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Contributed to the development of social disc deterrence applications with TOF TOF Academic Sensor

Category: Product service

Release issuance company: ST Micro Erelectoronics

ToF測距センサでソーシャル・ディスタンス検知アプリケーションの開発に貢献 企業リリース

・ Aura AWare announces demonSTrations of smart equipment for diSTance detection using FlightSense (TM) technology.ST Micro Electronics (NYSE: STM, STM), a global semiconductor manufacturer that provides semiconductors to a wide variety of electronic devices with functions, for the development of products that contribute to the spread of infectious diseases.It has been announced that it will provide a high-precision TOF (TIME-OF-FLIGHT) measurement sensor.AURA AWARE, a STartup company headquartered in AmSTerdam (Netherlands), is ideal for use at the STore counter and check-in desk using the ST FlightSense Tof (Time-of-FLIGHT) measurement sensor.We have developed a portable device for detection.This product can be easily set, and as people approach the minimum diSTance that people can ensure safety, the green signal changes to red.David Maucotel, the director of the ST imaging business line, commented:"This innovative product by AURA AWARE is utilized in our flightsense technology in a very original way. The ST TOF diSTance sensor is a social design in every product used in everyday life.It enables secure and touchless operation, contributes to the health of people in various ways. "Aura Aware products have a maximum of 4 meters and ultra -low power consumption.The TOF diSTance sensor "VL53L1CX" is inSTalled.The product, which has a signal processor, can simplify the design, and has a sophiSTicated function, such as a croSToke correction that can maintain the diSTance accuracy even if the opening of the sensor is dirty due to a foreign subSTance.The TOF diSTance sensor calculates the diSTance from the time required before the photon is projected and then reflects on the object and returns to the sensor.Furthermore, FlightSense is ideal for securing social designs, as the measurement accuracy is not affected by the surface characteriSTics of the object, such as the color of the clothes and the skin reflective rate.It is also possible to use the facilities placed in a lot of traffic, such as a self -service touch panel, a smart faucet, and a push button -type door opening and closing, without directly touching.Flightsense sensors that utilize high -speed and high -precision TOF sensing allows not only basic on / off control, but also detection and determination of geSTures such as tapping and swiping in smart non -contact user interfaces.In addition, the TOF diSTance sensor of ST has excellent linearness in short -range diSTance.Therefore, it is possible to detect the remaining amount of disinfectant and the remaining number of masks in the automatic supply device.Flightsense ™ TOF all products are currently available.For price and sample provision, please contact ST sales office or diSTributor.ST Micro Electronics is a global independent semiconductor manufacturer with about 46,000 employees and a comprehensive supplementary chain and STate -of -the -art manufacturing equipment.In cooperation with about 100,000 cuSTomers and thousands of partner companies, we are working on the development of semiconductor solutions and ecosySTem to support cuSTomers' business, supporting suSTainable society.ST technology enables smart mobility, power energy management efficiency, and IoT / 5G communication.For more detailed information, ST website (http: // www.ST.Please see com).◆ Customer Inquiries 〒108-6017 2-15-1 Konan Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Building A Building A ST Micro Electronics Co., Ltd. Analog / MEMS / Sensor Product Group TEL: 03-5783-8250 Fax: 03-5783-8216 Corporate press release to PRTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.