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Father "Thanks to everyone's donation. Come back with a smile" to the United States for a heart disease transplant surgery


Yoshito Nakazawa in Saku City, Nagano Prefecture, who suffers severe heart disease, traveled to the United States on the 28th for transplant surgery.His father thanked him again for his support, "Thanks to you, I've been so far."

"Yu -chan" is a fourth grade elementary school student in Saku City, who suffers from restrained cardiomyopathy of intractable diseases.On the afternoon of the 28th, I arrived at Narita Airport from the prefectural child hospital on the afternoon of 28th to get transplantation.

Nakazawa -kun (22nd): "Yada, teacher scary"

Yu -chan needed surgery in the United States to help.A rescue party with parents has been raising funds since last November, and this month, the target of 237 million yen was achieved.

父親「皆さんの募金のおかげ。笑顔で帰ってきて」 心臓病のゆうちゃん 移植手術のためアメリカへ

The other day, Yu -chan, who answered interviews online ...

Nakazawa -kun (22nd): "Thank you, everyone. If you get well, let's meet. (If you get well), you can eat a hamburger with your dad, fried chicken, and mom.Or play with a party or toy (I want to do it)

Yu -chan was sent off by his father and siblings, and he safely traveled to the United States by an evening plane with his mother.

My father, Tomoharu, commented, "Thanks to everyone's donation, I was able to come here. I hope I will come back with a smile."

After traveling to the United States, we plan to wait for a donor while receiving treatment.

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