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Here Technologies, Larking Somo, a social traffic application that can plan and sharing boarding and sharing | Bridge (Bridge) Technology & Startup Information

There are various services around the world, such as Uber, Lyft, Gett, and GRAB, for riding hailing and ride sharing used by individuals.For those who like public transportation, Google Maps, CityMapper, Transit, Moovit, etc. can be used, and each service is most efficient in multiple transportation such as trains, ships, and buses to users going to point B from his point A.It provides a means to combine with.

Speaking of urban transportation apps, there seems to be no room for entry at first glance.However, HERE Technologies, who developed a popular location navigation platform, said different from that idea.

HERE has launched the latest standalone mobile application "SOMO" on the 7th.This is a concept of a traffic app the term "social mobility".SOMO was made from zero as an omnidirectional social transport app that supports both cities and rural areas.

SOMO allows everyone to check all options from a single interface by integrating all transport modes, such as the public, the private sector, and the individual, into a single platform.But he's main sales point in SOMO is where the user can ride a social circle around a specific event category.In addition to sporting events and concerts held in a single shot, there are also repeated events, such as commuting and children's soccer morning training.

LIAD ITZHAK, led by the mobility category of her Technologies, says:

In summary, here is a major online mapping platform close to companies such as Google Maps, Tomtom, and OpenStreetMap.There were many twists and turns before the company built its current position.Nokia acquired a digital map data company NavteQ in 2007 in 2007 to strengthen his MAPS product.That became the brand again in 2012.Three years later, Nokia sold HERE to the German Automaker Consortium for $ 3 billion.

HERE offers multiple consumers' apps, such as the "HERE WEGO" Google Maps, but the core business is a third -party licensing business.The important thing here is the data, which is why consumer mobile apps are important for HERE.It helps to accumulate insights on how people move.SOMO supports a wide range of schemes, helps to improve the real -time traffic data and map quality of the HERE platform.

However, HERE also operates a revenue sharing model with an on -demand transportation provider through the app.

SOMO setting is very easy.First, enter the mobile phone number.The number is used to connect with a friend and enhance all social functions in the app.

After that, enter your name and upload a photo to complete.

The app has two core elements, "ride" and "make a gathering".

In the case of "boarding", SOMO can be used as a standard navigation application.In addition to Google Maps and Waze, it is the same as here's unique here wego.Enter the departure point and arrival point and press the "driving" button (when driving a car).Alternatively, by pressing the "bus" tab on the right side, you can check the optimal public transportation menu.

However, these functions are not actually SOMO's core reson dating.It's about "convenient if you have it."

In the case of boarding, you can invite friends and acquaintances.Except to pick up those who want to move together, such as colleagues, families, and best friends at work, they are like carpool and ride sharing.Although the same situation can be reproduced by combining messaging apps and Google Maps, SOMO promotes all moving elements in a single app, and the details of riding and real -time ETA to everyone from the beginning.(Scheduled arrival time) is displayed.

Furthermore, since SOMO is built on the here navigation platform, this app can optimize the running diameter road based on the time zone, distance, and the pickup and removal location of all the passengers.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that SOMO is not only for users with private cars.It is also integrated into the Le Mobility Marketplace, which was launched last January, so you can access third -party on -demand transport providers such as taxis.Eventually, other transportation services such as bicycle sharing, helicopters, and maritime taxis will be supported.

Here Technologies、乗車プランニングとシェアリングができるソーシャル交通アプリ「SoMo」をローンチ | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

SOMO's mobility marketplace, eventually on -demand riding services, are initially available (London, Athen, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Brussels, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Los Angelus, Los Angelus, Piruslus, Pirusaloniki, Harlem, Harlem, Harlem., Hague).However, the company commented to his Venturebeat that 10 cities will be added to each month and will be able to support more than 100 cities in Europe, North America, and South America in 2019.

Next, there is a problem that the number of on -demand transport providers available in the Mobility Marketplace is limited.HERE says that he is a ride -hailing company that exists everywhere, but welcomes Uber if he wants to participate, but the Uber is not yet included and the situation is unlikely to change quickly.

The company's spokeswoman told Venturebeat:

The fact that SOMO's social elements play an important role in the market, which emphasizes the importance of this function.

Users can create a group of people who make social circles in the app in a situation where movement is arranged.A group such as "commuting to the workplace" and "practicing soccer".These groups are the basis of the social ride sharing elements of the app.

These groups are particularly important for the "gathering" of the app.Defining gathering is the element of a group of places, time, will, and participating people.Once, no matter which event is repeated, you will decide the detailed information such as time, location, and members when setting.Only group administrators can add new members.At that time, the added member will receive a push notification to your device.

Through this gathering, the members can grasp the best ways to go to a specific place.You will use the on -demand transportation means, trains, and its combination to share each other.

The gathering is a private (individual) setting by default, but can be changed to public (general).This makes SOMO's potential further enhanced.

For example, when going to a concert in a nearby town or city on Sunday nights, securing means of transportation can be a major obstacle.If the last train is 11:00 pm, you may have to escape 30 minutes before the end of the performance to prevent the return of the return.It is difficult to secure a parking lot even when going by private car.You can't drink beer at a exciting concert.In SOMO's "Public Gathering", you can set a temporary social circle for a specific event and participate, and you can also find people moving together.

In addition, SOMO covers everything related to movement, so all members will show the best way to go to the destination.

One thing to keep in mind here is that if there is a convenient way for SOMO to share gasoline charges, it will be better.At present, the boarding members have to hand the driver's cash or share detailed information on PayPal or bank accounts (when the driver asks the other party to pay for gasoline).

As I wrote earlier, the border between private transportation apps such as Uber and CITYMAPPER is already vague.For example, Uber displays public transport transfer data in real time to enable transport mode combinations.CITYMAPPER, on the other hand, launched a smart bath service that allows you to reserve a ride directly from the app.

SOMO is one step ahead.It has a truly interesting all -in -one transportation function that has a great potential.The keyword here is "potential."The most difficult obstacle facing similar social apps is the acquisition of users.Although SOMO operates as a navigation app for one mobility, the main sales point is its sociality.If friends and colleagues do not use it, SOMO's appeal will be limited.Regarding the use of SOMO, word of mouth is an important factor.There seems to be various ideas for how to appeal to a wide variety of people.

ITZHAK says:

However, the question remains why Google with Google Maps does not enable similar functions.In fact, the company has recently adopted a lot of social functionality to MAPS and has launched a new group planning function to mobile apps.But this is like making a popular voting in a place to eat.But don't be surprised if Google launches a product similar to SOMO in the future.The fact that billions of people have already used Google Maps on mobile phones can be considered a great opportunity to get traction by entering.

SOMO is currently downloaded and used on iOS and Android.

[Via VentureBeat] @Venturebeat

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