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[Apple 5G Strategy] 5G Circumstances Different by Country (3/5) | BRIDGE Technology & Startup Information

(Continued from last time) The scary thing is that the 5G user experience will be better abroad than in the US. A 5G performance study released earlier this year by Opensignal found that the U.S. 5G environment lags far behind other countries, with 5G downstream speeds outpacing typical Wi-Fi speeds in the country. is getting late too. The average 5G downlink speed in the US is expected to be around 52.3Mbps, which is slower than the average 4G link in South Korea and about 20-25% of the downlink speed of the average 5G link in South Korea and Saudi Arabia. is.

Furthermore, according to the same Opensignal study, 5G download speeds in the US are only 1.4 times faster than 4G on average, but 14.3 times faster in some locations — generally just under 7 times faster. seems to be the most common. There are still many countries with underdeveloped 5G infrastructure, and it is not possible to say with certainty that the US 5G environment is the worst, but at least places with 5G are more “transformative” than places without 5G. We are certainly getting much closer.

So why is the US lagging behind in 5G? Instead of agonizing over the 5G layer cake (low/middle/high band structure), carriers in many countries outside the US will properly cover the middle tier of this layer cake to make it available in as many places as possible. We are focusing on expanding the area. 5G smartphones that support "Sub-6GHz" can connect to low- and middle-band 5G base stations, and 5G smartphones that support "Sub-6GHz and millimeter waves" can connect to high-band This is because it can connect to other base stations. As such, very few people will benefit from the mmWave hardware that Apple plans to support only on the iPhone 12 Pro at this point, and the restrictions on connecting to this high-band layer may not be a problem for years to come. There will also be

Not much time in Apple's history has ever been spent at an iPhone event discussing the actual cellular performance of the device, instead talking about things like "ready for Gigabit-class LTE." and talked about its fast performance regardless of where it was available. But regardless of how Apple markets the technology this time around, 5G support will undoubtedly be a key concern for the new iPhones. Good enough for Apple to part with Intel and end its legal battle with leading 5G chip maker Qualcomm.

[Apple 5G strategy] Varies by country 5G Circumstances (3/5) | BRIDGE Technology & Startup Information

By naming the event 'Hi,Speed', the company is addressing the topic of iPhone 5G performance for discussion and in-depth research. My advice is to pay close attention to what Apple promises and what it doesn't, including differences between models, carriers and countries. For months, some have predicted that the popularity of the iPhone will make the 'Hi, Speed' event the true beginning of the 5G era, but depending on how Apple does it, much of that promise remains unfulfilled. We will just stand by and watch the hype parade. (Continued next)

[via VentureBeat] @VentureBeat


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