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How is the reputation of UQ Mobile?Is word of mouth bad?Thorough review of evaluation

Introducing the reputation of UQ Mobile.


If you want to know the reputation of UQ Mobile, please refer to it.

■ [Conclusion 1] UQ Mobile is recommended!

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!\縛りなし!基本料金もそのまま/ 契約解除料は0円!

Official site: https: // shop.UQMOBILE.jp/shop/

■ [Conclusion 2] UQ Mobile is MNP (transfer) and new contracts!The reduction amount is also large!

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!\縛りなし!基本料金もそのまま/ 契約解除料は0円!

Official site: https: // shop.UQMOBILE.jp/shop/


▶ ︎Excial SIM26 Recommended Select 8 Selections [March 2022] MVNO's price table summary

▶ ︎ [March 2022] Comparing the 13 cheap SIM selection campaigns!MVNO cashback / transfer benefits

▶ ︎UQ Mobile Campaign List [March 2022] Transfer (MNP) / Store / Model Change, New Bonus Summary

Features of UQ Mobile [Use au line]

料金プラン (税込)・くりこしプランS: 月額基本料金 1,628円〜 ・くりこしプランM: 月額基本料金 2,728円〜 ・くりこしプランL: 月額基本料金 3,828円〜
データ通信量・くりこしプランS:3GBまで ・くりこしプランM:15GBまで ・くりこしプランL:25GBまで ※余った分は翌月に繰り越し可能
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒
通信速度 (※速度制限時)・くりこしプランS:最大300Kbps ・くりこしプランM:最大1Mbps ・くりこしプランL:最大1Mbps
支払い方法・クレジットカード ・口座振替
契約初期費用 (税込)登録事務手数料:3,300円

First, let's check the features of UQ Mobile.

Specifically, I will introduce the following two contents.


We will check the features of UQ Mobile in order.

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UQ Mobile fee [Kurikoshi Plan +5g]


UQ (Yukyu) Mobile is a popular cheap SIM that au develops as a sub brand.

The price plan has been providing the "Kurikoshi Plan" since February 2021, but from September 2, 2021, it switched to "Kurikoshi Plan+5G".

However, the monthly fee and data capacity of "Kurikoshi Plan" and "Kurikoshi Plan+5G" are exactly the same.

There are three types of plans prepared by UQ Mobile, 1,628 yen (tax included) for 3GB, 2,728 yen (tax included) for 15GB, and 3,828 yen (tax included) for 25GB.

Instead, "Kurikoshi Plan+5G" can be used for 5G, and adds data capacity with "increase options II".

Furthermore, the set discount with the Internet, which has not been prepared so far, can now be applied.

Is UQ Mobile bad radio waves?Communication speed summary


* Refer: Min speed

Here, we will compare the UQ Mobile communication speed with three major carriers, each sub -brand, and Rakuten Mobile.


UQ Mobile shows excellent numbers that are as good as major carriers in the average ping value.

The average ping value affects the response speed and is an indispensable number for free calling applications and online games.

UQ Mobile can say that there is almost no stress such as time lags.

On the other hand, the average upload speed and download speed were inferior to major carriers and sub brands.You need to be careful depending on the purpose of use.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

[Is it bad reputation?] How is the word -of -mouth of UQ Mobile?[Impressions / reviews of those who tried using them]

Next, let's look at the word -of -mouth of UQ Mobile.

Specifically, here are the following five contents.


We will check the word -of -mouth of UQ Mobile in order.

Good reputation and word of mouth of UQ Mobile

Investigating a favorable word of mouth for UQ Mobile revealed that the following had a good reputation.


The reputation of UQ Mobile is noticeable in cost performance.

Some say that the transfer from other companies has succeeded in a significant cost cut, and the more you use it, the more you feel it is more advantageous.

In addition, the fact that the store support is substantial despite the cheap SIM is also a point that UQ Mobile has a reputation.

In addition, there are many options such as set discount and answering machine, so it can be said that it is a cheap SIM that meets a wide range of needs.

The point that the terminal is cheap is also a feature of UQ Mobile.There are many old -fashioned au Certified, and you can purchase not only popular iPhone series but also OPPO and Galaxy.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

UQ Mobile's bad reputation / word of mouth

On the other hand, a negative review of UQ Mobile revealed that the following bad reputation was as follows.


Recently, some voices have been confused without prior guidance on the credit card statement notation, which has been changed since September 2021.

As UQ Mobile increases the number of users, there are many services to be implemented, and there are some insufficient support systems.

There are also voices that are dissatisfied with the fact that the name cannot be changed or some au services are not eligible.

In the bad reputation of UQ Mobile, there are many aspects that have not been able to meet their needs, inversely proportional to good reputation.

In the future, whether or not such dissatisfaction will be improved will be the key to Division of UQ Mobile's reputation.

[Use in rural areas] Reputation / word of mouth of UQ Mobile

Looking at the word -of -mouth of people who used UQ Mobile in rural areas, the following reputation has been mentioned.


Even those who live in rural areas are characteristic that their reputation for UQ Mobile is divided.

Opinions are often given even in the voice of the person who actually compare, and it is hard to say that it is difficult to connect because it is a rural area.

When using UQ Mobile in rural areas, it is recommended that you check the service area of the official website in addition to word -of -mouth reputation.

In addition, the number of stores that handle UQ mobile in rural areas will decrease.

Be sure to check that there is a store nearby in preparation for the trouble of "bad radio waves" and "out of service".

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

[Speed] Reputation and word of mouth of UQ Mobile [Is the radio wave bad?Complaints with many communication disorders?]

When I checked the word -of -mouth about the speed of UQ Mobile, I found that the following reputation had the following reputation.


According to the reputation of UQ Mobile, there are some voices that have some difficulties in connecting radio waves, but evaluate the speed.

In particular, UQ Mobile is characterized by a stable speed, even when it is usually crowded, such as commuting hours.

Some say that the subway or indoors will be somewhat unstable, but in low -speed mode, you can use it as much as you want.

Based on the fact that low -speed mode can be switched, UQ Mobile is a sufficient speed as a cheap SIM.

What are the reviews and reputation of those who switched from au, DoCoMo SoftBank to UQ Mobile?

Please check the reputation of those who switched from triple carrier to UQ Mobile.


In the word -of -mouth reputation of those who switched from major carriers to UQ Mobile, there were many voices that had the benefits of switching.

A good reputation is to save mobile charges by cost cuts and change the usability.

Another advantage of UQ Mobile is that you can support the initial settings for transfer, which tend to be troublesome, at the store.

Most of the people felt that they were "good to switch" because of the low burden on the transfer and the support system.

[The reputation is the worst?] 10 disadvantages of UQ Mobile [Be careful not to regret]

Next, let's look at the disadvantages of UQ Mobile.

Specifically, here are the following 10 disadvantages.


We will check each of them in order.

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The monthly fee for UQ Mobile is slightly higher than that of the cheap SIMs of other companies

UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM with a reputation for its high quality communication function operated by KDDI.However, the disadvantage is that the higher the quality, the higher the price setting than the cheap SIM of other companies.

Compared to each company that is often compared along with UQ Mobile, it is as follows.


However, even if you look at a 3GB plan with a small data capacity, the difference is about 500-600 yen.

When converted to an annual difference, it is a disadvantage that cannot be ignored because it swells from 6,000 to 7,200 yen.If you are more expensive than quality, be careful in advance.

If you purchase additional data capacity with UQ Mobile, higher than other companies

UQ Mobile started providing "Kurikoshi Plan +5G" on September 2, 2021.There are only three types of choices, 3.15.25GB.

Since it is not a pay -as -you -pay system like Rakuten Mobile, it must be added if the data capacity is insufficient.

However, the disadvantage is that the amount of data capacity that can be added with UQ Mobile is slightly higher than other companies.The additional charge fees prepared by UQ Mobile companies are as follows.


In the word -of -mouth reputation for UQ Mobile, some have mentioned the small amount of data capacity.

The fact that additional purchases are more difficult to use than other companies is also a disadvantage of UQ Mobile.

All call optional services are charged

UQ Mobile offers three types of call options: calling packs (60 minutes/month), unlimited (10 minutes/times), and unlimited (24 hours).

The reputation is that you can choose according to your needs, but the disadvantage is that all are paid options.

On the other hand, Rakuten Mobile can make free calls by going through a dedicated app called "Rakuten Link".

In addition, AHAMO incorporates an option with a 5 -minute free domestic call fee in the price plan from the beginning.

If the call function is required, remember that UQ Mobile costs optional charges in addition to basic rates.

There are few models handled by UQ Mobile, and there is no handling of the iPhone13 series

According to the word -of -mouth reputation of UQ Mobile, many people were sorry that there were few models.

The strength of UQ Mobile is that you can purchase a set with a large smartphone, but it is not suitable for changing models or changing smartphones.

Compared to au, a major carrier, the difference is as follows.


It is also important to note that UQ Mobile does not have the latest model iPhone13 series.

As of October 2021, the iPhone handled as of October is only iPhone12, iPhone12 mini, iPhone11, iPhone (2nd generation) and iPhone7.

If you want to use other models, purchase it outside of UQ Mobile and sign up for SIM card only.

UQ Mobile takes time and effort to check the operation

If you change your smartphone as it is, the smartphone must be a terminal that has been confirmed by the operation that can be used on UQ Mobile.

However, the terminals that have been confirmed by UQ Mobile are limited, and not all smartphones are guaranteed.

If you do not list the smartphone you plan to use in the UQ mobile operation, you need to be careful.

The timing when the number of terminals has been confirmed by the operation is when the OS is uploaded.If you are worried about the operation, it is recommended to wait for the OS update.

If you want to switch to UQ Mobile immediately, consider a smartphone set contract with UQ Mobile.

When switching to UQ Mobile, it is important to check not only word -of -mouth reputation but also a list of operation confirmed.

Radio impairment is likely to occur during UQ mobile

In the word -of -mouth reputation on UQ Mobile's communicationability, the following opinions were given.


Although it is unlikely that radio impairment is notified in the official, it is also characterized by the fact that word -of -mouth reputation often questions radio disorders.

One of the reasons why UQ mobile is likely to cause radio wave disorders is to communicate in places where line congestion and radio waves are difficult to connect.

Try to hold down the use of communication disorders in UQ Mobile as a disadvantage.

The Kurikoshi plan is not applied to "Family Discount" or "Giga MAX Discount"

UQ Mobile offers "Family Discount" and "Giga MAX Discount" as discount services.


"Family discount" is a discount system for families, as the name suggests, and can apply up to nine child lines for one parent line.

On the other hand, "Giga MAX Discount" can be discounted on a set agreement between UQ Mobile and UQ WiMAX.

However, in both cases, UQ Mobile's "Kurikoshi Plan" is not applicable.The only price plans that can be applied are smartphone plans, chatting plans, and perfect plans.

The chat plan and the perfect plan will end on September 30, 2019, and the smartphone plane has been newly accepted on January 31, 2021.

Please note that those who join after February 2021 cannot apply the discount service.However, even in the Kurikoshi plan, it corresponds to the condition of the second or more of the "family discount".

If you are using a smartphone plan, chatting plan, and perfect plan, please use it.

Communication restrictions will be applied by using 6GB or more for the last 3 days

UQ Mobile has a communication limit for the following cases.


It is important to note that communication restrictions generated when the usable data capacity exceeds the upper limit of the data capacity is that the speed changes depending on the price plan.

"Kurikoshi Plan S", "Kurikoshi Plan S + 5G", "Perfect Plan", "Talking Plan", "Story Plan", and "Smartphone Plan S / M / L" are up to 300kbps.

The "Data High Speed Plan" is 200kbps, "Kurikoshi Plan M + 5G", "Kurikoshi Plan M", "Kurikoshi Plan L + 5G", "Kurikoshi Plan L", and "Smartphone Plan R" are up to 1Mbps.

In addition, the speed limit for the last three days is 6GB or more.Communication restrictions continue until the next day, so be careful when using packets on UQ Mobile.

There are only three types of price plans that can be selected by UQ Mobile, 3.15.25GB

UQ Mobile's "Kurikoshi Plan +5G" offers three types of 3.15 / 25GB.

Therefore, the disadvantage is that it is somewhat difficult to use for those who are looking for a capacity of 5 to 10GB.

Many people say that 3GB is not enough, but 15GB cannot be used up.Looking at the word -of -mouth reputation, there were many opinions that "there is no just a good plan" and "10GB is ideal for UQ mobile".

The disadvantage that there are few price plans is a common issue for cheap SIMs from other companies.

There are three types of Y -Mobile, the same as UQ Mobile, 3.15.25GB, and LINEMO is 3GB and 20GB.Ahamo is a 20GB one run.

The only POVO started a price plan that can be selected from 1GB to 150GB from late September 2021, but no 10GB plan was realized.

When subscribing to UQ Mobile, be sure to check if there is a data capacity that meets your needs.

LINE ID search is not available

Note that if you switch to UQ Mobile, you will not be able to use LINE ID search.LINE ID search requires age authentication of users.

However, age verification is a service that LINE and career share the contractor information.For this reason, cheap SIMs such as UQ Mobile are basically not available.

Nevertheless, Y -Mobile and LINEMO can be authenticated with cheap SIMs.If you can't search for LINE IDs, just try it as a disadvantage of UQ Mobile.

If you want to use ID search, we recommend sending a QR code screen or exchanging contacts via a common acquaintance.There is an alternative, so you don't have to think of it as a big loss.

[Is your reputation good?] Eight benefits of UQ Mobile

Next, let's look at the benefits of UQ Mobile.

Specifically, I will introduce the following eight contents.


We will check each of them in order.

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Smartphone charges are great at "home set discount"

The disadvantage of the UQ Mobile hoodle plan was that "family discount" and "Giga MAX discount" could not be used.

However, when the "Kurikoshi Plan +5G" appeared on September 2, 2021, the new discount system "Home Set Discount" started.

By combining the internet and the smartphone, you can now discount the price plan.

The application of "home set discount" must be enrolled in the au Denk or the target Internet service.

The discount amount is 638 yen (tax included) for "Kurikoshi Plan S +5G" and "Kurikoshi Plan M +5G", and 858 yen (tax included) for "Kurikoshi Plan L +5g".

Plan charges, which were more expensive than other companies, can now be used from 990 yen (tax included).

If you are considering a set discount between Denki and the Internet, please consider UQ Mobile at this opportunity.

"Kurikoshi Plan + 5g" can also use 5G high -speed communication in addition to 4G.

With the appearance of "Kurikoshi Plan +5G" on September 2, 2021, UQ Mobile started providing 5G services.

The area corresponding to "Kurikoshi Plan +5G" is characterized by the same range as the au provided by the operating company KDDI.

The au correspondence area, which is a major carrier, is wide, and it is expected that it will continue to spread nationwide.Of course, communicationability is sufficient because it corresponds to the conventional 4G area.

However, there are many areas that are not yet 5G in rural areas, and 5G areas are limited.

For detailed corresponding areas, check out the au or UQ Mobile official website in advance.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

Easy to connect and stable communication quality by au line

Transfer to cheap SIMs often lower the price, and the communication quality is usually reduced.Many people may be worried about communication properties when transferring from a major carrier.

However, as we have seen in word -of -mouth reputation, UQ Mobile provides stable communication quality.

The line used by UQ Mobile is an au line, and the population cover rate as of the end of December 2020 is 99..I will go to 9%.It has a reputation for the fact that it is easy to connect among cheap SIMs, and many reviews have been evaluated by increasing the actual measurement speed.

Although there are differences depending on the measurement area, communication environment, and time zone, UQ Mobile is recommended if you want stable communication.

With UQ Mobile, the surplus data capacity can be carried out in the following month

In the UQ Mobile "Kurikoshi Plan +5G", as the name implies, the point is that the data capacity can be chopped.

The disadvantage is that UQ Mobile does not take a pay -as -you -go system.However, it is possible to save data capacity well by making it possible.

If you want to use the hoodle well, it is recommended that you choose a more relaxed data capacity in the price plan.

If you can afford the data capacity, you do not need to add it in case of emergency, and you can turn the month you do not use it the next month.

UQ Mobile can be managed by your own discretion, so it is also recommended for those who have waves in the monthly data usage.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

"Saving mode" has no count of data consumption

UQ Mobile allows you to use "saving mode" for any plan.

"Saving mode" is a function that allows you to count the data capacity by switching from high -speed communication to low -speed communication.

Because you can switch yourself, you can use it at any time, such as when you want to save data capacity or before the communication limit.

The communication speed in the savings mode is up to 300kbps for "Kurikoshi Plan S+5G"."Kurikoshi Plan M+5g" and "Kurikoshi Plan L+5g" are up to 1Mbps.

Given the maximum of 128 kbps when the communication restrictions on major carriers are restricted, UQ Mobile is a very good speed.

According to the word -of -mouth reputation, some people have reduced costs by using saving modes.

UQ Mobile allows procedures and consultations at the au shop/au style nationwide.

UQ Mobile is a service that is rare for cheap SIMs and provides store support.The following support is available at UQ spots and au style, a UQ exclusive shop.


At home appliance mass retailers and mobile shops that handle UQ Mobile, new (MNP) applications and models can be changed.

In addition, from March 1, 2021, some au shops have started handling UQ Mobile.In addition to new (MNP) application and model change, you can now change the contract information.

The fact that there are many stores that support UQ Mobile are one of the reasons why UQ Mobile gained a reputation.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

UQ Mobile also supports account transfer payment

UQ Mobile also supports account transfer payments in addition to credit card payments.

The procedure is easy, and it is okay if you make the payment method "account transfer" or "automatic transfer" by applying at the UQ online shop.

You can check the available financial institutions on the official website, so please check it once before the contract.

However, the account transfer is the account of the UQ Mobile contractor himself.Please note that you cannot specify an account in the family name.

In addition, the monthly payment method for applying for a new contract at an online shop is limited to credit cards.

If you want to transfer an account with a new application, please proceed from the store.

Prepare a dedicated email address

The disadvantage of cheap SIM is that there is no career mail.If you switch from a major carrier to a cheap SIM, your old carrier email address will be invalidated.

However, there are few cheap SIMs that provide carrier emails, and free emails must be used when using email addresses.

On the other hand, UQ Mobile offers a special email address service for cheap SIMs.

月額220円(税込)を支払えば、「○○○@UQMOBILE.The e -mail address of "JP" is available.Carrier mail is more reliable than free mail and can be registered with services that are not free mail.

If you want to focus on using carrier mail, please consider UQ Mobile.

You can see from the reputation and word of mouth of UQ Mobile!Recommended person

Next, let's look at those who recommend UQ Mobile.

Specifically, here are the following five contents.


We will check each of them in order.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

I want to focus on communication quality over price

The disadvantage is that the cheap SIM uses a carrier line, so the communication quality is difficult to stabilize.

However, the au sub brand UQ Mobile operated by KDDI guarantees excellent communication quality using au lines.

Although there are more disadvantages than other companies, it is a cheap SIM for those who want to focus on communication quality rather than price.

According to the word -of -mouth reputation of UQ Mobile, there were many voices saying, "It is faster than the original au" and "you can use it crisp even in savings mode."

If you want to keep the price and keep the ease of connection, please use UQ Mobile.

Often, the data capacity is left over

The most likely to fail when choosing a price plan is to choose a plan with a data capacity that cannot be used.

If you pay for a fee proportional to the data capacity, you will feel expensive.

However, the point is that UQ Mobile can hang out data, so the excess data capacity can be used well.

According to the word -of -mouth reputation of UQ Mobile, there were also voices saying, "I can cover enough even with the chorushi function," and "I am grateful that it will be consumed from the Kurikoshi."

Also, if you combine the savings mode, which is a feature of UQ Mobile, you can consume packets only when you want to use it.

Since the operation method according to the needs can be realized, it can be said that it is the best service for those who say "excess data capacity" and "Different of monthly data use".

I also want support at stores

UQ Mobile is also a major strength that store support is substantial.Although the service content that can be supported is different, the stores that handle UQ Mobile are as follows.


At the store, you can know detailed information, such as actual price plans, benefits, and applicable campaigns.

If you are a UQ shop, you can make a smooth procedure with a reservation for visiting the store.

If you want to get a good explanation because it's your first cheap SIM, or if you are worried about online procedures, be sure to solve your questions and concerns at nearby stores.

I want to use my career email address

Most cheap SIMs will not be able to use carrier emails by switching from major carriers.

However, UQ Mobile has a special email address, so it is also recommended for those who want to use carrier emails.

However, the email service is charged 220 yen (tax included) per month.If you need to apply, you have to make the initial settings when you use it, so if you are uneasy, please consult with the store.

In addition to stores, UQ Mobile offers chats, call centers, and LINE support.

You can choose a contact window according to the content of the consultation and needs, which is also a point where UQ Mobile gained a reputation.

We are considering switching from au

If you are thinking of switching from au to a cheap SIM, UQ Mobile is recommended.Transfer from au to UQ Mobile receives the following advantages:


Since UQ Mobile uses au line, it can be used as it is if it is a device used in au.Please note that SIM unlocking is required only for old models.

In addition, when switching from au to UQ Mobile, the contract cancellation fee, MNP transfer fee, and contract administrative fee are free.

Since the procedure is small, please consider UQ Mobile when transferring from au.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!

You can see from the reputation and word of mouth of UQ Mobile!I don't recommend it

The characteristics of those who can't recommend UQ Mobile, which can be guessed from word -of -mouth reputation, are as follows.


UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM with a reputation for communication quality rather than cheap price.It is not suitable for those who want to keep costs down even if they are a little hard to connect.

In addition, since the UQ Mobile price plan is 3.15.25GB, those who are looking for a plan of 25GB or more are expected to be uneven.

There are no benefits such as family discount, and the fee does not change depending on the number of subscribers.If anything, it can be said that it is a highly reputable service.

Frequently Asked Questions in UQ Mobile's reputation and word of mouth

Finally, let's look at frequently asked questions in the reputation and word of mouth of UQ Mobile.

Specifically, I will answer the following five questions.

Frequently Asked Questions in UQ Mobile's reputation and word of mouth

We will check each of them in order.

What is the procedure for contracting UQ Mobile?

The procedure for contracting UQ Mobile is as follows.

  1. 本人確認書類・本人名義のクレジットカード・連絡用メールアドレスを用意する
  2. オンラインショップで契約内容を入力し、同意事項を確認
  3. 本人確認の実施
  4. 申込内容を確認したら、郵送にてSIMカードを受け取る
  5. SIMカードが届いたら開通手続きをして完了

UQ Mobile payment methods can be transferred in addition to credit cards, but online shops only have credit cards.

If you change your smartphone as it is, be sure to check if the operation has been confirmed.

What is the procedure to cancel UQ Mobile?Is there a cancellation fee?

The procedure for canceling UQ Mobile is as follows.

  1. 利用中の機種・契約電話番号・暗証番号を用意する
  2. UQ mobileお客さまセンターに電話をかけて、解約希望の旨を伝える
  3. 指示に従って、契約内容や契約者情報を伝える

The cancellation procedure on UQ Mobile is only for telephone reception.If you make a phone call, it will lead to automatic voice guidance, so let's convey what you have prepared.

If you have a contract with Naokurikoshi Plan+5G, you will pay in the middle of the month.

Is there a great campaign for UQ Mobile?

From September 2, 2021, UQ Mobile has been conducting a "Kurikoshi Plan +5G Data Present Campaign" in accordance with the appearance of "Kurikoshi Plan +5G".

When the campaign is applied, the data capacity of 3GB, 15GB, and 25GB increases to 6GB, 30GB and 50GB, respectively.A large -capacity smartphone operation is possible with 62 days from the date of the grant.

In addition, "UQ Mobile → au Migration Program" has many benefits limited to transfer from UQ Mobile to au.

If you are considering switching from UQ Mobile, please take advantage of this opportunity.

Can UQ Mobile be used with speed limit?What happens in low -speed mode?

With UQ Mobile, you can always apply speed limit as a "saving mode".The speed of saving mode is "Kurikoshi Plan S+5g" up to 300kbps.

"Kurikoshi Plan M+5g" and "Kurikoshi Plan L+5g" are up to 1Mbps.

It is a very excellent speed compared to a major carrier with a maximum of 128kbps.Even in word of mouth, the speed in the low -speed mode of UQ mobile is reputed, and it is a great strength of UQ Mobile.

What is the reputation of the UQ Mobile agency "link -in"?

When I investigated the word -of -mouth of link -life, which is a UQ Mobile authorized distributor, it has a reputation as follows.


For Ring Life, the poor response and cancellation are noticeable for UQ Mobile, which is relatively reputable.

Some people say, "I have no choice but to ask UQ Mobile even if I have no choice but to apply, and I recommend the application from UQ Mobile.

Summary: UQ Mobile's reputation is not bad!Recommended contracts with reference to word -of -mouth evaluation!

Introduced the reputation of UQ Mobile.

UQ Mobile can use smartphone charges at a discount, surplus data capacity can be used in the following month, and there are many benefits.


Please use the reputation introduced this time as a reference when purchasing.

↓ Transfer is super deals ↓ Up to 10,000 yen cashback is underway!


▶ ︎Excial SIM26 Recommended Select 8 Selections [March 2022] MVNO's price table summary

▶ ︎ [March 2022] Comparing the 13 cheap SIM selection campaigns!MVNO cashback / transfer benefits

▶ ︎UQ Mobile campaign list [March 2022] Transfer (MNP), model change, new bonus summary

▶ ︎ [March 2022] UQ Mobile's cashback is over 10,000 yen!?Can you always get it?Also explain whether it is suspicious!

▶ ︎UQ mobile price plan list!Which recommendation?Explanation in simulation

▶ ︎UQ Mobile a store contract good?Compare with online application!Reservation / transfer method

▶ ︎UQ Mobile speed is slow?What is the speed in saving mode?Thorough survey of line speed!

▶ ︎UQ Mobile compatible area!Can't the radio waves be connected outside the range?Causes and solutions

▶ ︎ [10 disadvantages] Points and notes who do not recommend UQ Mobile!

▶ ︎ [regret?] 7 UQ Mobile transfer procedures and disadvantages from au!Explanation of merits, penalties, and data migration

▶ ︎ [regret?] 7 from DoCoMo to UQ Mobile transfer procedure and disadvantages

▶ ︎ [regret?] UQ Mobile transfer procedure and disadvantages of 7 disadvantages

* This article is information at the time of writing, and may differ from the latest one.Please note.

* The information posted on this site cannot be fully guaranteed.Please be sure to check each official website for detailed information such as service prices, specifications, contract / cancellation, campaign, etc.
