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  • The reputation of Mobaleko Air is explained from seven merits and three precautions!Recommended if you value cheapness | Getnavi Web Get Navi

The reputation of Mobaleko Air is explained from seven merits and three precautions!Recommended if you value cheapness | Getnavi Web Get Navi

If you want to sign a home router, you may be worried about the reputation of Mobaleko Air (Mobaleko Air).

When I wanted to make a home router contract, I saw an advertisement for "Mobaleko Air" on Twitter ... What kind of service is Mobaleko Air?

Mobaleko Air is an alliance model of SoftBank Air sold by SoftBank, with the same terminal and line speed, but the price and campaign are different.

This time, I will explain eight merits and three precautions based on the reputation and characteristics of Mobaleko Air.

8つのメリット3つの注意点ずばり、モバレコAirはこんな人にオススメの ホームルーターじゃ!

Mobaleko Air is recommended

In this article, I will explain in detail why Mobaleko Air can recommend and the reputation of concern are true.

If you are considering a Mobaleko Air contract, please check it out!

If you contract with SoftBank Air, "Mobaleko Air"

If you want to sign up for SoftBank Air, we recommend "Mobaleko Air".With Mobaleko Air, the monthly fee will be discounted for two years!

Monthly cheapest!Apply with Mobaleko Air ≫

* This article is information as of February 2022.


[Conclusion] Summary of the reputation of Mobaleko Air!I recommend this kind of person

First, let's check the features of Mobaleko Air.

運営会社株式会社 グッド・ラック
通信制限なし (回線を占有するほど使わない限り、使い放題)

Mobaleko Air is one of the home routers that allows you to put the Internet just by inserting it into your home outlet, and uses the same terminal and line as SoftBank Air.

If you sign up directly with SoftBank, you will be the service name "SoftBank AIR", but if you sign up with Good Lack Co., Ltd.

In conclusion, it is such a person who can recommend a Mobaleko Air contract.

Mobaleko Air is recommended

The Mobaleko Air can use a home router at a low price of 2,167 yen per month, and the cashback of 17,000 yen can be received at the end of the following month.

There are no detailed speed limit conditions, so you can make plenty of the Internet all day.

Note, however, that the speed is particularly slow at night, or that it costs money depending on the timing when canceling.

This time, when I investigated the voice that actually used Mobaleko Air, I found the following advantages and points to note.

7 merits of Mobaleko Air

3 points to note about Mobaleko Air

Some people are considering a Mobaleko Air contract if the monthly fee is cheaper than the WiMAX where the home router can be contracted.

However, Mobaleko Air can only be used in the registered address and cannot be carried.

Therefore, if you want to use it outside, consider mobile WiFi.

As of 2022, the recommended mobile WiFi is The WiFi.It can be used up to 100g per month and the price of 3,718 yen per month is popular.

【THE WiFi】

▼ Cheapest mobile WiFi with 100GB plan

See in detail on the official website

What is the difference between Mobaleko Air and Softbank Air?

Mobaleko Air has a major discount on monthly rates as a proprietary campaign, despite the same communication quality and line speed as SoftBank Air.

I compared the differences between Mobaleko Air and SoftBank Air.

月額料金・2カ月目まで:2,167円 ・3~24カ月目まで:3,679円 ・25カ月目以降:5,368円・0〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 ・24カ月目以降:5,368円 (スタート割適用時)
独自キャンペーン・17,000円キャッシュバック ・月額料金割引 ・U-NEXT特別無料トライアル
公式キャンペーン・端末代金実質無料(購入の場合) ・他社の解約違約金最大100,000円キャッシュバック ・ソフトバンクとのおうち割光セットで最大1,100円割引 ・ワイモバイルとのおうち割光セット(A)で最大1,188円割引

The difference between Mobaleko Air and Softbank Air is Zubari!It is a price aspect.

The monthly fee for SoftBank Air is 4,180 yen until the 23rd month, and then 5,368 yen.

However, Mobaleko Air is set cheaper at 2,167 yen until the second month and 3,679 yen until the second year.

As you can see in the table above, the real charge paid during the two -year contract period is large!

In addition, Mobaleko Air can also receive the following SoftBank Air official campaigns along with your own campaign!

In other words, Mobaleko Air is the biggest feature and attractiveness that the cashback and monthly fee is lowered while the contract conditions such as the terminals, the specifications of the line itself, the contents of the line itself, etc. are reduced!

In fact, besides Mobaleko Air, there are many agencies that can contract with SoftBank Air.

In conclusion, Mobaleko Air can significantly contract at the agency window of Softbank Air.

This time, I compared 5 applications for SoftBank Air, which provides Mobaleko Air and its own cashback, including the official window.

<ホームルーター 8社比較>
サービス名月額料金2年間の実質総額キャッシュバックキャッシュバックの 受取りやすさ
モバレコAir ☆オススメ☆1〜2か月:2,167円 3〜24か月:3,679円 25か月~:5,368円76,940円17,000円
NEXT1〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 24カ月目以降:5,368円78,988円30,000円
アウンカンパニー1〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 24カ月目以降:5,368円78,988円30,000円
エヌズカンパニー1〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 24カ月目以降:5,368円78,988円30,000円
ポケットモバイル1〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 24カ月目以降:5,368円78,988円30,000円
Yahoo!BB1〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 24カ月目以降:5,368円93,988円15,000円
ソフトバンク公式1〜23カ月目まで:4,180円 24カ月目以降:5,368円108,988円

* The total amount of 2 years is calculated by "2 years monthly fee+contract administrative fee+terminal fee-cashback amount" * CB = cashback.

As you can see from the table, the most advantageous SoftBank Air application window was Mobaleko Air.

Along with the cashback, the original monthly fee discount is greatly cheaper.


See the details of Mobaleko Air

Good reputation of Mobaleko Air!Explain 7 merits

For those who are considering a SoftBank Air contract, I know that I can recommend applying at Mobaleko Air, but let's check the reputation of those who actually use seven benefits.。


Mobaleko Air has a 17,000 yen cashback campaign as a unique campaign.


Mobaleko Air can receive cashback at the end of the following month.

It seems that those who actually signed Mobaleko Air had a decisive factor to get cashback.


The method of receiving the cashback of Mobaleko Air is as follows.

  1. モバレコAirの申し込み後、7日以内に支払情報を登録する
  2. モバレコAirが開通する
  3. キャッシュバック申請メールが届くので、登録期間内にキャッシュバックの手続きを行う
  4. 指定口座にキャッシュバックが振り込みされる

Please note that if you forget the application procedure, you will not be able to receive cashback.

The basic fee for SoftBank Air is 5,368 yen.

However, Mobaleko Air can use it for 2,167 yen until the second month and 3,679 yen from the 3rd month to the 24th month due to its own campaign's "Monthly Fee Significant Discount"!

キャンペーンの概要2か月目までの月額料金が2,167円 3か月目以降24か月目までの月額料金が3,679円に割引

The cheapness of Mobaleko Air is also a major feature, so there were some users on Twitter who recommended people to pay attention to the price.

By the way, if you contract by rental instead of purchasing the AIR terminal, the fee will change.


When renting a terminal in Mobaleko Air, the rental fee is 539 yen per month.

When purchasing a terminal, a terminal gold real free campaign is provided, and if you purchase an AIR terminal, you will get a discount of 1,980 yen per month, which is equivalent to the equipment fee.

Mobaleko Air has a campaign to make the AIR terminal cost free.


The AIR terminal used in Mobaleko Air is 71,280 yen (tax included), and the number of payments is 1,980 yen per month.

The monthly fee is "1,980 yen for the terminal fee", but the terminal fee "1,980 yen" is discounted as "monthly discount", so the terminal fee is actually free!

However, please note that if you cancel Mobaleko Air within 36 months of the contract, you will be charged for the remaining bonds of the terminal price at once.

In Mobaleko Air, you can use the following two smartphones.

ソフトバンク/ おうち割光セットワイモバイル/ おうち割光セット(A)

If you apply for the Internet line and SoftBank Smile or Y -Mobile, the smartphone fee is a good service that is discounted by 1,188 yen per month if you apply for the Internet line or SoftBank Smile or Y -Mobile.

モバレコエアーの評判を7つのメリットと3つの注意点から解説!安さ重視ならオススメ | GetNavi web ゲットナビ

Please note that if you apply for a house other than the applicant, you need to submit a certificate of consent and a family of Mobaleko Air's contractor.

The discount amount of the two sets and the target plan are as follows.

・データプランメリハリ無制限 ・データプランミニフィット+1,100円
スマホベーシックプラン データベーシックプランL Pocket WiFiプラン2550円

* Price is tax included

Both SoftBank and Y -Mobile can receive up to 10 discounts between families, so the more smartphone users of the same career are, the more advantageous they are.

In addition, Y -Mobile is a cheap SIM, so you can use it at a great price.

Check the reputation of Y -Mobile!

At the same time as a new application for Mobaleko Air, a campaign to discount 1,045 yen x 10 months will be discounted for the penalty equivalent to the transfer from another company's mobile carrier to a SoftBank smartphone.

キャンペーンの概要モバレコAir(ソフトバンクAir)の契約と同時にスマホをソフトバンクへ乗り換えると、 違約金相当額を毎月1,045円ずつ月額料金から割引

DOCOMO and au smartphones do not apply a set discount with Mobaleko Air, so it's a nice campaign for those who are considering changing smartphones at the same time!

The Anshin Transfer Campaign is a campaign that cash back up to 100,000 yen for the penalty equivalent of the penalty for switching from another company to Mobaleko Air.

キャンペーンの概要モバレコAir(ソフトバンクAir)への乗り換えで 発生した違約金を最大100,000円までキャッシュバック

It seems that the person who had contracted for other companies was attracted to Mobaleko Air because he was fascinated by the penalty -bearing campaign.

Please note that the penalty cashback is not eligible when Mobaleko Air switches from the partner cable TV line.

  1. モバレコAirの申込後に乗り換え前の回線を解約し、解約費用を支払う
  2. 課金開始月から5か月目の末日までに違約金明細などの書類を指定の住所へ郵送する
  3. 6か月目の下旬以降に郵便為替で解約費用相当額がキャッシュバックされる ※課金開始月=利用開始から9日目を含む月

Note that you should be sure to apply for Mobaleko Air, then cancel the current Internet line, and send the documents by the end of the 5th month after the start of Mobaleko Air.

Mobaleko Air has no restrictions on data capacity for one month, and you can enjoy the Internet completely unlimited like an optical line.

Many mobile WiFi and home routers have a fixed data volume available in one month, and even if you say "unlimited plan", the speed limit is applied if you exceed a certain amount of data in a short period of time.You can use it.

However, the official website of SoftBank Air, which provides the same service as Mobaleko Air, has the following words.

In other words, keep in mind that the speed decrease in Mobaleko Air.

If you are not satisfied with the speed and service of Mobaleko Air, you can cancel within 3 days after arriving at the terminal and return it within 8 days.

If you are worried about the use of Mobaleko Air, try using it within 8 days!

When canceling Mobaleko Air, let's offer the SoftBank Air Support Center within 3 days from the arrival of the terminal.

Please note that if you do not return the terminal to the following address within 8 days, a cancellation fee will be charged.

Also, remember the shipping cost at the time of returning, as the user burden.


See the details of Mobaleko Air

Three points you want to be aware of in the reputation of Mobaleko Air

There were seven points I would recommend to Mobaleko Air, but before you decide on a contract, let's understand the following three precautions.


Mobaleko Air has the same model that can be used as SoftBank Air, communication speed, communication line, and use.

つまり… モバレコAirから申し込んだからといって、速度に関してはソフトバンクAirとまったく変わりはないということじゃ!

For this reason, the article introduces the communication speed of SoftBank Air as the communication speed of Mobaleko Air.

The maximum communication speed for each model of SoftBank Air is as follows.


However, the above is a theoretical value.

The communication speed varies depending on the environment and time of day that actually use SoftBank Air.

After all, even if you look at the maximum communication speed of SoftBank Air, you don't know how fast you can get with Mobaleko Air.


The average speed of SoftBank Air, which was posted at the online line speed of everyone on the speed measurement site that can measure the actual speed, is as follows.

<時間帯別 ソフトバンクAirの平均速度>
朝の時間帯 (5:00~8:59)44.37ms86.74Mbps8.03Mbps
昼の時間帯 (12:00~12:5943.18ms63.94Mbps6.29Mbps
夕方の時間帯 (16:00~18:59)44.58ms21.74Mbps5.32Mbps
夜の時間帯 (20:00~22:59)49.87ms16.8Mbps4.86Mbps
深夜の時間帯 (0:00~4:59)46.53ms55.84Mbps5.67Mbps

* Data reference source: Everyone's net line speed

The download speed is 44 on a daily average.97Mbps, upload speed is 5.It is 69Mbps, which is enough to use for online surfing and video viewing.

However, as shown in the table above, you can see that the dawroad speed tends to decrease extremely at night when the line is crowded.


Let's then verify the average communication speed in comparison with "a guide of the speed required for comfortable Internet communication".

オンラインゲームに必要な通信速度約6Mbps~25Mbps ※速度よりも、ラグを起こさないための「ping」が重要

In other words, SoftBank Air can be enjoyed comfortably in Internet surfing and standard image quality videos.

On the other hand, when the line is crowded, you may not be able to comfortably watch high -quality videos such as 4K.

The average ping value is also 49.In online games, which require 37ms communication stability, lags may occur.

In conclusion, it was a pros and cons of the reputation of SoftBank Air's communication speed.

First of all, let me introduce a voice that you can use "crispy" comfortably.

It seems that it can be used stably even if you connect multiple units such as smartphones and tablets, even if you make a video call that requires both the descent and the rising speed.

In addition, those who switched from Mobile WiFi to Mobaleko AIR are evaluated as "excellent" because it does not take much time to upload.

The AIR terminal has a larger antenna than a small mobile WiFi, so you can catch the radio waves firmly.

In addition, when I checked the popular voice of SoftBank Air, it was found that the morning communication speed was in good shape, and Illustrations could be distributed live.

However, as mentioned in tweets, it seems difficult to play online games where high -speed and stable communication such as FPS is important.

Also, the voices that were dissatisfied with the speed of SoftBank Air were as follows.

The person who switched from SoftBank Air to optical line seems to be satisfied with being able to connect stable on the Internet line that has been drawn into the house.

SoftBank Air and Mobile Air will receive wireless radio waves on their terminals and use the Internet, so radio waves may be difficult to catch depending on the area, the shape of the building, the surrounding environment, etc. away from the base station.

If you want to make the Internet at a stable speed, it is recommended to contract a wired optical line.


The following three causes of SoftBank Air's communication speed decrease.

  1. 利用者の多い夜間帯で回線が混みあっている
  2. 周辺の建物の影響で通信速度の安定性に違いがある
  3. 狭いエリア内(同じマンションなど)でソフトバンクAirの利用者が多い

In the survey of reputation, there were many reputation that the speed was slow, especially during the night hours.

However, changing the frequency setting like this word -of -mouth may improve the speed.

The following methods are mainly effective as a way to improve the communication speed of SoftBank Air.

If you are worried about the communication speed after the contract of Mobaleko Air, please improve the communication speed.

The provided area available by Mobaleko Aireco and SoftBank Air is limited to places where AXGP lines can receive radio waves.

Even if you look at Japan all over Japan, urban areas are often within the AXGP line provision area, but the suburbs, the sea side, and the mountain side may be out of the area.

Before applying for Mobaleko Air, first check the area if you can use Mobaleko Air at home.

AXGP回線 提供エリア検索

On Twitter, some people were considering a Mobaleko Air contract, but could not apply outside the area.

It's a shock if you sign a contract and outside the area ...!

Also, depending on the area, the maximum communication speed may be different in the provided area.

You can check the maximum communication speed of Mobaleko Air by address on the following site.

SofiBank公式サイト|ソフトバンクAir(ソフトバンクAir) 速度情報(住所別下り最大通信速度)場所によってはAirターミナル4の下り最大962Mbpsが期待できるところと、最大261Mbpsしか望めない地域など差があるのじゃ!SoftBank Air(ソフトバンクエアー)のエリア確認を詳しく解説│注意点・エリア外のときの対処法

Mobaleko Air has a contract period in two years, and a penalty will be incurred to cancel within the contract period.

In addition, if you purchase the AIR terminal used at Mobaleko Air, the terminal price will be actually free campaign, so there will be no charge during the contract, but if you cancel within the terminal payment period of 36 times, the campaign will be at that time.The application will be completed and the terminal balance will be charged all at once.

In addition, penalties such as options may be incurred.

端末代金の残債1,980円×(36回払い―支払い回数) SoftBankのMyページ(My SoftBank)から確認可能
Yahoo! BB基本サービス 「プレミアム」プラン(契約している場合のみ) 契約更新月以外の解約またはプラン変更で3,300円の違約金が発生
Yahoo! BB with フレッツ/ADSL Yahoo! BB基本サービス(契約している場合のみ発生) Yahoo!JAPANのマイページから確認可能
ソフトバンクAir/ おうちのでんわ(契約している場合のみ発生) SoftBankのMyページ(My SoftBank)から確認可能

By the way, Mobaleko Air does not have a contract period, so there is no penalty anytime.


Flow from application to Mobaleko Air to use

The flow from the application of Mobaleko Air to the start of use is as follows.

  1. モバレコAirの申し込みを行う
  2. モバレコAirの接続設定を行う
  3. 満足できなければ8日以内の返送で無料解約可能!

From here, let's introduce the flow from Mobaleko Air application to use.

First, let's apply for Mobaleko Air.

Mobaleko Air will apply from the Mobaleko Air official website.

After applying, SMS will receive a link to Mobaleko Air application information registration.

When you click the link, you will find the entry screen of the phone number receiving the applicant name and SMS.

Enter according to the procedure, check "I agree to register the information you need for various applications for SoftBank Air", and press "Confirm".

Then, the consent form for the Mobaleko Air (SoftBankair) contract will be displayed.

If you do not click the two consent books enclosed in the red frame in the image, you will not be able to check "agree", so be sure to read the contract consent.

After that, a screen to register identification information appears.

If you select "mail", you will have to go to the registration screen of the prior information and send the identity verification document after applying.

Also, if you select "Image Upload", it will be the registration screen such as a driver's license from the next section.

According to the screen, select the nationality and upload identification documents and enter the certificate number.

After that, if you register the prior information such as payment methods and user's address, you will complete the Mobaleko Air application!

Click here to apply for Mobaleko Air

After applying, the AIR terminal will arrive within 3 days.

Just turn on the AIR terminal and start using it, and there is no need for complex initial settings.

If you enter the SSID and passwords listed on the side of the AIR terminal on the device you want to connect to a smartphone, game console, or computer, you can start use!

Try using Mobaleko Air and cancel the initial contract cancellation system introduced in the merit items if the speed is not as fast as you think!

How to cancel Mobaleko Air that you want to know

The only way to cancel the Mobaleko Air is directly contacted the SoftBank Air Support Center.

If the remaining debt of the terminal fee remains after the cancellation is accepted, it will be withdrawn from the last month's monthly fee.

Also, if you sign a contract of Mobaleko Air by purchasing type, you do not need to return your terminal.

However, if you want to cancel using the initial contract cancellation system, please return the terminal to SoftBank within 8 days of Mobaleko Air application.

Mobaleko Air does not have a penalty, but if you want to switch from another company that requires a penalty to a different home router, we recommend Broadwimax, which is 5G lines and fast speed.

Broadwimax has a cashback campaign of up to 19,000 yen, so it will be used to pay the penalty that occurred.

In addition, Broad WiMAX has a completely free terminal fee, so the initial cost can be reduced.

BROADWIMAX has a monthly fee discount campaign, and for three years, it costs 3,894 yen per month for "Giga All -you -can -eat Plus" for 1 month's data volume and 5G line compatible.


If you want to know the speed limit of WiMAX and the details of Broadwimax, please check out the following article.

Broad WiMAXの実態が丸わかり!評判からわかったメリットや注意点などを徹底解説\違約金負担キャンペーン実施中!/

Click here for BROADWIMAX campaign site


This time, we introduced the reputation of those who actually contract with the features of Mobaleko Air into eight benefits and three precautions.


In conclusion, the following people are recommended for Mobaleko Air.

Mobaleko Air is recommended

I want to make a home router contract!If you are, please consider a contract for Mobaleko Air.


See the details of Mobaleko Air
