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  • The flow of old mobile phone disposal.What will happen after you throw out old smartphones and garage?Visit the site of recycling processing (factory edition)

The flow of old mobile phone disposal.What will happen after you throw out old smartphones and garage?Visit the site of recycling processing (factory edition)

Mobile phones such as old smartphones and garage collected at the SoftBank shop.Do you know how it will be disposed of after that?

Following the first part, which introduced the flow of disposal at the shop, the second part introduces the steps until the mobile phone recovered in the shop is recycled.I visited the factory of Omitsuka, who is developing the recycling business, and taught me about the flow of recycling.

Founded in 1981, the headquarters was relocated to Hachioji City, Tokyo in 2001, and was recycled mobile phones such as smartphone and garage at the Otsu Headquarters Factory in Hachioji City and Amagasaki factory in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture.Mobile terminals of kg or more are recycled.He is also focusing on SDGs's initiatives, and has partnerships with various companies, such as partnership with Laurent Plus, a florist who focuses on employment of disabled persons.

In 1998, he joined Omin Trading Co., Ltd. in 1998 and joined the business department in 1998.He manages the business department, transportation department, sales department, CSR department, and general affairs department as the head of the Management Headquarters.He became an officer in 2016 and continues to the present.

Mobile phone recycling flows in the factory 8 steps

The Otsu Headquarters factory of Otsu Metropolitan trading, which crushes and recycled mobile phones and recycled at the SoftBank shop.Various electronic devices such as mobile phones, OA devices such as PCs and multifunction machines, and registers are brought to this factory and are recycled.

Rough flow of mobile phone recycling

Mr. Nakano explained the flow of recycling of mobile phones while actually visiting the factory.

On a fixed day, a trader goes to the SoftBank shop and collects the mobile phone to be discarded.Bring it to the Otsu head office factory by a large car.The recovery range of Omits trade is mainly in the East Japan area.In addition to collecting shops, it also supports collecting corporate terminals and requests for rental terminals.

"In fact, rental terminals are the largest number brought to the factory. We collect them once in the quarter, but we collect 2-3 cars at once by 10 ton vehicles. Factory.The ratio of the terminals brought into the terminal is about 7: 3, respectively, and it seems that many corporate customers still use Garakae. "

When a large car loaded with collected terminals arrives at the factory, we will measure first.Ride the total weight on the measuring platform with each track, then draw the weight of the vehicle from there.We will make a rough measurement here and weigh more finely.

Since the mobile phone is treated as a security item, it is transported to a security center in the factory and stored once immediately after arrival.

"There are two security rooms in the factory, each of which has a metal detector at the entrance. There are 20 surveillance cameras along the factory conductor. The security center staff members are communication equipment.In order to prevent brought in and out, we work with pocketless work clothes, and we are working with a thorough consciousness, such as strictly entering and leaving the room when entering and leaving. We are working with a thorough consciousness.We believe that strict security management is essential for dealing with the telecommunications carriers to handle. "

State of a room that keeps a personal computer out of the two security rooms