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  • ASCII.jp 10 years after entering the fourth carrier, the mobile phone price dropped on average by 70 %.

ASCII.jp 10 years after entering the fourth carrier, the mobile phone price dropped on average by 70 %.

 The Prime Minister is replaced, the election is over, and it is still unclear whether there is a further leverage from the government to reduce the price of mobile phone charges, but I feel that it is still in a well -ventilated direction.This time, I would like to introduce a quarterly report of French regulators.The current average monthly fee for mobile phones is 14.It is 6 euros (about 1900 yen, all below tax).

"Free Mobile" entered about 10 years ago as the fourth career in France.There is also a cheap 2 euro (about 260 yen) plan.The plan on the right is a 150GB monthly data communication and all -you -can -call for 5G compatible.99 euros (about 2600 yen)

FREE MOBILE, which has 2 euros per month

 ARCEP, a French telecommunications regulation authorities, has released data for the second quarter of 2021.According to it, the average monthly fee per SIM card is 14.6 euros.About 2 years 14.2-14.It is said that 9 euros have changed.The average of the communication charges of the fixed Internet is 36 a month..6 euros (about 4800 yen).

 It is probably thanks to the fourth career, Free Mobile (ILIAD GROUP), which has dropped French mobile phone charges so far.The average price before entering Free Mobile was about € 40 (about 5200 yen), so it fell by 74 %.

ASCII.jp 第4のキャリア参入から10年経ったフランス、その間にケータイ料金は平均で7割ダウンした

 The French venture company ILIAD (the service brand name "Free") entered the ADSL Internet service in 2002 and revolutionized the price.At that time, I received "FreeBox," ADSL STB as an early user of Free.He remembers that he was surprised that not only ADSL but also TV, landline and service was added from the following year.At that time, it was said to be "triple play", and when free came in, other companies followed.

 And I entered the mobile business, but the FREE price plan started from 2 euros a month (about 260 yen).It is compatible with the 4G network, with a free call for 2 hours and an unlimited SMS / mms, and a data volume of 50MB (!).I don't know how many subscribers in this plan are, but there is no doubt that the average has been reduced.Perhaps it was influenced by Free, the largest Orange was the first 12 months per month..A plan called 99 euros (13 months to 7).99 euros).

 This 14.The average monthly fee of 6 euros is about one -third compared to Germany.Compared to the United States, it is about one -fifth.

FREE MOBILE, which started the service in 2012 and took 8 % share in the first year

 Free Mobile was launched in 2007 and received a license from authorities in 2009 and launched a service in early 2012.

 The best cucumber is still the price.From the time of launch, it has promised half the price as "the existing career fee is high."On the other hand, while the network construction was proceeding, it was a roaming connection with Orange.With capital investment, EBITDA in the first year has a minus of 44 million euros (fixed is 462 million euros).We have supplemented the loss on the mobile side with a fixed line surplus.Currently, the population coverage of the 4G network is 98 %.

 There are 5 million users in the first year.It was a share and gained 8 %.The number of subscribers continued to increase until 2018, but decreased.As of 2020, it was 13.5 million.The share is nearly 20 %.

 The major factor in FREE Mobile's success was that it was easy to sell a set because it had a user -based on the fixed Internet, and that the same expectations (providing excellent technology at low cost) were realized on mobile.I think there is.In addition, a terminal like a SIM card vending machine has been introduced.This was the first time in France.