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  • The third way to spend free time on rest days is to "hang out at home". What are the second and first places? (ITmedia Business online)-Yahoo! Journalism

The third way to spend free time on rest days is to "hang out at home". What are the second and first places? (ITmedia Business online)-Yahoo! Journalism



A survey on "how to spend your leisure time"

 休日の余暇時間をどう過ごすことが多いか調査したところ、1位は「テレビ番組や録画番組を見る」――そんな結果が、インターネットリサーチを手掛けるマイボイスコム(東京都千代田区)のA survey on "how to spend your leisure time"で分かった。同調査は今回で5回目。ひまな時間の過ごし方ランキング(全2枚) 休日の余暇時間の過ごし方を聞いたところ、1位は「テレビ番組や録画番組を見る」(46.7%)、2位は「PCやタブレット端末を利用する」(44.3%)、3位は「家でごろごろ過ごす」(41.6%)だった。「家でごろごろ過ごす」「寝る」「ゲームをする」は若年層、「PCやタブレット端末を利用する」「散歩・ウオーキング」は高年代層で高い傾向が見られた。

「休日のひまな時間」の過ごし方 3位は「家でごろごろ」、2位と1位は?(ITmedia service is online) - Yahoo!ニュース

How are you doing with your free time on weekdays?

 The first is "watching TV and video programs" (54.6%), the second is "using PC and tablet terminals" (48.8%), and the third is "spending leisurely time at home" (40.7%). "using smartphones and mobile phones", "reading books, magazines, newspapers, etc." accounted for about 30%. In addition, "watching TV programs and video programs" is higher in the 50s and 60s of women and lower in the 10s and 30s of men.

Are you satisfied with the way you spend your spare time, time and money?

 With regard to the way they spend their leisure, the time spent, money, etc., 40% of people answered "satisfied" or "still satisfied". The ratio was high at the age of 70 and low at the age of 30 and 50. There is a higher tendency among people who feel well-off in life and those who actively spend their leisure time. In addition, among the people who had less than one hour of leisure time on weekdays, more than 40% of them answered "dissatisfied", which was higher than that of other groups. When asked about their thoughts on leisure, 50.4% of them said "leisure is used to rest their body and mind", an increase over the 18-year survey. Secondly, 37.1% of them were "keen and focused on what they like, and wanted to cheer up", and 27.9% of them "wanted to do or feel what they could not do normally, and wanted to change their mood."

Do you think the whole life is very comfortable?

 I asked you if you felt comfortable with the whole life. 5.7% of people "feel relaxed" and 31.5% "feel relaxed". A total of 37.2% of people feel well-off, compared with 42.0% in the 18-year survey, so the proportion has decreased. In addition, the rate of 60-70 generation is high, while that of male 30-50 generation is low. The survey was carried out on the Internet with the questionnaire monitor of "MyVoice" as the object. The time is from November 1 to 5, and the number of valid answers is 12,252.

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