information agency designated by the Installment Sales Act and Money Lending Business Act), which is one of the credit information agencies, application information is supposed to be retained for six months from the date of inquiry.

If you fail the screening, please wait at least 6 months before reapplying.

If you have delinquent or late repayment due to past borrowing, there is a high possibility that the examination will be disadvantageous. It's a so-called "blacklisted" situation.

Actually, there is no such thing as a blacklist, but in general, the state in which a financial accident (debt consolidation, delay, etc.) is registered with a personal credit information agency is expressed as blacklisting.

Delinquencies and late repayments here refer to the following, for example.

Such information will be kept as a record during the credit reporting period. Even a single delay can have a significant impact on your review. If you have other loans, it is necessary to thoroughly manage the schedule so as not to be late for monthly repayments.

Past credit transaction information has been accurately recorded for a certain period of time by credit information agencies. Credit information is shared by financial institutions such as banks, credit card companies, and consumer finance. Even if you make a false declaration at the time of application, it will be discovered immediately, so be careful when using it.

In addition, even if the delinquency is resolved, the record will remain for 5 years after the resolution. Please be aware that once you are in arrears, you will be at a disadvantage for borrowing for 5 years.

If you already have loans from multiple financial institutions at the application stage, the screening may be disadvantageous.

As mentioned above, don't forget that borrowing records are shared by all financial institutions such as banks, credit card companies, and consumer finance. If you borrow from multiple companies at the application stage, there is a high possibility that you will be worried about your ability to repay.

If you have a loan of 1 million yen elsewhere, you can say that it is more disadvantageous to borrow 200,000 yen from 5 companies than to borrow 1 million yen from one company. This is because the decision is made between “those who can get a loan of 1 million yen” and “those who can only get a loan of 200,000 yen”.

If you already have a large amount of debt from other companies, the review will be disadvantageous. This is due to the volume restrictions mentioned above.

The total amount regulation prohibits lending more than one-third of the annual income for borrowing from moneylenders such as consumer finance companies. Therefore, if you have a loan close to 1/3 of your annual income at the time of application, you will not be able to borrow more.

For example, a person with an annual income of 9 million yen can borrow up to 3 million yen. Therefore, if this person already has a loan balance of 2.5 million yen, even if he/she applies for a new card loan to a consumer finance company, it will only be approved up to 500,000 yen.

When applying for a card loan, it is necessary to declare the borrowing status from other companies. We compare the reported amount with the information recorded by the credit information agency to determine whether a loan can be made and how much is the limit. Even if you lie when you declare it, it will be detected immediately, so be careful.

Because the total volume regulation is a regulation for moneylenders, it does not apply to borrowings from banks, credit unions, credit unions, etc. Home loans, car loans, and consolidation loans are also excluded.

In the case of credit cards, cash advance limits are subject to total volume restrictions. However, the amount used in the shopping quota is not subject to the total amount regulation.

The following is a list of whether or not they are subject to the total volume control.

< /tr>
Details of BorrowingIf total volume is subject to 〇, if not subject to x
Consumer finance
Credit card cashing limit
Bank card loan×
Mortgage or car loan×
Credit card shopping frame×
Summary loan×

It does not mean that it is not included in the personal borrowing record depending on whether it is subject to the total amount regulation or not. For example, even borrowings that are not subject to the total amount regulation are included in the record to the credit information agency when repayment is not possible, so be careful.

Please be aware that if there is an unpaid or delayed payment for your mobile phone call charges, you may not be able to pass the screening.

If it is only the call charge, it will not be registered in your credit report. However, the following cases are included in the credit information of the credit reference agency.

Therefore, even if it is not intentional, there is a possibility that your credit information may be damaged without knowing, such as "I didn't know the payment method" or "I didn't know the fact that I didn't pay."

For example, one thing that is often overlooked is the delay in payment when purchasing a mobile phone in installments. The installment payment for the main unit is debited together with the phone bill of the mobile phone company, so if you forget to pay the phone bill, it will be recorded as overdue.

In the unlikely event that it is registered as a financial accident in the credit information, it may affect not only the card loan application but also the future housing loan, car loan, education loan, etc., so be careful. Let's devise a payment method so as not to cause unpaid or delayed payment on a daily basis.

People who spend a lot on monthly living expenses against their own income are also difficult to pass the examination.

For example, if a person with a monthly take-home pay of 200,000 yen spends 200,000 yen a month on living expenses, etc., there is a high possibility that even if a loan is given, it will be judged that there is no money to pay back. is.

Whether or not you have rent or a mortgage, whether or not you have dependents such as children or relatives living with you are factors that increase your expenses, and can greatly affect the screening process.

Similar to the previous paragraph, if the amount of money you want to borrow is large compared to your income, it will be difficult to pass the examination.

In the case of a consumer finance company's card loan, you cannot borrow more than 1/3 of your annual income from the viewpoint of total amount regulation. For example, if you have an annual income of 9 million yen, the maximum amount you can borrow from a moneylender is 3 million yen.

In this case, the loan itself is not possible, but there is a possibility that you cannot borrow the amount you want. For example, even if you request a loan of 1 million yen, it will be reduced to 500,000 yen.

The number of years you have lived at your current address is also considered to be one of the factors that affect the screening. However, there is a strong tendency to imply that "longer is advantageous" rather than "shorter is disadvantageous".

Because it is predicted that people who have lived at their current address for a long time are less likely to leave their homes and run away if they cannot repay. It is expected that the more frequently a person moves, the less household goods they have and the weaker their relationship with their neighbors, so they are more likely to run away.

In the same sense, it can be said that the possibility of leaving the house and running away is lower than for renters, so it can be said to be advantageous in the examination.

If the number of years at your current employer is short, such as when you just changed jobs, the review will be disadvantageous. Everyone has different reasons for changing jobs. In addition, there may be cases where you have no choice but to change jobs due to company circumstances, such as the company going bankrupt. However, in the examination of the loan, there is a possibility that it will be judged that "I will not be able to continue repaying without stable income due to re-employment."

It is not uncommon for those who have been with the company for a long time to have a certain position in the company and become a manager. If it is judged that stable income can be expected continuously, it will be easier to pass the loan examination.

If you can't confirm your employer's enrollment, it will have a negative impact on your loan screening.

Enrollment confirmation is to confirm whether the applicant is really enrolled in the company by phone or by submitting documents. The financial institution will confirm whether the applicant is enrolled by contacting the contact information of the place of employment declared by the applicant by using the name of the individual or the name of the bank.

If you continue to be unable to confirm your enrollment for some reason, you will not be able to confirm whether you really belong to that company. The credibility of the contents of the application will be diminished, and doubts will arise about the repayment ability, so the examination will be disadvantageous.

In some cases, it may be judged that "financing is difficult" due to the applicant's occupation and annual income. For example, in the case of the following occupations, income may be considered unstable and may be disadvantageous in the examination.

In the case of such occupations, there are cases where it is generally judged that "stable income cannot be expected" compared to company employees of listed companies and civil servants.

On the other hand, it can be said that managers, company employees, and civil servants of listed companies are relatively strong in screening as attributes. However, the company's size, name recognition, and position are not the only considerations.

The important thing is "Do you have a stable income and have the ability to repay?"

In the first place, if you do not meet the application conditions set by the financial institution, you will not pass the examination. Cards are generally subject to the following conditions:

Many financial institutions will not even proceed to screening unless all the application conditions presented by the company are met.

If you have a fixed amount of salary and income every month, you can say that you are getting a stable income. As mentioned above, if the period of enrollment is extremely short or the job does not provide a stable income every month, it will be disadvantageous for the examination.

The age limit for card loans varies from company to company, but the minimum age is 20 years old. There are cases where it is often said that even students can apply, but you cannot use it unless you are over 20 years old.

The maximum age varies depending on the financial institution, but many companies seem to set it up to 69 years old. Some companies set it short, but even if you are refused at one place, there is a possibility that it can be used at other companies. Be sure to check the age requirements of the financial institution you are considering using.

*The adult age will be 18 years old from April 2022 due to the revision of the Civil Code. As a result, there may be cases where contracts can be signed from the age of 18 depending on the financial institution.

What if I fail the card loan screening?

What should I do if I want to get 100,000 yen immediately after failing the card loan screening?

If you fail the screening of the card loan, refrain from reapplying immediately, even if it is another company. Since the information that failed the card loan examination is shared with each financial institution as credit information, the examination for reapplication will be severe. If you want to get 100,000 yen immediately, it is a good idea to use a credit card with a cash advance function or apply for another card loan.

Even if you fail the examination, I will introduce what you can do and measures to get money. Here are the six main methods you might want to consider:

Consider whether you can secure cash with the cash advance limit of your current credit card. If your credit card has a cash advance limit, you can borrow cash without an examination.

If you have multiple credit cards, check the contract details one by one. If there is no cash advance limit, we will make an additional application to the credit card.

However, it is important to keep in mind that there will always be a review process. Basically, if you use the credit card shopping frame payment without delay, there is a possibility that you will pass the screening of the cash advance frame.

However, depending on the reason why the card loan examination failed, the cash advance examination will also fail. For example, I want to be careful that the loan balance is not over 1/3 of the annual income. Credit card cash advance limits are also subject to total volume restrictions.

Therefore, if the reason why the card loan was dropped is because it is caught in the total amount regulation, the examination of the cashing frame will not pass. If you have successfully obtained a cashing frame, keep in mind that the remaining amount of cashing will be included in the existing loan amount when you receive the next credit card review.

Evaluation standards for card loans differ depending on the financial institution. If you are rejected by one company, another option is to make a new application with another company.

If you want to use a different card loan, it is recommended that you consider applying for a card loan from a guarantor company that is a different group company than the company that failed the screening, such as slightly reducing the amount you want to borrow.

But don't rush to apply for more than one card loan at once. Since the application history is registered with a personal credit information agency and shared with other companies, there is a possibility that people may be worried that they are in serious financial trouble.

Therefore, if you are considering applying to other financial institutions, try to stay with one company.

If there is no urgency, there is a possibility that even a card loan from the same financial institution will pass the examination by applying again after half a year has passed. This is because after half a year, the record you applied for before will disappear from the personal credit information agency.

It doesn't mean that you can't use it forever just because you failed the review once. After a certain amount of time, the number of years you have lived in the company, the number of years you have been enrolled at your employer, and your income have increased.

In this case, let's leave a period of at least half a year as mentioned above. If you apply in too short a time, your previous loan application information will be registered. higher.

If you are borrowing money from multiple companies, you can apply for a "consolidation loan" and consolidate your loans to make it easier to receive a loan from another financial institution.

Borrowing from multiple companies can put you at a disadvantage in the screening process. This is because if you borrow 200,000 yen from 5 companies and 1 million yen from 1 company even if you borrow the same 1 million yen, the latter has a higher creditworthiness in terms of the loanable amount.

Summary If the number of borrowings decreases with a dedicated loan, your creditworthiness will improve, and you can expect to increase the possibility of passing the examination of card loan applications from other financial institutions. Also, if you consolidate multiple loans into one, you may be able to reduce your monthly repayment burden, so you will be able to afford cash flow.

A summary loan is a method of borrowing the current total amount borrowed at once in order to combine borrowings from multiple financial institutions into one. It can be used at many financial institutions that handle card loans.

If you are borrowing from multiple companies, the repayment amount, interest rate, and repayment date are different, so it is difficult to manage monthly repayments. However, if you can unify your transactions with multiple companies, you can expect to manage your monthly repayments and lower interest rates, so you can also reduce the total repayment amount.

[Example of using a summary loan]

Loan AmountInterest RateMonthly Repayment AmountAfter Summary→Loan amountInterest rateMonthly repayment amount
1 million yen14.6%20,000 yen2 million yen12.5%30,000 yen
500,000 yen18%10,000 yen
500,000 yen18%< /td>10,000 yen

*The actual interest rate and repayment amount may vary depending on the financial institution.

If you need money urgently or you can't do anything on your own, get help from your family and friends. It is important to be honest about whether or not you can borrow. If you take it seriously, they may be able to help you.

Some people may be hesitant to ask their family and friends for help, but it's better than dealing with a black market or other illegal business.

Of course, it is strictly forbidden not to pay back while borrowing, as it is said that "a break in money is a break in relationship". When borrowing money from close relatives, prepare a loan document and a repayment schedule to prevent financial trouble, and let them know that you will repay them firmly every month.

If there is absolutely no way to prepare the money, consider legal means. There are four main types of legal instruments:

< /table>


Debt problems can be resolved in one of two ways. If you can't do this on your own, consult an attorney.

What to do when reapplying for a credit card loan

I failed the credit card loan review and would like to take it again. What should I do next time?

If you are considering reapplying, it is important to take proper precautions in advance.

I want to pass the card loan review! Thorough explanation of the reasons for failing the examination and measures to be taken

It is difficult to determine the cause of failure. However, you may be able to find out what may be the cause by checking your own problem. It is strictly prohibited to falsify application information just because you have failed the screening once. Apply accurately and honestly.

Just because you failed a card loan once doesn't mean you can't apply again. It is possible to apply again, such as considering another company or applying again after a certain period of time.

The following are the 9 main measures you should be aware of when reapplying for a card loan.

  1. Check the "contract rate" of the card loan company
  2. Accurately declare the necessary information
  3. Reduce the desired loan amount
  4. Tell the right time to answer the phone
  5. Disclose your credit information and check it in advance
  6. Pay off other companies' loans as much as possible
  7. At the same time Don't apply for multiple card loans
  8. Simplify screening to identify problems in advance
  9. Accurately declare any additional income

Be sure to check the card loan closing rate of each financial institution in advance.

Contract rate indicates the percentage of users who passed the screening.

Although there is no big difference in the screening criteria, depending on the attributes of the user, there are companies that are easy to pass the screening and companies that are difficult to pass. It can be said that the higher the closing rate of a company, the more likely it is to pass the examination.

Some financial institutions disclose the closing rate as IR information, so it is recommended to select a financial institution with the highest closing rate possible. For example, the closing rate of four major consumer finance companies as of 2020 is as follows.

Types of debt consolidationDetails
Optional consolidationDebtor ( Method of reducing the repayment amount through discussion between the borrower) and the creditor (financial institution)
Specific mediationWith the court How to relax or reduce the repayment conditions
Individual rehabilitationHow to reduce the debt with the permission of the court and pay it back in 3 years in principle< /td>
Personal BankruptcyHow to Zero All Assets and Debts with Court Permission
Company nameContract rateMonth/year
Acom42.3%As of December 2020
Aiful41.7%2020 As of November 2020
Promise37.8%As of November 2020
Lake ALSA34.3%As of December 2020

Source: Shinsei Bank group

However, the closing rate does not represent the laxity of the examination. Please note that just because a financial institution has a high contract rate does not mean that the screening requirements mentioned above will be relaxed.

Please declare your application information accurately and completely. False reports or omissions can adversely affect the review. Important information for the audit is:

These information may be required to submit official documents at the time of application, so even if you make a false report, it may be discovered immediately. In addition, since the borrowing information of other companies is shared with the credit information agency, any false information will be detected.

A false report will doubt the credibility of the applicant at that time, and it will definitely have a negative impact on the screening process. Make sure you declare it correctly.

Also, if you do not declare the name of your place of work and contact information correctly, there is a possibility that the confirmation of enrollment will be incomplete. You will not fail the examination just because of incomplete declaration, but if you want to pass the examination quickly, it is important to declare these information correctly.

If you apply again, you will be more likely to pass the screening by reducing the amount you want to borrow.

As mentioned above, the maximum amount that a money lender can loan to a user due to the total volume regulation of the money lending business law is less than one-third of the annual income. So, for example, if you have an annual income of 8.4 million yen, the maximum amount you can borrow is 2.8 million yen.

Even if you need the amount in the immediate future, consider reducing the amount you want to borrow so that it falls within the scope of the total amount regulation after fully considering your current annual income. For example, if you have an annual income of 8.4 million yen and a loan balance of 2 million yen, if you want to borrow 1 million yen, it will exceed 2.8 million yen, so you may not pass the examination.

However, if the desired borrowing amount is 800,000 yen or less, it will be within the scope of the total amount regulation, so you can expect to increase the possibility of passing the examination. Another option is to keep your borrowings to a minimum and use other means to cover the shortfall.

A relationship of trust is important for lending and borrowing money. It's the same for financial institutions, and if you can't contact them for a long time, you may lose your credibility as an individual.

For that reason, let's correctly tell the time when you can contact us for the phone number of the place of work you declare. Even if you are out of the office, if someone from the company answers the phone, you can confirm your attendance. For example, in the case of a consumer finance company, it is unlikely that the company will find out because they will call you with your personal name instead of the company name.

In addition, if confirmation is required for the contents of the application, the person may receive a phone call from the financial institution. Of course, if you continue to respond without answering the phone, the person's trust will be lost. If there is a possibility that you will not be able to answer the phone, it is a good idea to inform them in advance of the times and days of the week when you are most likely to answer the phone.

If you have experience in the past such as late repayment of loans or delayed payment of credit cards, there is a high possibility that you will be disadvantaged in the examination. To increase your chances of reapplying for a card loan, make sure you have a good credit record before applying.

There are three credit information agencies in Japan. Since this information is also shared with financial institutions, personal borrowing and repayment information can be easily found.

  1. CIC (Designated Credit Information Agency)
  2. JICC (Japan Credit Information Center)
  3. KSC (All Banks Personal Credit Information Center)

You can choose from three main ways to disclose your credit information: "Internet", "Mail", and "Counter". We can provide your credit information upon request. The fee for disclosure is around 1,000 yen. Especially with CIC, if you have a credit card, you can immediately check your credit information on your smartphone.

(Image = quoted from the CIC website)

If you are worried about your credit information due to past financial accidents, disclose your credit information and check the contents before applying for a card loan.

If you have loans from multiple financial institutions, try to pay off as many other loans as possible before reapplying.

As mentioned above, if there are many borrowings, it may adversely affect the examination. Even with the same loan of 1 million yen, it is thought that the creditworthiness in terms of repayment capacity differs between "a person who can borrow 3 million yen from 1 company" and "a person who borrows 600,000 yen from 5 companies each".

If you have time to reapply, you may have some financial leeway with income increases such as promotions and salary increases, side job income, bonuses, etc. If you can pay off as much as possible the loan of other companies, the possibility of passing the examination of the card loan will increase.

Using a summary loan is also one way.

Even if you are reapplying, do not apply for card loans to multiple financial institutions at the same time.

Simultaneous applications may give financial institutions the impression that they are in serious financial trouble. If you are worried about your repayment ability, you are less likely to pass the examination. It is a state called so-called application black.

If you want to borrow as soon as possible, you may feel rushed to apply. However, when applying, it is easier to pass the examination and the possibility of receiving a loan increases by making sure to apply for each company after a period of more than half a year.

For those who are worried about whether they will pass the examination, one of the methods is to use the simple examination in advance to identify the problems.

On the website of a consumer finance company, there is a simple screening page that allows you to check in advance whether you can borrow money and how much you can borrow before applying. If you have any concerns, check it out before applying, and you will be able to roughly judge whether you will pass the screening.

If it is displayed as "We could not decide whether to borrow" in the simple examination, there is a high possibility that it is difficult to borrow. Conversely, if a message such as "It seems possible to borrow" is displayed, it is highly likely that you will be able to borrow.

It is important to change your annual income and borrowing balance, check what is the cause, and make improvements before applying. However, since the simple examination is only a simple diagnosis, it may differ from the actual examination.

In order to judge by yourself without a simple examination, the point is to control the total amount. If the amount you wish to borrow exceeds 1/3 of your annual income, you cannot borrow. Make sure that your loan amount matches your income.

If you keep it to the minimum amount required, you are more likely to pass the examination. Also, please refrain from applying to multiple companies at the same time as it will adversely affect the screening process.

Simplified screening card loans include the following.

Company nameSimplified screening nameItems to be entered
Aiful 1-second diagnosisAge, employment status, annual income Other borrowing status
PromiseLoan SimulationDate of birth/annual income Borrowing status from other companies
Acom3-second diagnosisAge/ Annual income borrowing status from other companies
SMBC MobitSimple examination in 10 secondsName/date of birth/contact Annual income/contract Desired amount

*From each company's official website

With the exception of SMBC Mobit, you can perform a simple screening without entering personal information. If you are worried about entering personal information, try using Aiful, Promise, or Acom's simple screening.

If you have additional income in addition to your main business income, it may be easier to pass the examination if you declare it accurately. You may also be able to increase the amount you can borrow.

Because of the total amount regulation, you can borrow up to 1/3 of your annual income from moneylenders. Annual income is not necessarily the only income you get from your main job. If you have a stable side business income every month, you can expand the possibility of borrowing by adding it up and reporting it.

For example, when a company employee applies for a card loan, it is common to submit a pay slip or withholding slip as proof of income. If you have extra income, some financial institutions will accept it as stable income if you submit documents such as payment records and tax returns that prove your extra income.

If I fail the card loan screening, will it affect my mortgage screening?

Is it okay if I use a card loan while my home loan is under review?

There is no problem if you are using a card loan while your home loan is under review. However, depending on the financial institution that provides the home loan, there are cases where you may be asked to cancel the card loan during the contract. Also, if you have the experience of failing the card loan review in the past, the possibility of affecting the mortgage review is not zero.

If you want to use a home loan, there may be many people who are worried that "using a card loan may affect the examination". The purpose is different, but both are the same in the sense of "borrowing money". Here, I will explain how the card loan and the home loan are related.

The review of a card loan and the review of a home loan are two different things. Therefore, even if you fall in the card loan, it does not mean that you will fall in the home loan examination. However, it is not completely uncorrelated.

Both card loans and home loans are the same in the sense that they borrow money from financial institutions. Therefore, the creditworthiness of repayment capacity is important. Falling into the card loan has several causes as mentioned above.

These requirements, of course, also apply to mortgage reviews. If you find out the fact that you can't pass the credit card review, it will be considered that you are worried about your repayment ability, and you may be judged that you can't repay your mortgage.

Therefore, if you fail the card loan examination, there is a high possibility that you will not pass the mortgage examination.

Even if you don't pass the card loan review, it may affect your mortgage review. Generally, when borrowing a home loan, you will often calculate the repayment ratio.

The ratio of annual loan repayments to annual income. We ask as follows. Repayment ratio = annual repayment amount ÷ face value annual income × 100

For example, if the annual income is 8 million yen and the annual repayment amount is 2.8 million yen, the repayment ratio is as follows.

・2.8 million yen ÷ 8 million yen x 100 = 35%

It is generally said that if the repayment ratio is within 35%, there is a high possibility of passing the examination. However, please note that the annual repayment amount includes the repayment amount of borrowings such as card loans.

In other words, the higher the annual repayment amount of the card loan, the higher the repayment ratio, which affects the screening of the mortgage.

As mentioned above, if you are currently borrowing from a card loan, there is a burden on the repayment amount, so the repayment ratio will increase, and there is a high possibility that it will be difficult to pass the mortgage examination.

As a condition of the mortgage review, you may be required to repay or cancel the card loan in full. In that case, if you respond as necessary, the possibility of passing the examination will increase.

Even if you don't use it, if you have a card loan contract, it may affect your mortgage review.

The card loan contract is called the revolving loan method, and the upper limit is set in advance and used within that range.

Therefore, if the card loan contract itself remains, it may be judged that there is a possibility that you can borrow at any time. However, it is okay if you cancel the card loan at the stage of mortgage examination.

If you have been late in repaying your card loan in the past, there is a high possibility that it will affect your mortgage review because it will be registered in your credit information for a certain number of years. Credit information is important not only for card loans but also for home loans.

There is no need to worry that much if you are late for about one time, but you should be careful if you are constantly late in repayment for more than two months. Repayment financial incidents are stored with credit bureaus for a minimum of five years.

If you have any concerns, please check before taking the examination.

Will screening and use of card loans affect car loans?

I am in the process of paying off my car loan, will the credit review affect my car loan?

It is possible to get a card loan even if you have a car loan. Car loan repayments are not subject to the total amount regulation, so when applying for a card loan, the balance of the car loan is not included. Also, if you already have a car loan, getting a car loan will not affect your existing car loan.

Car loans are not subject to total volume restrictions. Therefore, there is no need to worry about the loan balance of the car loan when using the car loan. However, in the examination of card loans, the borrowing status of the user will always be confirmed during the credit information period.

So if your card loan amount is too high, it could affect your decision when applying for a car loan. Also, if there was a financial accident related to repayment in the past, you will not be able to pass the examination regardless of which loan you use.

Information that failed the card loan screening remains! What is a credit reference agency?

Will my employer know that I failed the card loan screening?

Your employer will not know that you have been screened for a card loan or failed the screening. In principle, third parties cannot view the information registered with the credit information agency. In order for a third party to view your credit information, your consent is required, so the fact that you failed the examination will not be discovered by your employer.

I will explain what the credit information agency that records and manages personal credit information is like.

There are three credit information agencies in Japan.

In addition, the following information can be confirmed at the credit reference agency.

Financial institutions obtain information from credit information agencies in order to comprehensively confirm this information regarding personal borrowing during loan screening.

Credit information agencies that are members of different financial institutions, such as banks and consumer finance, are different.

However, in many cases, they are members of multiple credit reference agencies. The membership status of major banks and credit information agencies for consumer finance is as follows.

< td>◯
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Mitsubishi UFJ Bank
Mizuho Bank
< td>△(Partner of CIC and JICC)
Consumer FinanceCICJICCKSC
ACOM△ (Partner of CIC and JICC)
Promise△(CIC and JICC partners)

The length of time a record remains in the credit information agency varies depending on the details of the financial accident.

In addition to credit card loan application records, the credit information agency also records information such as the amount borrowed, delinquency, and unpaid information. This information is characterized by remaining as a record for a certain period of time even if it is canceled. The financial institution side can view it at any time as personal credit information.

Recorded information cannot be deleted voluntarily. The application for a card loan cannot be deleted as it is based on the will of the person and has the consent of the person.

However, if there is false information registered in CIC or JICC, such as ``There was a record of delinquency even though there was no delinquency,'' it should be deleted after confirming the facts. I can.

Records of unsuccessful card loan applications will be recorded for 6 months. Therefore, please refrain from reapplying for 6 months.

Records left at credit reference agencies can be viewed freely by other financial institutions. Therefore, if you reapply before six months have passed, there is a high possibility that you will be seen as having trouble with money = you are worried about your ability to repay, and you will be rejected.

Even if you want to raise money quickly, avoid applying to multiple financial institutions at once. As a result, the situation that makes the examination disadvantageous is called "application black". If you want to apply for multiple companies at once so as not to be blacked out, try to keep it to 2 companies per month.

The length of time a delinquency or nonpayment is recorded varies by credit bureau.

< tr>
CIC (designated credit bureau) JICC (Japan Credit Information Corporation)Up to 5 years after cancellation of delinquency
KSC (All Banks Personal Credit Information Center)Period not exceeding 5 years at the longest after resolving delinquencies
< p>If you have been in arrears for a long time (2 months or more) or have failed to pay, or have been forced to withdraw from your credit card, or if you have been registered as a financial accident, up to 5 days after you have resolved it. Records will be kept for the year.

If you have a history of delinquency and want to know how long it has been since you canceled it, you can receive information disclosure at a credit information agency, although there will be a charge.

If you are worried about your credit information, such as not being able to make a credit card unless the card loan examination passes, it is expected that you will take measures by requesting disclosure and scrutinizing the recorded content. can.

If you fail the card loan screening, it is better to wait half a year before applying for a mortgage. A record of failed card loan screening will likely affect the screening of a home loan. Since the record of the application remains for half a year, the information that you applied for the card loan will be discovered at the time of the mortgage examination.

Mortgage payments are over a long period of time, although this may not affect some mortgage companies. If you want to choose a mortgage with better terms from multiple financial institutions, it is also important to prepare an environment that makes it easy to pass the examination.

Let's take all possible measures and apply for a home loan after half a year has passed and challenge the examination.

Card loan review process and points to note

How long does it take to review a card loan?

Many card loan screenings can be done easily with just a smartphone. In the case of online application, if you fill in the necessary information on the website of the card loan company, upload and submit the necessary documents (identity verification documents and income proof documents), you can receive the examination results in as little as 30 minutes. increase.

I will explain the procedures necessary for the examination of the card loan and the points to note when receiving the examination. The procedure for receiving a credit card application review is as follows.

  1. Prepare documents required for screening
  2. Check card loan application requirements
  3. Accurately fill in the information required for the application

First, let's start by preparing the documents necessary for the screening. If there are any deficiencies in the submitted documents, it may take a long time to complete the review or the application may not pass the review. Some things take time to arrange, so be sure to know in advance and prepare early.

The documents required for credit card loan screening can be roughly divided into two types: "documents for identity verification" and "documents for proof of income." In general, you will be asked to:

Documents for identity verificationDocuments for proof of income
・Driver's license ・Health insurance card, passport, residence card, special permanent resident certificate, alien registration certificate, etc. Certificates, pension certificates, notification of determination of municipal and prefectural taxes, etc. .

If you do not meet even one of these application conditions, you will not be able to pass the screening even if you meet the other conditions. It is necessary to meet all the conditions presented by the financial institution to which you apply.

The requirements for applying for a card loan are listed on each company's website. Make sure to check in advance.

When you apply for a card loan, you will need to provide your personal information. However, all of them are necessary information for the financial institution to confirm the repayment ability of the individual, so be sure to fill them out accurately.

There are two main types of information that are required for screening: "Information about individuals" and "Information about employers." Specifically, there are the following contents.

If there are omissions or errors in the information you have entered, you will need to reconfirm the information and it will take time to review. Also, in some cases, there is a possibility that the application will be rejected as a false declaration, so be sure to fill in the information accurately.

The processing time for a card loan varies depending on the financial institution to which you apply. In general, in consumer finance, there are many companies that offer same-day loans.

Same-day loans are not possible for bank-affiliated card loans, as they have their own screening criteria and maximum loan amount, and they are required to check the database of the National Police Agency.

In addition, credit companies often set the same review period as the time to make a credit card, and it may take more than a week.

The following are typical examples of consumer credit card loans that can be financed on the same day.

Consumer finance companyMinimum time to financeRecommended points
PromiseAt least 30 minutesIn principle, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Lake ALSAShortest on the web 60 minutesIf you borrow less than 50,000 yen, the maximum interest-free period is 180 days
AcomMinimum 30 minutesScreening can be answered in as little as 30 minutes
AifulA minimum of 25 minutesProof of income if less than 500,000 yen No document required
SMBC MobitMinimum 30 minutes10 second simple review

Depending on the day of the week and the time of day, the loan may not be processed until the next day.

Credit Card Loan Examination Criteria

What are the characteristics of those who pass the credit card examination?

People who pass the examination are characterized by having a good balance of three things: "income", "current borrowing situation", and "past repayment record". In order to pass the examination, you must meet both conditions, not just one. Therefore, it is not possible to pass the examination simply by having a high annual income.

Screening standards for card loans are determined by each financial institution, but they are not published. Therefore, the characteristics of people who are easy to pass the review of card loans are just guesses. The main possibilities are as follows.

If you have a stable income, it will be easier for you to pass the examination. The stable income here is income that comes in regularly in the form of a salary, about once a month.

The amount you can borrow will vary depending on the size of your income, but if you have a regular and stable income, you are more likely to pass the examination. There is a tendency for financial institutions to clearly specify the phrase “have a stable income” in their card loan application requirements.

It is expected that the degree of advantage in card loan screening will change depending on occupation and years of service. For example, if you are a manager (full-time employee) working for a listed company, you may have a high annual income and a low risk of the company going bankrupt, so it may be advantageous for the screening. Also, civil servants are less likely to retire, so it may be advantageous for the examination.

Of course, even non-listed companies, non-regular employees, and part-time workers can use card loans if they have a stable income. However, some companies may face a higher bankruptcy risk than listed companies. There is also the risk that the company will reduce its workforce. If that happens, there is a possibility that there will be no income and you may not be able to repay, so you may be seen with a strict eye.

The length of service is also one of the important points of the examination. If you have been working for a long time, you will be able to get a stable income continuously, so it will be advantageous for the examination. On the other hand, if the number of years of service is short due to a change of job, etc., the possibility of unstable income due to re-employment will be considered, so it will be disadvantageous in the examination.

It will be easier to pass the examination if there is no borrowing from other companies at the time of receiving the credit card examination, or if there is a small amount of borrowing.

Because of the total amount regulation, moneylenders cannot lend more than one-third of their annual income. Credit information agencies keep a record of your borrowing status at the time you apply for a credit card loan, so the smaller the amount borrowed, the easier it will be to pass the credit review.

Also, even within the total amount regulation, if the borrowing amount at the time of applying for a card loan or the monthly repayment amount is too high for the monthly income, the future repayment burden will be considered and it will be difficult to pass the examination. prize.

If the credit information agency has past credit card loan payment delays or unpaid information records, it will be difficult to pass the examination.

However, just because you have a history of past delinquency does not necessarily mean that you cannot use a card loan. However, it is necessary to be careful because even if it is disadvantageous in the examination, it will not be advantageous.

You can know the registered contents of your credit information by making a disclosure request to the credit information agency. If you check the status of your credit information in advance, you will be able to take measures to pass the examination of the card loan.

People who own their own homes and consistently make monthly mortgage payments will be more likely to pass the screening. This is because the fact that you can continue to pay your mortgage without delay will lead to credit.

In addition, it is expected that people who own a house will be easier to pass the examination than a rental house. In the case of renting, if you become unable to repay, it tends to be easier to leave the house and run away compared to the owner. Therefore, if you own a house, such worries are low, so it will be easier to pass the examination.

In addition, if you live at home, you can expect your family to take over the repayment if you are unable to repay, so it can be said that it is easier to pass the examination.

Three tips for passing the credit card loan review

Do you have any tips for passing the credit card review?

There is no such thing as "If you do this, you will definitely pass", but there are tricks to increase the possibility even a little.

In addition to the screening criteria, here are three little tips to make it easier to pass the screening of card loans. Doing this does not necessarily mean that you will pass the exam. But it's well worth a try.

Be sure to provide accurate and honest personal information required when applying for a card loan. The most disrespectful behavior is lying.

It is not recommended to raise the annual income a little or lengthen the length of service because the feeling of "I want to pass the examination" is ahead of the curve. As soon as you submit your income proof, your lies will be discovered.

In addition, the past borrowing status and repayment status will be checked with the credit information agency at the time of examination, so if you have made a false declaration, you will know. Financial institutions judge whether it is okay to lend money to this person through examination. A liar will have a hard time earning trust.

If the financial institution you are considering applying for a card loan has a branch counter, we recommend that you visit them directly and consult with them. If you can talk face-to-face with the contact person, you may be able to improve the creditworthiness of the applicant. You can expect the application process to proceed smoothly, as you will be directly informed about the flow of the procedure.

*Due to the corona crisis, some financial institutions may not be able to respond at the counter or require an appointment. It is safe to visit after confirming what kind of correspondence is being done in advance.

Reviewers are human too. Although there are screening criteria, it is important to make people feel that they can lend money to this person.

As a way to improve the impression of the reviewer, let's pay attention to the following points.

Isn't it good to apply for multiple card loans?

Can I apply for multiple card loans?

You can apply, but it is not recommended.

Some people may apply for multiple card loans because they want to borrow money as soon as possible. Multiple submissions are not recommended.

Because if you apply for multiple card loans at the same time, the history of each application will be recorded in the credit information agency regardless of whether the loan is approved or not. It may be judged that "people who are in financial trouble to the extent that they have to apply to multiple companies = anxiety about repayment ability", and the examination may be disadvantageous.

It is a so-called "application black" state. The credit bureau will keep a record of your application for half a year (6 months).

If you fail the screening, you will need to wait until half a year has passed before reapplying. Also, if you really want to apply for multiple companies, let's limit it to 2 companies per month.

It is wise not to apply blindly as much as possible and to apply after sorting out the card loan company that you have.

What types of card loans are there?

What are the characteristics of recommended card loans?

There are various types of card loans, but the features differ depending on the classification of the financial institution that provides them. Understand the features of each and choose the one that suits you best. For example, if you want to borrow in a hurry, we recommend a consumer credit card loan that allows same-day loans.

Card loans are roughly divided into the following types.

Consumer finance card loans tend to support same-day loans. It is suitable for those who want to get the loan as soon as possible. In addition, even those who do not want anyone to see that they are borrowing money can complete the contract procedure using the Internet or an unmanned contract machine.

Consumer credit card loans are subject to total volume regulation, so even if the borrowable amount (limit) is set high, you cannot borrow more than 1/3 of your annual income. For example, if you have an annual income of 9 million yen, the maximum amount you can borrow with a consumer credit card loan is 3 million yen.

The feature of bank card loans is that they can be used at relatively lower interest rates than consumer credit card loans. For example, if it is a card loan developed by a mega bank, you can repay or borrow at your own bank's ATM or convenience store ATM, and there are places where you do not have to pay a fee.

Some people may say, "Banks are safe." On the other hand, it is a disadvantage that it takes time to review compared to the consumer finance system. In the case of bank-affiliated card loans, it is compulsory to refer to the database of the National Police Agency, so same-day loans are not possible.

Therefore, it is not suitable for those who want to prepare money immediately.

Card loans can also be used at Internet banks that do not have direct branches, such as Sony Bank and Rakuten Bank. If you have an account, you can easily apply online.

It is a great advantage to be able to use it at a low interest rate comparable to a bank card loan. However, as with bank card loans, there is a database inquiry to the National Police Agency, so same-day loans are not possible.

Enrollment confirmation, which is part of the screening process, differs depending on the financial institution, but in the case of Rakuten Bank, for example, it is done over the phone. If you are reluctant to confirm your enrollment over the phone and want to confirm your enrollment by document screening even though it says "call by personal name", we recommend a consumer credit card loan.

It is suitable for people who frequently use Internet banking on a daily basis and those who do not have a problem even if it is not a same-day loan.

Things you shouldn't do even if you fail the card loan screening

I'm not confident in the screening. Can I apply for a card loan that does not require examination?

Never use a card loan that claims "No screening required" as there is a risk of black money.

If you fail the card loan screening, there are things you should never do, no matter how much money you have. For example, you must never do the following three acts. In recent years, with the spread of the Internet, there are many sweet temptations with different hands and different words, so be careful.

When you apply for a card loan, you must be screened. If the company operates in accordance with the law, there is no such thing as a credit card loan without an examination.

Some financial companies claim that they do not need to be screened. This is a so-called “yamikin” company. Be careful not to date.

For moneylenders, Article 1 of the Interest Rate Restriction Law stipulates the maximum interest rate at the time of lending. However, in the case of loan sharks, they tend to take advantage of the weaknesses of people who cannot borrow money from banks and lend money at exorbitant interest rates.

If you can't repay, there is a possibility that your parents, siblings, and even your employer will be troubled by any means. Yamikin also invites customers to open bank accounts and virtual currency accounts with the sweet words that screening is unnecessary, and is required as collateral.

Since these accounts are often used for criminal purposes, there is a possibility that you may be involved in malicious crimes without knowing it. No matter how much trouble you are in, be careful not to get your hands on the black market.

Some merchants will cash out your credit card shopping slots. As of January 2022, it is not illegal as of January 2022, because cashing out of shopping slots is also called a gray zone and legislation has not progressed.

However, since the credit card company is prohibited by the terms of use, if you use it, you may be forced to withdraw from the credit card due to a violation of the membership terms. Therefore, never use it.

Credit cards have two functions: a "shopping limit" that can be used for shopping and a "cash advance limit" that allows you to borrow money. Shopping quotas are not subject to total volume restrictions. Therefore, even those who have borrowed more than the total amount regulation can use the credit card for shopping.

It is a mechanism that uses a loophole in the law to make the borrower shop with a credit card and buy it at a price minus the fee and cash it. Not only is the credit card company not acknowledging it, but you will end up with more debt than you used.

There is an increasing trend in the number of posts claiming "personal loans" using SNS and Internet bulletin boards. The FSA is also sounding the alarm. Personal loans can be involved in crime damage and trouble, so let's never do it.

It is against Article 11 of the Money Lending Business Act to write "I will lend you money" on SNS that can be viewed by an unspecified number of people, so it is illegal.

It is illegal to solicit without registration, so don't be fooled by sweet temptations even if you are in trouble.

Accurate comparison of card loan screening difficulty is not possible

Which company has the easiest card loan screening?

Because the screening standards of each company are not publicized, it is not possible to judge companies that are lax or strict.

The screening criteria for card loans may differ depending on the financial institution. However, since it is not clearly announced, it is not possible to accurately compare the difficulty of the examination, such as which company is easier to pass the examination.

The reason why we do not disclose the examination criteria for card loans is that if the examination criteria are clarified, there is a possibility that more people will misuse and make false declarations. In order to meet the screening criteria, it is conceivable to "report more income than it actually is", "fake the number of years of service", and "fake non-regular employment as regular employment".

In addition, we cannot deny the possibility that people who are not responsible for money will be flooded by spreading on the Internet that "this company can easily get a loan". The risk of an increase in the number of people who do not return even if they borrow money will increase.

For this reason, financial institutions do not give clear reasons for the screening results of mortgages and credit cards, not just card loans.

Although it is not possible to accurately compare the examination difficulty, it is important to declare the examination accurately and honestly. Also, if you follow the rules such as "return the borrowed amount by the deadline", it will be easier to pass the examination.

If you want to prepare money right away, a consumer credit card loan is recommended

I am at a loss between a consumer credit card loan and a bank card loan. Which do you prefer?

If you want to borrow immediately, we recommend a consumer credit card loan. This is because bank card loans are difficult to obtain on the same day. On the other hand, if you want to borrow even a little at a low interest rate, a bank card loan is better.

Card loans are very convenient because you can prepare money when you need a large amount of expenses such as sudden business trips at work, socializing with subordinates and business partners, children's school expenses and cram school expenses. However, there are various types of card loans.

A card loan that can be financed on the same day when you want to prepare money immediately is a consumer finance card loan. Here are five representative major consumer finance card loans that are used by many people and are familiar with TV commercials.

Either company can provide a loan on the same day at the shortest, but please be aware that depending on the day of the week and time of application, it may be handled after the next day.

(Image = quoted from Promise HP)

Promise is characterized by a sense of speed from application to borrowing. The shortest examination is 15 seconds (*), and the shortest examination is 30 minutes, so it is suitable for people who have urgent expenses. If you have a web contract, you can get a loan on the same day, and you don't need a guarantor or collateral.

*After confirming the results of the preliminary screening, the main screening is required. *The maximum loan amount at the time of a new contract is 500,000 yen.

There are a wide variety of types of loans, not only free loans that can be used freely, but also women's cash advances, self-employed loans, purpose-specific loans, and summary loans.

The interest-free period of Promise is free for 30 days from the day after the date of borrowing when using it for the first time (requires email address registration and web statement usage registration). Among other companies' interest-free period services, many companies offer free interest from the day after the contract date, but Promise's service is unique.

Like other companies, if you start from the day after the contract date, you will not be able to enjoy the benefits of the interest-free period unless you use the card loan immediately after signing the contract. However, with Promise, you can use the interest-free period even if you sign a contract and borrow later.

Interest (for free loans)4.5-17.8%
Simple screening Yes (minimum 15 seconds)
Review speedMinimum 30 minutes
Speed ​​of financingSame-day financing possible with online contract
How to applyWeb, telephone, mail, visit
Repayment methodATM, convenience store, bank transfer
Other servicesFirst time If so, interest is 0 yen for 30 days from the next day after borrowing

*From the Promise website

Click here to apply for Promise (Image = quoted from Acom HP)

Acom is also a card loan that allows same-day financing. The examination time is as short as 30 minutes, and you can borrow money from the day you apply. A simple diagnosis that can be confirmed in as little as 3 seconds from the official website is also available.

If you apply online, you can apply without a card, and you can also use same-day loans. In addition, for those who want to receive a card but do not want it sent to their home, or who wish to borrow without their family knowing, it is possible to apply using an unmanned contract machine (Mujinkun).

Because the card can be issued on the spot, there is no need to worry about the mail reaching your home. You can also receive a zero interest rate service for 30 days from the day after the contract date.

Interest (for free loans)3.0-18.0%
Simple screening Yes (minimum 3 seconds)
Review speedMinimum 30 minutes
Speed ​​of financingSame day financing
How to applyWEB, telephone, visit (unmanned contract machine)
Repayment methodATM, convenience store, bank transfer
Other servicesFirst time Nara zero-interest e-mail service for 30 days from the day after the contract date (repayment date notification)

*From the Acom website

Click here to apply for Acom (Image = Quoted from SMBC Mobit HP) You can also expect to receive priority screening by applying for a free call after applying. Simple screening can be completed in as little as 10 seconds by entering some personal information. The final examination can be completed in as little as 30 minutes (Depending on the day of the week and time of application, the application may be processed from the next day onwards).

There are two methods of borrowing: "transfer" and "mobit card". If it is a transfer, it is cardless, so there is no need to have the card mailed.

It is also recommended for those who do not want others to know about the loan, such as those who do not want mail sent to their home. Although we do not offer interest-free services offered by other consumer finance companies, we do offer a service where you can earn 1 T point for every 200 yen you repay.

Interest (for free loans)3.0-18.0%
Simple screening Yes (minimum 10 seconds)
Review speedMinimum 30 minutes
Speed ​​of financingSame-day financing possible (contact call center)
How to applyWEB, telephone, mail
Method of RepaymentATM, Direct Transfer
Other ServicesT for Repayment Earn points

*From SMBC Mobit HP

Click here to apply for SMBC Mobit. Simple screening is as short as 1 second and loan time is as short as 25 minutes, which is comparable to other consumer finance companies.

For first-time users, a service that offers no interest for up to 30 days from the day after the contract date is also attractive.

Immediate transfer is also supported 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, so it is convenient to borrow even on weekends and holidays. If you complete the application online, you can complete the application without any mailings and without anyone knowing.

Interest (for free loans)3.0-18.0%
Simple screening Yes (minimum 1 second)
Review speedMinimum 25 minutes
Speed ​​of financingSame-day financing available for online contracts
How to applyWeb, telephone, visit (automatic contract machine)
Repayment methodATM, convenience store, bank transfer, bank transfer
Other servicesIf it's your first time, interest will be 0 yen for 30 days from the day after the contract date

*From the Aiful website

Click here to apply for Aiful (Image = quoted from Lake ALSA HP)

Shinsei Bank Group's card loan, Lake ALSA, can shorten the period until you receive a loan if you use the online application. . If you apply online on your computer or smartphone, you can receive a loan in as little as 60 minutes. A review can be completed in as little as 15 seconds.

You can choose bank transfer or ATM as the borrowing method. With online banking, you can apply for a loan from home. For first-time users, interest is free for 60 days only for online applications (180 days interest free for up to 50,000 yen can be selected).

While many other companies offer 30-day interest-free services, the interest-free period of 60 days (*1) and 180 days (*2) is unique to Lake ALSA.

Click here to apply for Lake ALSA

*1 Those who apply online and have a contract amount of 1-2 million yen. *1 Those who applied other than online cannot choose interest-free for 60 days.

*2 Contract amount from 10,000 yen to 2 million yen

[Lake ALSA

Interest (for free loans)4.5-18.0%
Simple screening Yes
Screening speedMinimum 15 seconds
Financing speed< /th>Same-day loan possible (web completed)
How to applyWEB, telephone, visit (automatic contract machine)
Repayment methodATM, bank transfer, bank transfer
Other servicesWeb Interest 0 yen for 60 days only for applications (180 days interest 0 yen can be selected for borrowing up to 50,000 yen)

*From Lake ALSA HP

Loan limit ¥10,000 to ¥5,000,000 Loan interest rate 4.5% to 18.0% Eligible persons aged between 20 and 70 who reside in Japan, please provide your email address Those who have permanent residency in Japan Late payment fee (annual rate) 20.0%・Guarantor not required *Proof of income (if required by Shinsei Bank Financial, depending on the contract amount) *Trade name: Shinsei Financial Co., Ltd. No. 000003

Click here to apply for Lake ALSA

Check it out if you fail the screening! Q&A about credit card loan review

It is important to keep your credit information sound when reviewing credit card loans It is a convenient service that allows you to prepare your money. However, due to the simplicity of the application procedure, there is a caveat that "the feeling of borrowing money will be diluted".

Excessive borrowing can make it difficult to make monthly repayments and trigger delinquencies and delays in repayment. If that happens, it will lower the credibility of the individual and create a vicious circle of "I can't borrow even if I want to borrow it when I need it." It is important to plan your card loan carefully.

The important thing if you fail the card loan examination is to self-analyze the cause, resolve it early, and keep your credit information healthy. In the future, consider considering the use of mortgages, education loans, etc., and understand the examination measures firmly.

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