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CES 2022: AI-Promoted Smart Tech Innovation (Part 2) | BRIDGE Technology & Startup Information

(Continued from the first part)

At CES, cars and robots are getting a lot of attention, while small gadgets are also known to be on display.

When device makers talk about AI embedding, it usually doesn't expect large AI models to run on the device. However, model training is typically done in the cloud, and what is installed on the device is a more compact inference model for interpreting and operating sensor data. Even with this simplification, optimizing software within device size, power consumption, and processing constraints can be very difficult.

For example, OrCam's assistive technology for the visually impaired is as standard as magic or a clip-on camera attached to eyeglasses. So, while respecting AI processors like Nvidia, Oren Tadmor, vice president of research and development, said, "They aren't the computers we dream of mounting on our devices." There is. Instead, the company will focus on working with chipsets that specialize in video processing.

OrCam is an Israeli company and co-founders Amnon Shashua and Ziv Aviram are also founders of his Mobileye, a leader in computer vision for collision avoidance and self-driving car technology.

Although hardware-specific optimizations may be required, software tool makers will continue to pursue a more standardized approach to device programmability. Deeplite co-founder and chief product officer Davis Sawyer said:

At CES, Deeplite unveiled a software development kit, Deeplite Runtime, specifically for computer vision, to create efficient deep learning models based on Pytorch. While the company's previous product, Deeplite Neutrino, was compatible with GPUs and other types of processors, his new Deeplite Runtime is designed to compile applications running on the most popular ARM processors, especially in smart devices. It's a thing.

Fluent.ai, a device software company specializing in voice command systems, aims to be "hardware-independent as much as possible," said Probal Lala, CEO. However, some hardware partners have been found to be easier to work with than others. At CES, Fluent.ai will announce a partnership with audio technology expert Knowles to co-demonstrate voice-controlled earphones.

CES 2022: AIが推進するスマートテックのイノベーション(後編) | BRIDGE(ブリッジ)テクノロジー&スタートアップ情報

Raj Senguttuvan, Strategy Marketing Director, Audio Sensing Solutions, Knowles, said:

Fluent's main optimization is to shortcut the pattern of common speech applications, translating speech into text and doing further processing on that text. Instead, pattern matching is performed by directly manipulating the voice data.

Diversification of base technologies such as AI should lead to business opportunities.

Richard Browning, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer at NextBase, a manufacturer of automotive dashboard cameras, said:

For NextBase, that means reaffirming that dashboard cameras are more than just mobile security cameras for sharing accident footage with insurance companies. The challenge of producing good footage under a variety of conditions, from bright to rainy sunshine, is difficult enough and requires the power of AI-powered image processing, Browning said. The product "NextBase IQ," which was announced at this CES and is being prepared for shipment in September, further enhances its capabilities, and provides driving support (recognition when other drivers do something wrong) and space recognition (accidents). It can be recorded more completely than expected).

With the addition of the camera inside the car, it is possible not only to detect and warn drivers who are dozing or distracted, but also to shoot evidence images that cannot be taken with the front camera, such as driving in a tilted manner or forcing a stop on the road. You can switch the device to "witness" mode with voice commands to accurately record your actions when a police officer approaches your car and asks for your license and insurance.

In witness mode, when the sensor detects a voice command or an accident, the video is transferred to your cloud account for later confirmation. Earlier versions of his NextBase product required the driver to manually download the video data to the mobile phone.

With these features, NextBASE IQ is almost out of the traditional dashboard camera category.

But I can't find anything other than a "smart dashboard camera," Browning said.

These will be a big topic for CES 2022.

[Via VentureBeat] @VentureBeat


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