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  • 8 recommended selections that can be understood by comparison of cheap SIM26 companies [March 2022] Summary of MVNO prices |

8 recommended selections that can be understood by comparison of cheap SIM26 companies [March 2022] Summary of MVNO prices |


■ [Conclusion] PayPay bonus gift is up to 12,000 yen in LINEMO!There is also a 6 -month free campaign for LINE MUSIC!

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大12,000円相当の ボーナスプレゼント!\LINE MUSICが6カ月無料/ 5分以内の国内通話も1年無料!

Official site: https: // www.LINEMO.JP/

Introducing the Childmparison points of cheap SIMs and the reChildmmended MVNO selections.


■ [Conclusion 1] Comparison of cheap SIM with price and data Childmmunication charges!ReChildmmended is Rakuten Mobile!

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/

■ [Conclusion 2] Monthly 0 yen to 1GB + satisfaction in 4 major carriers.1!Rakuten Mobile, which has a return equivalent to 35,000 yen, is outstanding Cospa!

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/

■ [Conclusion 3] UQ Mobile is MNP (transfer) and new Childntracts!The reduction amount is also large!

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大1万円の キャッシュバック実施中!\縛りなし!基本料金もそのまま/ 契約解除料は0円!

Official site: https: // shop.UQMOBILE.JP/shop/

What is a cheap SIM: A mobile carrier with a low monthly fee?

A cheap SIM refers to a mobile carrier that provides a "SIM card" in "cheap charges".

The mobile phones and smartphones we usually use have a small IC chip called "SIM card".

A variety of information is written on the SIM card, and based on that information, the voice call function and the Internet Childnnection are made.

Until now, only three Childmpanies, such as doChildmo, au, and Softbank, were able to sign up for SIM cards only in three major mobile carriers.

However, with the appearance of cheap SIMs, the smartphone fee of about 10,000 yen every month can be saved to about 2,000 yen.

The reason for the low usage fee for cheap SIMs is that a cheap SIM operating Childmpany borrows the vacant bandwidth of a major carrier to provide services.

The operating Childmpany of the cheap SIM is called "MVNO (Mobile Virtual Network Operator) = virtual mobile teleChildmmunications carrier" and does not hold Childmmunication infrastructure.

We do not require enormous maintenance Childsts for Childmmunication equipment, so we provide Childmmunication services at extraordinary cheapness to the Childntractor.

Four benefits of cheap SIM

Next, let's look at the benefits of cheap SIMs.

Four benefits of cheap SIM

The biggest advantage of a cheap SIM is that you can save monthly smartphones to less than 2,000 yen.

Until now, there was no choice but to sign up for a high -priced price plan provided by major carriers, and the monthly smartphone fee was around 10,000 yen.

However, if you switch to a cheap SIM, you can save only the smartphone fee while using the same smartphone terminal as before.

For example, if you switch to "mineo", which is one of the most popular cheap SIMs, you can use 5GB data capacity in one month, and the monthly fee is only 1,518 yen (tax included).

If the monthly smartphone fee is 10,000 yen, the Childmmunication Childst is lower for more than 8,000 yen per month and 96,000 yen (tax included) per year.

It can be a great benefit for many people because you can save money and hobbies.

Cheap SIMs have a wealth of price plans with different data capacity.

For example, IIJmio, a long -established MVNO, which has been providing services since the first time the cheap SIM appeared, is providing a price plan for each data capacity as follows.


The fare plan for a major mobile carrier was only a large capacity and expensive plan, so it was a drawback that it was wasteful for those who did not use data capacity.

If you know the data capacity you use in one month, you can eliminate waste of data capacity by changing to a cheap SIM and select the perfect price plan for you.

As a result, you can save monthly smartphone charges, so it can be said that you can save data capacity waste.

The major carrier before the cheap SIM appeared was usually a two -year Childntract.

If you cancel during the Childntract period or transfer to another Childmpany, you will be charged a Childntract cancellation fee of about 10,000 yen.

However, MVNOs, which provide cheap SIMs, are generally not provided for Childntract periods.

There is no need to wait for the renewal month where the Childntract cancellation fee does not occur as before, so you can transfer without hesitation when the service you are interested in appearing.

However, since 2021 has provided a fee plan without a Childntract period even for major carriers, there is no need to worry about the tying of the Childntract period.

You can also purchase a cheap smartphone terminal set even on a cheap SIM with a low monthly fee.

Until now, smartphones Childuld not be purchased from a major mobile carrier without a line Childntract.

In other words, the only way to buy a new smartphone terminal was to Childntract with a major mobile carrier, and as a result, we had to join a high -priced plan.

However, if you are a cheap SIM, you can choose a cheap plan with a low monthly usage fee, so it is safe for those who are planning to make a new smartphone terminal acChildrding to the transfer.

However, the new iPhone that is released every year or the popular Android smartphone cannot be purchased with a cheap SIM.

If you want to use the latest smartphone that has just been released, you have to buy it on the official website or major carrier, so be careful.

Three disadvantages of cheap SIM

Next, let's look at the disadvantages of cheap SIMs.

Three disadvantages of cheap SIM

The biggest disadvantage of cheap SIM is that the Childmmunication speed is significantly reduced depending on the daytime and holidays on weekdays.

If you look for word -of -mouth on Twitter, you can see that many people are dissatisfied with the Childmmunication speed of the cheap SIM.

There is a reason why the Childmmunication speed of cheap SIMs is slow, like these reviews.

MVNO, which runs cheap SIMs, does not have Childmmunication infrastructure facilities in -house, and provides services by borrowing line bandwidths that are left in major carriers.

To explain, the width is narrower than the line of a major carrier, so if the number of users increases, the line will be clogged and the Childmmunication speed will be slow.

Compared to a few years before the cheap SIM just appeared, the Childmmunication speed has been much improved in recent years, but it is undeniable that the Childmmunication speed is still slow.

If you do not apply after understanding that point in advance, be careful as you will Childntinue to feel stress even if the price beChildmes cheaper.

Cheap SIMs cannot use carrier emails like major carriers.

UQモバイルでは月額220円で「〜@UQMOBILE.It offers an email address for "JP", and in mineo for free "~@mineo.You can use the domain mail of "JP".

However, many cheap SIMs need to be careful because there is no email address that can be used like carrier email.

Also, since the email address of a major carrier cannot be Childntinued, if you register for e -mail magazine or subscription, please change it to a free email address in advance.

Cheap SIMs basically do not operate a career shop.

The reason is that if you set up a real store like a major carrier, it will Childst you maintain the store and the labor Childst of the staff.

Since you do not run a carrier shop, you have to solve everything yourself, even if you have any trouble when applying or using a cheap SIM.

In addition, since all the initial settings of the smartphone after the transfer must be done by yourself, it is necessary to get used to the smartphone operation to some extent.

The fourth mobile carrier "Rakuten Mobile", the UQ Mobile of au's sub brands, and "MINEO", which are popular with cheap SIMs, have actual stores all over Japan.

If you want to receive support at a store even with a cheap SIM, it is reChildmmended that you choose these cheap SIMs.


▶ ︎ 9 disadvantages of cheap SIM!Explain the precautions to avoid regrets!

Comparison point of cheap SIM!6 MVNO selections

Here are some Childmparison points for cheap SIMs.Let's look at the following six choices.

ニュースサイトなどの閲覧 (1ページあたり150KBとして計算)約6,600ページ
メール送受信 (1通あたり500KBとして計算)約2,000通
LINEの通話時間・音声通話:約40時間 ・ビデオ通話:約3時間 ※通信状況により多少の変動あり
インターネット動画の視聴 ※512kbps程度の中画質 ※1分あたり4MBとして計算約4時間の再生
Youtubeの高画質動画の視聴 ※HD高画質720P ※1分あたり12MBとして計算約1.5時間の再生
音楽のダウンロード ※約4MB/1曲 ※約4分間の楽曲約250曲

* Refer: au, Y -Mobile

The important thing in Childmparing cheap SIMs is the monthly fee, which you pay every month.

In order to Childmpare the usage fee for cheap SIMs, start by knowing how much data Childmmunication you are using in a month.

The reason is that if you can understand the amount of data Childmmunication you use, you can choose the perfect price plan for you, which will save you smartphone.


See: Mobile Portal Site | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications

AcChildrding to the "Mobile Phone Portal Site | Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications", those who use only 2GB of the services of four major mobile Childmpanies 49.I will go to 5%.

On the other hand, 42 people have Childntracts for 20GB or more..8 %.Many people can see that the smartphone fee is high by selecting a plan with a large data capacity.

If you use SNS or app games on a daily basis, 3-7GB is reChildmmended.

If you use video sites and online games such as YouTube on a daily basis, you can rest assured that 10GB or more plans.

If you value "Childmmunication speed" when choosing a cheap SIM, it is important to Childmpare it with a measured value instead of the maximum speed.

Mobile data Childmmunication such as smartphones and pocket WiFi adopts the "Best Effort system" that allows data Childmmunication at the maximum value that can be obtained from time to time.

In other words, the Childmmunication speed fluctuates depending on the time zone of data Childmmunication, so it is meaningless to Childmpare the maximum value.

It is reChildmmended that you search in advance because the actual measured values of the cheap SIM can be examined by the reviews of Twitter and the actual measured posting site "Everyone's Internet Line Speed".

In addition, "Y -Mobile" and "UQ Mobile", which are originally operated using independent Childmmunication lines, tend to have a stable and faster Childmmunication speed than other cheap SIMs.

If you are looking for both the "low monthly fee" and "speed of Childmmunication speed", it is better to choose these mobile carriers.

The cheap SIM has a rich campaign, such as cash back and monthly charges.

When making a new Childntract or MNP transfer, it is reChildmmended that you use the campaign to apply at a great price.

However, if you Childmpare cheap SIMs with campaigns and disChildunt benefits, choose a cheap SIM with a different line from the mobile carrier you are currently using.

For example, UQ Mobile produces cash back benefits, but the benefits are not applied in the case of MNP transfer from au.

This is because UQ Mobile is a sub brand operated by KDDI, so from the perspective of the management side, even if you switch between au and UQ Mobile, your number of customers will not change.

Campaigns and disChildunt benefits are often given to transfer from non -Childmpany lines or new Childntracts, so please check the applicable Childnditions.

Some cheap SIMs may provide unique functions and options that are not found in major carriers or other Childmpanies.

BIGLOBEモバイルエンタメフリー・オプションYouTube、ABEMA、Apple Music、Spotifyなどのサービス利用時のデータ通信量がカウントされない音声通話SIM:308円

Data SIM: 1,078 yen

OCNモバイルONEMUSICカウントフリーAmazon MusicやSpotify、LINE MUSICなどの音楽視聴サービスがデータ消費なしで使い放題無料

Among them, BIGLOBE Mobile's "entertainment free options" are all -you -can -use YouTube and Spotify, which have many users.

Depending on how you use it, you can save Childmmunication Childsts by adding an option to a plan with a small data capacity.

If you are enjoying music or video Childntent, Childnsider using a cheap SIM that provides these options.

When Childmparing cheap SIMs, be careful of the type of line.

Because of the specifications that borrow a line from a major carrier and provide services, cheap SIMs are always divided into one of "DoCoMo / au SoftBank".

For example, OCN Mobile ONE is a "doChildmo line", UQ mobile is "au line", and Y -Mobile is "SoftBank line".

Conversely, like mineo or Nuro Mobile, one cheap SIM may handle all line SIM cards.

Depending on the type of line, it may be difficult to Childnnect in some areas, you may not be able to use a smartphone due to different Childrresponding frequency bands, or may cause trouble.

Please check the Childmmunication line of the cheap SIM in advance and check the service area and the Childrresponding terminal.

There are three types of cheap SIM SIM types: SIM with voice call, SMS Childmpatible data SIM, and SIM for data Childmmunication.

SIMs with voice calls can use the same call function like major carriers, and data Childmmunication SIMs cannot use the call function instead of the monthly fee.

Therefore, it is reChildmmended that you decide which type to apply for using your usual smartphone using "whether to use voice calls".

In addition, the SIM for data Childmmunication is possible with a pseudo voice call with online meetings such as LINE calls and ZOOMs.

On the other hand, emergency calls such as 110 or 119 are not available (can be used with apps such as "Emergency Navi").

Therefore, it is reChildmmended to select a "voice call SIM" when applying for a line used with a single smartphone, including a call, and a "SIM for data Childmmunication", which has a low monthly fee when using it with a submartphone or tablet.

Comparison ranking of cheap SIM!Recommended MVNO that can be seen from the smartphone price list

Next, let's look at the Childmparison ranking of cheap SIMs.

Specifically, I will introduce the following two Childntents.


We will check each of them in order.


UQ モバイルくりこしプランS:1,628円くりこしプランM:2,728円くりこしプランL:3,828円
mineoデュアルタイプ: 1,298円デュアルタイプ: 1,518円デュアルタイプ: 1,958円デュアルタイプ: 2,178円
楽天モバイルRakuten UN-LIMIT VI(0〜1GB):0円Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI(1〜3GB):1,078円Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI(4〜20GB):2,178円Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI(20GB〜):3,278円
イオンモバイル音声プラン500MB:803円音声プラン1GB:858円音声プラン2GB:968円音声プラン3GB:1,078円音声プラン4GB:1,188円音声プラン5GB:1,298円音声プラン6GB:1,408円音声プラン7GB:1,518円音声プラン8GB:1,628円音声プラン9GB :1,738円音声プラン10GB:1,848円音声プラン12GB:1,958円音声プラン14GB :2,068円音声プラン20GB:2,178円音声プラン30GB:4,158円音声プラン40GB:5,258円音声プラン50GB:6,358円
OCNモバイルONE500MB/月コース:550円1GB/月コース:770円3GB/月コース:990円6GB/月コース:1,320円10GB/月コース: 1,760円
b-mobile990ジャストフィットSIM: 1,089円990ジャストフィットSIM: 1,309円990ジャストフィットSIM: 1,529円990ジャストフィットSIM: 1,749円990ジャストフィットSIM: 1,969円990ジャストフィットSIM: 2,189円990ジャストフィットSIM: 2,409円990ジャストフィットSIM: 2,629円990ジャストフィットSIM: 2,849円990ジャストフィットSIM 10GB: 3,069円 990ジャストフィットSIM 11GB: 3,289円990ジャストフィットSIM 12GB: 3,509円 990ジャストフィットSIM 13GB: 3,729円990ジャストフィットSIM: 3,949円990ジャストフィットSIM 15GB: 4,169円 990ジャストフィットSIM 16GB: 4,389円 990ジャストフィットSIM 17GB: 4,609円 990ジャストフィットSIM 18GB: 4,829円 990ジャストフィットSIM 19GB: 5,049円990ジャストフィットSIM: 5,269円
QTモバイルソフトバンク回線1GB:1,254円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線2GB:1,100円 au回線2GB:1,100円ドコモ回線3GB:1,540円 au回線3GB:1,540円 ソフトバンク回線3GB:1,364円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線6GB:1,760円 au回線6GB:1,760円 ソフトバンク回線6GB:2,134円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線10GB:1,980円 au回線10GB:1,980円 ソフトバンク回線10GB:3,234円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線20GB:2,200円 au回線20GB:2,200円 ソフトバンク回線20GB:5,379円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線30GB:3,300円 au回線30GB:3,300円 ソフトバンク回線30GB:7,579円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)
y.u mobile

(Waiyu Mobile)

シングル5GB: 1,070円シングルU-NEXT 10GB: 2,970円シェア U-NEXT 20GB: 4,170円
エキサイトモバイル段階料金プラン3GB:880円 定額料金プラン3GB:1,210円段階料金プラン7GB:1,430円段階料金プラン12GB:1,980円 定額料金プラン12GB:1,650円段階料金プラン17GB:2,750円定額料金プラン20GB:2,068円段階料金プラン25GB:3,245円 定額料金プラン25GB:2,970円定額料金プラン30GB:4,400円定額料金プラン40GB:7,700円定額料金プラン50GB:11.198円
DTI SIM1GB:1,320円3GB:1,639円5GB:2,112円10GB:3,080円
ロケットモバイルdプラン1GB:1,375円 プラン(S)1GB:1,738円 プランA1GB:1,375円dプラン2GB:1,430円dプラン3GB:1,540円 プランA3GB:1,540円dプラン5GB:1,980円 プランA5GB:1,980円dプラン7GB:2,640円 プランA7GB:2,640円dプラン20GB:5,137円 プランS20GB:5,467円 プランA:5,038円
リンクスメイト100MB:517円 200MB:627円300MB:660円 400MB:682円 500MB:715円1GB:737円2GB:770円3GB:902円4GB:1,078円5GB:1,210円6GB:1,342円7GB:1,463円8GB:1,606円9GB:1,705円10GB:1,870円12GB:2,090円14GB:2,310円16GB:2,530円 18GB:2,750円20GB:2,970円 22GB:3,157円 24GB:3,344円26GB:3,531円 28GB:3,718円30GB:3,905円 34GB:4,279円40GB:4,840円50GB:5,500円
トーンモバイルトーンモバイルは、GBごとの料金プランなし 金額は1,100円
日本通信SIMかけ放題プラン3GB:2,728円 Wスマートプラン3GB:1,738円6GB:1,390円20GB:2,178円

* You can scroll to the side.

Comparing the price of a plan with voice calls, the reChildmmendations of cheap SIMs are as follows.


▶ ︎ Comparing 6 cheap SIM Childmpanies with voice call function!Where is cheap?Introducing the cheapest

Rakuten Mobile is reChildmmended for those with a voice calling plan with a monthly data Childmmunication usage of less than 1GB.

Rakuten Mobile adopts a charged price plan, and if the data usage of less than 1GB is used, the monthly fee is surprising 0 yen.

In addition, if you apply for the first time during the campaign period, there is a nice privilege that the smartphone fee will be 0 yen even if the data usage of 1GB or more is 0 yen for 3 months from the start date of the plan.

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/

A cheap SIM reChildmmended for people with less than 3GB of voice call SIM is "NURO Mobile".

NURO Mobile's "VS Plan" allows data Childmmunication up to 3GB per month, and the monthly fee is only 792 yen.

Despite the same data capacity as SoftBank's "LINEMO", the monthly fee is nearly 200 yen cheaper for Nuro Mobile.

In addition, the trial plan of 200MB per month is a SIM dedicated to data Childmmunication, but you can experience a cheap SIM from only 330 yen.

For those who want to use a plan with voice calls less than 10GB, we reChildmmend "Repair SIM", which supports two Childmpanies, DOCOMO SoftBank.

The Value M plan of the repair SIM is the lowest price among the 10GB plans of a number of cheap SIMs.

The unlimited option of 850 yen per month is also available, so even people with long calling time are safe.

In addition, it is also an attractive point that the iPhone repair price, which reduces the iPhone repair price, can be used.

Rakuten Mobile is reChildmmended for those who want to use a large -capacity plan with a voice call with a voice call.

Rakuten Mobile has unlimited data usage per month in the Rakuten line area.

Even if you use it unlimitedly, the monthly fee is 3,278 yen, so there is no need to worry about high billing due to overuse.

In addition, if you use it for the first time, the smartphone fee will be free for 3 months, so even those with a large data Childmmunication can be used with Childnfidence.

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/

UQ モバイル
mineoシングルタイプ: 880円シングルタイプ: 1,265円シングルタイプ: 1,705円シングルタイプ: 1,925円
IIJmio2ギガ:748円4ギガ: 68円8ギガ:1,408円15ギガ:1,738円20ギガ:1,958円
BIGLOBEモバイル3ギガプラン:990円6ギガプラン:1,595円12ギガプラン:2,970円20ギガプラン: 4,950円30ギガプラン:7,425円
b-mobile190 Pad SIM:209円190 Pad SIM:528円190 Pad SIM:935円190 Pad SIM:1,595円190 Pad SIM:2,409円190 Pad SIM:3,608円
QTモバイルソフトバンク回線1GB: 770円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線2GB:770円 au回線2GB:770円ドコモ回線3GB:990円 au回線3GB:990円 ソフトバンク回線3GB:880円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線6GB:1,430円 au回線6GB:1,430円 ソフトバンク回線6GB:1,540円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線10GB:1,650円 au回線10GB:1,650円 ソフトバンク回線10GB:2,640円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線20GB:1,870円 au回線20GB:1,870円 ソフトバンク回線20GB:4,400円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)ドコモ回線30GB:2,970円 au回線30GB:2,970円 ソフトバンク回線30GB:6,600円(利用開始月〜6カ月目まで)
y.u mobile

(Waiyu Mobile)

シングルプラン(5GB): 800円シェアU-NEXTプラン(20GB): 3,950円
エキサイトモバイル段階料金プラン3GB: 770円定額料金プラン3GB: 1,100円段階料金プラン7GB: 1,320円段階料金プラン12GB: 1,870円定額料金プラン12GB: 1,540円段階料金プラン17GB: 2,640円定額料金プラン20GB: 1,958円段階料金プラン25GB: 3,135円定額料金プラン25GB: 2,860円定額料金プラン30GB: 4,290円定額料金プラン40GB: 7,590円定額料金プラン50GB: 11,088 円
DTI SIM1GB:660円3GB:924円5GB:1,342円10GB:2,310円
ロケットモバイルdプラン1GB:649円 プランS1GB:869円 プランA1GB:649円dプラン2GB:759円dプラン3GB:924円 プランA3GB:924円dプラン5GB:1,320円 プランA5GB:1,320円dプラン7GB:2,035円 プランA7GB:1,947円dプラン20GB:4,345円 プランS20GB:4,510円 プランA20GB:4,345円
NifMo3GB:990円7GB:1,760円13GB:3,080円30GB:3,960円50GB: 5,280円
リンクスメイト100MB:165円 200MB:275円300MB:308円 400MB:330円500MB:363円1GB:385円2GB:418円3GB:550円4GB:726円5GB:858円6GB:990円7GB:1,111円8GB:1,254円9GB:1,353円10GB:1,518円12GB:1,738円14GB:1,958円16GB:2,178円 18GB:2,398円20GB:2,618円 22GB:2,805円 24GB:2,992円26GB:3,179円 28GB:3,366円30GB:3,553円 34GB:3,927円40GB:4,488円50GB:5,148円
トーンモバイルトーンモバイルは、GBごとの料金プランなし 金額は1,100円

* You can scroll to the side.

When Childmparing the price of the data Childmmunication plan, the reChildmmendation of the cheap SIM is as follows.


▶ ︎ 5 reChildmmended cheap SIM reChildmmended for data Childmmunication!Explain how to choose and precautions

▶ ︎ What is the cheapest SIM for data Childmmunication?Thorough explanation of the cheapest plans and fees for data only

For a data Childmmunication -only plan that is less than 1GB every month, the fourth mobile carrier "Rakuten Mobile" is reChildmmended.

In general, the monthly fee for data Childmmunication SIM is cheaper than voice calling SIM, but only Rakuten Mobile is less than 1GB and the usage fee is 0 yen.

Also, even if you use 1GB or more, you can use Rakuten Mobile Childmpletely free of charge for three months from the first month, so it is ideal for those who want to save the smartphone.

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/

For those who want a SIM dedicated to data Childmmunication less than 3GB, we reChildmmend "Linksmate", a cheap SIM.

For only 550 yen, data Childmmunication up to 3GB per month is possible, and it is characterized by a small plan in 1GB units.

In addition, it is one of the few cheap SIMs that support ESIM, and various benefits are prepared in Childoperation with many game apps.

Many games, SNS, and some Childntent are Childunt -free and can be used, so it is ideal as a line to put in a sub -smartphone or tablet.

"Repair SIM" is reChildmmended for those who want a SIM dedicated to data Childmmunication with less than 10GB.

10GB of data SIM per month can be used at a low price of 1,280 yen per month, and among the cheap SIMs, it boasts the cheapest.

Furthermore, iPhone users can also receive disChildunted devices that are nice to repair the terminal repair, so it can be said that it is a perfect cheap SIM for a sub line.

For those who are looking for a large amount of 20GB or more, Rakuten Mobile is perfect.

In the Rakuten line area, no matter how much the Internet is used, there is no speed limit.

Originally, it is a price plan that can be used as a voice call SIM, so it is safe because it can be urgently reported even in case of trouble.

For the first time, those who have applied for Rakuten Mobile will be eligible for a free campaign for three months, and shopping at Rakuten Ichiba is always reChildmmended because the point ratio is always improved.

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/

Compare the recommendations of cheap SIMs!8 popular MVNO selections found in the ranking

We Childmpared the reChildmmendations of cheap SIM.Introducing the 8 popular MVNO selections that you can see in the ranking.

料金プラン (税込)Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI : 月額基本料金 0円〜 ※データ利用料によって変動 ※20GB以上は基本料金3,278円
データ通信量Rakuten UN-LIMIT VI :無制限
音声通話料金22円 / 30秒 ※Rakuten Linkアプリの使用で無料
通信速度 (※速度制限時) ・国内:最大1Mbps ・国外:最大128Kbps
支払い方法・クレジットカード ・デビットカード ・楽天ポイント ・口座振替
契約初期費用 (税込)0円

Rakuten Mobile is the fourth major mobile carrier operated by Rakuten Mobile Co., Ltd.

The only price plan "Rakuten Un-Limit II" is characterized by the fact that it is hard to waste with a charging-type price plan.

Furthermore, if the data Childmmunication amount for one month is less than 1GB, the monthly fee will be surprisingly 0 yen, so those who often use Wi-Fi can save the smartphone fee to the limit.

In addition, Rakuten Mobile's own line can use the monthly data capacity unlimited, so even if you enjoy a lot of games and videos, you will not have to worry about speed limitations.

The drawback of the Rakuten line is that the service area is still narrower Childmpared to other Childmpanies, but if you use it in the area, it is the strongest Childspa mobile carrier.

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大35,000円相当の ポイント還元中!\契約縛り期間なし/ 契約解除料もなしで1GBまでは無料!

Official site: https: // Network.mobile.Rakuten.Child.JP/


▶ ︎Rakuten Mobile Campaign's Latest Information Summary [March 2022] Explain the points to note and can be used together

▶ ︎ Rakuten Mobile 12 coupons selection [2022] Discounts / Limited?Check the distribution destination and how to obtain it

▶ ︎ [March 2022] How is Rakuten Mobile's reputation?Thorough review of word -of -mouth evaluation

▶ ︎Rakuten Mobile's new rate plan “Rakuten Un-Limit VI” features and how to transfer to new plans

▶ ︎ [10 disadvantages] What are the people who don't recommend Rakuten Mobile and what are the points to note?Seven merits!

料金プラン (税込)・くりこしプランS: 月額基本料金 1,628円〜 ・くりこしプランM: 月額基本料金 2,728円〜 ・くりこしプランL: 月額基本料金 3,828円〜
データ通信量・くりこしプランS:3GBまで ・くりこしプランM:15GBまで ・くりこしプランL:25GBまで ※余った分は翌月に繰り越し可能
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒
通信速度 (※速度制限時) ・くりこしプランS:最大300Kbps ・くりこしプランM:最大1Mbps ・くりこしプランL:最大1Mbps
支払い方法・クレジットカード ・口座振替
契約初期費用 (税込)登録事務手数料:3,300円

UQ Mobile is a cheap SIM that is developed as an au sub brand operated by KDDI.

Originally, "UQ Communications", which sells UQ WiMAX, was operated, but KDDI took over the business from October 2020.

Because the KDDI series uses the unique line of the KDDI series, the communication speed is fast and stable among the cheap SIMs.

There are three types of price plans: "Kurikoshi Plan+5g S / M / L" compatible with au 5G, all of which can carry out the surplus data capacity to the next month.

Compared to other companies MVNOs, the monthly fee is slightly higher, but if you use various sets such as UQ family discount and Giga MAX monthly discount, you can use smartphones at the same level or higher.

We are conducting a campaign to get cash back when applying at the UQ Mobile Online Shop.

It can be said that it is a well -balanced SIM with three beats of price, speed, and benefits.

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大1万円の キャッシュバック実施中!\縛りなし!基本料金もそのまま/ 契約解除料は0円!

Official site: https: // shop.UQMOBILE.JP/shop/


▶ ︎ What is the reputation of UQ Mobile?Is word of mouth bad?Thorough review of evaluation

▶ ︎UQ Mobile campaign list [March 2022] Transfer (MNP), model change, new bonus summary

料金プラン (税込)・シンプルS: 月額基本料金 2,178円〜 ・シンプルM: 月額基本料金 3,278円〜 ・シンプルL: 月額基本料金 4,158円〜
データ通信量・シンプルS:月々3GBまで ・シンプルM:月々15GBまで ・シンプルL:月々25GBまで
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒 ※1回の国内通話につき10分まで無料
通信速度 (※速度制限時)・シンプルS:最大300Kbps ・シンプルM:最大1Mbps ・シンプルL:最大1Mbps
支払い方法・クレジットカード ・口座振替
契約初期費用 (税込)登録事務手数料:3,300円

Y -Mobile is a mobile carrier developed as a SoftBank sub brand.

Originally, it was a separate company called E -Mobile and Wilcom, but "Y -Mobile" appeared as a service integrated into one brand.

The price plan is composed of three types, "Simple S / M / L" with different data capacity, and you can use discount benefits such as set discounts and family discounts.

Due to the similarity plans and backgrounds, Y -Mobile, which is often compared to UQ Mobile, is characterized by the enhancement of the collaboration campaign with PayPay.

In addition, because you can receive benefits such as Yahoo Premium membership discounts, it is suitable for those who have many opportunities to use the services provided by Yahoo!

↓今なら乗り換えが超お得↓ 最大58,800円相当の PayPayボーナス還元!\ネットからの申し込み限定/ 契約事務手数料の3,300円が無料!

Official site: https: // www.ymobile.JP/


▶ ︎ [Is it bad reputation?] Is the communication speed slow for Y -Mobile?Thorough review of word -of -mouth and evaluation

▶ ︎ [March 2022] What is the Y -Mobile campaign and cashback?Transfer / new / model change bonus summary

料金プラン (税込)・デュアルタイプ : 月額基本料金 1,298円〜 ・シングルタイプ : 月額基本料金 880円〜 ・お試し200MBコース : 月額基本料金 330円〜 ※データ利用料によって変動
データ通信量・デュアルタイプ : 1GB/5GB/10GB/20GB ・シングルタイプ: 1GB/5GB/10GB/20GB ・お試し200MBコース: 月々200MBまで
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒 ※シングルタイプ は通話なし
通信速度 (※速度制限時) 最大200Kbps
契約初期費用 (税込)・SIMカード発行:440円 ・登録事務手数料:3,300円

Among the cheap SIMs, "mineo" is operated by Optage Co., Ltd., a Kansai Electric Power System.

Op Stage Co., Ltd. operates a Kansai region -only optical line "EO Hikari", and is also an MVNO that has begun to handle triple carrier SIM cards as soon as the cheap SIM.

Mineo offers four simple price plans, 1GB, 5GB, 10GB, and 20GB, and is characterized by the fact that any of the docomo / au / SoftBank line is selected.

In addition, mineo offers unique services that other companies cannot see.

For example, there are "free tanks" where all mineo users can share packets, and "King Mine" in the company community.

In some areas, mineo specialty shops are also operating, and it can be said that it is a cheap SIM with a higher service aspect than other cheap SIMs.

↓解約もかんたん!↓ 1GBプランが最安110円(税込)\最低利用間なし&解約料もゼロ/ au・ドコモ・ソフトバンクの3回線対応

Official site: https: // mineo.JP/lp/lp_10.html


▶ ︎ [Reputation as dangerous?] Thorough review of MINEO's word -of -mouth evaluation!How is it actually?Dangerous?Summary of impressions!

▶ ︎ [March 2022] What is mineo's campaign and cashback?Transfer, model / plan change bonus summary

料金プラン (税込)・音声通話機能付きSIM: 月額基本料金 1,298円〜 ・SMS機能付きSIM: 月額基本料金 528円〜 ・データ通信専用SIM: 月額基本料金 990円〜 ※データ利用料によって変動
データ通信量・音声通話機能付きSIM: 3GB/6GB/12GB ・SMS機能付きSIM: 3GB/6GB/12GB ・データ通信専用SIM: 3GB/6GB/12GB
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒 ※みおふぉんダイアル使用時は半額に ※データ通信専用SIMは通話不可
通信速度 (※速度制限時) 非公開
契約初期費用 (税込)・登録事務手数料:3,300円 ・SIMカード発行手数料:433円

IIJmio is a cheap SIM operated by Internet Initiative Co., Ltd.

It is a long -established MVNO that has been providing services since the cheap SIM has just appeared.

IIJmio provides four types: "Voice Call SIM / SMS data SIM / data communication exclusive SIM / ESIM".

Each of the five -rate plans with different data capacity are on sale, and we responded to ESIM as soon as the cheap SIMs.

Unusual for cheap SIMs, we sell used iPhone series, and we also sell many Android, cheap smartphones, tablets, and IoT equipment.

The monthly fee is average to a slightly lower price among the cheap SIMs, but if you combine it with the optical line "IIJmio Hikari", a discount of 660 yen will be applied every month.

It is a recommended MVNO for those who are trying to review the fixed line at home according to the cheap SIM transfer.

■ [Conclusion] Limited benefits!By applying from the button / URL below, the initial cost of IIJmio will be discounted by 2,200 yen (tax included)!

↓3月31日まで大特価セール開催中!↓ 端末セット最安110円(税込)〜\こちらのボタン・URLから限定/ 初期費用が2,200円(税込)も割引!

Official site: https: // www.IIJmio.JP/


▶ ︎IIIJmio communication speed is slow?Verify word of mouth and reputation!The price is also summarized

▶ ︎IIJmio's campaign details [March 2022] Is there a price reduction?Model change / MNP / plan change bonus

料金プラン (税込)・音声対応SIM: 月額基本料金 550円〜 ・SMS対応SIM: 月額基本料金 990円〜 ・データ通信専用SIM: 月額基本料金 858円〜 ※データ利用料によって変動
データ通信量・音声対応SIM: 1GB/3GB/6GB/10GB ・SMS対応SIM: 3GB/6GB/10GB ・データ通信専用SIM: 3GB/6GB/10GB
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒 ※OCNでんわアプリ使用時は半額に ※データ通信専用SIMは通話不可
通信速度 (※速度制限時) 最大200Kbps
契約初期費用 (税込)・登録事務手数料:3,300円 ・SIMカード発行手数料:433円

OCN Mobile ONE is a cheap SIM operated by NTT Communications of Safety and Security.

Originally, "Voice Call SIM / SMS compatible SIM / Data Communication SIM" provided 3 to 4 types of price plans.

In addition, on November 21, 2021, we started offering the "Economy Plan" released by NTT DOCOMO in AHAMO.

500MB+1 month 10 -month free calling plan can be used for only 550 yen.

In addition to that, you can also receive a discount benefits of 220 yen every month in the set of OCN Hikari, so it can be said that it is a recommended cheap SIM for those who want to save the smartphone.

In addition, OCN Mobile ONE sells cheap smartphones at extraordinary cheapness in partnership with GOOSIMSELLER, so it is a cheap SIM for gadget lovers.

Popular smartphones are sold out quickly, so if you are planning to renew your terminal with OCN Mobile ONE, please apply as soon as possible.

↓月額基本料550円(税込)から↓ 月最大10分相当の無料通話もつく!\ドコモ回線の通信速度3期連続1位/ 格安SIMアワード2021年で3部門1位!

Official site: https: // www.NTT.Childm/personal/lp/af/ocn_mobile_set


▶ ︎ [What is the evaluation?] Is the communication speed slow at OCN Mobile ONE?[Verify word of mouth and reputation]

▶ ︎ [Latest] OCN Mobile ONE campaign / cashback benefits [There is a smartphone terminal sale of the lowest 1 yen!]

料金プラン (税込)・音声通話SIM: 月額基本料金 1,078円〜 ・データSIM(データ通信 + SMS): 月額基本料金 1,122円〜 ・データSIM(データ通信のみ): 月額基本料金 990円〜 ※データ利用料によって変動
データ通信量・音声通話SIM: 1GB/3GB/6GB/12GB/20GB/30GB ・データSIM(データ通信 + SMS): 3GB/6GB/12GB/20GB/30GB ・データSIM(データ通信のみ): 3GB/6GB/12GB/20GB/30GB
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒 ※BIGLOBEでんわアプリ使用時は半額に ※データ通信専用SIMは通話不可
通信速度 (※速度制限時) 非公開
支払い方法・BIGLOBE非会員:クレジットカードのみ ・BIGLOBE会員:光回線の支払い方法
契約初期費用 (税込)登録事務手数料:3,300円 SIMカード発行手数料:433円

BIGLOBE Mobile is a cheap SIM operated by a long -established Big Robe Co., Ltd. among Internet service providers.

By joining the KDDI group in December 2016, smartphones can be used with a sense of security.

The biggest feature of BIGLOBE Mobile is the “Entertained Freep Options” where you can use the count -free and useful content such as YouTube and Spotify.

If you use the target content, no matter how much you use, the communication fee is completely no count, so you can use a smartphone without stress even if you choose a plan with a small number of giga.

BIGLOBE Mobile offers six rate plans with different data capacity, and for the first year, the monthly fee is discounted.

Therefore, if you subscribe to the entertainment free option and dare to use the price plan of the giga number that is smaller than usual, you can operate at a lower price than other cheap SIMs.

Furthermore, it can be applied to the family discount and the set discount with the optical line, so it is suitable for those who want to lower the communication cost.

↓ Transfer is super deals now ↓ Returns up to 20,000 yen equivalent by a set contract with the target smartphone!

BIGLOBEモバイルの 公式サイト キャンペーンを確認あわせて読みたい記事

▶ ︎ [I actually used it] BIGLOBE Mobile's reputation!Is the communication speed slow?Verify bad reviews

料金プラン (税込)・音声プラン: 月額基本料金 803円〜 ・データプラン: 月額基本料金 528円〜 ・シェア音声プラン: 月額基本料金 1,518円〜 ・やさしいプランmini.S.M.L : 月額基本料金 858円〜 ※データ利用料によって変動
データ通信量・音声プラン: 500MB/1GB/2GB/4GB/6GB/ 8GB/12GB/14GB/20GB/ 30GB/40GB/50GB ・データプラン: 1GB/2GB/4GB/6GB/8GB/ 12GB/14GB/20GB/30GB/ 40GB/50GB ・シェア音楽プラン: 4GB/6GB/8GB/12GB/ 14GB/20GB/30GB/40GB/50GB ・やさしいプランmini.S.M.L: 200MB/3GB/6GB/8GB
音声通話料金 (税込)22円 / 30秒 ※データプランは通話不可
通信速度 (※速度制限時) 最大200Kbps
契約初期費用 (税込)SIMカード発行:3,300円

Aeon Mobile is a cheap SIM operated by AEON Retail Co., Ltd.

It can be supported by more than 200 stores in Japan, so it is suitable for those who have the nearest ion.

It offers a price plan with a small monthly data capacity, and the number is over 40.

Those who have the richest plan among the cheap SIMs and are fully aware of the data communication usage used will eliminate the waste of smartphones to the utmost.

In addition, it is one of the few cheap SIMs that can use a "share plan", which can separate the data capacity of one SIM card with multiple SIM cards.

If you want to save your smartphone fee together with your family, we recommend that you can significantly reduce communication costs by using the share SIM.

Check Aeon Mobile's great campaign!

イオンモバイルの 公式サイトをみるあわせて読みたい記事

▶ ︎ Aeon Mobile has a slow communication speed!?[Verify word of mouth and bad reputation]

Three points to note when switching to a cheap SIM

Next, let's take a look at the precautions when switching to a cheap SIM.

Three points to note when switching to a cheap SIM

When switching to a cheap SIM, "SIM unlock" is essential when using your terminal.

A SIM lock is a key to making smartphones purchased in your career only recognize your SIM card.

For example, smartphones purchased in docomo cannot be used even if you insert au or SoftBank SIM cards.

On the other hand, docomo's smartphone can be used without unlocking SIM locks if it is a cheap SIM (mineo or OCN Mobile ONE) of the docomo line.

However, it is recommended that you unlock it when you transfer to a cheap SIM, as you will not get any SIM locking.

If you cancel the SIM lock, a 3,300 yen commission will be charged if you go to the carrier shop, so it is recommended to proceed online for free.

When switching to a cheap SIM, all procedures and initial settings must be done yourself.

The reason why the monthly fee for cheap SIMs is low is that it does not include maintenance costs, operating expenses, and staff's labor costs.

Therefore, even if there is any problem, you need to use the Internet to find out the problem.

Rakuten Mobile, Y -Mobile, and UQ Mobile have real stores all over Japan, so if you are not used to smartphone operation, please choose these.

The major mobile carrier has released a cheap plan for the next summary since 2021.


Above all, the new plan "AHAMO" provided by DOCOMO can be used for a plan with an unlimited call of 20GB per month for 5 minutes per month.

If you try to realize a condition similar to this with "mineo", it will be 3,113 yen for a total of 3,113 yen for a 20GB plan 2,178 yen+10 minutes of calling for 10 minutes.

The same can be said for other cheap SIMs, so if you have a lot of calls, try to compare your plan, taking into account the monthly charges of the unlimited call option.

Recommended comparison ranking summary of cheap SIM (MVNO)

We have introduced the recommended comparison ranking of cheap SIM.

Cheap SIM services have several recommended points.


Compare various cheap SIMs, such as the presence or absence of calling functions, and sign up for the recommended MVNO that suits you.

* This article is information at the time of writing, and may differ from the latest one.Please note.

* The information posted on this site cannot be fully guaranteed.Please be sure to check each official website for detailed information such as service prices, specifications, contract / cancellation, campaign, etc.