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April 18th is the invention date | Nikkan Kogyo Newspaper Electronic Version

Based on this situation, the Patent Office has compiled a proposal for the revision of the Patent Law for intellectual and financial administration corresponding to the Wizkorona era.Hiroshi Kajiyama, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, said at a conference, "Protection of rights in accordance with the development of digitization and digitalization of procedures for the intellectual property system in order to respond to the change in life style and corporate behavior due to the expansion of the infection of the new colona.The pillars are to review and strengthen the foundation of the intellectual property system. "

Regarding the digitalization of the procedure, there are measures that enable the payment of account transfer (abolition of stamp advance payment) and credit card payment at the counter by payment method such as patent fees.Currently, verbal hearing, such as the patent invalid trial, is claiming face -to -face.The law revision enables procedures using the web conference system without the appearance of the referee, based on the non -face -to -face needs of the Wizkorona era.

In the enhancement of the base of the intellectual property system, the fee structure such as a patent fee will be revised in order to increase the burden of examination and digitization, and the patented accounting will be improved.In recent years, Japanese companies have been carefully selected and applied for projects, but the number of patent registrations that contribute to the actual business has maintained around 170,000 to 180,000 per year, and intellectual property activities have been stagnant.do not have.Since the momentum of innovation creation is solid, the accounting will be sustained through the review of the fee structure, and the intellectual creation cycle of the industry will be supported.

On the other hand, early rights are indispensable for connecting innovation to revenue.Therefore, the Patent Office began trial of the Super Early Examination System in 2008.Normally, the waiting period from the request for the examination to the primary screening will take about 10 months, but the system will notify important projects that fall into "foreign -related" in "implementation -related" within one month.Currently, the average is notified on average 0.6 months, and it supports intellectual property strategies in industries that are developing quickly, such as IT.

The support for ventures has also been expanded, and since FY2018, an intellectual property acceleration program (iPas) has been implemented.Specifically, an expert forms an intellectual property mentering team for promising ventures and advises with a hands -on (accompanying type).By cooperating with management consultants, patent attorneys, and lawyers, the construction of the optimal business model and the intellectual property strategy that matches the model will be formulated.

On the other hand, the efforts of "Patent Examination Highway (PPH)" are expanding for early rights overseas.If a Patent Office determines that it is possible, the ruling results of the authorities are used by patent authorities in other countries and regions to make the examination quickly.For example, when applying for a PPH in the United States, the waiting period of the examination was reduced by about 60%compared to normal applications.Japanese companies say that "global portfolios for intellectual property have become easier to build" (Patent Office officials).

It is expected that intellectual and financial administration will be transformed in the Wizkorona era.