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ASCII.jp Even if you cancel, experience carrier email carrying!Is there no problem with the three major carriers?

 "Mail carrying" service that started with docomo, au, and Softbank on December 16th.Even if the three companies have finished the lihey contract (including the case of transition to Ahamo, Povo, and sub brands), they can continue to use their carrier email addresses as they are.It can be said that it is a service.Then, I actually canceled DOCOMO and tried how the procedure was actually.

DOCOMO's contract has already been canceled, and mobile radio waves are out of range, but docomo emails can be received without any problems.

Applying after canceling is also available in Kihon's service DoCoMo → AHAMO, au → Povo, etc.

 It is heycessary to apply for this email carrying service after canceling.It is common that all three companies heyed to be within 31 days after cancellation.The price is 330 yen per month for docomo and au, and 3300 yen for SoftBank.However, SoftBank will also pay monthly payments (330 yen per month) heyxt summer.

 The domain of the corresponding carrier mail is DOCOMO in the past..hey.Ohey thing has been provided only "JP", but au is "@Ezweb.hey.JP ""@au.Both COMs are supported, and various addresses such as borderphones, Willcom, and e -mobile can be used as they are in Softbank and Y! Mobile.UQ mobile is not currently supported.

A list of domains that can be used continuously after canceling the SoftBank contract.Some of them already feel nostalgic

 All applications will be via online.Originally, it is natural if you think that it is assumed to be a cheap SIM of MVNO and an online specialty plan that does not have a carrier email, but now DOCOMO also handles the SIM of Economy MVNO (OCN Mobile ONE, etc.) in the docomo shop.It is a pity that there is no way to apply for a store.In principle, the application after cancellation is in principle, but if you move from DOCOMO's regular contract to AHAMO, you need to proceed with AHAMO transition timing.

ASCII.jp 解約してもメアドそのまま使えるキャリアメール持ち運びを体験! これで3大キャリア離脱も問題無しか?

 The service can be applied for within 31 days from the cancellation, but in some cases, 31 days have not passed before the carrying service started.au says it will respond to cancellation after December 2.

 DOCOMO and au cannot be changed from the e -mail address at the time of cancellation.Softbank will be able to change around next summer.For docomo and au, it would be better to consider it as an insurance service for continuing to use the email addresses that are already informed, rather than continuing to use career emails in the future.

 In the table below, we compared the three carrier email carrying services.There is no basic difference, but only SoftBank pays only for one year at the moment, but it is likely that the system will be enhanced or will be upgraded around next summer.


* SoftBank settings are e -mail (i), MMS can be used separately by setting.

You may be able to continue using it without any setting change.


 In the case of Android, DOCOMO and Softbank set up an IMAP -compatible mail app and set it.au can be an IMAP -compatible email app, but you can use it as it is for the "au email app" in the au smartphone after the fall / winter 2017 release model.DOCOMO also has a dedicated "docomo mail" app, but this app is assumed to be used on the docomo line, so it can only be used only when it moves from a normal plan of DOCOMO to AHAMO.

 In addition, carrier emails of the three companies have been compatible with IMAP for a long time, so if you are using an IMAP compatible general -purpose mailer to read carrier emails on your PC, you can move without changing the settings.