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A story about menopause, nursing care, and a fever during the corona crisis [How to deal with a pinch] (Yoga Journal Online)-Yahoo! News


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A story about menopause, nursing care, and a fever during the corona crisis [How to deal with a pinch]

What do you imagine when you hear menopause? Irritated, hot and sweaty... I think many people have such an image, but in fact, stiff shoulders, headaches, and fatigue are also symptoms of menopause. This is a series of columns written by Ms. Reiyo Takamoto, who runs the service "Yorisoru" for menopausal people, about such "unknown menopause". Mr. Takamoto himself is also in the menopausal generation. We will talk about the effects of menopause, not just the easy-to-understand malfunction, with experiences.

Menopause, nursing care, and corona crisis A story about fever overlapping [How to deal with a pinch] (Yoga Journal Online)-Yahoo! ] (Yoga Journal Online) - Yahoo! News

A combination of work related to menopause and my mother's health problems

Ever since I entered menopause, I've felt really weak, and I've been so busy with work that I haven't been able to exercise. Since the end of the year, I have been exchanging interviews with TV stations, but TV-related interviews often take time. I have. At the end of the year, my mother, who lives next door to my house, became ill, and the work I had planned to do my best for the New Year was postponed all at once. , I decided to take care of my mother alone).

My second daughter's fever on the day of her menopause interview

As the new year began, I gradually began to grasp the pace of life, including that of my mother. Her mother, who had a blood clot in her leg, was slowly recovering. At that point, I was preparing for the filming crew to come all the way from Tokyo to interview me, but 30 minutes before the arrival, my second daughter vomited and had a fever. I immediately called the film crew and stopped filming. Without being able to say hello directly to the people who came from Tokyo, they turned around (the filming ended up being an online interview). The day after my second daughter had a fever, she received a notice from the kindergarten that a person had been infected with the coronavirus. It was the moment when I was prepared for my second daughter's corona infection. If you have a fever this time of year, you can't go to the hospital normally, so I went to the fever outpatient (ER). Luckily, my second daughter had a chronic illness and had to go to a large hospital every month. When I told my doctor that I had a fever due to vomiting, he said, "Children's corona vomiting a lot, so maybe half of them are positive," and I felt hopeless. After taking the PCR test and waiting in my car for an hour, my doctor called me on my cell phone and said, "You've tested negative. That's great! I'll give you some medicine." However, after that, my second daughter's fever increased and she could not go to kindergarten for many days.

Next page: Tiredness and weakened physical strength combined with a high fever, and my mother fell

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