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2021 News -Corona vaccine world situation | NHK

Secretary -General of WHO, "A fair distribution is delayed in the whole world," (12/23)

December 23, 2021

WHO = Secretary -General Tedoros, World Health Organization, pointed out that additional vaccination of new colona vaccines in developed countries and other countries pointed out that vaccines were delayed in the whole world, and cooperated with countries for fair distribution.I called.

The WHO Secretary -General Tedoros will hold a conference on December 22, and while additional vaccinations will progress in developed countries, etc., the supply of vaccines will be delayed in the whole world, and only half of the world will reach 40 % in the world.I mentioned the outlook.

He also pointed out that 20 % of the currently used vaccines are used for additional vaccination, saying, "Many people who are hospitalized or died are those who do not vaccinate."He said a sense of crisis to the current situation.

In addition, it is said that there is a large -scale additional inoculation for all adults in developed countries, such as "continuing to supply vaccines to countries with high vaccination rate".I was concerned.

Mr. Tedoros said, "We must end the pandemic next year and start the new solidarity era," and called for cooperation in the vaccine for a fair distribution.

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Provision to African countries approval of Turkish Corona vaccine (12/23)

December 23, 2021

The Turkish government has announced that it has been urgently used in the new domestic colonavirus vaccine, and has begun vaccination in Japan and will also provide a shortage of vaccines.

The Turkish government announced on December 22 that it has acknowledged urgent use of the new colon virus vaccine, Turkishwak, which was developed in Japan for the first time in Japan.

He will start vaccinating in Japan next week.

In December, President Erdogan said at a summit meeting in Turkey and Africa in Istanbul that he was planning to provide 15 million vaccines, and the spread of vaccines is delayed.The company plans to use it for "vaccine diplomacy" in Africa.

"Turkishwaku" is a type called "inactivated vaccine" that has been processed by processing viruses, and has been jointly developed by Turkish universities and research institutions.

On December 19, the top in charge of development told local media that there was no case where vaccination was severely ill in the past clinical trials, and positive results were obtained.

In Turkey, 82 % of the number of vaccinations over the age of 18 have already finished the second vaccination, but the infected person per day is still about 20,000.

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The idea of starting vaccination for the fourth time to be 60 years old or older (12/22)

December 22, 2021

In Israel, the Middle East, where over 40 % of the population has finished the third vaccination of the new colon virus vaccine, the transmission of Omicron strain in the variable virus has expanded, and Israel Prime Minister Benet is over 60 years old.Show the idea of starting the fourth vaccination.

In Israel, where vaccination has progressed at a fast -paced pace worldwide, the third vaccination has been promoted for the third time since August 2021, and the third is 4.17 million, which is about 44 % of the population so far.Is over.

After that, the number of infected people has been declining, but since late last month, the number of infected people has increased again due to the spread of Omicron strain, and on December 19, a new infection for the first time in about two months.The number of people has exceeded 1,000.

In response to this, the government's specialist committee, which is made by doctors, has suggested on December 21 that he should start vaccinating for those aged 60 or older and over 60 years old.

In response to this, Prime Minister Benet supports the proposals and shows the idea of starting vaccination soon, and said, "It helps to overcome the waves of the Omicron stocks involving the world. Those who meet the conditions are in the venue.I want you to be vaccinated. "

According to Israeli media, 341 people have been infected with Omicron stocks in Japan, and the government is promoting infection measures, calling for home work.

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Added WHO Povabucks vaccine to an emergency use list (12/22)

December 22, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization has added a new colon virus vaccine to the U.S. Pharmaceutical Company Novabucks to an emergency use list.

It is expected to accelerate distribution to developing countries.

The WHO announced on December 21 that the new Coronavirus vaccine developed and manufactured by American Pharmaceutical Company Novabucks was added to an emergency use list.

The same vaccine manufactured by a major Indian pharmaceutical company has been added to an emergency use list on December 17.

This vaccine is developed with the support of the "COVAX Facility", which is developed and distributed by WHO, etc., and is said to be suitable for distribution to developing countries because it can be stored in a normal refrigerator.

これまでのCOVAXを通じたワクチンの分配は、合わせておよそ7億9000万回分で、年内におよそ20億回分としていた当初の計画を大幅に下回っていて今回、新たなワクチンがリストに加えられたことで、COVAXを通じたIt is expected to accelerate distribution to developing countries.

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Modela 3 times inoculated "The neutralization antibody effect on Omicron strain has significantly increased" (12/21)

December 21, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company, modela, has announced in experiments that the effects of neutralizers on the Omicron strain in the variable virus will greatly increase by inoculation of the new colonavirus vaccine.

Modela announced on December 20 the initial experimental results of the new Coronavirus vaccine on the Omicron strain on the Omicron strain.

According to this, in the blood of the person who received the vaccination twice, the effects of the median antibody that weakened the function of the virus were lower than the conventional virus compared to the conventional virus.

However, after receiving the third additional vaccination, the effects of neutral antibodies have increased significantly, increasing by about 37 times in the 50th micrograph in vaccination used for the third vaccination in Japan and the United States.It means that the same 100 micrograms as the two vaccinations have increased by about 83 times.

Modela continues to develop vaccines specialized in Omicron stocks, but can be expected to have sufficient effects on Omicron strains by inoculation three times currently used.I don't think I need a vaccine. "

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Pfizer vaccine additional inoculation Omicron stock WHO view (12/19)

December 19, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization has stated that the new Coronavirus mutant virus Omicron strain has the same effect as the effect on the delta shares by inoculating the Pfizer vaccine.

This was revealed in WHO's material for member countries published on December 18.

Among them, the effect of preventing the severity of the Omicron strain, even if it is the initial data obtained from the UK and is inoculated twice with a Pfizer or astrazena vaccine, is compared to the effect on Delta shares.It is significantly low.

On the other hand, if an additional vaccination of the Pfizer is inoculated, it will be the same or slightly lower effect as the effect on the delta stock after two weeks after vaccination.

WHO is also analyzing the effects on the omicron strain when an additional vaccine other than the Pfizer.

According to the WHO, Omicron stocks have been confirmed in 89 countries as of December 16, and the number of infected people has doubled in a day and a half to three days in countries where city infections are occurring.

The WHO has been calling for alertness in these countries that the current mainstream Delta shares will be replaced with Omicron strains in the future.

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U.S. CDC Expert Committee "MRNA vaccine is desirable to prevent Corona" (12/17)

December 17, 2021

On December 16, the US CDC = Diseases Countermeasures Center is a recommendation that the so -called "MRNA vaccine" of Pfizer and Modelna is desirable to prevent the infectious disease of the new Coronavirus on December 16th.Is out.

On December 16, the CDC held an external expert committee to verify the effects and safety data of Johnson End Johnson's vaccines.

This vaccine has been vaccinated more than 17 million times in the United States, but after vaccination, blood vessels such as brains have been clogged, and CDCs have reported that 54 people have been reported so far and nine people have died.。

The most common report of thrombosis is that women between the ages of 30 and 49 are about 10 per millions of vaccinations.

The CDC states that Johnson End Johnson's vaccine is more likely to prevent severe and death, but is lower than the risk of Pfas and Moderna's so -called "MRNA vaccine."

Expert committee, which examined these data, has advised that "MRNA vaccine is desirable to prevent new colon virus infections."

CDCs may continue to vaccinate if you are in areas where you can easily get a Pfizer or Modela vaccine.

Following the recommendation of the CDC expert committee on December 16th, Johnson End Johnson said, "This vaccine will bring a wide range of defense throughout the virus, a strong antibody, cellular immunity, long -term immunity memory, and the whole mutant virus.It is backed up. "

In addition, the company says that it is still an important option for those who avoid MRNA vaccine vaccination, and will work on awareness of how to deal with thrombosis in the future.

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U.S. Fautu Dr. Omicron stock vaccine effect increases with additional inoculation (12/16)

December 16, 2021

Dr. Fauchi, the US government's leader medical advisor, said on December 15 that the effect of the variety of the variety of viruses would increase sufficiently due to additional vaccination in the vaccine currently used.No vaccination is needed. "

Dr. Fauchi, the US government's leader medical advisor, explained the current views on vaccines for new mutant viruses and Omicron stocks at a conference on December 15.

According to the fact, the new colonavirus vaccine of the currently used Pfizer and Modelna has a remarkable decrease in the effect of preventing infection and severity in the Omicron strain, even after completing two vaccinations.

On the other hand, as a result of multiple initial research, "the third additional inoculation has shown that the effects of neutral antibodies, which suppress the function of viruses, are significantly increased to Omicron strains."I did it.

In addition, the vaccine corresponding to the Omicron stocks, which Pfizers and Modela have expressed their development, are said to be "at this time, no new vaccinations for mutant viruses are needed" and is currently being used by the people.I called for an additional vaccination.

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Effect on the onset of about 70-75 % in the additional Omicron stock inoculation (12/11)

December 11, 2021

British health authorities have published an early survey result in the addition of about 70 % to 75 % of the onset of people infected with the mutant virus Omicron strain, regarding the addition of new Corona vaccine.

On December 10, British health authorities published an early survey result for 581 people infected with the mutant virus Omicron strain.

As a result, the subjects include those who have been vaccinated twice or have received additional vaccinations, and in the event that they are two times, they develop compared to Delta shares.It is said that the effect of preventing was very low, but it was said that the effect of receiving additional inoculation was to prevent about 70 % to 75 % onset.

However, it is an early stage survey, and it is said that further surveys will be required, such as how long the additional vaccination will last.

In the UK, on December 10, 448 new Omicron strain infections were confirmed, and a total of 1265 people were 1265.

Health authorities believe that if the infection is expanded at this pace, the Omicron strain will account for more than half of the infected people by mid -December.

The British government is in a hurry to respond to all people over the age of 18 by the end of January 2022.

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Effect of vaccine on Omicron stock "Improved in the third" Pfizer (12/9)

December 9, 2021

On December 8, the US Pharmaceutical Pfizer, etc. on December 8, regarding the effects of the new colonavirus vaccine for the o -micron strain, the effect of the neutralizer that suppresses the function of the virus is the same as the conventional virus.We announced the early experiment results that increased.According to the vaccination three times, it can be expected to have a high effect on Omicron strain.

The US Pharmaceutical Piaiser and the German Bion Tech announced on December 8 the initial experimental results conducted in the lab regarding the effects of the new Coronavirus vaccine jointly developed in the lab.

According to this, the effect of neutral antibodies that suppress the function of virus in the blood of the vaccination has decreased significantly for those who have received two vaccinations than in conventional viruses.rice field.However, for those who received the third additional vaccination, the effect of neutralia antibodies increased 25 times in the case of two vaccinations, increasing to the same as the conventional virus.

"In terms of experimental results, the third person who has been vaccinated can be expected to have a high effect on Omicron strain," said Bion Tech's Shahin CEO.

The results of this experiment are at the initial stage, and the Pfizer and others will examine how much the effect of preventing infection and severe becoming an infection and severity of those who have been vaccinated three times in the future. is.

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Effect on Pfizer Vaccine Omicron Stocks or Dissemination of South Africa (12/8)

December 8, 2021

On December 7, South Africa's African Health Research Institute announced the results of the early stage of research, which indicates the possibility of decrease in the effects of the new Coronavirus vaccine of the Pfizer, and the third additional vaccination, etc.He said that the effect of the vaccine is likely to be maintained to some extent.

The team of the African Health Research Institute in South Africa collects 12 blood, and the median antibodies in the blood have the work of a new mutant virus, Omicron strain, on December 7.We announced the results of examining whether it could be suppressed.

According to this, for all 12 people, the effect of neutral antibodies was about one -tenth compared to the conventional virus.

On the other hand, when I was infected with the new colon virus out of the 12 people, I looked at the six people who received the vaccination and found that five of them have reduced the effect of neutralizer, but maintained a relatively high level.I was.

The results of the research are small in the early stages that have not yet been verified by other experts, but the research team said, "The virus was not perfect. Virus was infected and vaccinated.If you receive or receive the third additional vaccination, it is likely that the function of neutralization antibodies can be enhanced and severe can be prevented. "

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Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharmaceutical Subsidiary During the Vaccine During the Vaccine this year (12/8)

December 8, 2021

"Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharmaceuticals", which is headquartered in Osaka, said that the last -the -clinical trial was confirmed safety and efficacy about the new colonavirus vaccine developed by a subsidiary in Canada using plants.We clarified the policy to apply for approval.

According to the announcement of Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharmaceutical, the finals of the new Corona, which is being developed by a subsidiary in Canada in joint development with a British pharmaceutical company, is the last for about 24,000 people in North America and Europe.It is said that the effective and safety has been confirmed in the gradual clinical trial.

The effect of vaccine prevention of onset is 71 %, of which 75 for Delta stocks..The fact that it was 3 % did not see a heavy side reaction, and even if there was a side reaction such as fever, the average was cured in about one to three days.

In response to this, Medicago plans to apply for approval in Canada later this year.

This vaccine is made by incorporating virus genes into cigarettes that grow quickly, extracting particles similar to viruses from leaf cells, and can be stored at a temperature of two to 8 degrees.It is said that there are benefits that are easy to use even for small medical institutions.

Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharmaceutical is also promoting clinical trials in this vaccine in Japan, and if it can be confirmed safety, along with the results of the final clinical trials conducted overseas, it was approved in Japan in the spring of 2022.I am going to apply.

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All companies in New York City "Vaccination obligation" (12/7)

December 7, 2021

New York in the United States has announced that it will obligate all companies in the city to vaccinate employees from December 27 as a countermeasure against the new mutant virus Omicron strain.

This was revealed on December 6 by the mayor of Deblacio in New York at a conference.

As a result, all companies in the city will be obliged to vaccinate employees from December 27.

It is the first time in cities in the United States to be obliged to be in vaccination, so it has been pointed out that the infectivity of Omicron shares is strong, the coldness of the Omicron strain is strong, and the people in the holiday season.We mention that there are more opportunities to gather.

The penalties for violations will be announced on December 15.

The target office is about 184,000, and Mayor Deblacio says, "It is necessary to take very bold and aggressive actions to deal with new threats," and asked for understanding.rice field.

In addition, New York City has called for a certificate that indicates that he has received vaccination at least once for those who use indoor restaurants and theaters, but December 27.From a day, we have decided to present a certificate that has been vaccinated twice.

In addition, children aged 5 to 11, whose vaccinations have begun in November, will be asked to present at least one vaccination certificate from December 14.

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A contract for securing 114 million vaccines in preparation for additional British (12/2)

December 2, 2021

The British government has announced that a new mutant virus has secured 114 million vaccines from 2022 to 2023 in preparation for further additional vaccination.

With the impact of the new mutant virus and Omicron strain, the British government has a contract to secure 114 million vaccines, from 2022 to 2023, from 2022 to 2023.I revealed that it was tied.

When a vaccine corresponding to Omicron stocks and future mutant viruses is developed, the improved vaccine is also included in the target.

The British government has already secured 35 million Pfizer vaccines for 2022, but the aim is to prepare for a new situation that will require further additional vaccination.

In developing countries, the lack of vaccines is also a major issue, but the British government emphasizes that these countries will donate 100 million times by mid -2022, of which 12 are more than 12 million times.It will be provided by the end of the month.

As of December 1, 32 people have been infected with Omicron stocks, and the government is in a hurry to respond by enhancing water -shelter measures and infection measures and shortening the interval between vaccinations in vaccines.increase.

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WHO risks are distributed to vaccination countries as soon as possible (12/2)

December 2, 2021

Regarding the new Coronavirus mutant virus, Omicron stock, the World Health Organization Secretary -General Tedoros has been investigating the effects of infectious and vaccine effects, and to countries.He called for the elderly, such as the elderly, to vaccinate as soon as possible and distribute it to developing countries.

The WHO was designated as an Omicron strain on November 26 as an Omicron strain, and held a first press conference on December 1.

According to Secretary -General Tedoros, he said, "We have gained new information about Omicron stocks, but we have found that it has a lot of ease of infection and severity, tests, treatments, and vaccine effects.No, "no, in the last few days, experts around the world have been evaluating new evidence.

In addition, Secretary -General Tedoros called for the elderly, such as the elderly, to vaccinates and distribute to developing countries as soon as possible.

"It is expected that more information will be gained in the next few days, not a few weeks," said Bangkelcov, the director of the new colon virus measures.

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Vaccine Development Germany Bion Tech CEO "Prevention of Omicron Stocks" (12/1)

December 1, 2021

Along with a major US pharmaceutical company, a German company that developed vaccines, Bion Tech's Shahin CEO = Supreme Executive Officer, responded to the media interview, and the effectiveness of the vaccine on the new mutant virus "Omicron Stock" is more ill.He showed a view that it is likely to be prevented.

In an interview with the American Wall Street Journal, Bion Tech's Shahin CEO said, "Our ideas are based on scientific evidence.He said that it would not be possible to completely escape from immune cells to prevent, "he said, saying that vaccines are likely to be effective in preventing o -micron stocks.

In addition, Shahin CEO has shown that the vaccine developed by Bion Tech and Pfizer has shown the effect of preventing severe illness to other mutant viruses, including Delta stocks, and is the third time as before.We emphasized the importance of promoting additional vaccination.

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UK 2022 By the end of January, 18 years old or older additional vaccination termination policy (12/1)

December 1, 2021

In the United Kingdom, in response to the confirmation of the infection of new mutant viruses, Omicron stocks, Prime Minister Johnson is all over 18 years old by the end of January 2022, as measures have been strengthened, such as mandatory masks on public transportation.He said he wanted to end the additional vaccination to the person.

In the United Kingdom, 22 people have been identified by Omicron stocks, and in England, which accounts for the majority of the population, measures have been strengthened on November 30.

New measures are required to wear masks at public transportation and retail stores, and undergo PCR tests within two days of entry, and are isolated until negative results are obtained.

In the city of London, people wearing masks in subway vehicles were noticeable, but citizens say, "I don't know how effective the mask is, but it's a rule,"I'm worried that it will be needed. "

The British government plans to urgently in vaccination in vaccination, while delaying the speed of the spread of infection by these measures.Showed the idea of ending.

In addition to medical and volunteers, the military has mobilized and proceeding with additional vaccination, and Prime Minister Johnson said, "The biggest defense against Omicron strain is a vaccine," and emphasized the importance of additional inoculation.

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Modelna CEO Current vaccine "Lacks on Omicron stocks are less effective" (12/1)

December 1, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company modela Bansel CEO = the highest executive officer is an interview with the media, and the vaccine currently used is lower than the conventional mutant virus.Is shown.

In an interview with the British newspaper "Financial Times", Modela Bangcell CEO said, "I don't think the same level of effect as Delta shares will be obtained. How much effect will be reduced.I need to wait, but the scientists I listen to all say, "This will not be good."He said that it would be lower than the virus.

The reason is that scientists are concerned about the fact that there are many changes in the "spike protein" on the virus surface.

And the data about how vaccine works on Omicron strains is "should be obtained within two weeks" and it has been a few months to be able to manufacture a large -scale vaccine.He showed the opinion that it would take.

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Vaccine additional vaccination "Should be received" US CDC Omicron stock expansion (11/30)

November 30, 2021

As the concerns of the newly confirmed mutant virus, Omicron strain, the US CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center will "receive an additional vaccine to all Americans over the age of 18 who have finished vaccination.He said, "he said, and said he strongly recommended additional vaccination.

The CDC has been promptly added to the new Coronavirus vaccine of the Pfizer and Modelna to those over 50 years old and those who live in long -term care facilities over the age of 6 and over 18 years old.While calling for vaccination, he said that he could receive additional inoculation to others.

However, while new mutant viruses, Omicron stocks, CDCs have been inoculated to all people over 18 years old on November 29 and six months old.He said that he should take it with a stronger expression, and stated that he strongly recommends additional inoculation.

In a statement, CDC director Walenski said in a statement that "early data from South Africa shows a strong infectivity."

He also states how much the vaccine currently used has the effect of Omicron strains, "the United States and other countries around the world are in a hurry to verify."

As of November 29, the United States has not been confirmed to be infected with Omicron stocks, but the Biden administration has been increasingly alert, starting to examine measures with pharmaceutical companies.

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Pfizer CEO New vaccine "It will be possible within 100 days" (11/30)

November 30, 2021

The US pharmaceutical pharmaceutical piercing Burlor CEO = the highest executive officer has begun to create a new vaccine in case the new variety virus "Omicron shares" confirmed in South Africa decreases in case of the current vaccine effect.After clarifying that, he said, "I can do it within 100 days."

For the new mutant virus "Omicron Stock" confirmed in South Africa, Pfizer Burlor CEO said on November 29 in an interview with an American TV program, "If the current vaccine effect is reduced, a new vaccine.He must make it. The work of creating a new vaccine has already begun. "

On the other hand, "I created a new vaccine for delta stocks and beta stocks of the mutant virus, but the current vaccine did not need to be used because it showed a high effect on these mutant viruses.The only way to use a vaccine is when the current vaccine is not effective for Omicron strains, "he said, he said he was not yet sure if a new vaccine would be needed.

Bourl CEO also states that the antiviral drugs during development are "I'm confident that the effect will not change because it is not a drug that works for spike proteins where virus variants are occurring."He showed the idea that development would not be affected.

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Corona vaccine in Africa, Corona Vaccine, will also provide more than 1 billion times (11/30)

November 30, 2021

The so -called "vaccine diplomacy in the vaccine diplomacy in Africa, where the international conferences between China and the African countries have begun in Senegal, and China will provide more than 1 billion new colonovirus vaccines and are concerned about the spread of the new mutant virus" Omicron Stock ".Was clearly expanded.

The China African Cooperation Forum, a pillar of China's African diplomacy, began on November 29 in Dakarl, the capital of Senegal, for the first time in three years, and foreign ministers participated.

China's President Xi Jinping will participate in an online method, providing Africa with 1 billion new coronavirus vaccine and 1500 medical professionals.

China has said that it has provided 200 million vaccines in Africa, but some have distrusted Chinese vaccines, and the United States and others are increasing vaccines.

Under these circumstances, China has expanded its support, and in Africa, which is concerned about the spread of the new mutant virus "Omicron Stock", it will reveal so -called "vaccine diplomacy" and to enhance its influence. did.

In addition, President Xi has promoted imports from Africa, aiming for a total of $ 300 billion in the next three years, and is dissatisfied with excessive imports of Chinese products in some African side.It has been accepted as consideration.

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Strengthening countermeasures such as expanding vaccine inoculation by re -expanding French infection (11/26)

November 26, 2021

The French government plans to expand the number of new colonovirus vaccines from the age of 65 to the age of 18, and to reconsider the expansion of infection by promoting vaccination.

In France, the infection of the new Coronavirus per day, with more than 32,000 people, has again expanded, and on November 25, Bellan Health announced new measures.

According to this, the target of additional inoculation, which is now over 65 years old, is expanded to the age of 18.In addition, the vaccination certificate required to be presented when using a restaurant is said to be disabled in seven months from the vaccination, and it is necessary to enable additional inoculation.In addition, measures for those who have never vaccinated will be strengthened, reducing the validity period of negative certification by tests that are similar to vaccination certification to 24 hours.

This requires more frequent paid inspections when people who are not inoculated use restaurants.

The vaccination rate in France has been sluggish in September 2021, exceeding 60 %, and is now about 70 %.

The Minister of Health pointed out that "France is now in the fifth wave of infection.So I asked for an understanding of vaccination.

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ECDC "Available in vaccination should be considered early" with a sudden expansion of European infection (11/25)

November 25, 2021

Since the transmission of new colon viruses is rapidly expanding in Europe, the ECDC = European Disease Prevention Management Center considers additional vaccines for those over 18 years old, and considered early for those over 40 years old.He showed his opinion that he should do it.

In Europe, the spread of new colon viruses has accelerated additional vaccination and strengthening behavior restrictions.

On November 24, the ECDC held a conference with the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency for the infection and future outlook.

Approximately 65 % of the population has finished vaccination in the EU -European Union, but at the conference, ECDC pointed out that it was "clear that it is not enough to suppress the spread of infections."

He said that additional vaccinations were considered for those over the age of 18, and that they should be considered early for those over the age of 40.

According to a report published by ECDC on November 24, people who have finished vaccination in the country with a population of 80 % or less will reduce the risk of hospitalization and death for two months from next month.It is said that it is necessary to significantly reduce contact.

On the other hand, regarding the obligation of vaccination by Austria, the ECDC stated that "there is a possibility that people may further refuse the vaccine. It has the effect of increasing the vaccination rate but not a solution."He showed a cautious attitude to the conversion.

WHO = Secretary General Tedoros, World Health Organization, emphasized on November 24 that it was important to continue to take measures against infection, such as wearing masks, as the vaccination has spread incorrectly due to vaccination.。

At a conference, Secretary -General Tedoros stated, "I am concerned that vaccines have ended pandemic in many countries and regions, and those who have been inoculated do not have to take other measures."rice field.

In addition, although the risk of severe and death is reduced due to vaccination, it is still the risk of infection or infection of other people, and continuing to take measures to avoid crowds with masks.I emphasized that it was important.

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US CDC Corona Vaccine 3rd was expanded to all over 18 years old (11/20)

November 20, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center announced on November 19 that it will expand the third target of Pfas and Modelna's new colonavirus vaccine to all people over the age of 18 to enhance the effect.

The CDC has been a major pharmaceutical company and a new Coronavirus vaccine of a pharmaceutical company modela, a person aged 65 and over, and have a high risk of severe illness at the age of 18 and a high risk of infection.I was a person working at work.

On November 19, the CDC expert committee was examined for the third vaccination for the third vaccination, and as a result of examining clinical trial data submitted from Pfas and Modela, all people over 18 years old.I unanimously acknowledged that it would expand to.

In response, the CDC officially announced that it would recommend the third vaccination for those over 18 years old after six months.

In the United States, Thanksgiving and Christmas have been more vigilant about the expansion of infections before the season when travel and dinner opportunities have increased, and some states and New York City do not have to wait for CDC recommendations.There were a lot of movements to expand the target of additional inoculation independently.

The CDC director Walensky is calling out to the target person promptly, as "additional vaccination is an important way to enhance the virus before the vacation time."

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US CDC New Corona Infection Re -enlargement concern "Additional vaccination" (11/18)

November 18, 2021

In the United States, there is an increasing concern that the infection of the new Coronavirus will expand again before the Thanksgiving and Christmas period, and the CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center will be added to enhance the effect on those who have finished vaccination.We are strongly looking for vaccination.

Since September 2021, the number of newly infected people in the new colona has been declining since September 2021, but in November, the number of infected people reported in one day was 8.More than 30,000 people are newly hospitalized for more than 5,300 per day.

Next week, there is a “Thanksgiving Day”, where family and relatives will gather to eat, and the American Automobile Association predicts that the number of people traveling will return to the level before the spread of infection.

In addition, there are concerns that the number of travel and dinner will increase during Christmas in December, which is concerned about further expansion of infections.

At a conference on November 17, CDC director Walenski said, "The best gift of this season is" health ", calling for vaccination again for vaccination.

The CDC is strongly so that even in a state where vaccination rates are relatively high, there are signs of spreading infection, so that the elderly who have finished vaccinations and those who have basic diseases will be added to increase the effect.I'm looking for it.

In addition, health authorities in each state are also increasingly wary of re -infection, such as expanding the subjects of additional vaccinations on their own.

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South Korea's third vaccination, 60 years old or older, 4 months later (11/17)

November 17, 2021

The Korean government continues to be infected with the third vaccination of new Coronavirus for people over 60 years old, as the number of severely ill people nationwide is the highest ever on November 16th.Due to the fact, it has been announced that the initial schedule will be shortened for two months and will be able to receive it in the shortest four months later.

South Korea has gradually alleviated regulations to prevent new colon virus infections, such as unlocking restaurants in November.

However, the number of infected people on November 16 was 1436, the largest number in Seoul in the capital, and the number of people nationwide was the second largest in Japan, and the number of people nationwide exceeded 500 for the first time.The situation is not stopped.

For this reason, the Korean government has shortened the initial schedule for the third time for those over the age of 60 or older over six months after the second vaccination was completed, and the first schedule for inpatients.We announced that we would be able to receive it in four months.

In the 50s, it will be possible to receive vaccinations five months after the second vaccination is completed, and by the end of the year, nearly 14 million people, about a quarter of the total population, are expected to complete additional vaccination. about it.

In Korea, the percentage of people who have finished vaccination so far is 78.It is almost the same as in Japan, almost the same level as Japan, but it has been pointed out that the so -called break -through infection is spreading among the elderly who have finished vaccinations early.

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Citizens that are obliged to present Russian vaccination certificates are confused (11/12)

November 12, 2021

In Russia, the spread of the new colon virus has not been stopped, and there is a widespread movement to show vaccination certificates in order to promote vaccination, but citizens can interfere with daily life.There are some confused voices.

Due to the distrust of its own vaccine in Russia, the number of people who have completed the vaccination has been sluggish, and according to the government's announcement, the number of new infected people is about 40,000 every day.It is not stopped.

For this reason, in October, President Putin has instructed the governors in various places to strengthen measures to promote vaccination, and in Russia, when using restaurants and commercial facilities, it moves to present a certificate of vaccination.Is spreading.

Among them, in Vladivostok in the Russian Far East, facilities that require the presentation of QR code issued as a certificate of vaccination from November 10 have been expanded from restaurants to hotels and commercial facilities, etc., and local government officials.They were checking the implementation status.

On the other hand, some citizens have been confused that daily life will be hindered, and 28 -year -old men said, "If you don't have a QR code, you can't do anything."The store clerk said, "Not everyone has a QR code. It's unsold even though new winter works have arrived."

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German Corona newly infected 50,000 more than 50,000 people who have not vaccinates (11/12)

November 12, 2021

In Germany, the number of new colonovirus infected people has exceeded 50,000, and the number of infected people per day has increased the largest so far, and there is a movement to strengthen regulations on those who have not vaccinated.

German research institutions in Germany, which are taking measures against infectious diseases, announced on November 11 that there were 5196 new infections so far.There are 235 deaths due to infection.

Under these circumstances, Zaxen has strengthened regulations, such as those who have been vaccinated for vaccination and those who have recovered after infection from this week, and similar regulations in the capital city of Berlin on the 15th. to start.

Furthermore, the Federal Congress is expected to be approved by the Federal Congress, who has been in vaccination, who has recovered after vaccination, and those who have recovered after infection, and those who have proven negative by testing.

It has been pointed out that the vaccination rate of the vaccine is less than 70 % of the population, and that people are gathering indoors due to the cold.

In Germany, coalition negotiations have been continued after the Federal Assembly election in September 2021, and in December it has been viewed that the next administration will be launched in December and the next administration of the new Prime Minister to replace Merkel, but Merkel is November.He states on the 10th, saying, "The new colon virus does not take care of being in coalition negotiations. It is necessary to work hard again as a nation as a whole."

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In France, the target of additional vaccination is transmitted to expand (11/10)

November 10, 2021

French President Macron has stated that he will expand additional vaccination to expand its vaccination from those aged 65 and over to reduce the re -expansion of the new colonavirus infection, and to accelerate additional inoculation in Europe.Is increasing one after another.

In France, the number of new Coronaviruses per day has been increasing since mid -October, with more than 10,000 new people in November.

Under these circumstances, President Macron gives a television speech on November 9, targeting more vaccinations for those over 65 years old or those who have high risk of severe illness.Showed a policy to expand.

Also, out of the people over 65 years old and over, more than 40 % have been inoculated, so when using restaurants and movie theaters after December 15.Is to ask for a proof of additional inoculation.

President Macron said, "As the infection spreads again, we must further enhance the vigilance.

Regarding additional vaccination of new colonovirus vaccines, in Europe, Italy has been to all people who have been in the vaccination for more than six months, and Germany has expanded the same policy last week.In order to suppress, there are a series of movements to accelerate additional vaccination.

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From April 2022 (11/10) to the vaccination obligation of medical professionals in the UK (11/10)

November 10, 2021

The British government has announced that it will oblige the vaccination of the new colon virus from April 2022 to doctors and nurses working in medical institutions.

Medical professionals have argued that more people leave the site and affect the medical system.

The British Minister of Health, Javid, is a new colonavirus vaccine in April 2022 for doctors and nurses working in medical institutions operated by the country on November 9.We have revealed the policy to oblige inoculation.

In the United Kingdom, the infection is still expanding, with more than 30,000 new people per day, and it is necessary for Minister Javid to protect not only patients but also medical workers who directly contact patients.。

While about 90 % of the staff working in medical institutions operated by the country have finished two vaccination, more than 100,000 people seem to have not completed vaccination.

Medical professionals have been concerned that more and more people leave the site due to vaccination obligations, and that labor shortages may have a serious effect on the British medical system.

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Temporary stop order for vaccination obligations for a country company in the southern United States (11/7)

November 7, 2021

The Court in the southern state temporarily suspends a company in the Southern State as "a constitutional, serious problem", as the U.S. Biden administration has obliged companies to inoculate the employee of a new colonavirus vaccine. Did.

The U.S. Biden administration will require employees to do vaccination or at least once a week for companies with more than 100 employees from January 2022, but on the other hand.More than half of the United States, where the governor and the judicial Secretary, have filed a series of complaints calling for suspensions, allegedly violating the Constitution.

Of these, the court, which is in jurisdiction over the Southern Texas and Louisiana, issued an order on November 6 to temporarily suspend the obligation.

The court states that there is a significant problem in the constitution, and is calling on the Biden administration to respond to the order by November 8.

In the United States, there is already a movement that municipalities and companies have mandatory vaccination for those who work independently, but there are strong opinions, such as restricting personal freedom, and controversy has argued over the Biden administration.I am.

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Vaccination delayed in some Europeans, etc. WHO "All efforts" (11/5)

November 5, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization has a delay in vaccination of new colon virus in some countries in Europe and Central Asia, and if this situation continues, 500 million will be sacrificed by February 2022.If there is, we are calling for accelerating vaccination.

The WHO European Secretariat was 6 % of the infected people in 53 countries, including Europe, Russia, Central Asia, etc. on November 4, on November 4, and the number of dead was 12 %, all of which were more than the previous week.We announced that it has increased.

Secretary -General of the WHO European Secretariat, Cruge, stated that the jurisdiction was "again in the center of pandemic."

While there are countries with high vaccination in these areas, the percentage of people who have finished vaccinations throughout the area is 47 % of the population, especially in Baltic countries and East Europe countries.increase.

The WHO has called for any efforts to accelerate the vaccination pace, assuming that 500,000 people will be sacrificed by February 2022 if the infection continues.

A government research institution in Germany, which is a countermeasure for infectious diseases, announced on November 4 that 33,949 new Coronavirus in Germany has been infected with 33,949 people, and the infection has expanded in the spring of 2020.The number of infected people has increased the most.

The percentage of people who have finished vaccination in Germany is 66 in the population.At 9 %, some people are reluctant to vaccination, and the vaccination rate has been sluggish recently.

As the infection is expanding again, the German government has been increasingly crisis, with many patients receiving treatment in the intensive care room, and the Minister of Health, Spann, states that "the fourth wave has arrived in earnest."

In Russia, the number of people infected per day of the new Coronavirus has recently been about 40,000 in the government's announcement, and on November 4th, the number of people per day is the most common ever.It became 1195.

According to the Russian government, children are infected and died, and some local cities have a medical system, such as the use rate of 90 % or more in some local cities.The sense of crisis is spreading.

In Russia, to prevent the spread of new viruses, it has been set up on holidays for companies and other companies, and Putin has strongly called on vaccination in vaccinations that are only about 30 % of the population.

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WHO Indian company -developed vaccines are listed for developing countries (11/4)

November 4, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization is expected to accelerate the distribution to developing countries in the future, in addition to an emergency list of new colon virus vaccines developed by Indian pharmaceutical companies.

WHO announced on November 3 that it has added to the emergency use list for the new Coronavirus vaccine developed by Indian pharmaceutical company Barrat Biotech.

After two weeks after the second vaccination, it has the effect of preventing the risk of severe illness 78 %, and it can be stored in a normal refrigerator, so it is suitable for distribution in developing countries.

By adding an emergency use list, it will be possible to distribute it to each country through the "COVAX Facility", an international distribution framework led by WHO, etc., and it is expected that distribution to developing countries will accelerate.

COVAX initially planned to distribute about 2 billion vaccines within 2021, but about 400 million have been distributed so far due to deterioration of infection and donations from developed countries.It is only 35 million times.

The WHO has previously added a vaccine developed by Pfizer and Bion Tech, Modela, Astrazenka, Johnson End Johnson, and two Chinese pharmaceutical companies.

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Pfizer's vaccine "Recommended for 5-11 -year -old child vaccination" US CDC (11/3)

November 3, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center announced on November 2 that it would recommend a 5 to 11 -year -old child for the new Coronavirus vaccine of a major pharmaceutical pharmaceutical.In response to this, in some areas, inoculation of children has begun immediately.

On November 2, the CDC expert committee discussed the inoculation of the new Coronavirus vaccine of the Pfizer from the age of 5 to the age of 5 to the age of 11, and unanimously recommended for vaccination, exceeding the risks such as side reactions.I summarized the opinions.

In response to this, CDC director Walensky announced that it will officially recommend vaccination for the age of 5 and 11.

"This is an important step in fighting the new Coronavirus. This decision will allow about 28 million children to be inoculated. Parents who have questions about vaccines are pediatricians and schools.I would like to consult with a nurse and so on to know the importance of vaccines for children. "

The U.S. government has begun shipping to medical institutions and pharmacies in various places so that vaccination can be started quickly, and some medical institutions have begun vaccination immediately.

The U.S. government has expressed its prospects for the United States and the inoculation of 5 to 11 years old will be in full swing to the United States.

Expert "The choice is necessary to consider whether everyone is inoculated."

Professor Tetsuo Nakayama of Kitasato University, a pediatrician doctor who is a pediatrician and familiar with vaccine regarding the vaccination of a new colon virus for children 5 to 11 years old, said, "I have had no choice but to wear masks or avoid three dents so far.However, I think it's a pleasure because I can have options. "

Professor Nakayama says that the advantage of inoculation by children is to protect themselves, to not spread infection to friends around them, and to protect the elderly, such as grandparents living together.。

"It is considered that the number of children will increase in the future is the infection of children in schools and lessons. In addition to teachers such as teachers, they need to be vaccinated, but they also need to inoculate them themselves.It comes. Japan is now calm, but it is necessary to prepare for the sixth wave of infection. "

On the other hand, how to proceed with the child in vaccination, "I think it should be recommended for children who are likely to be severe when infected due to basic diseases, but it is necessary to consider whether everyone should inoculate.At the same time as the benefits of suppressing infection, we cannot avoid side reactions due to inoculation, so we should consider the merits and disadvantages and proceed with vaccination. "

In addition, Professor Nakayama, especially young men who are rarely reported after vaccinating the vaccine of the Pfizer and Modelna, said, "Some people may think that it is a very serious disease, but it is actually reported.You can understand that yourocarditis is transient, and even if you are hospitalized, it is healed in one or two days without any treatment, so you can understand that it is not so heavy as a symptom."

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Approximately 9,000 unprofessional city staff who are in vaccination obligations are treated as leave (11/2)

November 2, 2021

In the United States New York, about 9,000 city officials who have never vaccinated the new colon virus vaccine are treated as leave, and if this situation is prolonged, it is also concerned that citizen life will be affected.increase.

In New York City, about 160,000 cities, excluding medical workers and teachers who have already been inoculated, will be inoculated at least once a new colon virus vaccine by October 29.For employees who are obliged and not inoculated by the deadline, we have been treated as unpaid leave since November.

At a press conference on the 1st, the mayor of Debracio stated that about 9,000 staff members were treated as unpaid leave.

Regarding the mandatory, there are strong oppositions, such as a large -scale demonstration calling for temporarily suspending and extending the deadline, and according to ABC television, about 2,300 firefighters were absent on the morning of November 1 due to illness.It is believed that many of them were to show their intentions.

Mayor Debracio states that both the police and the fire department are functioning as usual, and has emphasized that the impact on citizens' lives is limited so far, but the union of fire staff who opposes the obligation to obligage "Citizens.The safety may be threatened. "

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Preparing for full -scale vaccination for US government 5 to 11 years old (11/2)

November 2, 2021

On November 1, the US government's new Coloronavirus -compatible team will be able to start full -scale vaccination on November 8 if the CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center recommends vaccination for a major pharmaceutical company to 5 to 11 years old.He said he was preparing for shipping.

In October, the US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau has granted permission to expand the vaccination target from 5 to 11 years old over the new Pfizer's new colonovirus vaccine, and the CDC is proceeding with the recommendation.。

The US government's new Coloronavirus compatible team holds a conference on November 1, and if the CDC decides to recommend it, prepare for the vaccine so that it can start full -scale vaccination in the United States from November 8.I revealed that I was proceeding.

According to a vaccination plan for children published by the US government, children between the ages of 5 and 11 are shipped in different containers and are used for vaccinations because the amount of vaccinations to be inoculated is different.It is said that a short one will be prepared.

The CDC director Warensky emphasized that inoculation began through scientific verification, and said, "I think there are many things you want to know before vaccination to your child, but I want you to ask questions."He showed an attitude that actively responded to anxiety about vaccination.

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G20 Summit Vaccine "To 70 % of the world's population by mid 2022" (10/31)

October 31, 2021

The G20 Summit = 20 major countries began in Italy, and in the first day discussions, the leaders of the country have accelerated the supply of new Coronovirus vaccination, which is delayed in developing countries, and the world population by mid 2022I confirmed that we aim to be in vaccination to 70 %.

The 2021 G20 Summit, which is a face -to -face format for the first time in two years, began in two days from October 30 in Rome, the capital of Italy.

According to the stakeholders, the world economy on the first day has concerns the global energy price soaring and the impact of the supply chain = supply network, but many leaders from many leaders to recover the economy from new coloners.It was shown that coordination was needed.

In addition, the real reconstruction from the new Corona agreement with the recognition that it is indispensable to resolve vaccination disparities between developed and developing countries, and accelerates the vaccine supply to developing countries by accelerating 2022.By the middle of the year, we have confirmed that it aims to be in vaccination to 70 % of the world's population.

Furthermore, in order to stop the competition for corporate tax reductions aimed at attracting corporate invitation, a ministerial agreement is made for new international rules that determine the minimum tax rate and to be able to properly tax on huge global companies.I checked at the leading level.

On the second day of the summit, the theme is measures against climate change, and the focus is on whether the G20, which accounts for about 80 % of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, can launch a positive message for COP26, which starts in the UK.

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U.S. FDA Pfizer Vaccine "Expanded to 5-11 years old" permission (10/27)

October 27, 2021

On October 26, the FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau committee discussed the proposal of expanding the target of the new Coronavirus vaccine of a major pharmaceutical pharmaceutical from 5 to 11 years old, saying that "the interests of vaccination exceeded risk."The conclusion was passed by many agreed.In response to this, FDA is nearby and gives permission to expand the vaccination target.

On October 26, the FDA held an expert committee and examined the plan for a new colon virus vaccine to a 5 to 11 -year -old children.

Among them, the Pfizer is effective in preventing new colonavirus infections as a result of clinical trials for more than 2200 children..He explained that it was as high as 7 % and was not concerned about safety.

As a result of analyzing various assumptions about the age group, FDA stated that "the risk of hospitalization due to infection is higher than the risk of side reactions due to vaccination."

After this, the committee was voted based on the discussions by experts, and one of the committee members was abstained, and all of them concluded that "vaccination of vaccines for 5 to 11 years old exceeds the risk."I agreed and passed.

In response to this, FDA is likely to be permission to use urgent use to expand the object of vaccination, and in that case, the CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center examined by another expert committee, and November.At first, you will eventually decide whether to recommend it.

If you are in vaccination of a 5 to 11 -year -old child, it is the same as the other age that you need two times at intervals of 3 weeks, but the amount of vaccination is 12 years or older.It is 10 micrograms corresponding to 1.

It is said that children of this age are relatively difficult to become more severe even if they are infected with new colon virus, but it has been reported that symptoms caused inflammation of the whole body occur a few weeks after infection.There are cases where they die.

Many experts pointed out at the committee held on October 26 were "cardiitis" and "Heart", which is said to occur rarely in the vaccination in vaccination, causing inflammation around the heart and around it.About the risk of "filmitis".

According to the published materials, the number of male myocarditis, which is aggregated through a system that voluntarily reports the changes in health after vaccination, is in vaccination after the second vaccination of the Pfizer, 1 million times, and ▽ 65.0 at the age of 0.1 ▽ 50 to 64 years old 0.There were 3 cases, but ▽ 18 to 24 years old 36.8 cases ▽ 16 to 17 years old 69.1 case ▽ 12 to 15 years old 39.9 cases are increasing in relatively young age.

On the other hand, in clinical trials between the 5th and 11th years old that Pfizer did, there is no report on myocarditis, but the number of clinical trials is too small to find myocarditis related to vaccines. is.

FDA compares the interests and risks of this age in six scenarios, such as when the spread of infection is serious, suppressed, and the vaccine is high or lowThe infection and hospitalization that can be prevented by vaccination are exceeded the number of hospitalization due to myocarditis, and the profits of vaccination are clear.

Furthermore, children aged 5 to 11 believe that the risk of developing myocarditis is lower than 12 to 15 years old because the amount of vaccination is reduced to one -third of other ages.It is reasonable.

Deputy Secretary -General Isozaki said at a press conference, "For vaccinations for under 12 years of age, check the efficacy and safety when the Pharmaceutical procedures are required from Pfizer.I want to go. "

Professor Tetsuo Nakayama of Kitasato University, a pediatrician doctor who is a pediatrician and familiar with vaccine, said, "There is no vaccine that can be vaccinated and rely on measures other than vaccines.Therefore, it is meaningful to be able to be vaccinated in that one of the new infection measures can be used. Clusters are actually occurring in schools and cram schools, and if they are infected, they may infect people around them.There is. Vaccination has a role in protecting individuals and at the same time to protect the group of living. "

On the other hand, the situation in Japan, which has been infected with children, and the number of infected people in Japan are different, and regarding how to proceed in vaccinations in Japan, "children with basic diseases become more severe if they are infected.I think it is better to proceed with vaccination, but children are often mild and rarely become serious, so we have to carefully consider whether everyone should vaccine.Instead of proceeding, we looked at the situation and wanted to gradually expand inoculation. "

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"Green Pass" (10/26) behind the vaccination in Italy

October 26, 2021

In Italy, more than 70 % of the population has already been vaccinated with new colonoviruses, and is one of the most inoculation in Europe.

In the background, a proof called "Green Pass", which records negative results from vaccination and tests, has been needed in many situations in everyday life.

From August 2021, it was essential to show proof when using restaurants, museums, and long -distance transportation, and from September 1, school teachers and university students will be obliged to have proof.I was.

In addition, the Italian government has been obliged to possess all workers since October 15, with 23 million targets.

In the spring of 2020, the infection in Europe expanded earlier in Europe, and the economy has been hit greatly, mainly in retail and tourism.

The government aims to prevent vaccination by promoting vaccination by taking steps, preventing the next wave of infection and minimizing the impact on economic activities.

Companies that develop home improvement stores in various parts of Italy have been obliged to possess and have confirmed that they have proof at the entrance of work, and employees present their proofs in the QR code on smartphones.I read it with a dedicated app and check the vaccination record.

In 2020, when the infection was expanded in 2020, more than 120 stores nationwide were forced to leave and restrict business hours, and even after resuming sales, employees were infected with employees one after another.It means that it has a significant impact on sales, such as a shortage.

According to the company, the vaccination rate for employees has increased after the possession of proof is mandatory.

"I don't know what will happen in the future due to a mutant virus. This method is not difficult to practice on a daily basis, and the infection at work is done on a daily basis.It is also useful to control and enhance safety. "

An employee man also said, "In a safe environment, all colleagues are vaccinated, so you can work with peace of mind."

In the summary of the ECDC = European Disease Prevention Management Center, the number of infected people in the Italian population is small following Spain and the Mediterranean island country, and the infection is suppressed.

When I asked the citizens in Rome about the "Green Pass", many voices were positively evaluated, saying, "This is a good way to promote vaccination."

In G7 = 7 major countries, vaccination status and presentation of vaccination certificate vary from country to country.

According to the site "Awa World In Data" operated by researchers at Oxford University, UK, the percentage of people who have finished vaccination is as of October 24..The highest at 56 %, ▼ Italy 70.8 %, ▼ Japan 69.94 %, ▼ France 67.5 %, ▼ UK is 66.77 % ▼ Germany 65.64 %, ▼ America 56.It is 67 %.

Regarding the infection status of each country, according to the summary of Johns Hopkins University in the United States (the number of infected people on October 23), the number of infected people per day is ▼ ▼ 45,102 in the UK, and the United States is 26,998.There are 13,863 people, ▼ Germany, 6357 in France, 3905 Italy, and 1118 Canada.

In each country, as the vaccination has progressed and the improvement of the infection status, behavioral restrictions are being relaxed.

Of these, measures to suppress infection while maintaining economic activity are measures that require a proof that the vaccination of the vaccine is completed when the restaurant enters the store.

Of these, France and Italy are required to present a vaccination certificate when entering restaurants, such as restaurants, or using long -distance transportation.

Germany has not been obliged to present vaccination certificates nationwide, and measures vary depending on the state.

In Canada, some states are required to present vaccination certificates.

In the United Kingdom, you need to present a vaccination certificate when entering a nightclub in Scotland and Wales, but in England the obligation of vaccination has been forgotten.

In the United States, in New York City, other indoor restaurants and theaters are required to present vaccination certificates, but in Southern Florida, restaurants are banned from seeking vaccination proofs.The response varies greatly depending on the region.

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Announced the target of the US CDC Modela and the J & J Corona vaccine additional inoculation (10/22)

October 22, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center announced on Tuesday to be subject to additional vaccination to enhance the effect on Modela and Johnson End Johnson's new colonavirus vaccine.

On October 21, the CDC summarized the conclusions of the external expert committee to recommend additional inoculation to enhance the effect on the vaccine of US pharmaceutical company models and pharmaceuticals Johnson End Johnson.We announced the target person.

According to this, the target of additional vaccination of modela vaccines, like the Pfizer vaccine, which has already begun additional inoculation, is 65 years old or older, and those who are 18 years old and over and are more likely to be ill.People who work in a workplace with a high risk of infection will be able to inoculate the third time after six months after the second vaccination.

On the other hand, the vaccine of Johnson End Johnson, one -time, is the second additional inoculation of 18 years or older, two months after the vaccination.

In addition, we also allow additional vaccines from the first vaccinated vaccine to be vaccinated.

The CDC director Walensky Call in a statement for additional vaccination, stating that "this recommendation is one of the efforts to protect as many people as possible from the new colon virus."

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Pfizer vaccine 3rd time inoculation "95.6 % "Clinical trial results (10/22)

October 22, 2021

The American pharmaceutical company has an effectiveness of preventing the onset as a result of clinical trials that confirm the effects of additional vaccination of the new colonavirus vaccine..I revealed that it was 6 %.

The Pfizer has been conducting clinical trials to determine whether the effect of the vaccine will increase again as the effect of the vaccination will decrease as time from the vaccination, and published the results on October 21.

In clinical trials, about 10,000 people are divided into half, and the number of people who developed a new colon virus infection in a group that was inoculated as a third vaccination and a group of fake drugs called placebo.I did it.

As a result, the number of new colonavirus infectious diseases developed seven days after the vaccination was 109 in the group in vaccination in vaccination.

For this reason, the Pfizer has an effectiveness of preventing the occurrence of the third vaccination..At 6 %, "I was able to return to the level after the second vaccination."

In the United States, the third vaccination of the Pfizer vaccine has begun for people over 65 years old and those who are over 65 and those who have high risk of severe illness, and CDC = CDC = near the Vaccine of Modelna and Johnson Johnson.The Disease Control Center is expected to show the final decision on additional vaccination.

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WHO Advisory Committee (10/12), which should be standardized three times from medium to heavy immunodeficiency (10/12)

October 12, 2021

WHO = World Health Organization's advisory committee has announced that the new colonavirus vaccine, such as the Pfizer and Modela, should standardize three times in the middle of heavy immunodeficiency from moderate degree.We will consider whether the target should be further expanded.

The International Advisory Committee, who advises the WHO, held a press conference on October 11, and Klavioto Chairman Krabioto has a heavy immunodeficiency from the medium to the new colonavirus vaccine such as Pfizer, Modela, Astrazena.He stated that two times in vaccinations did not have sufficient effects and had a high risk of becoming more severe, and three times should be standardized.

Regarding the vaccine of Chinese state -owned pharmaceutical companies and the pharmaceutical company Sino -back, "all evidence in the survey indicates the need for the third vaccination", and is a person with a heavy immunodeficiency from moderate.It should be standardized not only for us but also to all people over the age of 60 and over three times.

In the future, the Advisory Committee will consider whether to expand the target for vaccines such as Pfizer and Sino Farm to recommend additional vaccination.

While the new colon virus vaccine is the third vaccination, mainly in developed countries, WHO is less than 5 % of those who have completed vaccinations in Africa as of October 7, at least until the end of the year.Is calling for waiting, and how to secure the supply is an issue.

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Dear Nordic youth modeling vaccination, such as insanitis myocarditis (10/8)

October 8, 2021

In Scandinavian Sweden and Finland, young people have been inoculated as a preventive measure, as young people are rarely inflamed in the heart muscles after receiving a new modela vaccine of modelna.I announced.

Sweden's health authorities were "Icinomyitis", which causes inflammation of the heart muscles after a young man has been inoculated by a new model Corona vaccine in Modelna, and "papermanicitis", which causes inflammation in the membrane that wraps the heart.The company announced that it would interrupt people under the age of 30, saying that such side reactions could be rarely occurred.

The risk of being affected by vaccination is very small and emphasized that it is a preventive measure.

In the future, we will inoculate the Pfizer vaccine against this generation.

In addition, similar movements have appeared in other countries in Scandinavia, and Denmark will be unified into a Pfizer for the future for under the age of 18, and Finland will interrupt the model vaccine for men under 30 years old.I revealed that.

At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Horiuchi Vaccination was "in the discussion of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's council, and it is currently considered that the benefits of vaccination will surpass the risks by the new Coronavirus, so young men are young.Including, it has been evaluated that there are no serious concerns that will immediately affect the inoculation system. "

He said, "I would like to keep an eye on the status of suspicion of side -residents associated with vaccination, and to disseminate the necessary information."

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Application for permission for 5 to 11 years old for Pfizer vaccine (10/8)

October 8, 2021

The US Pharmaceutical Piaiser and the German corporate Bion Tech have announced that they have applied to the US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau for new children, 5 to 11 years old, to be subject to the new colon virus vaccine.

In the United States, the vaccine developed by the Pfizer is officially approved in the United States, and clinical trials are performed so that children below have been granted for emergency use between the ages of 12 and 15.It is.

Pfizer and others announced on October 7 that children aged 5 to 11 have applied to the FDA = Food Pharmaceutical Bureau to include the permission of urgent use.

According to the results of clinical trials published by the Pfizer, the amount of vaccine components is reduced, and the 10 -thirds of 10 micrograms, which are one -third of the normal, are two times at intervals of 21 days, and as a result, 1 from the second vaccination.It means that the value of neutral antibodies after a month has increased to the same level as a group of 16 to 25 years old.

The side reaction was generally the same as what was seen in clinical trials for 16 to 25 years old.

In response to the application, the FDA and CDC = Disease Control Center will hold a final decision after holding an expert committee in the future.

Pfizer states, "As the number of infected children is a high level, the application for this permit is an important step in infection."

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U.S.An to dismisses 593 employees who have refused to vaccine (9/30)

September 30, 2021

United Airlines, United States, has entered the procedure for firing nearly 600 employees in the United States who have obliged the vaccination of the new Coronovirus.

In August, United Airlines called for about 67,000 employees in the United States to inoculate vaccines and submit certificates.

As a result, according to the company, 593 employees have refused to be vaccinated, except for employees who have applied for exemptions for health and religious reasons, so the company has entered the procedure to dismiss these 593 people.I am.

According to Scott Kirby CEO and others, the documents addressed to employees, "Unfortunately, for less than 1 % of employees who have decided not to be vaccinated, we unfortunately started the dismissal procedure with the company's policy. It was a very difficult decision, but I was very difficult.It is always the highest priority to protect the safety of our team. "

In the aviation industry, Hong Kong -based Cathay Pacific Airlines has announced in September that some crew members have not vaccinated.

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President Biden Vaccination for the third time in vaccination to the public (9/28)

September 28, 2021

Following the beginning of the third vaccination of a new colonavirus vaccine of a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical pharmaceutical pharmaceutical, President Biden disclosed it to the press to promote the effectiveness of the vaccine and strongly encouraged the people to inoculate the people.I did it.

In the United States, a new colon virus vaccine of a major pharmaceutical pharmaceutical from September 24 has been 65 years old or older who has been at least 6 months since the second vaccination, a person with a high risk of severe illness, and a risk of infection.The third vaccination began officially for medical professionals working in a high workplace.

In response to this, President Biden released his third vaccination to the press on September 27.

President Biden said, "If you have finished vaccination, you can prevent it from becoming more severe even if you are infected with the new colon virus, and you can maintain its condition with additional inoculation."

On the other hand, in the United States, 23 % of the age of 18 and over pointed out that they have not been vaccinated at least once, saying, "These people have caused serious damage to the country. Additional inoculation is important, but above all.The important thing is that more people are inoculated. Pandemic is happening by those who are not inoculated, "he said again.

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Singapore vaccination is more than 80 % more than 80 % of the infection increased again (9/28)

September 28, 2021

In Singapore, which has completed the vaccination of the new colon virus, in Singapore, which exceeds 80 % of the population, the government has increased the number of infected people and reinforced regulations again on September 27.

In Singapore, people who have completed vaccination of the new colon virus have reached a high level of 82 % of the population, and the government has been promoting their behavior restrictions in August.

However, the "Delta stock", a mutant virus with a strong infectious force, was spread, and on September 26, the number of infections per day was found to be the most common infection so far.

The Singapore government states that "98 % of infected people in the past 28 days are mild or asymptomatic", but in September, in the future, in the future, the effect of vaccination has been effective.From the 27th, meals at restaurants have been restricted to two people per set, and companies have reinforced their regulations again, including working at home in principle.

On the other hand, in Thailand, whose new number of infected people exceeds 10,000 people every day, the government will extend the emergency declaration on September 27 to the end of November 2021, and in the afternoon, such as Bangkok.We have announced that we will continue to prohibit going out at night from 10:00 to 4 am.

In Thailand, only 26 % of those who have vaccinated with vaccines are 26 % of the population, and the government is rushing to vaccinate and is increasingly vigilant.

Even in Thailand, the infectious "delta shares" are spreading, and the number of deaths per day has been severe, with more than 100 to 300 days a day.

For this reason, the Japanese government urgently transported 868 oxygen enrichments used for the treatment of severe people by aircraft and handed over to Thailand on September 27.

The Japanese government has been providing about 1.65 million astrazena vaccines in Thailand so far, and has been strengthening support for Thailand, which is facing the crisis of spreading infection.

In Thailand, restrictions such as going out at night and prohibiting sake at restaurants in order to prevent the spread of new colonoviruses are continuing, and the effects of food and beverages and tourism have been increasing.

In September, a taxi company in Bangkok, Bangkok, has started cultivating vegetables such as eggplant and pepper on a roof and bonnet of about 300 units that have not been operated.

The harvested vegetables are distributed to drivers and employees whose income has decreased.

"Because there are no passengers, I have to stop the car and have a lot of damage. The government can gradually release the regulations and continue the business.I want you to do it. "

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For the third time in the US FDA Pfizer Vaccine, permission to permit 65 years or older (9/23)

September 23, 2021

The US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau will enhance the effects on September 22 for people aged 65 and over and those who have high risk of severe illness, regarding the new colonavirus vaccine of a major pharmaceutical company.We have allowed additional inoculation.

In August, the U.S. government has stated that the effects of the new colonavirus vaccine will be more likely to decrease over time, and has a policy of adding additional vaccination for a certain period of time after the end of the vaccination.

On September 17, the FDA expert committee was added to the Pfizer's vaccine for those who are 65 years or older and those who have high risk of severe illness, which will exceed the risk of vaccination.Was recommended.

According to the recommendation of the Expert Committee, FDA includes people over the age of 65, people who are 18 years old and over, those who have high risk of severe illness, and those who work in a workplace with a high risk of infection.On the other hand, he announced that he would allow the third vaccination.

Additional inoculation can be received by at least six months after the second vaccination.

Pfizer vaccines have been officially approved to be in vaccination twice to those aged 16 and over, but for the third vaccination, between the US government's "public health emergency situation".It will be performed based on the "emergency use permission" that recognizes the use.

Regarding additional vaccination, the US Pharmaceutical Company Modela has also applied for permission, and FDA will consider it in the future.

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U.S. Pharmaceuticals J & J 1 Vaccination -type vaccine "High effectiveness in additional inoculation" (9/22)

September 22, 2021

On September 21, US pharmaceuticals, Johnson End Johnson, have the results of clinical trials that have increased the effectiveness of preventing severe illness by adding additional inoculation. Announced.

Johnson End Johnson's new Coronavirus vaccine has been permission to use urgent use in February 2021, and has been inoculated more than 14.8 million times in the United States.

Although the number of vaccinations in this vaccine is one time, clinical trials have been conducted to see if additional inoculation will increase the effect.

According to the results of a clinical trial published by the company on September 21, the effectiveness of preventing severe symptoms from medium levels was 75 % when the second was vaccinated at eight weeks from the first vaccination.is.

The value of the antibody has increased four to six times compared to the first vaccination.

In addition, if the second time was vaccinated about six months after the first vaccination, the value of the antibody increased to 12 times.

Johnson End Johnson will publish all data on clinical trials in the future.

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Pfizer 5-11 years old applies for vaccination nearly expanding (9/21)

September 21, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company and the German corporate Bion Tech are now in vaccination, which is not currently subject to the new colonovirus vaccine, and confirms the increase in neutralization and safety due to vaccination.He announced that he would apply to the US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau nearby so that children of this age group would expand their vaccination.

Vaccines developed by Pfizers have been officially approved in the United States for 16 years or older, and have been granted urgent use for 12 to 15 years old, but children under 12 years old can use it.Clinical trials are being conducted.

Pfizer and others announced on September 20 that clinical trials for over 2,200 people, 5 to 11 years old, have confirmed the increase in neutralia and safety.

As a result, clinical trials reduced the amount of vaccine components and inoculated 10 micrograms, one -third, two times after a 21 -day interval, and one month after the second vaccination.The value of neutral antibodies has increased to the same level as seen in a group between 16 and 25.

The side reaction was generally the same as what was seen in clinical trials for 16 to 25 years old.

The Pfizer has filed these data to the US FDA and applied for a nearby and 5 to 11 -year -olds to expand the vaccination target.

It also says that data, including the EU = European Union, and regulatory authorities in each country will be shared.

According to the U.S. Pediatric Society, the number of children infected with the new colonavirus in the United States in the week until September 9 is at least 243,000, continuing the highest level ever.

According to the CDC = Disease Control Center, data has been reported that the number of children in the hospital is increasing due to the expansion of Delta stocks in the variable virus.

As school classes are resumed in many areas, the challenge is how to protect children who have not reached the age of vaccination.

At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "If the procedure for expanding the target from 5 to 11 years old, Pharmaceutical Medical Device Organization will make appropriate confirmation of efficacy and safety.If it is performed and confirmed, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's council will discuss whether to reduce the target of temporary vaccination frameworks. "

Then, as the school resumed, there is a lot of interest in the infection of the child, but the vaccine needs to be confirmed firmly and safety.I would like to take appropriate measures. "

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To all workers for all workers such as vaccination certificate (9/17)

September 17, 2021

The Italian government has announced a policy to oblige all workers, such as a certificate of vaccination in the new colon virus vaccination.The target is 23 million, and there is an aim to accelerate vaccination.

Italy's Minister of Health at Italy held a press conference on the night of September 16th, and from October 15, a bill that obliges all workers to prove the vaccination of the new Coronovirus and have a negative proof by testing.It was announced that it will be submitted to the parliament.

The target is 23 million people, including public servants, private companies, and self -employed people, and if they do not have it, they will be suspended from work, and will be fined if they are malicious.

In Italy, it is obliged to have vaccination and negative proofs for school teachers and university students since September 1, and when using restaurants, museums, and long -range transportation, these proofs.Is required to be presented.

Approximately 68 % of the population has completed vaccination in Italy so far, and a Minister of Health, Minister of Speranza, said at a conference that "we aim to make all workplaces safe and to strongly promote vaccination campaigns."He said he wanted to accelerate vaccination.

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80 % vaccination of the Singapore population has also increased with the increase in infected people (9/15)

September 15, 2021

In Singapore, people who have finished vaccinations in the new colon virus vaccination exceeded 80 % of the population, but have continued to increase new infected people, so they are targeted for people over 60 years old.The third vaccination has begun.

In Singapore, the vaccination of the new Corona has been vaccinated, and those who have finished vaccinations are 81 % of the population, which is high in the world.

However, the transmitted virus "Delta stock" has expanded, and collective infections have occurred in the workplaces, etc., and the so -called city -infected people can be found outside of the airport in mid -August in mid -August.It was less than 50, but on September 14, 832 people continued to increase.

For this reason, the Singapore government has decided to implement the third vaccination, a so -called "booster vaccination", for people over 60 years old or older after the second time.I started vaccination on the 15th.

The Singapore government said, "The third time in order to keep the vaccine protection effect at a high level, leading to the expected decline in immunity, which is expected to be infected and severe, as the Singapore government is" in conjunction with the expected decline in immunity.It is necessary. "

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One vaccination for 12-15 -year -olds in the UK (9/14)

September 14, 2021

The British government has revealed that in England, London in London, the British government will be subject to vaccination from next week.

In the United Kingdom, vaccinations are widely performed for those over 16 years old, but for those who are 12 to 15 years old, inoculation is limited to some people with basic diseases, and specialists' committees are this.The benefits of vaccination for the age were small, and the younger generation was reported to have a side reaction of myocarditis, so he did not necessarily recommend vaccination.

On the other hand, the government's chief physician should be vaccinated once for children aged 12 to 15 to prevent the fact that the infection will increase in winter and the closing of the class will increase in the future.He said that the British government would accept this view.

He will decide whether the second vaccination is needed in the future.

Inoculation is a Pfizer vaccine, and in England, London, the new semester has already begun in vaccination next week.

In vaccinations, they ask for their consent.

The Minister of Health, Javid, has issued a statement, saying, "By inoculation, you can protect young people from infections, reduce school infections, and continue learning at school."

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Started vaccination made in China for children over 6 years old (9/14)

September 14, 2021

In Chile in South America, the number of children transmitted to the new colon virus has begun vaccination for children over the age of 6 years, assuming that the effects of a mutant virus with strong infectivity.

In Chile in South America, the vaccination made in China has been maintained, and the inoculation rate for 18 years or older has exceeded 80 %, and since June 2021, we have been in vaccination to children over 12 years old.

However, Chile's health authorities have recently been infected with the number of infected viruses, Delta, and Colombia, and the number of children's infected people has recently increased., I started vaccination for children over 6 years old.

Vaccines are made in China, and Chilean infectious diseases have said, "Sufficient safety and effects have been confirmed from the data obtained in China, and there have been few problems in Japan."

About vaccination for children in South America, Uruguay is also in vaccination made by Pfizer for 12 years or older.

The Caribbean Cuba has also started vaccinating domestic vaccines for children aged 2 years or older since last week.

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Contributing to the request for presentation of the US NY vaccination certificate is a fine (9/14)

September 14, 2021

In New York, the United States, restaurants and theaters are obliged to provide passengers to present their new Coronovirus vaccination certificates, and have been fined if they violate them.

From September 13, New York City has been required to request customers over the age of 12 years to offer vaccination certificates for indoor restaurants and sports gyms, and facilities such as cinemas, theaters, and museums.rice field.

If you violate, you will be fined $ 1,000 to $ 5,000, and a fine of about 110,000 yen to 550,000 yen in Japanese yen.

In addition, customers who cannot offer a certificate are asked to discuss rational response.

In a long -established steakhouse in the city, the clerk was asked to present the screen and cards of apps and cards that proved that they had been vaccinated.

The customer of the customer said, "The mandatory is very good. I think it should be mandatory in the United States because it feels safer.

A man, a man of the store, said, "The mandatory is ultimately saving life, so I think the fine is effective."

While some of the citizens have been opposed to the mandatory, it is effectively contributed to vaccination, but the city of New York wants to balance infection measures and revitalization of the economy.

In Europe, there are differences in the target facilities and the presence or absence of penalties, but many countries require proof of vaccination of new colon viruses and proof of negative proof by testing.

Among them, France is one of the countries that is seeking presentation of proof in more places.In France, in late July 2021, in cinemas and museums, it is obliged to provide vocational proofs and presentation of negative proofs by testing, and from August, long -distance long distances such as restaurants, airplanes and high -speed railways.The target has also been expanded to transportation.

Proof of vaccination, etc., is issued in QR code, and can be confirmed promptly by presenting it on a smartphone or on printed paper, and can be used in common in the EU = European Union.。There are penalties when not obeyed, and customers who do not offer proofs or use other people's items will be fined at least 135 euros and more than 17,000 yen in Japanese yen.。

In addition to the suspension of work for up to 7 days, the facility that has neglected to confirm, in addition to a one -year imprisonment, a fine of about 1.17 million yen in Japanese yen, in addition to a year imprisonment.You may be sentenced.

In contrast, there have been strong rebounds, such as protests in France, as they, in effect, as they, in effect, as they, in effect, to take in vaccination and deprive the individual freedom of individuals.They are seeking understanding that they will restore the food and beverage and tourism business while suppressing the spread of infection.

In Italy, like France, it is required to present indoor facilities where many people, such as restaurants, theaters, and gyms are gathered.

If not obeyed, both the customer and the facility side will be fined at least 400 euros, about 50,000 yen in Japanese yen, and if the facility repeats, up to 10 days may be suspended.。

On the other hand, Denmark in Scandinavia has mandatory proofs when using restaurants and other places since April 2021, but it will be presented from September 10 because vaccination is progressing.It is no longer necessary.

The British government also indicated that in England in London, at the end of September, it was a policy of obligating a proof about places where many people, such as nightclubs, gather, but discrimination against people who have not vaccinated.However, there are also voices that repel, and the introduction is expected to be sent off.

In order to restore social economic activities, the Japanese government summarizes the basic concepts for the use of vaccine, such as the "vaccination certificate".

According to the fact, the service provided by the private sector is widely used, but it is not allowed to claim an unreasonable fee to those who do not provide a "vaccination certificate".

In addition, it is highly likely that it is an unreasonable discriminatory treatment to require vaccination as a job or enrollment, or to dismiss or retire recommendation because it is not vaccinated.

On the other hand, the government plans to develop a dedicated application that can display the QR code of the vaccination record on the smartphone, and is considering using My Number Card to verify the identity.

In the future, we will promote the construction of the system by listening to opinions from local governments and companies so that they can be used this year.

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Brazil's 3rd vaccination started to take measures against "Delta shares" (9/7)

September 7, 2021

In Brazil, South America, the second most common person in the world, the third vaccination has begun in Brazil in South America, and the Brazilian government has been infected in Japan. I'm in a hurry.

In Brazil, the Brazilian government has been in vaccination for those who have completed two vaccinations as the infection of the new Coronavirus mutant virus "Delta stock" has expanded.On September 6, inoculation began in Sao Paulo, the most population.

At the drive -through -style vaccination venue provided in the central city of Sao Paulo, the first target of 90 years of age or older was visiting one after another.

In Brazil, the number of new colonovirus infected people has a total of over 20 million, and more than 580,000 people are the second largest in the world.

Initially, the vaccine was delayed, but the supply has increased around June 2021, and about 30 % of those who have been inoculated twice so far.

The Brazilian government is rushing to take measures to normalize the economy, including promoting the third vaccination and calling on those who haven't finished the second time for active vaccination.

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"Possibility of vaccination 3 times in vaccination is also a standard" US Fautu Medical Advisor (9/3)

September 3, 2021

In the future, Dr. Fauchi, the US government's leader medical advisor, in the future, in the future, for long -term maintaining the effects of the new colonovirus vaccine, and in the future.He has stated that three vaccinations could be a standard.

The U.S. government has a certain period of time after two vaccinations, assuming that the effects of the new colonovirus vaccine will decrease due to the passage of time from the vaccination or the expansion of the delta shares of the variable virus.In response, it has shown a policy of performing the third vaccination to enhance the effect, and is being considered by the Regulatory Authority Expert Committee.

In connection with this, Dr. Fauchi, a leading medical advisor to the US government, said at a conference on September 2, saying, "In Israel, which started the third vaccination, the risk of infection and severity will drop significantly.I am emphasized that additional inoculation is a reasonable decision.

He also stated that the vaccine where two vaccinations are currently standard is "three times may be the standard to maintain a long -term high effect."

Additional vaccination has already begun in some countries, but the WHO = World Health Organization has called for delayed implementation, saying that it will "affect global vaccine supply", and the EU authorities "at present.Various discussions have been given over the implementation, such as saying that there is no clear effect and it is not necessary to do it in a hurry to ordinary people. "

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The third of Israel's 3rd vaccination is expanded to 12 years old or older (8/30)

August 30, 2021

The Israeli government has announced that as the number of new colonovirus infected people are increasing, the third vaccination, which has been over 30 years old, has expanded and includes people over the age of 12.Prime Minister Benet has called for further vaccinations, saying that the pace of severe patients is calm due to the third vaccination.

In Israel, the third vaccination, mainly for the elderly, began on August 1, and more than 30 % of those who finished two vaccinations have gained the third time.

The Israeli government announced on August 29 that it has expanded its third vaccination for the age of 30 and over, and includes people over the age of 12.

In Israel, the number of infected and severe patients are increasing with the expansion of Delta stock, which has a strong infectivity.

However, the number of patients who are increasing every day, which has been increasing every day, has been around 100 in the last two weeks as the third vaccination has progressed.

In a statement on August 29, Bennettes emphasized the effects of the third vaccination, saying that the pace of severe patients is calm, calling for further vaccination.

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Although it reaches 5 billion in the world's vaccination, it has a disparity (8/25)

August 25, 2021

A summary of researchers at Oxford, England, and others, that the number of vaccinations of the new colon virus vaccine has reached 5 billion times worldwide.

According to the "Awa World In Data", a site operated by researchers at Oxford University, the United Kingdom, the number of vaccinations for new colonoviruses throughout the world is except for countries and regions where specific breakdowns cannot be confirmed.It means that it has reached 5 billion times by August 23.

The percentage of people who have been vaccinated at least once is 32 in the world's population.With 7 %, the percentage of people whose vaccination has been completed is the world's population 24.It is 6 %.

In addition, the number of vaccinations per day is more than 33 million times.

On the other hand, among countries with low income, the percentage of those who have inoculated the vaccine at least once is 1..The fact that it is only 4 % has a serious gap over the vaccine.

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Officially approved the US FDA Pfizer vaccine (8/24)

August 24, 2021

On August 23, the US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau officially approved a new colonavirus vaccine of a major pharmaceutical pharmaceutical.

U.S. government officials have indicated that vaccines in schools and companies will further increase their vaccines.

In the United States, the Pfizer's new colonavirus vaccine has been "Emergency use permission" in December 2020, and has already been inoculated more than 200 million times.

On August 23, the vaccine announced on August 23 that it will officially approve as a result of the data submitted by the Pfizer.

FDA states that clinical trials targeting more than 40,000 people have confirmed high effects and safety to prevent the development of new colonavirus infections.

Approved is 16 years old or older, and for the age of 12 to 15, it is still inoculation based on urgent permission.

The FDA will continue to conduct a survey of safety in the future and also verify the effects on the world -wide mutant virus "Delta".

According to the U.S. government's General Manager Mercy, the official approval of the vaccine, the effect of boosting the vaccination of those who are concerned about safety, and the movement of vaccination by schools and companies.It is attracting attention whether the pace of vaccination will accelerate in the future.

For the new colon virus vaccine, the US pharmaceutical company model has also filed an application calling for a formal approval, and is currently being screened.

President Biden said, "I want to tell people who did not inoculate unless the vaccine is officially approved. Now it's time, I want you to be inoculated immediately.We called for vaccination to those who did not vaccine.

In the United States, as of August 22, the population 51.Approximately 170.8 million people, 5 %, have finished vaccinations, and the Biden administration has expressed expectations for improving the vaccination rate with the official approval.

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Started vaccination at a vaccine developed by a pharmaceutical company in Taiwan (8/23)

August 23, 2021

Taiwanese authorities have begun vaccination of new colonavirus vaccines developed by Taiwanese pharmaceutical companies, and President Tsai -in -wen has been inoculated to appeal to safety and effectiveness.

This vaccine is a type called "modified protein vaccine" developed by the Taiwanese pharmaceutical company "Medizen Viologys".

In July, Taiwanese authorized for emergency use for those aged 20 and over, and began vaccination on August 23.

Opposition parties and others have been questioned and criticized based on the data before the final clinical trial, but President Tsai Ing -wen is taking the initiative in vaccinations and SNS.It was released in live distribution and appealed to safety and effectiveness.

In Taiwan, only about 40 % of those who hit the vaccine once by last weekend, and about 3 % of those who hit twice twice, the authorities rushed to procure vaccines from overseas and inoculated by the introduction of Taiwanese vaccines.I want to accelerate.

On the other hand, in Taiwan, the mutant virus "Delta stock", which has a strong infectivity, has not spread, and the number of new infected people in the area, except for those from overseas, is on a day that fits into one digit since this month.It is increasing.

For this reason, Taiwanese authorities will relieve the upper limit of the number of people who can gather in one place after August 24, from the current 50 to 80 people, and the current 100 to 300 outdoors.I am.

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Vaccination Movement Movement In the world of "delta stock" infection (8/19)

August 19, 2021

As the transmission of the mutant virus "delta shares" continues to spread in the world, additional vaccinations are in the United States, Europe, and those who have been vaccinated in the Middle East.Is increasing one after another.

[Israel] In Israel, which has more than 80 % of the 16 -year -olds and more than two vaccination, the newly infected person per day has been reduced to one digit, but the transfection virus "Delta stock" is strong.With the expansion, the number of infected people has increased again, and since August, we have begun the third vaccination for people over the age of 50.

[UK] The United Kingdom has announced that it will start the third additional vaccination since September 2021, as "maintaining the effect of the vaccine" before the winter of the Northern Hemisphere.

The targets are those who are said to be ▽ residents of the elderly, ▽ elderly people aged 70 or older, and those who are likely to be infected and severe, and then ▽ 50.Everyone over the age of aged, and those who are 16 to 49 years old are scheduled to be more risky for severe illness.

[USA] On August 18, the United States has stated that it will be the third vaccination from September to those who have been eight months after the second vaccination of the Pfizer and Modelna vaccine.

The reason for this is that after the vaccination, the effect of preventing infection and onset decreases, and (1) that the effect is expected to be reduced to the delta stock, and the third vaccination.Research has been gained that the value of "medium -paced antibody", which suppresses the function of, has been greatly increased.

The third vaccination is expected to begin with people who have high risk of infection and severe illness, such as healthcare professionals and elderly people, and in the future, FDA = Food Pharmaceutical Bureau, which will provide permission and recommendation for vaccination, and CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center.The expert committee decides whether to do additional inoculation in the end.

[Europe] In Germany, France, and Sweden, we have decided to vaccinate for the elderly who have finished two vaccination after autumn.

[South America / Middle East] South American Chile, Uruguay, Bahrain in the Middle East and the United Arab Emirates have also started additional vaccination.

[WHO] Regarding these movements, the WHO = World Health Organization said that if developed countries started the third vaccination while vaccine to developing countries had not progressed, the vaccine supply would be affected.We are asking not to do additional vaccination, and concerns about global supply are also discussed.

For those who have been eight months after the second vaccination of the new colon virus vaccine, the CDC director Walensky may have reduced the effect of the vaccine over time.I am giving it.

According to CDC, New York's health authorities have completed vaccination for approximately 10 million people, and the vaccine prevents the infection of new colonovirus from early May to mid -July.91.7 % to 79.It means that it has dropped to 8 %.

Director Walenski pointed out that the effect of the vaccine has been reduced to the Delta stock with a strong infectivity.

Dr. Faut, the US government's leader medical advisor, raises the value of neutralizer that suppresses the function of viruses, and maintains the effects of the effects obtained by the addition of vaccine, and has this to the delta stock.On the other hand, it shows that the effect of preventing infection and onset increases, emphasizing the significance of additional inoculation.

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New York Vaccination Certificate to Mandate (8/18)

August 18, 2021

The United States and New York City have entered the migration period, before the presentation of a certificate of vaccination for new colonovirus vaccination when using restaurants.

The aim is to promote economic activity by strengthening infection measures.

In New York City, where new infected people are on the rise, since September 13, indoor restaurants and sports gyms, and facilities such as movie theaters, theaters, and museums are a certificate of vaccination for users over the age of 12 years.Presentation is mandatory.

From August 17th, the transfer period will be required to be presented as a transition period, and at the restaurant in the city, we will show the cards and app screens to prove that the visitors have been vaccinated immediately.I was in the store.

A 30 -year -old woman said, "I agree with the mandatory. It is easy to remove the mask if everyone in the store has been inoculated."

According to the city, those who have vaccinated in Japan, such as Japan, are required to present a public record that describes the date and location of the vaccination, the date of birth, the type of vaccine.

After the mandatory, a fine of $ 1,000 and a fine of about 110,000 yen in Japanese yen is set, aiming to resume economic activity by strengthening measures against "Delta stocks", which have a strong infectious power.

However, citizens have heard repulsion, and the owners of a restaurant, who oppose the obligation, said, "It's too early. I'm afraid of losing customers because I should have the right to decide whether to vaccine.I was talking.

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Inoculation of Chilean European and American vaccines "The effects of Chinese vaccines decreased" (8/12)

August 12, 2021

One of the countries where vaccination of the new colonovirus is in progress, in South America Chile, the effects of Chinese -made vaccines used by most people have declined, and embarked on additional inoculation of European and American vaccines.I did it.

In Chile, two -thirds of the population have finished two vaccination, of which more than 70 % of them used a vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical companies.

The Chilean government began additional vaccination on August 11, stating that the vaccine has been reduced.

For elderly people who have completed the vaccination by March 2021, this time, a vaccine jointly developed by the US Pfizer and the German Bion Tech, and the vaccine developed by Astrazeneca in the UK.

In Chile, about 1.6 million infections have been confirmed to be infected with the spread of the lambda shares, which was first reported in Peruvians in neighboring countries, and more than 36,000 people have died.

In South American countries, the infection of the transmission virus "Delta" is also increasing, and Uruguay has also increased his vigilance, such as deciding on additional inoculation of pfizer for those who have completed the vaccination made in China.I am.

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Rebound up from citizens who have begun to present the French vaccination certificate (8/10)

August 10, 2021

Following the expansion of the mutant virus "Delta stock", in France, the obligation to present the vaccination of the new colon virus and proof of negative proofs in France.

Regarding the mission, it was a two -part controversy of the national theory, and some of the citizens heard repulsion.

On August 9, the French government began mandatory to provide vaccination and proof of negative proofs from restaurants, as well as airplanes and high -speed railway users.

If you cannot receive vaccination for health reasons, you can use your doctor to issue it.

At restaurants in the capital in Paris, the clerk shows the clerk a QR code that proves that the users were vaccinated on a smartphone and entered the store.

A 27 -year -old woman, a user, said, "This is an indispensable measure to get out of the severe situation by the new colona."It also leads to the safety of employees. "

Regarding the mandatory, there have been a number of repulsions, such as depriving the choice of freedom, and it has become a controversy that two minutes of national theory, and a 21 -year -old woman who opposes the obligation to obligage, "French has emphasized the mandatory.It collapses freedom. It is an unusual thing that is forced to be in vaccination. "

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To all soldiers to all soldiers to the obligation to inoculate a new colona vaccine (8/10)

August 10, 2021

The U.S. government has decided to oblige all soldiers to vaccinate the new colon virus.

This was announced by the United States Defense on August 9.

According to this, it will be obliged to vaccinate soldiers by mid -September, based on the rapid increase in the infected Delta stock of the new Coronavirus.

The vaccine is currently being vaccinated based on emergency use permission, but if the formal approval of the FDA = American Food and Drug Administration is issued, it will be promptly obligatory without waiting in mid -September.increase.

Secretary of Defense Austin has emphasized the need for inoculation to the officials of the Defense Pentagon that "to protect the country, a healthy and well -prepared unit is needed."

President Biden announced in July that federal officials would obligate vaccination or regular tests, and had instructed the Pentagon to consider the obligation to inoculate soldiers.

According to officials of the Pentagon, 73 % of soldiers are currently inoculation at least once, but they have been living in a long -term life during their mission, so they seek a further response.It was also up.

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Modelna "Additional vaccination required" "Delta shares" expanded (8/6)

August 6, 2021

The US Pharmaceutical Company model has revealed that the newly developed colonavirus vaccine will need additional vaccination in the future due to the expansion of the "delta shares", a mutant virus with strong infectivity.

On August 5, Modelna published materials on the effectiveness of the new colon virus vaccine and the development status of new vaccines corresponding to mutant viruses.

According to this, it has been confirmed that the validity of the development of a modela vaccine six months after the vaccination is 93 %, a high level.

On the other hand, as the mutated virus, such as "Delta stock", which has a strong infectious virus, expands, "the effectiveness of vaccines will decrease in the future", even those who have finished two vaccinations.After the fall, he revealed his opinion that the third vaccination would be needed.

Regarding additional vaccination, Israel, Germany, France, etc. have decided to implement the elderly, while WHO = World Health Organization affects the supply to developing countries where vaccination has not progressed.If you will come out, we are asking not to do it until the end of next month, and it is a discussion.

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Opening of the mandatory mandatory, such as European vaccination certificate (8/2)

August 2, 2021

Following the spread of the delta shares in the variable virus, in Europe, when using facilities such as restaurants, there is a widespread movement to provide vaccination proofs and proof of negative proof by testing.

Of these, the French Macron administration has obliged users to provide vaccination and proof of negative proofs for facilities that many people come and go.

In France, the number of infected people per day, which was around 2,000 at the end of June 2021, exceeded 25,000 at the end of July, with more than 80 % of the Delta stocks.

Health authorities say that many people, such as bars and nightclubs, are crowded, and infections are spreading in places where measures are difficult to take.

In response to this situation, the obligation to present the proof began with cultural facilities such as museums on July 21, and from August 9, the target is restaurants, such as restaurants, as well as airplanes and high -speed railways.It will be expanded to transportation and medical institutions except for emergency.

If the government crackdles find out that the user has not been thoroughly presented, the facility will be fined, not the user.

In addition, for the age of 12 to 17, who was subject to vaccination in mid -June, the inoculation is not advanced, and will be added to the obligation to present certification from the end of September.

On the other hand, the Ministry of Education has finished vaccination, although students who have completed vaccination in the same classroom if they have been infected in class after September, when they enter the new semester in junior high schools and high schools.For students who do not, they will switch to online classes at home.

In France, there have been a number of repulsion in France, such as "the de facto forced vaccination is deprived of freedom of choice" or "it leads to discrimination for those who do not inoculate."

On July 31, protests were held in various parts of the country, including Paris, Marseille, and Lyon, of which in Paris, the participants walked around the city while shouting, "Freedom!"

According to the Ministry of Home Affairs, more than 200,000 people participated in the demonstration of the day, and in Paris, skirmishes with police occurred.

In response, the government spokesman calls for understanding that "this measure saves many lives. This is the best way to protect freedom and open the country."

The movement that requires the presentation of the proof is spread throughout Europe, although there are differences in the applicable facilities, and in Italy, it will begin on August 6 at restaurants, sports gyms, and cultural facilities.

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The third Vaccination of Israel's re -expansion begins (8/2)

August 2, 2021

In Israel in the Middle East, the number of new Coronavirus infected people have increased again due to the strong infectious virus, and the Israeli government has begun the third vaccination for people over 60 years old on August 1.rice field.

In Israel, more than 80 % of the age of 16 and over finished two vaccination, and at one time, the new infected person per day decreased to a single digit, but the influence of the delta stock with a strong infectivity.Increased again, and more than 2,000 people are infected every day.

For this reason, the Israeli government decides to make a third time in the case of a person aged 60 and over, as the case that becomes more severe even after the vaccination is completed, and on August 1, the target person will be vaccinated. started.

At the Jerusalem vaccination venue operated by Clarit, one of the Israeli insurance systems, people who made reservations in advance visited, and nurses and others were vaccinating vaccines.

A woman who finished vaccination said, "I was worried that the number of infected people was increasing, but I was not worried about the third vaccination because it was decided based on the opinions of experts."I was.

In Israel, with a population of 9.3 million, the number of severely ill patients as of August 1 has increased by more than 180 in one month.

Regarding the third vaccination, the British government plans to start vaccination for the elderly aged 70 and over in September, and in Japan, the Minister of Kono Regulatory Reform will make the third vaccination next year.It shows a view that it is.

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Warning to FDA J & J Vaccine Information Additional Gillan Valley Syndrome (7/14)

July 14, 2021

The FDA = American Food and Drug Administration reported on July 12 that "Gillan Valley Syndrome" was reported on July 12 that the person who was inoculated with a new Coronavirus vaccine of John Son End Johnson, which causes limbs.Added a warning.FDA has not changed the recommendation of vaccination, saying that "the profit from vaccination continues to exceed risk".

On July 12, FDA added a warning that the Gillan Valley Syndrome had reported on the product information of the new Coronavirus vaccine of John Song Johnson, a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical.

"Guillillan Valley Syndrome" is a disease in which immunity is caused by limbs, etc., and that FDA occurs in the United States every year in the United States.increase.

According to FDA, in the United States, when Johnson End Johnson's vaccine was inoculated approximately 12.5 million times, the provisional of "Gillan Valley Syndrome" through a system that voluntarily reports the effects of post -vacation health.There were 100 reports.

FDA says, "The existing evidence suggests the relationship with this vaccine, but not enough to prove the causal relationship."

In addition, the recommendation of vaccination has not changed as "the profit from vaccination continues to exceed risk".

The FDA and CDC = Disease Control Center will monitor whether there will be similar reports in the future and proceed with analysis by experts.

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French Pharmaceutical Giant Sanofi's Final Pharmaceutical Vaccine Clinical Trials Started in Japan (7/14)

July 14, 2021

French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has announced that it has started a final clinical trial in Japan to administer the new colon virus vaccine to humans and confirm the effectiveness and safety.Clinical trials will be conducted around the world, including Japan, and will apply for approval based on the results.

According to Sanofi's announcement, the final clinical trials are planned for more than 35,000 people around the world, including five medical institutions in Japan, and began on July 12 in Japan.rice field.

The developed vaccine is a "genetically modified protein vaccine" that artificially creates and administers a protein on the virus surface to create an antibody that attacks viruses in the body.

In clinical trials, two types of vaccines that are compatible with conventional viruses and those that support the mutant virus "beta stock" confirmed in South Africa are more effective and safety.Is a plan to check.

The company is to apply for approval in Japan based on the results of clinical trials, and if it can be put to practical use, we are considering production at a factory in Gifu Prefecture.

Sanofi says, "We will also prepare for manufacturing so that the vaccine can be delivered as soon as possible."

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Israeli vaccine prevention effect 64 % pointed out with a mutant stock (7/6)

July 6, 2021

The Middle East Israel's Ministry of Health announced on July 5 that the effect of preventing the onset of the new colon virus vaccine has decreased to 64 %.As of July and May, the effect was more than 94 %, and it has also been pointed out that the transmission of the mutant virus confirmed in India has been expanded.

In Israel, more than 80 % of the population aged 16 or older was inoculated by a major pharmaceutical company, and until mid -June, the number of new infected people per day was one digit.

However, the infection of the mutant virus "Delta", which has been confirmed in India since late June, has spread, and the number of new infections per day has increased to about 260 on average, and 507 infections have been confirmed on the 5th.rice field.

Under these circumstances, the Ministry of Health in Israel has announced the results of the infection status since June 6, and announced that the effect of preventing vaccines has decreased to 64 %.

According to local media, as of May 2021, 94.It was 3 %.

The Ministry of Health has pointed out that "this decline was observed at the same time as the Delta strain has expanded."

On the other hand, the effect of preventing severe illness is estimated to be 93 % at the same level as last time.

In Israel, the mask of masks has been lifted indoors once, but it is obliged to wear indoors again after June 25, and the Israeli government has thoroughly treated infection measures at the airport and 12 to 15 years old.We are calling for vaccination to.

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For the third vaccination elderly and healthcare professionals since September UK (7/1)

July 1, 2021

The British government has been on the third time in vaccination to those who have completed the new colonavirus vaccine for those who are 70 years old or older, and those who have high risk of infection from September 2021.I revealed the plan to start.

In the UK, vaccination has been promoted since December 2020, and at the end of the summer, many people over the age of 18 are expected to complete twice.

Before the winter, the government has announced plans to start the third additional vaccination in September 2021 to respond to new mutant viruses and last longer the vaccine effects.

The first target is those who are said to be at a high risk of infection, such as residents of the elderly, elderly people over the age of 70, and healthcare professionals.

Later, all people over the age of 50, and those who are 16 to 49 years old, are said to be at a high risk of infection.

It has not yet been decided which vaccine to use.

In the future, there is a view that influenza epidemics will expand more than usual in the winter due to further easing infection control regulations, and will be performed with additional inoculation and influenza vaccination.

"The vaccination plan that has been in the vaccination since December 2020 has regained freedom in the country. This plan is to protect its freedom," said Javid.

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Modela vaccine is also effective for "Delta shares" (7/1)

July 1, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company modela has announced that its new colonavirus vaccine, which is inoculated in Japan and the United States, has also been found to be effective in mutant viruses confirmed in India.

On June 29, Modela announced the results of experimenting on those who inoculated their vaccines to how much the value of the "neutralized antibody", which suppresses the function of the virus, to multiple mutant viruses.

The experiment was performed using the blood of eight people who finished two vaccination.

As a result, for the mutant virus "Delta stock" confirmed in India, the value of the neutralizer is about half, compared to the conventional virus, for "gamma stocks" confirmed in Brazil.Although it has decreased to about one -third, the decrease is not large.

"The new data is the conviction that the new data is also effective for newly confirmed mutant viruses," said Modela Stefan Bansel CEO.

Modela is also developing additional vaccines for new mutant viruses, saying that "pursuing pandemic measures in the future."

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"A strong immune reaction with different types of vaccination" English research group (6/29)

June 29, 2021

A research result that a new colon virus vaccine developed by Pfizer and the vaccine developed by astrazeneka, etc. in the first and second types of vaccines developed by Astrazeneka, have gained a strong immune reaction, such as Oxford University in the UK.The research group has summarized it.The research group states that "vaccination may be flexible."

The research group conducted clinical trials in February for 830 men and women over the age of 50 to see the effects of inoculation in combination of these two vaccines.

According to the content announced by Oxford University on June 28, the first time as Astrazenka and the second Pfizer vaccine after four weeks, the virus is more than the turn.It means that the immune cells of attacking "antibodies" and "T cells" have been strongly guided.

In any case, the immune reaction was stronger than when the astrazena vaccine was vaccinated twice.

On the other hand, the announcement does not directly mention the side reactions, and the detailed research results are working on the direction of publishing in medical magazines as a paper.

Regarding the results, Dr. Matthew Snape, head of the research group, said, "It may be flexible in vaccination in the UK and the world."

At a press conference in the afternoon, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "The vaccines currently being approved in Japan have been confirmed to be the effectiveness and safety of the same vaccine twice in the clinical trial of each company, and at this time.I know that the first and second and second vaccines are not sufficiently obtained in the effectiveness and safety data, and that there is no situation that actively recommends the use of different vaccines.I am doing it. I would like to continue to grasp the information about the vaccine and keep an eye on the trends of each country. "

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CDCociocyotitis "Possibility of Inoculation and Related" "Benefits are higher than risk" statement (6/24)

June 24, 2021

The American CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center reportedly reported symptoms such as "myocarditis", which is mainly younger generation, mainly younger generation, which has been inflamed by heart muscles.He revealed that he could be related to vaccination.On the other hand, the CDC and the Ministry of Health in the United States have jointly issued a statement that the benefits of vaccines will exceed the risk, and call for the younger generations.

The CDC was an external expert committee on June 23, and through a system that voluntarily reports the effects on health after vaccination, after vaccination of the Pfizer and Moderna, the "cardiitis" and the membrane wrapped in the heart.A provisional report that inflammation had symptoms of "paponocaritis" had been announced by 1226 people by June 11.

These symptoms may occur even if they are not vaccinated, but it turns out that the number of reports is larger than usually assumed in younger generations in their teens and twenties, especially for women.It is often after the vaccination.

On the other hand, among the reports, the progress was examined for 323 people under the age of 29, who was able to confirm the symptoms based on the CDC standard, and 9 out of 309 hospitalized were in the hospital as of June 11.295 have already been discharged, and 79 %, 218, have confirmed that they have recovered.

Pfizer and Modela vaccines have been vaccinated more than 300 million times in the United States so far, and CDCs have been in the second year of 39 years old, such as myocarditis after vaccination, 12 million times..We analyze that it is about 6 cases.

CDC experts have stated that "it may be associated with vaccination, but it is rare," and will continue to collect and analyze data in the future.

In conjunction with this announcement, the CDC, the Ministry of Health of Welfare, and several medical specialized organizations said, "These symptoms are extremely rare and most of the younger generation remains mild symptoms. Vaccines protect themselves and surrounding people, and their.He jointly issued a statement stating that benefits exceed the risk, and called for the younger generation.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, as of June 13, as of June 13, 11 men and women between the ages of 25 and 72 were confirmed symptoms of cardiitis and pericarditis. It has been.

More than 17.14 million in vaccinations, one in 1.56 million people.

Of these, a 72 -year -old woman died, and the causal relationship with the vaccination is "inability to evaluate."

Of the eleven, nine occur after the second vaccination, and eight are men.

On the other hand, no one was in vaccinated model vaccine, and no symptoms were reported by June 13.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has decided to proceed in vaccination while watching domestic and foreign information, stating that "there are no serious concerns about vaccination and the benefits are exceeded."

On the other hand, if it is difficult to compare accurately, it may be more frequent for young men to develop in vaccination.We are calling for a medical examination.

Professor Tetsuo Nakayama of Kitasato University, who is familiar with vaccines, is reported to be reported to have symptoms such as "myocarditis", which is mainly the young generation in the United States in vaccination of a new colon virus vaccine.I'm talking like.

"According to the CDC's announcement, the frequency of myocarditis under the age of 39 is about 12 people per million times, and it is possible that there are many proteins that cause inflammation due to immunity reactions.be.

However, myocarditis can also occur in viral infections such as influenza, but it is considered that there are many cases of lighter cases, as it does not become more severe than if the virus infects the virus and causes myocarditis.

It is necessary to pay attention to whether it is a serious side reaction in the future, but considering the benefits of vaccines that prevent severe and infection, it is not considered to be in vaccination at this time.

Vaccination itself should be left to the individual's will, but it is necessary to make the correct information transmitted to each person. "

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Israel is almost gone without a mask without a mask (6/15)

June 15, 2021

In Israel, the Middle East, where vaccination of the new colon virus is in vaccination, masks have been eliminated indoors on June 15.The regulations for living in Japan are almost gone, and residents are regaining their previous life.

In Israel, which has been vaccinated over 80 % of the population aged 16 or older, the number of new infections per day decreases to 12 on average, and from June, the number of people at the rally and the vaccination.The obligation to present the certificate is gone.

On June 15, the Israeli government has canceled indoor masks, except for international flights and people who have not vaccinated in hospitals or elderly facilities.

Most people enjoyed shopping and dining without masking at Jerusalem shopping malls.

A 73 -year -old man who came to shopping with his wife said, "Most people are inoculated the vaccine and the infected people are less.I was talking.

A 18 -year -old clerk said, "I'm happy to wear a mask for 8 hours a day in the store. I'm not particularly worried because I'm in vaccination."

In Israel, there are remaining water -shelter measures, such as in principle vaccination when entering the country, but since there are almost no restrictions on living in Japan, it has become free to move and shopping.Residents are regaining their lives before the infection spreads.

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G7 Tonight's opening vaccine Aiming to agree with the agreement with 1 billion times (6/11)

June 11, 2021

The G7 Summit, which will open on June 11, is the UK, who is the chairman at the seven major summit conferences, so that the G7 can provide at least 1 billion vaccines as the G7 to converge the spread of infections.I revealed that it is expected to agree.

The G7 Summit will open on June 11th, local time on June 11th, on June 11, a local time, with leaders from each country will exchange opinions face -to -face for the first time in about two years.

One of the pillars of the discussion is how to cooperate with vaccine supply to converge the global spread of new colonovirus.

In this regard, the UK of the President said that it would agree to be able to provide at least 1 billion vaccines as the G7 to converge the spread of infection next year.

Prior to the Summit, Johnson in the United Kingdom has expressed his intention to cooperate with each country to be able to vaccinate in all countries around the world by the end of next year, and the United Kingdom will provide at least 100 million times.

The United States has announced that it will provide 500 million vaccines to developing countries over the vaccine, but it is not known whether it will be included in this 1 billion times.

A series of movements may be the aim of competing with China and other China, which develops so -called "vaccine diplomacy", which is aggressive due to aggressive supplies, as G7.

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President Biden Vaccine to Announcement of Provision Plan to 500 million times (6/10)

June 10, 2021

The American White House will provide 500 million new Coronavirus vaccines to nearly 100 countries, including developing countries, in line with the G7 Summit, which will be held by President Biden from June 11.It was revealed that it will be announced.

The White House issued a statement on June 10 and visits the UK for the first foreign visit to the United Kingdom.He said he would announce the plan to provide to the African Union.

Vaccines will be purchased from a major US pharmaceutical Pfizer, and 200 million out of 500 million times will be delivered by the end of the year, and the remaining 300 million times will be delivered in the first half of next year.

The White House states, "This is the biggest provision of vaccines by one country. It will be the foundation for democratic countries around the world to cooperate to spread vaccination."

President Biden is expected to call on each country at the G7 Summit, and in collaboration with allies and friendly countries that share values, it develops "vaccine diplomacy" through aggressive supply, China and Russia.You can see the aim of fighting.

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Taiwanese new Corona infection confirmation 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急

June 7, 2021

In less than a month, more than 10,000 people have been identified in Taiwan, and the authorities will extend the alert measures to regulate indoor gathering for another two weeks. I decided.

In Taiwan, the infection of new colon viruses in the area excluding those who arrived from overseas, etc., was less than 100 in total until May 10, but for one month until June 7.It has increased to more than 12,000 people without it.

The Cabinet Administrative Academy, on June 7, stated that the spread of infections has not yet settled, and the period for maintaining the alert level from the top four stages to be extended for another two weeks and until June 28.I decided.

This is the second extension, and there will be measures to prohibit gathering 5 or more indoors and 10 or more outdoors, or stop facing classes at school.

In Taiwan, this weekend will enter the consecutive holidays on May 5th on May 5th, but the authorities are calling for returning home and traveling as much as possible.

According to the railway authorities, nearly 80 % of the 136,000 reserved tickets for conventional lines during the consecutive holidays were canceled by the morning of June 7.

Authorities are in a hurry to vaccination and have started vaccinating people over the age of 75 from next week for 1.24 million times provided by Japan.

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WHO China "Sino Back" vaccine is added to an emergency use list (6/2)

June 2, 2021

WHO = World Health Organization has added a new colonovirus vaccine from China Pharmaceutical Company Shino Back to an emergency use.It is the second case that Chinese vaccines are added to the list.

The WHO announced on June 1 that the new Coronavirus vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Shinback was added to the emergency use list.

As a result, Shinback vaccines can be supplied to each country through the "COVAX Facility" led by the WHO and other countries, and in developing countries where vaccine is not in place, etc., in the event of urgent use in the country.It is a guide that is a guide.

Chinese vaccines will be added to the WHO's emergency use list in May, following the vaccine of the Chinese state -owned pharmaceutical company Sino Farm.

In addition to this, the list also contains Pfizer and Bion Tech vaccine, Astrazeneca and Oxford University vaccines, Johnson End Johnson vaccines, and modela vaccines, and WHO has confirmed the effectiveness and safety.We would like to continue adding vaccines to the list and accelerating distribution to developing countries with COVAX framework.

This time, the WHO newly added to the emergency use list is the type of "inactivated vaccine" that processes viruses and eliminates toxicity.

The Chinese government has approved the use of the vaccine in China in February, saying that it has reached the standard of safety and effectiveness.

In April, the advisory committee to advise WHO has published data in clinical trials conducted in Turkey, Chile, Indonesia, and Brazil, and that it would prevent the disease with a probability of 51 % to 84 %.。

In addition, in the case of vaccination, in addition to the pain in the vaccinated part, most of the side reactions such as headache and neglect may occur mild to moderate.

The benefits of Shino back vaccines can be stored in two to eight degrees, so that transportation and management are easy and easy to introduce developing countries.

According to Shinback, as of the end of May, it provides about 600 million vaccines for about 40 countries and regions, including China.

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Corona vaccine at least 10 % in the world who was vaccinated once (5/27)

May 27, 2021

A summary of researchers at Oxford, England, and others, that the percentage of people who have inoculated the new colon virus vaccine at least once has exceeded 10 % in the world.

According to the site "Awa World In Data" operated by researchers at Oxford University, UK, the percentage of those who have inoculated a new colon virus vaccine at least once in the world cannot be confirmed a specific breakdown.As of May 25, except for the area.1 % exceeded 10 %.

Middle East Israel is 62 in the main countries.9 %, 56 in the UK.3 %, Mongolia 56.2 %, Canada 52.8 %, the United States 49.It is 1 %.

In addition, the percentage of people who have completed vaccinations, such as inoculation of vaccines that are to be vaccinated twice, are 59 in Israel in the main country..2 %, Bahrain 43.1 %, Chile 40.6 %, the United States 39.It is 2 %.

In the world, it is an issue that vaccination is not progressing, mainly in developing countries, and WHO = World Health Organization will end at least 10 % of its population in all countries by September 2021.We are calling for developed countries to cooperate in fair distribution.

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US CDC New Corona Vaccination Infection is about 0.01 % "high effect" (5/26)

May 26, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center has been infected after about 100 million people infected after completing the new colonavirus vaccine from January 2021 to April 30, 2021..The survey results were published that it was 01 %.

According to a report published by the CDC on May 25, about 1 person who completed the three new colonavirus vaccine in the United States from January to April 30, 2021.It was 101 million.

Approximately 0 people reported that CDC was infected after the vaccination was completed when the CDC was tabulated based on data from health authorities..It means that there were 1262 people, 01 %.

Of these, 995 were hospitalized in medical institutions, 160 died, and the median of the dead was 82 years old.

On the other hand, some of the hospitalized people had no symptoms of the new colon virus, and in some cases the infection was confirmed after being hospitalized for another reason.

The CDC survey team recommends vaccination in vaccination, saying that the vaccination in the United States has a high effect, although the actual infected person after the actual vaccination may be more likely than the report.I'm going to go.

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Voice of concern that Indonesian companies are in unfair sensation (5/18)

May 18, 2021

In Indonesia, companies have begun an initiative in which companies can buy and promote vaccinations on their independence, and some experts are concerned that they will create unfairness with those who are waiting for the government in vaccination. It has come out.

Indonesia has more than 1.7 million new colonavirus infected people in Southeast Asia, and the government has been vaccinating for medical workers and the elderly since January 2021.

By April, it was planned to complete about 40 million vaccinations, but it has not been over yet.

Under these circumstances, the company led by economic organizations to fund the funds and inoculate the employees who have purchased their own purchased vaccines, starting on May 18, and about 4,000 people in the paper company near the capital, Jakarta.Inoculated was done.

The representative of the paper company said, "I hope that the company will be promoted quickly and corporate activities will return to normal."

Vaccinations have been used by China -owned pharmaceutical company Sino Farm, which means that more than 22,700 companies have participated in this initiative.

Foreigners living in the country can receive vaccination through this initiative, so there are some Japanese companies to consider participation.

However, experts and others have been concerned about experts and others, saying, "There is a feeling of unfairness with people waiting for the government to be advanced by the government" or "the vaccine may be sold illegally".I am.

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EU Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authority "Pfizer vaccine 1 month can be stored" (5/18)

May 18, 2021

Regarding the vaccine of the new colon virus developed by a major US pharmaceutical company, the EU = European Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authorities will have a period that can be stored at the temperature of the normal refrigerator for one month from the past 5 days.The guidelines were shown.Pharmaceutical companies say that it is based on new data.

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency, the EU's Pharmaceutical Procedure Agency, has shown a new guideline on May 17 to "recommend changing the preservation conditions" for the new Coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and German pharmaceutical company Bion Tech.rice field.

According to this, the time to store unpacked unopened vaccines from 2 to 8 degrees, which is the same as a normal refrigerator, has been greatly extended to one month = 31 days from the previous 5 days.

EMA stated that it was the result of analyzing the newly submitted data from the pharmaceutical company, and in a statement, "Changes in preservation conditions are based on new data supported for one month."It was revealed.

The EU has set a goal of 70 % vaccination of adults in the region by summer, but at least once, the percentage of inoculated people is 36 %, which promotes further vaccination.EMA states that "increased preservation and handling flexibility will have an important effect on vaccination in vaccine in EU member countries."

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Resuming for the first time in 5 months indoor business of restaurants (5/18)

May 18, 2021

This week, this week, the restrictions on economic activities due to the spread of new colonavirus infections have been alleviated one after another, and in London, operations indoors of restaurants have been recognized for the first time in five months.The movement is in full swing.

In England, including London, the infection status improved, and the vaccination of vaccinations has been resumed on May 17 on May 17.

Since December 2020, it has been approximately five months since December 2020, and restaurants in the center have been greeting customers while taking measures to thoroughly disinfect them.

The person in charge of the store said, "I have never been able to eat while relaxing, so I want you to come back here. However, you need to pay attention to the prevention of infection, so it is difficult to enjoy it in exactly the same situation as before.I guess. "

On this day, movie theaters and other businesses have resumed business, and sightseeing trips abroad have been recognized only for travel destinations, and the movement of resuming activities is in full swing.

On the other hand, in some areas, the mutant virus confirmed in India has spread, and there are concerns that this relaxation will also lead to the spread of infection, and Prime Minister Johnson may be delayed in the future limit.Shows the perception.

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EU vaccination progress The Euro Area Economic growth rate forecast is revised upward (5/13)

May 13, 2021

Regarding the Euro -zone economy such as Germany and France, the EU = European Union predicted the economic growth rate in 2021 in response to the advancement of new colonovirus vaccination..It has been revised upward to 3 %.

The European Commission, the EU executive organization, announced the latest prospects on the economy of 19 Euro countries on May 12.

As a result, GDP for one year = the growth rate of gross production in the region is 4 compared to the previous year..I predicted that it would be 3 %, and the outlook in February 3.We have revised upwards from 8 %.

This is due to the promotion of vaccination of the new colon virus and the economic activity has begun to resume, and the growth of exports due to the recovery of the global economy supports growth.

The growth rate by country is 5 in France.7 %, Italy 4.2 %, Germany 3.It is expected to be 4 %.

In the Euro area, the impact of the spread of infection is still uncertain and the future is unclear, but the European Commissioner Gentiloni said at a conference, "It will recover strongly next year, and the economy in each country will be late by the end of next year.It will recover to the level before the spread of infection or exceed it. "

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Adjusted with an international framework distributed by about $ 700 million (5/12)

May 12, 2021

The government has undergone adjustments in the direction of a new contribution of about $ 700 million in the international framework "COVAX Facility", which distributes vaccines, and in June, Japan co -run with international organizations "Vaccine Summit".The Minister has announced the policy.

The "COVAX Facility", an international framework that distributes new colonovirus vaccines, has set a goal of supply 1.8 billion vaccines, which is 30 % of the population of developing countries, but it is required.A shortage of $ 1.7 billion out of the dollar.

For this reason, the government, in addition to the convergence of infection, has been further promoted to the spread of vaccines throughout the world, including developing countries, to $ 700 million in addition to $ 200 million, in addition to the already contributing to COVAX.We have entered the adjustment in the direction of contributing the degree.

Then, on June 2, the international organization "GAVI Vaccine Aliance", which is working on the spread of vaccines in developing countries, and the Prime Minister Kan will express the policy of additional contributions at the "Vaccin Summit" co -hosted online leading party.I am.

In the future, the government will participate in the Vaccine Summit to cooperate with the funding of "COVAX".

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Own Corona Vaccine in the United States "Occupation of Vaccination" is divided (5/12)

May 12, 2021

In American universities, the correspondence is divided depending on whether the new colon virus vaccine is to be attended in a facing class.While more than 300 universities are obliged to be vaccinated to students who wish to face face -to -face classes, some states have shown a policy of prohibiting universities to seek the presentation history of vaccination, and in such states, inoculated once.Some universities have withdrawn the mission policy.

In the United States, in March 2021, the University of State University in New Jersey, where approximately 70,000 students are enrolled, is vaccinated for new colonavirus vaccines for students who take classes in the new semester since the beginning of the new semester.Was announced that it would be required.

After that, similar movements have spread to so -called prestigious schools such as Harvard University and large -scale state universities, and in the aggregate of educational media, the universities that have expressed so -called "inoculation obligations" by May 10.It is over 300 schools.

On the other hand, in some states, the governor shows that a university receiving funding from the state, regardless of whether it is public or private, is effectively showing a policy for a student to present a history of vaccination.In addition to announcing that Texas and State University in Iowa will not "oblige inoculation", some private universities have withdrawn the "mandatory vaccination obligatory" policy once announced.increase.

Most universities that require vaccination as a condition of face -to -face classes are mostly treated as exceptions if they cannot be vaccinated for health or religious reasons, but in the United States, whether or not to be vaccinated is to decide by personal will.The opposition to the obligation of vaccination is also strong and has affected universities.

In the United States, in 2020, several universities that resumed face -to -face classes were reported to be infected among students, and some universities combined face -to -face and online classes and regularly inspected viruses.We are taking measures.

While students have hoped to resume face -to -face classes from the beginning of the new semester, many students have been lived in dormitories, etc., so it has been pointed out that there is a possibility that the university may spread again as it is.The challenge is to ensure student safety.

Governor Reynolds in Iowa Midwest, in fact, has shown a policy to prohibit the state of the state funding for presenting a new colonavirus vaccine in vaccination history, and the bill was passed by the State Congress in May.I did it.

In response to these movements, the Board of Directors, which determines the operation policy of three state universities in Iowa, stated in April that the university operated would not do so -called “obligations”.

At the University of Northern Aioowa, where about 10,000 students are enrolled in one of the state universities, after resuming face -to -face classes in August 2020, the positive ratio of new colonoviruses is nearly 40 % in local governments where many students and others live.The infection has expanded, and local media reported that one of the reasons was that students at eating and drinking and opening a party were one of the reasons.

The university has taken some classes to return some classes online, or provide classes in large rooms to avoid density, but how to expand the infection before the new semester from autumn.It is an issue whether to prevent and resume face -to -face classes, and we have a vaccination venue on the campus so that students and staff can easily vaccinate, and prepare for the new semester.

Sherry Oconel, who is in charge of health management at university, said, "Some students are inoculated outside the university, such as their hometown, so it is difficult to grasp the percentage of inoculated students, but as universities strongly recommends vaccination.I'm there. "

President Mark Nucc said, "It is the highest priority of the university to provide a place to interact with and learn by staff and students. It is not possible to" oblige inoculation ", but many students are secure due to vaccines.I think that I understand that my health is protected, so I hope that vaccination will proceed. "The new colonavirus vaccine is new and some people do not trust it yet. Is it necessary to have time to be reliable in order to oblige inoculation? "

On the other hand, students say, "It is a pity that the state university has been sent off in vaccination as a condition for attendance."Was out.

Once the vaccination has been de facto obliged, but some universities have been forced to change their policy.

The University of St. Edwards in Texas has been online 90 % of classes since the spring of 2020, when the infection became severe.

Even in a few face -to -face classes, students have taken measures such as checking negotiations with PCR tests every week, but positive people have not ended and feel the limitations of their response.

For this reason, the university states that vaccination is indispensable for resuming full face -to -face classes.I did it.

However, shortly after that, the university was issued an order that the Republican Governor Abbott, who emphasizes conservative values, has issued an order for universities, such as universities that are funding from the state, to prohibit vaccination certification.The policy of mission has been withdrawn.

"Students want to resume face -to -face classes. It is important for students to resume face -to -face classes and PCR tests to maintain the health on campus on campus.I think it will be a strategy. "

On May 6, the State University of New Jersey announced on May 6 that the new Coronavirus vaccine would be a condition for attending face -to -face classes and to provide up to $ 1,000 to the vaccination students.

Students who have submitted a certificate of vaccination will reduce the tuition of $ 500, and if they live in the dormitory, the dormitory cost will be reduced by $ 500 separately from the tuition.

Approximately 20,000 students are enrolled in universities, and universities are assumed to be $ 7 million to $ 10 million in total.

The campus also has a venue for students to be vaccinated, and students can receive vaccinations without reservations.

"It is very important for students to learn while meeting people on campus for students. Some students go to school while they are doing financial difficulties, so assist in tuition and dormitories.Not only improves the inoculation rate, but also supports school. "

On the other hand, students who do not inoculate for religious reasons or health reasons are found exceptions, saying, "Vaccination should be voluntary choices and do not be enforced.After knowing, I want you to learn and choose the vaccine again. "

The movement to support students to promote vaccination is also held at universities that have forgotten the so -called “mandatory inoculation”, and at Wayne State University in Michigan, a coupon that can be used in the cafeteria is distributed to the inoculated student.In addition, at the North Carolina State University Greens Boro School, the number of students in vaccinated students was "lottery", and the winners were free of charge for dormitory, and coupons were received at local restaurants.。

"Vaccine is safe and effective but voluntary," said Texas Governor Abbott, who has issued a governor who is prohibited from seeking the presentation of vaccination history to state agencies and organizations that have earned funding in the state.He states the reason why the government is not forced. The government should not ask people to disclose vaccine vaccination and personal health information to live daily life. "increase.

Meanwhile, Professor Perry Harukitas, Professor Perry Harukitas, a public health graduate school in New Jersey, who decided to “oblige inoculation”, said, “It is important for the individual right to not vaccine, but to protect other people from illness.Profit is also important. You should understand that exercising the right to not vaccinate may affect other people's health and will lose some rights. "He pointed out that the so -called “mandatory inoculation” is a reasonable decision in resuming face -to -face classes.

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Pfizer etc. Available for 12-15 years old for Pfizer, etc. U.S. FDA (5/11)

May 11, 2021

The FDA = US Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau announced on May 10 that it will expand urgent permission to use urgent permission to the new Coronavirus vaccine developed by major pharmaceutical factors and others to children aged 12 to 15.

The new Coronavirus vaccine developed by Pfizer and German corporate Bion Tech has been granted urgent use in the United States for over 16 years of age, but with the aim of expanding the target, clinical trials for children under the age of 15 are also clinical trials.It is being advanced.

In April, Pfizer was targeted by FDA in April, as no one had any symptoms due to the new colon virus after vaccination.I was applying for an increase in age.

FDA announced on May 10 that it will expand the number of urgent permissions to children aged 12 to 15 to 12 to 15 years old, stating that "as a result of the examination, the age that can be used will be changed to 12 years old or older."

FDA commented, "This decision is an important step to protect the young generation from the new Coronavirus infection."

Pfizer also conducts clinical trials for the age of 11, clarifying the policy to expand the number of urgent permissions in September 2021, as well as another pharmaceutical company modela and Johnson.・ End Johnson is also conducting clinical trials under the age of 17.

The outlook for expanding domestic vaccinations

At a press conference on May 11, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "PMDA = Pharmaceutical Medical Medical Care, which is submitted to the FDA = US Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau, based on data for the age of 12 to 15 years old.We know that Pfizer will be consulted with the General Organization for the revision of the package. "

"In the future, if a new vaccination target person is expanded from 12 to 15 due to the revision of the package insert, it will expand the target of the extraordinary vaccination of Pfizer to 12 years of age or older., Separately, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's council will be discussed. "

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EU Astrazenka Vaccine No additional order after June (5/10)

May 10, 2021

The members in charge of procurement of the new colon virus vaccine in the European Union have announced that they did not order additional orders after June about vaccines developed by Astrazeneca, which are significantly delayed.。

On May 9, EU appeared on a French radio station on May 9 and answered a new colon virus vaccine.

In this case, Buton said that the supply of Astrazena, which has been significantly delayed, said that he did not order additional orders after June, and decided not to purchase after June, when the supply is completed.It was revealed.

The EU has been calling out to Astrazenka to respond to the delay in supply, but has begun legal procedures in April because of a violation of the contract, assuming that he could not get a satisfactory answer.

On the other hand, Buton said, "Astrazena vaccines have the advantage that transportation and temperature control are easy," and depending on the situation, they did not eliminate the possibility of purchasing again in the future.

Regarding Pfizer, who announced that we would buy up to 1.8 billion vaccines for the EU, Buton said, "We are working on second -generation vaccines. We do not need two degrees in vaccination."We looked forward to the development of new vaccines.

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With the spread of New York Vaccine, the city is lively (5/8)

May 8, 2021

In New York, where the spread of the new colon virus was the most severe in the United States, the city has become more vibrant, with the spread of economic activities due to the spread of vaccines.

At a press conference on April 29, the mayor of New York City said, "We are ready to completely restore New York on July 1. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel."。

"If you do what you need, you can resume faster," said New York Governor Quomo.

In New York, as the spread of vaccines and the decrease in infected people have been in full swing, and from May 19, the number of seats, such as restaurants, retailers, beauty salons and cinemas, will be lost in principle, and tourist attractions will be in principle.Times Square, known as, has increased traffic and traffic.

Tourists from all over the United States have come to be seen, and a woman from Michigan in the Midwest said, "I'm going to see the free goddess and go to the museum."

In the park in the center of Manhattan, an event to enjoy performances by professional musicians began on May 3rd, and the local men who were visiting said, "I am very impressed because I can enjoy these events."rice field.

In the entertainment industry, which is one of the attractions of New York, it is said that it is most difficult to resume Broadway musicals, and it has been closed since March 2020, but it has been decided to resume in mid -September 2021.

Actor Lo Heart Runfu said, "I was able to perform only nine times in 2020, but now I have decided to resume and I'm very excited. I want to show the best performance."

In March 2020, the spread of the new colon virus in New York has become serious.

In New York City, more than 1700 infected people were confirmed a day, and on March 22, we took a so -called rock -down, which strictly restrict economic activities.

This measure banned employees and employees, except for some jobs, including police and medical professionals, and the residents were asked to stay at home for the time to go out.

However, the spread of infection has become more serious, and a facility that conducts large -scale events to respond to the increasing infection has been renovated as a temporary hospital, and a tent to accept patients in Central Park has been set up.

In April, 799 people died in New York.

Later, the mask and the "social distanning", which takes a certain distance between people and people, has spread, and the peak of the spread of infection has passed, and economic activities are resumed step by step.

However, in January 2021, the spread of infection again, and the number of infected people confirmed in New York was 7991, including suspicion.

As a result, the infection prevention measures have been thoroughly entangled, and as vaccination has begun, the infected people have begun to decrease gradually, and recently the number of city infected people has been around 1,000 per day.

The population of New York has a population of about 8.4 million, but there are 935,000 infected people, including suspicion, and about 32,000 people have died.

Mayor Deblacio has announced plans to set up vaccination opportunities to tourists to recall the decreased number of tourists, and if the state approves, we have established a mobile vaccination facility to tourist spots such as Times Square.Use Johnson End Johnson's vaccine that is completed with one vaccination.

The background of the economic recovery in the United States and the goal of normalization of economic activity is clarifying the spread of vaccines and large -scale economic measures.

After the establishment of the Biden administration, the economic measures were paid up to 150,000 yen per person.

As a result, consumer motivation is stimulated, and the retail sales in March are 9 compared to the previous month..It has a significant growth of 8 %.

As vaccination has progressed, people traveling in Japan has become more active, and on Sunday, May 2, the number of people using airports in the United States has risen to 1.62 million.

This has been a lot since March 12, 2020, the day before the emergency declaration was issued in the United States.

In addition, the Biden administration has begun taking 3 trillion yen in Japanese yen to support employee salaries and rent assistance in May to support the small and medium -sized food and beverage industry, and for New York, which has thousands of restaurants.Is expected to be a great support.

Vaccination has been pointed out that the pace is slowed down, but as of May 7, there are about 19 million people over the age of 18 who have finished vaccinations, and the inoculation rate is 42..It is 6 %, and New York City is almost the same level as 42 %.

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Astraseneca's vaccine is not recommended for the British Advisory Committee under 40 (5/8)

May 8, 2021

Regarding the new colon virus vaccine, the British government's advisory committee has announced that it will recommend other companies' vaccination to those under the age of 40 instead of Astrazenka.While it is a precautionary measure for extremely small risks causing blood clots, the interests of inoculation exceed the risk for most people.

The British government's advisory committee announced on May 7 that it would recommend vaccination of other companies' vaccines instead of vaccines developed by Astrazenka for those under the age of 40.

Until now, the same content was recommended for those under the age of 30, but this time, the target age has been raised by 10 years.

The Advisory Committee states that it is a precautionary measure for extremely small risks causing blood clots after vaccination, and that the vaccine will be secured for several months.

On the other hand, the Advisory Committee emphasizes that astraseneka vaccines such as blood clots are extremely rare, and emphasize that "the benefits of preventing seriousness and death are far beyond all the risks for most people."I am.

In Europe, as a case where blood clots have been confirmed after vaccination, as an astraseneca vaccine, there has been a movement to refrain from vaccinating the young generation.

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WHO China Sino Farm vaccine is added to an emergency use list (5/8)

May 8, 2021

WHO = World Health Organization has called for the cooperation of the international distribution framework with the Urgent List of the new Coronavirus vaccine of Sino Farm, a Chinese state -owned pharmaceutical company.

WHO's Secretary -General Tedoros announced on May 7 that the vaccine developed by China's state -owned pharmaceutical company, Sino Farm, has been added to an emergency use list.

The list has been added to the vaccine developed by European and American pharmaceutical companies, such as the US Pfizer, but this is the first time outside of Europe and the United States.

As a result, the Sino Farm vaccine could be supplied to each country through the COVAX Facility, an international distribution of WHOs and others, and WHO called for the cooperation of COVAX with Sino Farm.

COVAX relys on vaccines developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University, which are manufactured in India and over 70 % of the vaccines to be distributed by June, but are significantly supplied on the background of the deterioration of India's infection.I am late.

The WHO wants to accelerate the distribution of vaccines to developing countries by adding the Sino Farm vaccine list.

WHO = COVAX Facility, a framework that distributes vaccines led by World Health Organization, has announced plans to distribute more than 300 million vaccines to 145 countries and regions by February 2021 and June. did.

However, the vaccines that COVAX could distribute by May 7 were over 54 million in 121 countries and regions, and the distribution was significantly behind the original plan.

COVAX relys on more than 70 % of the vaccines to be distributed by June at the Indian factory and the vaccine developed by Oxford University, but the deterioration of the infection in India.Supply to COVAX is delayed.

In order to regain the delay, COVAX announced on May 3 that it had a 500 million vaccine supply from the US pharmaceutical company model, but the supply began in the latter half of 2021.

The WHO has been reviewing the effective and safety of vaccines developed around the world, trying to increase the types of vaccines that can be distributed by COVAX.

This time, WHO's new colon virus vaccine, which is an emergency use list, was developed by Beijing Research Institute, which was developed by China's state -owned pharmaceutical company Sino Farm.

This vaccine is a type called "inactivated vaccine" that uses viruses that have lost infected ability, and the Chinese government has approved the use in China in December 2020, reaching safety and effectiveness. doing.

The advisory committee to advise WHO is 78 regarding the effectiveness of this vaccine as a result of the third -stage clinical trials conducted in multiple countries..The data that was 1 % was published on the website.

In addition, in vaccination, side reactions such as pain, headache, and neglect of the vaccination may occur, but most are mild to moderate.

According to the Chinese media, this vaccine can be stored at a temperature of two to 8 degrees, so it is easy to transport and store, and it is easy to introduce developing countries, and it is already allowed to be used in 45 countries and regions.

In addition to this vaccine, in addition to this vaccine, vaccines developed by another research institute at Sino Farm and vaccines developed by pharmaceutical companies Shinbacks have been approved, and large -scale vaccinations have been conducted, and Japan until May 6th.The number of vaccinations is about 300 million times.

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Modela's own vaccine 12-17 -year -old clinical trials announced 96 % (5/7)

May 7, 2021

アメリカの製薬会社モデルナは、12歳から17歳の子どもを対象にした、新型コロナウイルスワクチンの臨床試験の初期的な分析の結果を発表し、少なくとも1回、接種を受けた人での有効性は9I revealed that it was 6 %.

The vaccine developed by Modela has been granted permission to use the FDA = American Food and Drug Administration in the United States for emergency use, but over 3200 people aged 12 to 17 years old to expand in vaccination.Clinical trials are being conducted.

Modelna announced on May 6 that the effectiveness of at least one vaccination was 96 % as a result of the initial analysis.

Regarding safety, the pain in vaccinations, headaches and fever have been reported, but the impact on serious health has not been confirmed.

Modelna is going to discuss the age of the regulatory authorities and the expansion of vaccination with the regulatory authorities in the future.

In addition, Modelna has also announced the results of research in which vaccines are added to respond to mutant viruses.

According to this, after finishing the two -year to eight months after the two -month to eight months after the two -year to eight months, we have added a newly developed vaccine in each case.This means that the antibody values for the first mutant virus found in South Africa and Brazil have risen.

Modela states that "we have deepened our confidence in the strategy of preventing the prevention of mutant viruses by additional inoculation."

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40 % of the entire vaccine export outside the EU area is the largest for Japan (5/7)

May 7, 2021

The EU = European Union, which allows the exports of the new colonavirus vaccine to the outside of the area, has permitted about 178 million exports so far, revealing that about 40 % of the total is for Japan.

In January 2021, the EU has introduced measures to be obliged to obtain permission in advance when exporting out of the area, following the increased concerns of the new colonovirus vaccine.

The European Commission, the EU executive organization, announced the status of exports under this measure on May 6, and by May 3, exports about 178 million times to 45 countries and the community.It is said that you have permitted it.

Japan is the most common, about 72 million times, which is 40 % of the total.

Next, it is about 18.5 million times for the United Kingdom and about 18.4 million for Canada.

In addition, the export permission is 854, but only one is rejected.I emphasized again the position that it was not.

It is still internationally discussed whether vaccines should be spread to the world, and whether the vaccine should be suspended so that low -priced generic vaccines can be freely produced.

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Review the policy to expand the supply of support for the suspension of vaccine patents (5/6)

May 6, 2021

While developing countries have not been able to secure a new colon virus vaccine, the WTO = World Trade Organization has been discussing whether the vaccine should be temporarily suspended to expand the supply.In this case, the U.S. government has revised its policies and states that it will support the suspension of patent rights, and it will be noted that consultation will move forward.

The handling of patent rights related to vaccines is currently being discussed in the WTO, suggesting that South Africa and India will temporarily stop patent rights so that they can freely produce low -priced generic vaccines, and have sufficient vaccines.Support is expanding among developing countries that have not been secured.

In contrast, developed countries such as the United States and Europe, which have a major pharmaceutical company that have developed vaccines, have been cautious about suspension of patent rights, and have been cautious about the future technological innovation, and consultation has been difficult.。

Under these circumstances, Thai Trade Representative, who is in charge of trade policies under the US Biden administration, stated in a statement published on May 5 that "we support the suspension of patent rights to end the pandemic."It has been announced that it will be reviewed.

However, WTOs have unanimously unanimous, and Thai Trade representatives also pointed out that negotiations take time, given the complexity of the problem.

As the disparity of vaccine spreads in the world, the rebound of developing countries has increased, and this time, the other developed nations agree to suspend patent rights, and it will be noted that consultation will proceed in the direction of suspension.。

WHO = World Health Organization Secretary -General Tedoros wrote to Twitter on May 5 that "it is a powerful example of American leadership working on global public challenges."

While the supply of the new colon virus vaccine is still not enough in developing countries, Secretary -General Tedoros should temporarily suspend patent protection on vaccines so that it can be widely produced around the world.I claimed that

On May 5, near the Federal Congress in the US capital Washington, about 150 people gathered to expand vaccine supply to developing countries that are being hit by a new colon virus.

The gathered people in the hands of placards that say "Vaccine to everyone", pause the protection of patent rights related to vaccine to reduce the spread of infections so that they can produce vaccines in developing countries.He said that he had to do it.

"The United States has a great responsibility. You should open your vaccine patent to make vaccines produced in other countries."

The IFPMA -International Pharmaceutical Association, which is composed of pharmaceutical companies in Geneva, Switzerland, stated on May 5 that the U.S. government stated that it would support the suspension of vaccine patent rights."I was disappointed.

Furthermore, from the issues such as eliminating trade barriers and lack of vaccine raw materials, such as "stopping the vaccine patent or increasing production, or providing practical measures to confront the global health crisis."He pointed out that he could turn his eyes away and could cause confusion.

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Available for children aged 12 to 15 years old (5/6)

May 6, 2021

Canadian health authorities announced on May 5 that it will allow newly 12 to 15 -year -old children to use the new Coronavirus vaccine of the US Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical and German corporate Biontech.

The new colonavirus vaccine developed by the Pfizer has been granted permission to use in the United States and Canada, etc., but clinical trials are underway for children under the age of 15, with the aim of expanding the target.increase.

For those 12 to 15, in March 2021, it was announced that no one had been confirmed by the new colon virus after vaccination.

In response, Canada's health authorities announced on May 5 that "as a result of examining scientific evidence, it was determined that it was safe and effective for 12 to 15 years old." Did.

In the United States and Canada, the expansion of vaccination to children is an issue in order to resume face -to -face classes.

In the United States, President Biden stated on May 4 that "if the permission of regulators gives permission, it will be possible to vaccinates at pharmacies in the United States as soon as possible."It is expected that the permission of emergency use will be judged.

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Denmark Johnson & Johnson's vaccine use (5/4)

May 4, 2021

Regarding the new Coronavirus vaccine of the US pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson, Denmark in Scandinavia announced that it will stop using this vaccine in response to cases reported that rare thrombus was confirmed after vaccination. Did.

Regarding Johnson End Johnson's vaccines, the EU -European Pharmaceuticals should be described as a very rare side reaction in April, in April, in April, a blood clot that clogged blood vessels such as brain after vaccination.While summarizing the conclusion, "the profit from this vaccine exceeds the risk of side reactions."

As a result, Denmark's health authorities used this vaccine based on the fact that Denmark's independent study was proceeding with the fact that the infection status was suppressed to some extent and that other vaccines were in progress.We announced that we will stop planning.

Denmark has already canceled vaccination developed by Astrazeneca and other places in response to an example of a blood clot confirmed after vaccination, and the health authorities have the maximum vaccination plan for this decision.He said he would be late for four weeks.

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How do you support the surplus corona vaccine?Overseas initiatives (5/2)

May 2, 2021

Vaccinations are progressing during large holidays, but on the other hand, surplus vaccines have been abandoned.It is an initiative of each country how to respond overseas.

The case where the vaccine is thrown away is also a problem in France.

In April, a doctor posted a video of discarding vaccines that could not be used up, and it received a great response.

At the venue in the outskirts of Paris, which is in vaccinated nearly 2,000 people every day, about 8 % of the reservations do not come, and there is too much vaccine.

Currently, the target of the country's inoculation is in principle over 55, but it is said that the surplus vaccines are not discarded, and they are inoculation of those who are not the subjects, waiting outside the venue.

A 45 -year -old man who was waiting for the surplus vaccination in search of a vaccination, "I'm here for the third day today. I haven't been able to meet my parents for 22 months, so I was vaccinated.I want to go see you with confidence. "

Some young women said, "I want a child, but I want to hit the vaccine before pregnancy."

In France, pharmacies can be vaccinated, but there are also sites that connect in vaccination and pharmacies so that the surplus vaccines are not excessive even for small groups has appeared.

On a site called "COVIDLISTE", if a pharmacy or the like enters information such as the type of vaccine, the number of people, regions, etc., a message will be sent to those who apply to the conditions from the applicants who have registered in advance.increase.

At a pharmacy in Paris, when I recruited three people on the site in the morning, I was able to find up the vaccine.

The woman who received the vaccination said, "I hit it. This is my first vaccination. I'm happy." The pharmacist woman said, "It's wonderful.

This site was opened at the end of March, and its reputation was expanded by SNS and word of mouth, and 800,000 people who wanted to be vaccinated in one month were registered.

It is said that 5,000 people have been vaccinated so far in partnership with more than 1000 pharmacies that perform vaccinations.

"If our platform is more than 100 vaccines, at least 60 applicants can secure at least 60 applicants," said Martin Daniel.

In Germany, in December 2020, a new colon virus vaccine began, and from April, it was possible to receive vaccinations under family doctors.

The government is currently giving priority to the subject of vaccination due to age, etc., but if the reservation is suddenly canceled, if the vaccine is left over, if the disposal is avoided, it is not as prioritized.I also admit.

At a clinic in Berlin, on April 30, one reservation for vaccinations was suddenly canceled, and a 38 -year -old woman working at a nearby supermarket visited instead.

The woman said, "I got a phone call and rushed in about 5 minutes. It is wonderful that people who want to be vaccinated may be able to vaccinate faster."

In this clinic, a list of people who wish to be vaccinated is created by vaccine type, and if there is a vaccine, we call from the list in order of priorities and inoculate people who can come immediately.。

About a month after we started vaccination, there were three sudden cancellations, but all were inoculated with other applicants and did not discard them.

A clinic representative said, "There are so many inquiries that they want to be vaccinated, and they can hit everything without throwing their vaccines."

In Germany, at least once, at least once, more than 22 million people have been vaccinated, with a population of about 27 %.

The government has stated that all citizens, excluding children, will spread their vaccines by September 2021.

In South Korea, where vaccination of the new colon virus began in February 2021, if a person who had reserved the vaccination canceled due to poor physical condition, the surplus vaccine would not be made to be inoculated with other people.There is an initiative to do.

From March, the South Korea Disease Management Agency will create a so -called "cancellation waiting" list of people who want to be vaccinated with over 2,200 medical institutions nationwide in the country.I am looking for it.

In addition, if there is no one in the list in the roster, if there is no one who can be vaccinated on the day, it is permitted to be inoculated by those who visit medical institutions or accompanying them for other purposes.

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Added to WHO Modela Corporation Vaccine Urgent Usage List (5/1)

May 1, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization has added a new colon virus vaccine to an emergency use, developed by US pharmaceutical company modela.The number of vaccines that can be distributed in the international framework "COVAX Facility" that distributes vaccines fairly will increase.

WHO announced on April 30 that COVAX has added a model's vaccine to the emergency use.

As a result, in addition to the vaccine such as the Pfizer, the vaccine such as Astrazena, the vaccine of Johnson End Johnson, the model's vaccine will be distributed in the future.

COVAX announced in the first half of 2021 to distribute more than 300 million vaccines to 145 countries and regions around the world.

However, as the infection status worsened in India, the supply of vaccines such as astrazena manufactured in India factories has been significantly delayed, and as of April 29, it could be distributed by 121 countries and regions.I stay too much for all times.

Under these circumstances, it is expected that vaccines will be distributed to each country by adding the model vaccine to the emergency use list.

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Raise Tsutsuka is an injured list with a side reaction of the new Corona vaccine (4/30)

April 30, 2021

On April 29, the League Raise announced on April 29 that Yoshitaka Tsutsuka had entered an injury list due to a side response caused by a new colon virus vaccine.

According to the team, Tsutsuka started vaccinating the vaccine on April 28, and started in the athletic match, all of which fell into a strikeout and changed on the way.

On April 29, the following day, Tsutsuka announced that the team had entered a human list for the vaccine side reaction, as she was in a bad mood.

The injured list of major leagues is usually at least 10 days, but if you enter the list due to the vaccine side reaction, you will be able to return at any time as soon as you recover, and the team will return to Tsutsuka on the 30th.It is possible that there is a possibility.

In the major league, many teams are in vaccination of players and staff, but Tsutsuka is the first time for Japanese players to enter an injury list.

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U.S. Pharmaceutical Company Modela "Cost Procedure to increase vaccine production" (4/30)

April 30, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company modela has announced that the demand for the new colonavirus vaccine will continue in 2022, and that it will increase its production to up to 3 billion times in 2022.Modela vaccines are currently undergoing approval in Japan.

On April 29, Modelna is expected to increase the supply of new colonavirus vaccines from "700 million to 1 billion times" to "800 million to 1 billion times".I revealed it.

Furthermore, in order to maintain the effects of the vaccine, additional inoculation is likely to be required, so in 2022, we will invest in the United States and Europe with the aim of producing up to 3 billion times in 2022, increasing production in the United States and Europe.I am.

Modela says, "Research results have appeared to show that the effectiveness will decrease 12 months after vaccination, and it is necessary to respond to cases where the mutant virus is infected once or who has finished vaccinations.In the future, the demand for vaccines will continue to be high and continues to be high.

In addition, it will be easier to handle, assuming that the storage period of the vaccine, which is currently in up to three months, can be extended up to three months at the temperature of the refrigerator from two to 8 degrees.In the future, it will be easier to vaccinates even smaller clinics.

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Plans to gradually release all of the restrictions on outings and sales (4/30)

April 30, 2021

French President Macron revealed that almost all of the new Coloronavirus infection measures, such as going out and restrictions on operating restaurants for nearly two months from May 3rd, will gradually release. did.

In France, the spread of mutant viruses has been expanded, and since early April, it has been restricted from going out and retail stores nationwide.It is said that the restrictions on the movement will be canceled.

In addition, President Macron said on the night of April 28, in response to local newspapers, he stated that almost all restrictions would be released on May 3rd to the end of June.

From May 19, the outdoors of restaurants will be accepted for the first time in about six months, and retail stores will be restricted, and museums, theaters, movie theaters, etc. can be resumed with limited number of people.

In addition, the starting time at night will be delayed by 2 hours and will be completely eliminated at 9:00 pm, and at the end of June.

On the other hand, he said that the restrictions would be canceled for areas where the infection status had deteriorated.

"The biggest difference from October 2020, which introduced the restrictions last time, is that there is a vaccine that enables escape from the crisis."

However, in France, the transmission of a mutant virus is still spreading, and the number of infected people per day has exceeded 30,000, and the federation created in hospitals in various places is "far from the state where the spread of infection is controlled."It is pointed out.

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Secure 60 million vaccines in preparation for British government mutation virus (4/29)

April 29, 2021

The British government has announced that it has secured 60 million vaccines developed by the Pfizer and others in conjunction with the addition of the new Coronavirus vaccine starting in the fall of 2021, and is preparing for a new mutant virus.

In the United Kingdom, three types of vaccines, a new colon virus, are being informed, and about half of the population has been vaccinated once.

The British government has already secured more than 400 million vaccines, but announced on April 28 that it has secured a new vaccine developed by Pfizer and others.

Hancock Health Minister said, "The biggest risk in the future is the mutant virus," said the secure this time to prepare for new mutant viruses.

The British government plans to make additional vaccination from the fall of the fall to protect people with high risk of infection, and will clarify the details in the future.

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U.S. vaccination pace pace Delicious person Approximately 40 % of people who are negative (4/29)

April 29, 2021

In the United States, where people who have completed the new colonovirus vaccine are approached to 30 % of the population, the pace of inoculation has recently slowed, and it is an issue to increase the vaccination rate by working against people who hesitate to vaccines.。

In the United States, more than 234 million new colonavirus vaccines have been inoculated, and the population is 29..Over 98 million people, 5 %, have completed vaccinations.

However, the number of vaccinations per day reached 3.2 million in the middle of this week, one week, but later decreased to 2.47 million as of April 23.

Several experts have pointed out that inoculation to the elderly aged 65 and over has reached the background, and some local governments have actually declined additional supply.。

It is thought that it is necessary to further increase the vaccination rate to suppress infection in society as a whole, but in private opinion polls, there are 37 % of those who are hesitant or negative, which are these people.The challenge is to work on them to increase the vaccination rate.

Professor Perry Harukitas of the University of Latigers' University of Health, "Some people consider being asked for inoculation as a political problem for infringement of the right or freedom, making it more difficult to increase the vaccination rate." doing.

He says, "It will be necessary to work in detail according to the area where the people who hesitate in vaccinations live and the social background."

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President Biden President India shows the idea of providing vaccine (4/28)

April 28, 2021

For India, where the new colon virus infected person has exploded and the medical system has fallen into a crisis, US President Videen wants to provide vaccines in addition to medical oxygen.Showed me.

In India, in more than a month, the new colonovirus infected person has exploded, and the capital is significantly deficient in medical oxygen in the capital, and the medical system has fallen into a crisis.

President Biden told the reporters in the White House on April 27 that he would provide components used to manufacture the antiviral drug and vaccine manufacturing.I did.

In addition, he said about the telephone talks with India's Prime Minister Modi the day before, "I talked about the time to send the vaccine itself to India. I'm going to do so."In addition to the desire to provide vaccines.

The United States has already stated that it will provide approximately 60 million vaccines developed by Astraseneca in the United Kingdom to countries that need, but are under consideration.

In India, countries and companies such as the United Kingdom have become full -fledged.

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Rice "New guidelines that do not have to be worn outdoors outdoors" (4/28)

April 28, 2021

The U.S. government has revealed new guidelines that those who have completed the new colon virus vaccine may not have to wear masks outdoors, except for crowded events.President Biden said, "If you are inoculated, you can make more secure things," and called for vaccination.

The US CDC = Disease Control Center is a mask on April 27, saying that people who have completed inoculation in the United States have reached nearly 30 % of the population, such as inoculation two times in vaccination.We have announced a new guideline for wearing.

Until now, it has been said that masks should be worn outdoors regardless of whether or not there is any vaccination, but new guidelines have completed vaccinations, including those who have not vaccinated.He says that it is not necessary to wear a mask when participating in outdoor gathering or dinner.

On the other hand, it is safer to wear a mask when going to an event where many people, such as outdoor live, parade, and watching sports games, gather.

Also, those who have not been inoculated need to continue wearing masks even outdoors, except for a small group of people who have completed the vaccination.

According to CDC director Warensky, "It is known that the infection of the new colonovirus is often spread indoors in previous research. If vaccination is generally completed, masks are not necessary for outdoors."If the percentage of people who are inoculated in the future will increase and the situation improves, they will be able to act like before the pandemic."I asked for continuing to wear it.

President Biden spoke in the White House and emphasized, "If you complete the vaccination, you don't have to wear a mask if you gather or go to a picnic with your friends."

He said, "If you are vaccinated, you can make more things safer. This is the big reason you should be inoculated," and called for vaccination.

In the United States, inoculation is close to 30 % of the population, but in some states, there are high percentage of people who hesitate, which is an issue.

President Biden emphasizes the benefits of vaccination by alleviating masking obligations and aiming for the results of infection measures before the establishment of the administration on April 29.

In the capital city of Washington, a new guideline for wearing a mask was heard one after another.

Among them, men in their 60s said, "It's wonderful. Unfortunately, there are still many people who hesitate to vaccinates, so if you don't have to mask, you'll help to boost vaccinations."rice field.

Women in their twenties say, "I think it would be good if people did not relax and continue to take the new colon virus seriously.That's it. "

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Securing a vaccination syringe is to secure a 1 billion support plan UNICEF (4/25)

April 25, 2021

As the vaccination of new colon viruses is progressing around the world, the demand for syringes used for inoculation is increasing rapidly, but many countries cannot manufacture them in their own country, mainly in developing countries, and securing a syringe together with the vaccine.。Under these circumstances, the UNICEF UN Children's Fund has launched a support for approximately 100 billion in the world and regions by the end of the year to avoid situations where they cannot be vaccinated due to lack of syringes.

Regarding the new colon virus vaccines, in addition to the individual procurements of each country, the United Nations and other international framework "COVAX Facility" alone will supply 2 billion times this year.Inoculation is underway in the world.

As a result, the demand for syringes used for inoculation is increasing rapidly, but many countries such as Africa cannot be manufactured in their own country.

UNICEF has supported 600 million to 800 million systems a year, mainly in developing countries, in order to use it for vaccination such as Haga before the spread of the new colon virus.I think it will be necessary near the book.

For this reason, in order to avoid situations where the vaccine arrives due to lack of syringes, we will launch a support plan to supply 1 billion in about 100 countries and regions by the end of the year, and first in February 2021.As a supporting country, it was also delivered to Santa Principip in western Africa.

However, in UNICEF, it is difficult to make a long -term distribution plan, while the supply of syringes is strict worldwide and the effects of vaccines and the number of vaccinations are clearly determined, so in addition to the vaccine, how to secure a syringe.Whether to do is a global issue.

Sante Principip in western Africa is a population of about 220,000, mainly in the Atlantic Ocean, and more than 2,200 people have been infected with new colonaviruses, and 35 have died.It is a natural cocoa bean production area, but according to the United Nations, it is one of the poorest countries in the world, and the new colon virus vaccine depends on the international framework led by the United Nations.

However, in receiving the vaccine supply, the shortage of syringes, which are indispensable for vaccination, was an issue.

For this reason, in February 2021, the UNICEF Fund was provided free of charge.

UNICEF plans to support 1 billion in the world and regions in the world that cannot be manufactured or secured in 2021, and became one of the first countries that Sante Principipes received the syringe.I did it.

After that, 24,000 vaccines arrived, and on March 15, inoculation began using the provided syringe.

To date, the first vaccination for 12,000 people, including medical professionals, will be completed, and the second vaccination will be held in May.

In the warehouse of medical products, which the Ministry of Health in the capital city of Sante is, also stored an syringe used for the second vaccination.

This syringe is a disposable that can only be used once.

Sante Principipes will continue to receive as many vaccines as possible to 20 % of the population through international frameworks, but in addition to the vaccines, securing a syringe has continued to be a challenge.increase.

In an interview with NHK, Nevez Health said, "I understand that it is difficult to secure a syringe worldwide, but even if there is a vaccine, if there is no syringe, it will not be able to proceed with vaccination.Tsu was closely connected, and securing a syringe was as important as a vaccine, "he said.

In India, major domestic and overseas pharmaceutical companies have a production base, so before the new colon virus infections are expanding, the production of related medical equipment is produced by 60 % of the world vaccines.It is also thriving.

Major medical equipment manufacturers near New Delhi are promoting the production of syringes to inoculate the new colon virus vaccine.

The syringes will be exported not only in India but also to Japan, and will be provided to countries through the UNICEF -UN Children's Fund.

However, since the current production system cannot respond to the growing demand worldwide, the production line has been added by throwing more than 1.5 billion yen in Japanese yen, and the production is fully operational to strengthen production.

As a result, the number of production, which was 500 million a year, to 900 million, and by September 2021 to 1.2 billion.

However, as infections in the world are expanding, the movement of humans and goods between India and each country is limited, so the import of equipment necessary for production and the entry of engineers have been affected, and is there a number of production increases?It is expected that the moon will be delayed.

"We have maximized manufacturing capabilities so that the stock of syringes does not disappear. Indian employees are installing equipment, etc.It may take a month, "he said, and he is concerned about the impact of the spread of infection.

Regarding the growing demand for syringes, Robert Matthews, who is in charge of distribution of syringes in UNICEF, said in an interview with NHK, "I signed a contract with manufacturers such as Spain, Middle East, and India, strengthening the production system of syringes.I'm doing it. I just need to predict how much demand it will be in the next few years, not just how much syringe is needed. "

Mr. Matthew also said about the vaccine, "Do I have to keep inactive every year in the future?With many elements, he said that it was difficult to create a long -term distribution plan at this stage.

According to the site "Awa World In Data" operated by researchers at Oxford University, UK, the ratio of the population in the world at least once in the world of vaccine of new colonovirus is the primary country.And ▼ Middle East Israel 62.1 %, ▼ UK 49.2 %, ▼ Chile 41.4 %, ▼ America 40.6 %, 6 in the whole world.It is 9 %.

In addition, the percentage of people whose vaccinations have been completed, such as inoculation of vaccines that are to be vaccinated twice, are 57 in Israel..8 %, ▼ Chile 31.5 %, ▼ Bahrain 29.8 %, ▼ America 26.It is 7 %.

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Announced that the vaccination will be resonated with US pharmaceuticals J & J (4/24)

April 24, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center and the FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau were reported to have rarely thrombosis after vaccination, and the US pharmaceuticals, which had been suspended, were suspended.It has announced that Johnson's new Coronavirus vaccine will be allowed to resume inoculation.

U.S. CDC and FDA were suspended on April 13 that rare thrombosis was reported, with a rare thrombosis in the person who received the vaccination of Johnson End Johnson.I asked for.

The CDC held a committee of an expert on April 23, and out of the approximately 7.98 million vaccinations so far, 15 cases of thrombosis suspected to be associated with vaccines.The results of the survey were reported.

Based on these data, experts considered the resumption of vaccination, and the committee should be aware that "there is a risk of extremely severe thrombosis" and then resume vaccination.I summarized the conclusions.

In response, CDC and FDA jointly issued statements, and informed medical institutions and other information about how to deal with thrombosis, etc., and acknowledged the resumption of vaccination.Was announced.

At a conference, CDC director Walenski said, "The benefits of the number of people who are hospitalized and dead through vaccination are great," and once again called for vaccination to the Americans.

According to Johnson End Johnson after CDC and FDA acknowledged the resumption of vaccination, "This vaccine, which has been done in one vaccination, is easy to transport and has been proven to prevent preventive effects.We can protect health and safety. We will inform medical experts and ordinary people in collaboration with health authorities around the world that this rare case can be discovered early and can be dealt with. "I published a statement.

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Vaccination is in vaccination Israel's first day of 10 months to zero (4/24)

April 24, 2021

As the vaccination of the new colonovirus has been vaccinated, the Middle East, where the number of infected people is decreasing, no one who died of infection was reported on April 22, for the first time in about 10 months since June 2020.It became zero.

In Israel, 54 % of the population has finished two new colonavirus vaccine in vaccination, and in January 2021, the number of new infected people per day, which had exceeded 10,000 people,Currently, it has been around 100 people.

According to the data published by the Israeli government, as of 8:00 pm on April 23, no one died on the 22nd was reported, and for the first time in about 10 months since June 2020.The number of dead is zero.

In Israel, about 6,300 people have died of a new colon virus, and 77 people have died a day at the highest in January 2021.

Regarding the effects of the vaccine, the Ministry of Health in Israel died in February 2021, 98, two weeks after the second vaccination..The analysis has been revealed that 9 % has decreased.

The Israeli government has announced on April 20 that it has agreed with the US pharmaceuticals and Pfizer by receiving a vaccine in 2022 in advance, and has begun to secure more vaccines.

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India's new Corona new Corona Infected 300,000 people, the world's largest (4/22)

April 22, 2021

In India, where the infection of the new colon virus is rapidly expanding, the number of new people per day has exceeded 300,000 for the first time, and the number of infected people per day has increased the largest in the world.

The Indian government announced on April 22 that a new 314,835 people had been infected with the new colon virus.

This is the first time that more than 300,000 people per day in India have exceeded 300,000, and Reuters' correspondence exceeds about 300,000 in the United States in the United States, more than 300,000 in the United States.It is said that there are many.

In Japan, the number one day died was 2,104, the most common ever.

In the capital city of New Delhi and Mumbai, the largest commercial city, the medical system has been tight, with little vacancy on the bed and lack of medical oxygen.

Prime Minister Modi stated in a speech on April 20 that strict outing restrictions should be a last resort, taking into account the impact on the economy, but in New Delhi and Mumbai, they have already their own.Strict outing restrictions have begun with local government judgments.

In addition, more than 100 million people who have been vaccinated at least once are less than 10 % of the population, and the government has expanded its vaccination from May to 18 years old or older in May.It is an idea to accelerate the pace, but there are concerns about the shortage of vaccines, and there are some issues.

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President Biden Vaccine 200 million times ahead of the inoculation

April 22, 2021

US President Biden has announced that it will be able to achieve 200 million in vaccination of the new Coloronavirus vaccine, which was aiming to achieve it in 100 days since its establishment.In the future, we have announced that it will introduce a mechanism to make it easier for corporate employees to receive vaccination with the aim of further expanding vaccinations.

President Biden will be able to meet at the White House on April 21 and aim to achieve the 100 million new Corona vaccine in vaccination in Japan, which was aiming to achieve the 100th day of next week. Announced.

In the United States, vaccinations are progressing rapidly, and according to the CDC = disease countermeasures center, as of the 21st, the percentage of those who have received at least one vaccination is 65 years old or older..6 %, 51 for 18 years or older.It is 5 %.

In the future, we have announced that it will introduce a mechanism to make it easier for corporate employees to be vaccinated to further expand in vaccination.

President Biden said, "In order to fulfill the patriotic obligation of vaccination, the salary should not decrease."It is said that taxes equivalent to salary when taking a break from work for vaccination is deducted.

He said, "If you relax now, the virus will erase the progress we have achieved so far," he said, and continued to wear masks, such as infection measures.

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EU authorities J & J vaccine "Should be described as a very rare side reaction" (4/21)

April 21, 2021

The European Union's Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority said that a case in which blood clots were confirmed, where blood vessels such as brains were clogged after vaccination of the new colonavirus vaccine of the US pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson.It should be a conclusion. "On the other hand, he emphasizes that the profit from this vaccine exceeds the risk of side reactions.

Although this vaccination has not begun in earnest in Europe, there are eight reports that more than 7 million people have been inoculated in the United States and blood clots have been confirmed in brain blood vessels after vaccination.One of them has died.

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency, which conducted the survey, concluded on April 20 that "these cases should be described as a rare vaccine side reaction."

While the number of platelets, which plays a role in hardening blood, decreases, it is a rare symptom of blood mass, and resembles a blood clum case reported after vaccination developed by British pharmaceutical major Astrazeneka.。

It is appropriate to think of it as an immune reaction, but the detailed cause is unknown.

Eight cases were all under 60 years old, within three weeks after vaccination, and many were women, but at present it has not been confirmed that risks will increase due to specific ages and gender.

EMA says that the profit caused by this vaccine exceeds the risk of side reactions, and has symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, and leg swelling within three weeks after vaccination.If so, it is necessary to consult a medical institution immediately.

Following the announcement of the European Pharmaceutical Agency, Johnson End Johnson states that "rarely harmful health events will make medical workers diagnose thrombosis and alert them."I put it out.

According to the statement, "The safety and security of those who use products are our top priority. We believe the benefits of the vaccine that can be easily transported, and we will continue to be inexpensive.I will do my best for distribution. "

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No discussions on the U.S. CDC J & J vaccine whether the emergency committee continuation continuation (4/15)

April 15, 2021

In the United States, the U.S. CDC = Diseases Countermeasures Center is an Urgent Expert Committee in the United States, following a variety of patients with rare thrombosis among those in vaccination of the new colonavirus vaccine of Johnson.Opened and discussed whether to continue inoculation, but there was no conclusion, and after next week, we decided to open the committee again.

Johnson End Johnson's new colonavirus vaccine has been revealed that there were six rare types of thrombosis in the brain's vein after receiving the vaccination, CDC and FDA = American Foods.The Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau is calling for temporarily stopping in vaccination to the state where the investigation is performed.

On April 14, the CDC held an urgent specialist committee and asked for opinions to consider whether to recommend this vaccination.

The committee discussed that the age of the thrombosis was relatively young, so that the age of the person was limited to the age, but it was said that "we should wait for more data to be available."Due to the large number of opinions, the committee on this day did not conclude, and after waiting for the data to gather, we decided to discuss again after next week.

For this reason, Johnson End Johnson vaccination in the United States is expected to last for a while.

At a press conference held on the 14th, CDC director Warensky said, "Only six cases have been reported over 7.2 million times more than 7.2 million times have been suspended.Not, we believe that it is very rare, but it may be difficult to find it, so there are other cases, we will hurry to collect data from medical institutions, etc. "He emphasized whether or not he would judge based on scientific surveys.

On top of that, Johnson End, saying, "The two other vaccines in the United States are different from this vaccine and there is no report of thrombosis."Those who have reserved Johnson vaccination will be adjusted with health authorities in each state so that they can be returned to another vaccine.

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J & J vaccine South Africa and Sweden policy to suspend inoculation (4/15)

April 15, 2021

South Africa and Sweden suspended this vaccination in the United States following several rarely thrombosis patients in vaccinated the vaccine of Johnson End Johnson.The policy was shown.

About the vaccine of Johnson End Johnson, the US CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center and the FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau have a rare kind of thrombosis in which the brain vein has a blood clock in the person who inoculated this vaccine in Japan.We have revealed that there were six reports, and we are calling for temporarily stopping inoculation until the investigation is completed.

In response to this, South Africa, which has already begun the vaccination of the vaccine, has announced that it will temporarily stop vaccination until the causal relationship between vaccine and thrombosis is elucidated.

In Europe, where the vaccination begins in full swing, the Swedish health authorities in Scandinavian Swedish have shown a policy of not starting vaccination until surveys in the United States and other countries, and the Italian health authorities have made the same response.

On the other hand, France has been in vaccination as planned for 200,000 times that arrived so far.

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency is also investigating the relationship between vaccination and blood clots over Johnson End Johnson's vaccine, and the survey results will be published next week.

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Denmark Astrazenka, etc. has been discontinued using the developed vaccine (4/15)

April 15, 2021

Nordic Denmark has revealed that the use of the vaccine has been reported in response to an example of a blood clot confirmed after vaccination, about the new colon virus vaccine developed by Astrazeneca and others.

Regarding vaccines developed by Astrazenka, etc., the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency announced on April 7 that a survey result would be related to the inoculation and the thrombus confirmed after vaccination, and the age restriction was limited in Europe.There are movements such as setting

On April 14, Denmark's health authorities announced that they would stop using this vaccine and proceed with vaccination with vaccines such as Pfizer, saying that there would be a risk of side reactions.。

Local media reports that the decision will be a few weeks behind this decision.

Regarding Astrazenka's vaccine, EMA has stated that it is important to continue vaccination in the future, as the profit from vaccination exceeds the risk, but Denmark's health authorities have been reduced to some extent.He explains that it is a decision based on the fact that many of the elderly who are more risky when infected are already inoculated.

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The first time to extend the first time to the second time of the Buddha vaccine (4/15)

April 15, 2021

The French government has extended up to six weeks to the second time to increase the number of vaccines developed by major US pharmaceutical pasters in response to the spread of the new colon virus.

In France, the infection of the new colon virus has expanded, and the death is approaching 100,000, and the third outing limit has been performed throughout April, and large -scale venues are set up to accelerate vaccination.I am.

On April 14, the French government extended the first and second vaccination spacing for the Pfizer vaccine from up to four weeks to six weeks.

The aim is to make as soon as possible so that many people can receive the first vaccination.

France has so far 17.More than 11.6 million people, 4 %, have finished the first vaccination, but this change states that more than 1.8 million people will be able to receive the first vaccination in late May.

The pharmaceutical company has three weeks for this vaccine, but in Europe, there are a lot of movements that extend the interval.

In the second vaccination period, the United Kingdom has been at least 12 weeks later, and in Germany it has been recommended by the Expert Committee six weeks later, and in Italy it can be extended up to six weeks later.

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In multiple reports of "thrombosis" to suspend US J & J vaccination (4/14)

April 14, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center and the FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau have a rare thrombosis among those who have jointly issued a statement on April 13 and have inoculated the new colon virus vaccine of Johnson End Johnson.We asked each state to suspend the vaccination in vaccination until the survey was completed, assuming multiple patients reported.

Johnson End Johnson's vaccine was permitted for emergency use by FDA in February 2021 and has been inoculated more than 6.8 million times in the United States.

CDC and FDA jointly issued a statement on April 13, and among those who inoculated this vaccine in the United States, there were six rare types of thrombosis that had blood clots in the brain vein.I revealed that.

The patients are all women, 18 and 48, and they developed six days after vaccination to 13 days later.

Also, one of the components of blood, the platelet was reduced.

The decrease in platelets has been reported in patients who have been confirmed after a blood clot after vaccinating a new colon virus vaccine developed by Astrazeneka in the UK.

The CDC will hold an urgent expert meeting on this vaccine on the 14th, examine these cases, and also analyze the FDA, and until the states that are inoculated, this survey ends.We are asking you to stop vaccination temporarily.

According to the FDA executive on the phone, "The safety of the vaccine is the top priority for the United States, and I think these symptoms are extremely rare."

Meanwhile, Johnson End Johnson said, "We are the highest priority on the safety and security of those who use products. In cooperation with medical experts and health authorities, medical workers.We will disclose information to the people. "

At a press conference in the morning, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is currently collecting information. In Japan, domestic clinical trials are currently being conducted, and we are preparing for approval, but applying.If it is done, I think that the PMDA = Pharmaceutical Medical Device Organization, which conducts pharmaceuticals in Japan, will determine safety and effectiveness based on the latest scientific knowledge including this information. "I said.

2021年のニュース - コロナワクチン世界の状況|NHK

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The target of British vaccination in the 40s or younger (4/14)

April 14, 2021

In the United Kingdom, the first vaccination of the new colon virus vaccine, which had been giving priority to the age of 50, has been almost completed, so the target will be expanded to those in their 40s or older in the future.

In the United Kingdom, in December 2020, the goal is to prioritize medical professionals with high risks and those who are 50 years old and over when they become infected with viruses.rice field.

The British government announced on April 13 that it had almost finished inoculation to about 32 million targets, of which 95 % of those in London, London, were in vaccination.That is.

In the future, we will expand the target to those in their forties and under, and by the end of July 2021, we want to be in vaccination to everyone over 18 years old.

In the United Kingdom, the number of new infections per day has temporarily exceeded 60,000 due to the spread of mutant viruses, but afterwards have been significantly improved, and retail stores resumed from April 12, and infection measures.Is being relaxed in step.

While welcoming the vaccination on April 13 that the vaccination is progressing smoothly on April 13, "It is largely due to severe infection measures.It is inevitable to expand, "he said, and noted that it was necessary to take care of the citizens without excessive expectations for inoculation.

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Iran Tokyo Olympics/Para Players planned to participate in the vaccine priority in vaccination (4/14)

April 14, 2021

In the Middle East Iran, a new colonovirus vaccination has begun for players who are planning to participate in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.In Iran, most of the people have not vaccinated and are recognized as a special case.

In Tehran, the capital of Iran, on April 13, a new colon virus vaccination was held for nearly 300 players, coaches who plan to participate in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, and reporters accompanied by interviews.

Players such as basketball, karate, and taekwondo visited the venue one after another and received vaccination one by one.

The players will do the second vaccination within one month.

A 21 -year -old karate female player said, "I was worried about the infection, but I could calm down my heart and head for the game. I want to win the best results at the Olympics."

A 32 -year -old Taekwondo male player said, "You can practice with peace of mind. Vaccination of the vaccine is good."

In Iran, the number of new infected people per day exceeded 24,000 on April 13, which is the largest in the past, but most people have not vaccinated and the Tokyo Olympics.Vaccinations for players participating in the Paralympic Games are a special case.

In Iran, the people have heard a voice in Iran about vaccination for players participating in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.

A 58 -year -old man living in Tehran, the capital, says, "I want the players to be vaccinated and bring back to the tournament with peace of mind."

A 39 -year -old office worker said, "Athletes are infected with the new colon viruses around the world, so they should be vaccinated for the security of the players."

A 35 -year -old man said, "Certainly the players may not have been in the top of the priority of vaccination, but they will participate in international tournaments, so I think vaccination is correct."He showed his understanding of vaccination.

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The policy of promoting vaccination to Israel 15 years old (4/13)

April 13, 2021

In Israel, where the vaccination of the new colonovirus vaccine progresses worldwide, half of the population has already been inoculated twice, and the number of infected and dead is decreasing, and economic activity has been resumed.I am.The Israeli government has shown a policy of being inoculated under the age of 15, and the focus is on whether many people can get a so -called "group immunity" to prevent many immunity from being immunity.

In Israel, a new colonovirus vaccine was vaccinated in December 2020, and according to the Israeli government, 4.92 million people, 52 % of the population, received twice in vaccination, 80 % or more in the age of 60 and over.More than 60 % have finished vaccination.

As the vaccination is progressing, the number of infected people has decreased, and the number of newly infected people per day, which had exceeded 10,000 in mid -January 2021, is currently around 200, and the number of severely ill patients and deaths is decreasing.It is.

However, the Ministry of Israeli Health, however, stated that the so -called "group immunity" has not yet reached the so -called "group immunity" that many people have immunity through vaccination.

Approximately 30 % of the population is 15 years old, not in vaccination, and says, "In order to acquire group immunity, it is necessary to inoculate a certain number of children."As soon as he was 12 to 15 years old, he announced.

Regarding vaccinations under the age of 15, the US pharmaceutical company and the German corporate Biontech have been able to confirm safety and effectiveness for inoculation from 12 to 15 years old.We have announced that we have applied.

However, in Israel, there are some parents who have finished vaccinations, and there are people who have cautious ideas for inoculation to children, so it is essential for experts to have a highly transparent explanation by the government to promote vaccination.I have pointed out.

In February 2021, Israel introduced a certificate "Green Pass", which indicates that he has finished vaccination, and will resume economic activity, such as accepting food and beverage and participation in events in the store on condition that a certificate is provided.The focus is on whether the inoculation of 15 years old and under will be able to acquire group immunity in the future.

The Ministry of Israeli Health has stated that it will inoculate a new colon virus vaccine for 12 to 15 years old, but parents will respond.

Perry Mendelboim, who lives in Jerusalem, has completed two vaccination with his wife and 17 -year -old daughter, and his family participates in the event and enjoys rock concerts.

Mendel Boym wants to be inoculated by his 13 -year -old son if he is in vaccination under the age of 15, and says, "I want to be inoculated if an expert or doctor is safe. Everyone is a normal life.If you need it to return, I think it can't be helped. "

On the other hand, if you live in Jerusalem has finished two times with your husband, but you are a cautious idea of inoculation of 12 and 14 -year -olds.

Kochen said, "If other countries are inoculated with children, they may be vaccinated, but I want to wait for the time being at the stage of safety."

Sharon Arroy Price, the top of the Public Hermitus Department in the Ministry of Israel, responded to an interview with NHK on April 11.

Among them, Alroy Price prevents many people from having immunity through vaccination, so the so -called "group immunity" can be taken out by people without restrictions on masks and vaccination certificates.He said that it would have been completely resumed, and if everything was in the previous situation, it would have gained a group immunity, but it was not such a state. "rice field.

Alroy Price states that some of the population under the age of 15 needs to be vaccinated in order to obtain a group immunity, and consists of external pediatrics and infectious diseases in the provinces.He has already launched a special team and has been discussing in vaccination policies, and has announced that he will inoculate the age of 12 to 15 as soon as permission by regulatory authorities has been permission.

He also said that there were parents who had a cautious idea of inoculation under the age of 15 and said, "It does not mandate inoculation, is the choice of parents. The Ministry of Health is the same as before.I would like to scientifically show the data that vaccines are safe and effective. "

Ran Barrier, an executive of a medical insurance mechanism in charge of vaccination in Israel, pointed out that the government's highly transparent explanation would be indispensable in response to NHK's interview on April 11. Did.

Regarding the fact that infected people are declining in Israel, the percentage of infected people has decreased first, and the infection of the young generation has been infected several weeks later.He said that vaccination had a significant effect that the vaccination had begun and the decrease was decreasing.

However, in Israel, many people have not been able to acquire so -called "group immunity" by having immunity, and the current decrease trend is due to vaccination and infection prevention measures such as wearing masks.It is analyzed that the infection may increase again depending on the situation.

Mr. Bariser states that in order to acquire group immunity, it is necessary to inoculate under the age of 15, saying, "The government needs extremely high transparency.He pointed out a logical explanation, and pointed out that parents should be able to judge the vaccination based on any scientific data and the advice of experts. "

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New Corona Vaccine World World more than 400 million people are inoculated once (4/12)

April 12, 2021

The number of people in the world in the world has at least one vaccination in vaccination has exceeded 400 million.

According to the "Awa World In Data", a site operated by researchers at Oxford University, UK, the number of people who have inoculated a new colon virus vaccine at least once is a country that cannot be specific breakdowns.As of April 10, except for the area, it is 4396 million.

The largest of these are 117.14 million in the United States, followed by 88.89 million in India, 32.1 million in Britain, and 20.51 million in Brazil.

In addition, the percentage of those who are in vaccinated at least once in the population is ▽ Israel in the Middle East 61..4 % ▽ UK 47.1 % ▽ Chile 38.5 % ▽ 35 % in the United States, 5 in the whole world.It is 5 %.

Of these, vaccinations developed by Pfizer and others began in December 2020, and the number of new infected number of people has been declining for more than two months, according to the Johns Hopkins University summary, April 11.The new number of new infected people per day is 120.

In the UK, which started this vaccination early in the world, the new number of infected number of people has been declining, and in England, which accounts for most of the population, the first person has been in the first vaccination over 60 years old.It is 95 %.

In addition, the percentage of those who have completed the vaccination, such as inoculation two vaccines to be vaccinated twice, is ▽ 56 Israel..9 % ▽ Chile 24.3 % ▽ Bahrain 22.It is 1 %.

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South Korea Astra Seneka Vaccine over 30 years old To resume vaccination (4/11)

April 11, 2021

The South Korean government has excluded the vaccination and the new coronavirus vaccine, such as Astrazeneka, which has shown that the blood clots confirmed after vaccination have been relevant.I decided to resume.

Regarding vaccines developed by Astrazeneka in the UK, the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency has surveyed on April 7 that vaccination and blood clots confirmed after vaccination may be relevant.。

Regarding this vaccine, the Korean government has been examining the vaccination under the age of 60 and considering the response based on the opinions of experts, but announced that it will be a press conference on April 11 and will resume vaccination on April 12. Did.

According to the EMA and the United Kingdom regulatory authorities, it is said that it is most important to be in vaccination and reduce the number of dead and infected people based on the fact that vaccines are more risky.

However, if you are under the age of 30, you will be excluded from the vaccination target, assuming that the profit is not greater than the risk of vaccination.

In addition, the company will discover blood clots early, create a mechanism for treatment, and promote prompt information sharing.

In South Korea, more than 1.15 million people have been inoculated at least once, and 75 % of the used vaccines have become Astrazenka.

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Improvement of British infection that promotes vaccination and activates the activity of the elderly (4/10)

April 10, 2021

In the UK, vaccination of new colon virus vaccination is giving priority to the elderly.More than half of the population, more than 31 million, have been in vaccination for the first time, and the improvement of the infection has been gradually relieving the strict outing restrictions, and the daily life of the elderly has begun to gradually return.

In the United Kingdom, vaccination has begun to be vaccinated in December 2020, and more than 31 million people, about 47 % of the population, have received the first vaccination.

In England, which accounts for most of the population, the first vaccination is 95 % of the 60 -year -olds and over 95 %.

Of the three types of vaccines in the United Kingdom, England's health authorities have analyzed data until mid -February 2021 about vaccines developed by Pfizer and Bion Tech, astraseneca and Oxford University. did.

As a result, the effect of preventing elderly people over the age of 80 and being hospitalized will exceed 80 % in three or four weeks from the first vaccination.

Analyzing the data of the person who was vaccinated by the end of March, it was said that about 10,000 people over the age of 60 were from dying.

According to the statistics of English health authorities in England, the number of hospitalized patients over the age of 65 or older exceeded 700 in mid -January, but due to severe restrictions such as strict outing, about 7 minutes in early March.It has decreased to 1.

In the United Kingdom, where more than 120,000 people have been infected with viruses and have died so far, restrictions such as strict outing are often introduced.

Elderly people, who are particularly risky when they are infected, have heard that vaccinations have been "protected" or "they can act with confidence without fear of viruses."

In the United Kingdom, the number of infected people has decreased significantly in recent months, and the effects of the vaccine have been confirmed, and severe regulations have been relaxed since March, and the town and parks with families and friends are in towns and parks.The behavior of the elderly is becoming more active, such as walking and enjoying sports.

On the other hand, the government has been calling for thorough measures for individuals, such as continuing to wash hands and keep the distance from people, without overconfidence in the effects of the vaccine.

As the vaccination spreads, travel abroad is increasingly interested among British people.

It is still prohibited in principle, but some people make reservations in anticipation of resumption, and according to industry groups, many generations have been inoculated.

Steve Lewis, a 70 -year -old, who lives in the southern UK, is one of them and is planning to travel to Greece in June.

Lewis said, "The second vaccination is scheduled for April 29. It will be two months from there to the trip, so I think it will be enough for the effect."

However, many of the traveling countries have not yet been vaccinated as in the UK.

"It's safe to be asked for a trip, so it's very important that vaccination spreads not only in the UK but also around the world," said Sean Typton, a spokeswoman for the British Travel Industry Association.It indicates that it takes time for many people to travel abroad, such as before the spread of infection.

In addition to improving infection, the vaccination is progressing steadily, and in London, strict regulations that have been continuing since late December 2020 are underway.

At the same time, the elderly who walked around the city for shopping and walking with their families and friends in the park became prominent.

A 73 -year -old couple walking in the park in the center of London, "I feel a little easier. It was said that the news was improved in the news, so it was good to my grandson.I didn't meet about the moon, and the sixth grandchild was born, so I want to see you soon. "

At a tennis club in London, which resumed about two weeks ago after the relief of regulations, the elderly aged 60 or older who inoculated vaccines enjoyed playing.

A 71 -year -old man recalled, "I was really sorry that I couldn't play tennis here for severe restrictions.I feel like I'm being done. I can act with confidence. I'm looking forward to the second vaccination scheduled for April. "

A 83 -year -old woman always wanted to play tennis and gather together.I'm wearing it. I want my daily life to come back little by little. "

Elderly people enjoyed a long time in a long time, different from the previous online conversation, sitting on the bench and chatting on the bench.

In 2020, a 73 -year -old woman who was infected with a virus and had an antibody was confirmed, said, "I feel twice as defense. I have traveled to Portugal every year for more than 20 years.I want to go early, "he said and expressed his expectations for sightseeing trips abroad, which is now forbidden.

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Paper published in medical magazines "blood clots in vaccination of Astrazenka" (4/10)

April 10, 2021

As a result of examining cases in which blood clots were confirmed after vaccination of new colon virus vaccination developed by Astrazenka, etc., two overseas research groups are summarized by the results that blood clots seem to have been caused by vaccination.On April 9, the papers were published in the American medical magazine "New England Journal of Medicine".

Of these, German and Austrian research groups have a role in hardening blood after examining blood clots, such as clogging of blood vessels in the brain after vaccination, or examining 28 bloods diagnosed as suspected of being suspected.The results of the research that the amount of antibodies to enhance platelets has increased.

Norwegian research groups also summarized the results of the five bloods of five people who indicated the symptoms of the blood clots after vaccination, saying that they all had a decrease in platelets, while the amount of antibodies that increased platelets had increased.

As a result of administering drugs that make it difficult to harden blood, the disease that decreases platelets, but conversely, is known to be called "heparin -causative platelet decrease" and rarely occurs.Before the blood clots were formed in any study, there were no drugs that were hard to harden blood.

The two research groups say that vaccination has caused a phenomenon similar to this disease due to antibody characteristics.

In the United Kingdom, the vaccine was vaccinated by 20.2 million times by the end of March, and the number of thrombuses had been confirmed with the decrease in platelets after vaccination, and 19 people have died.

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J & J's vaccine "Check multiple blood clots after vaccination" EU started survey (4/10)

April 10, 2021

The EU -European Pharmaceutical Authority has begun investigating a new colon virus vaccine developed by the US pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson, saying that there were multiple examples of blood clots after vaccination.Was revealed.On the other hand, "It is unknown whether it is related to vaccination and blood clots at this stage."

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency was confirmed on April 9 that after vaccinating a new colon virus for Johnson End Johnson, a blood clot, which was a blood clot, had been clogged.We have announced that we have begun a survey.

There are four cases of blood clots with severe symptoms with a decrease in platelets, one in clinical trials, and three cases were confirmed in the United States, which began in March, and one of them died.

EMA says, "It is unknown whether it is related to vaccination and blood clots at this stage."

According to the EMA, this vaccine is currently used only in the United States, and the EU has a sales permit, but has not yet started inoculation.

Regarding the new colonovirus vaccine, EMA announced on April 7 that a survey resulted that it could be relevant between the vaccine developed by Astrazeneca and the like, and responded to aged restrictions in each country.I am.

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Apply for expanding the Pfizer vaccine to an emergency use permit from 12 to 15 years old (4/10)

April 10, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company and the German corporate Bion Tech have confirmed safety and effectiveness for children aged 12 to 15 who are not currently subject to emergency use of new colonavirus vaccine.It has been announced that it has applied to US regulators to increase the permission to use.

The vaccines developed by Pfizer and others are currently granted urgent permissions for those aged 16 and over, but clinical trials are being conducted so that children under the age of 15 can be used.

As a result of clinical trials for the age of 12 to 15 announced on March 31, there were no children who had a new colon virus infection in the vaccine, and the side reaction was 16 years old.It is said that it was generally matched with what was seen in a clinical trial for 25 years old.

The company has announced that it has applied to US regulators to increase permission to use for safety and effectiveness for 12 to 15 years old.

In the United States, vaccination for children is an issue in the resumption of face -to -face classes at school, and the director of the CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center Warensky, "FDA in the United States media," "FDA in FDA.If permission is obtained, it will be possible to inoculate the age of 12 to 15 in mid -May. "

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Response to countries in each country due to "development vaccine and blood clots such as astrazena" (4/9)

April 9, 2021

EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency has announced an age limit in vaccination following the results of a new colonavirus vaccine developed by Astra Seneca and the results of a survey that can be related to the thrombus confirmed after vaccination.Correspondence in each country is continuing.

Regarding vaccines developed by Astrazenka, etc., there were cases in which blood clots were confirmed after vaccination, and the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency may be relevant between the vaccine on April 7, local time.Showed the perception.

In response, Italy states that the vaccination of Astrazeneka vaccines is limited to the age of 60, and if they have already been vaccinated once, they will be in the second vaccination even under 60 years old.

Spain also announced that the vaccination of Astrazenka vaccines would be limited to those aged 60 and 65 years old.

In addition, Australia has announced that it is recommended to give priority to the pasian vaccine, though not prohibited for those under the age of 50.

However, even under the age of 50, he has been inoculated once and can receive the second vaccination if there is no serious side reaction.

In addition, British authorities also held a press conference on April 7 and announced that they would recommend another vaccination for those under the age of 30, as a result of examining examples of blood clots.

However, both the United Kingdom and the EU regulators have stated that it is important to continue inoculation in the future, as the interests of inoculation exceed the risk.

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Astrazene Kawakucin "profit" and "risk"?(4/8)

April 8, 2021

A vaccine developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University, a major British pharmaceutical.Approval application for use is also made in Japan.The relationship with the thrombus has been pointed out, but what about it?

Astrazeneka's vaccine is a type called "virus vector vaccine," and incorporates genes that make the new colon virus protein into another harmless virus and administer the virus.

It is used in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, and Astra Seneca has signed a contract with the Japanese government to supply 60 million people, making an application to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for approval.

In March 2021, in March 2021, the EU -European Pharmaceuticals, etc. reported that blood lumps, blood clots, etc. were confirmed after vaccination, and temporarily as preventive measures in Europe, such as Germany and France.There were movements such as suspending inoculation.

The results of the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency's survey were announced on April 7, 2021.

According to EMA, many cases where blood clots occur after vaccination are reported by women under 60 within two weeks from the first vaccination.

Despite the possibility that vaccine immune reactions are involved, it is very rare, so the benefits of vaccination are higher in consideration of the risk of infection with the new colonovirus.

According to a survey by a British regulatory authorities, 79 people were confirmed by blood clots after the vaccination, of the 20.2 million vaccinations held in the UK by the end of March 2021, and 19 of them died.rice field.

Of the 19 dead, 11 were under 50, and the three of them were under 30.

In response to these surveys, how are each countries trying to respond?

The British government has announced that it will recommend another vaccination for those under the age of 30.

In Italy, the vaccination of Astra Seneca vaccinations was limited to those over 60 years old.However, for those who have received the first vaccination, the second vaccination will be advanced even if they are under 60.

In Spain, it was announced that it would be limited to those aged 60 and 65 years old.

In addition, France has announced that Germany will be inoculation over 60 years old.

The risk of blood clots from the survey by the British regulatory authorities is about four in 1 million, and the risk of death is about one in 1 million.

After the WHO = World Health Organization issued a statement and pointed out that more detailed research is needed, "Rarely adverse events are evaluated in comparison with the risk of being infected with the new colon virus and dying.It will not be. "

Professor Tetsuo Nakayama of Kitasato University, who is familiar with the vaccine, said, "I have to look carefully if there is a causal relationship, but the risk should be avoided as much as possible, and the age of the vaccination is limited until the cause is clear.I think the response to each country is reasonable. In the future, it will be necessary to consider it in Japan. "

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Vaccine immunity effect "at least six months lasting" Dr. Fauchi (4/8)

April 8, 2021

Dr. Fauchi, who is involved in new colonovirus measures in the US government, said that the effects of immunity through the vaccine would "last at least six months from various studies."

Dr. Anthony Faut, the US government's leading medical advisor, met on April 7 and said, "We have more detailed about the period when considerable amounts of research data gather and prevent infection."I mentioned.

And as a result of research for those who have finished two vaccinations in a pharmaceutical company modela vaccination, the values of antibodies that suppress the function of viruses last at least six months at all ages.But it is thought that the same result is thought to be the same. "

He also stated that it would be an issue to make sure that additional inoculation would further increase the duration of immunity and to confirm that the same function would be maintained for mutant viruses.

Regarding the duration of vaccine effects, the vaccine developed by a major pharmaceutical factor, etc. is also effective from the second vaccination to six months later..Analysis results have been announced that it was 3 %.

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Astrazenka vaccine "Related to blood clots after vaccination" EU regulation authorities (4/8)

April 8, 2021

The EU -European Pharmaceutical Authority has published a survey that may be relevant to the new colonavirus vaccine developed by Astrazenka and the blood clots confirmed after vaccination.The British authorities also announced that they would recommend another vaccination for those under the age of 30, as a result of examining examples of blood clots.However, both regulatory authorities have stated that it is important to continue vaccinations in the future, as vaccine profits exceed the risk.

There have been cases in which blood clots have been confirmed after vaccination over vaccines jointly developed by Astrazenka and Oxford University.

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency, who has been investigating this, held a press conference on April 7, and was relevant to the vaccine as "should be added to the list of astrazeneka vaccine side reactions."He showed the perception that it could be possible.

Many of the blood clots investigated by EMA are women under 60 within 2 weeks of inoculation, and are confirmed in the veins in the brain and abdomen.It is said that it is not at the moment.

In addition, the British regulatory authorities and the person in charge of the Independent Committee also held a press conference on April 7, pointing out that the younger people are slightly although they are slightly adverse events, and are under 30 years old.Was revealed that it would recommend using another vaccine such as a Pfizer instead of an astrazeneka vaccine.

According to British regulatory authorities, the risk of blood clots is extremely rare in the percentage of about 4 out of 1 million, and both the UK and the EU regulatory authorities will continue to exceed the risks.He said that it is important to proceed with vaccination.

In response to surveys by the EU and the United Kingdom regulatory authorities, the WHO = World Health Organization International Advisory Committee, which is investigating the safety of vaccine, published a statement on April 7, and in the current information, vaccination in vaccination.He pointed out that it is reasonable to think that it is relevant to blood clots, but that it has not been confirmed yet but needs more detailed research.

"Rarely adverse events must be evaluated compared to the risk of being infected with the new colon virus and dying."

Astrazenka issued a statement on April 7 and stated that he would cooperate with this, saying that blood clots would be added to the list as a very rare side reaction.

He says that he has already been verifying the situation and the mechanism that can be considered for individual examples where blood clots have been confirmed.

On the other hand, Astra Seneca states that each authority has once again confirmed that the vaccine has a high effect on the severity of the new colon virus and the risk exceeds the risk. "

The Italian health authorities held a press conference on April 7 and announced that vaccinations developed by Astrazenka and others were limited to 60 years old.

However, the benefit of vaccination exceeds the risk, and for those who have received the first vaccination of Astrazenka vaccines, they will be in the second vaccination even under 60 years old.

Spain also announced that the Minister of Health met on the night of April 7, and announced that the vaccination of Astrazenka vaccines would be limited to those aged 60 and 65 years old.

In Europe, it has also announced that France will be in vaccination over the age of 55 in March and Germany over 60 years old.

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Reduction to the introduction of "Vaccin Passport" (4/7)

April 7, 2021

Regarding a certificate indicating that the new colon virus vaccine has been vaccinated, the American White House spokeswoman has said negatively in the introduction, stating that there is a possibility that no one will be inoculated.

A certificate that indicates that it was vaccinated in Israel, etc. in the Middle East, over the new colon virus vaccine, is required to be presented at a gym and event venue, and the EU = European Union is also considering the introduction.

A spokeswoman Saki of White House said at a conference on April 6 that such a certificate called "vaccine passport" said, "The U.S. government does not support the system that obliges the public to hold the certificate."Has a negative idea in the introduction.

Saki spokesman said that "the privacy and rights of the people should be protected and that such a system should not be treated unreasonably," there is a disadvantage for those who did not choose the vaccination.It is because there is a risk.

On the other hand, in the United States, some states take their own response, and in the eastern New York State, experimental operations are being conducted, and discussions on the introduction are active.

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Clinical trial suspension of Astrazenka's vaccine 17 years old (4/7)

April 7, 2021

Oxford University in the United Kingdom has been a new colon virus vaccine developed with Astrazeneca, and has been targeted for 17 years of age under the report that blood clots have been reported after vaccination.I revealed that I would stop clinical trials.

Oxford University has been reported in various countries in European countries over vaccines developed jointly with Astrazeneca.

Oxford University had a clinical trial to verify whether the age of 17 was included in vaccination, and had begun in the UK in February, but on April 6, he revealed that it would stop once.

The university emphasized in a statement that "there are no concerns about the safety of clinical trials", and in response to examples such as blood clots as a rare case, clinical practice until the regulatory authorities can get further information.The exam will not proceed.

Regarding this vaccine, the EU regulatory authorities have continued to investigate in March that "the benefits of protecting people are more than risk," in March, and will publish the results nearby.It is an outlook.

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U.S. vaccine goal ahead of 18 years old and over by April 19 (4/7)

April 7, 2021

US President Biden has revealed that the target of the new colon virus vaccination will be expanded by April 19 to all over 18 years old.

On April 6, President Biden spoke in the White House and emphasized that the number of vaccinations for the new colon virus after inauguration had reached 150 million times.

He states, "Everywhere in this country, will be subject to vaccination anywhere in this country by April 19, and to all people over 18 years old by April 19.It was revealed that it would expand.

In the United States, vaccinations began in December 2020, and in vaccinations have been gradually expanded for each state, from healthcare professionals, elderly people to basic diseases.

By May 1, President Biden has said that he will expand its vaccination to the age of 18 and over, and has been forwarding it for more than 10 days.

Meanwhile, the mutant virus spread rapidly and the infection was still serious, saying, "I still need to do what I need to do. I want you to wash your hands and keep the distance from people."

In addition, I called for "I want you to inoculate the vaccine" in mind that there are people who hesitate the vaccination, mainly the conservatives.

The U.S. government has been vaccinating at 3 million times a day, and more than 63 million people, one in five population, have completed vaccinations.

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Competing the policy of strengthening cooperation with allies in the US Secretary Vaccine (4/6)

April 1, 2021

The US Secretary of State Brinken has stated that it will strengthen cooperation with allies and other countries to stabilize the new colonavirus vaccine to developing countries.It is a form that fought to compete with China and Russia, which develop "vaccine diplomacy" through aggressive supply to each country.

On April 5, Secretary of State Brinken spoke on the United States Government's response to the new Coronavirus.

In this, he states, "In order to end the pandemic, the world must work together. For that purpose, the United States must take action and lead," and converge the worldwide infection.He emphasized the idea of taking the lead in position.

He pointed out that it was a good example at a summit meeting of the first four countries of Japan, the United States, Australia, and India, which we went to in March for the first time in March.

He said, "We will cooperate with a partner around the world to provide sufficient vaccines to everyone in every place."Showed a policy to strengthen.

Regarding the supply of vaccines to each country, China and Russia are developing "vaccine diplomacy" through aggressive supply.

Secretary Brinken stated that "we do not seek political benefits in exchange for vaccines," and in mind, in mind, in mind, in mind, in mind, in mind, in mind, in mind, in response to vaccine diplomacy.

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Reduced vaccination to 45 years old or older by re -expanding Indian infection (4/1)

April 1, 2021

In response to the re -expanding of new colonovirus infections in India, the Indian government has decided to reduce vaccination to 45 years old or older on April 1 and accelerate the pace of vaccination.

Since late February, the infection of new colonovirus has been expanding again since late February, and 72,330 new people announced on April 1 have increased the largest since mid -October 2020.。

Under these circumstances, the Indian government has expanded vaccination to all people over the age of 45 from the 1st, and newly targeted people have visited the hospital in the capital in New Delhi.。

A 49 -year -old woman who was vaccinated said, "I have been able to receive my own age today, so I applied immediately. I am relieved to be vaccinated, but I will continue to take measures against infection.I was talking.

The Indian government plans to inoculate 300 million people by summer, but due to the lack of vaccination venue, only 55 million people have been inoculated at least once, which is about 4 % of the population.It has also been pointed out.

On the other hand, "COVAX Facility", which aims to fairly distribute vaccines led by World Health Organization, has been delayed by the supply of vaccines such as Astrazenka manufactured in India due to the growing demand in India.It indicates the prospect, and this expansion of the vaccination may be even more delayed around developing countries.

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The Middle East Yemen New Corona Vaccine, which is the long -term of the Corporate War, has arrived for the first time (4/1)

April 1, 2021

A new colon virus vaccine has arrived in the Middle East Yemen, where the civil war has been prolonged and the medical system has collapsed, and the vaccination has begun.However, there are many issues, such as power infrastructure and the devastation of logistics networks, and it seems that the spread of vaccines takes time.

In Yemen, the Haddy administration and the anti -government forces have been in civil war for more than six years, and the medical staff has fallen out of the country, and the medical system has collapsed.The expansion has been confirmed.

Under these circumstances, on March 31, 360,000 vaccines of the new Coronovirus arrived in Southern Aden, where the administration was based.

Arrived was a vaccine supplied under the "COVAX Facility" aimed at fair distribution of vaccines led by World Health Organization, etc., and this is the first time that the vaccine has arrived in Yemen.

The Yemen government has decided to start vaccinations soon, but the power infrastructure and logistics network that are essential for vaccine temperature control due to the effects of the civil war that lasts more than six years is devastated, and it seems that it takes time to spread the vaccine.。

A person in charge of the Ministry of Health in the Yemen Health has told NHK that "concerns about the spread of infection are increasing, and we want to use solar power to supply vaccines to various places."

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US Pfizer Vaccine 12 years old to 15 years old "Safety and Effective Confirmation" (4/1)

April 1, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company and the German corporate Bion Tech are currently not subject to vaccination, and have been tested for new colonovirus vaccines for children aged 12 to 15 years old that safety and effectiveness have been confirmed. Announced.

Vaccines developed by Pfizer and others are currently targeted for 16 years or older, but both companies conduct clinical trials for 2260 people aged 12 to 15 years old in the United States to confirm that the vaccine is safe and effective even for children.The results were announced on March 31.

As a result, in a group of 1129 people who administered a placebo called "placebo", 18 people have confirmed symptoms of new colonavirus infections, while $ 1131 groups who vaccinated have confirmed symptoms.There was no one.

The side reaction was generally agreed with what was seen in another clinical trial for 16 to 25 years old.

Regarding the vaccination of the new colonavirus vaccine for children, the Pfizer has already begun clinical trials for the age of 11 from the age of six months, and the US pharmaceutical company modela is 6 months old and under 18 years old.Oxford University, which developed the clinical trials, and the Oxford University, which developed the UK pharmaceuticals Astrazeneca and vaccine, is also conducting clinical trials for the age of 6 and 17.

Pfizer and Bion Tech will submit the data to the FDA = American Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau and EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency to apply for urgent use.

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Prime Minister Slovakia resigned from purchasing Corona vaccine made in Russian (3/31)

March 31, 2021

In the European Slovakia, the Prime Minister has led a new Russian -made Coronovirus vaccine, but the government has been criticized by the administration that the decision process is opaque, and the Prime Minister has resigned.

Slovakia's Prime Minister Matovic purchased a 2 million Russian vaccine "Sputnik V" in March.

On the other hand, other political parties that form a coalition within the government have repeatedly criticized that the purchase process is opaque or the "Sputnik V" inoculation that the EU = European Union has not yet granted permission is early.rice field.

As a result, several ministers, including the health minister close to the Prime Minister, were forced to resign, and on March 30, Prime Minister Matovic was resigned to take responsibility for the confusion of the government.

In Slovakia, the infection of the new colon virus is becoming more severe, and the mortality per population is the worst in the world.

With the delay in vaccines in the EU area, Russia has been increasingly selling "Sputnik V", and Hungary has begun vaccination on its own standards, as well as Italy, Germany, and Austria.。

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Astrazenka's vaccine principle of vaccination policy over 60 years old German government (3/31)

March 31, 2021

In the German government, a new Coronavirus vaccine developed by Astra Seneca and others was reported to be a new report of a blood clot for those under the age of 60, and in principle, in principle, 60 years old.We have shown a policy to proceed with vaccination only.

German Prime Minister Merkel was a press conference on March 30, and a newly reported example of a blood clot was reported for those under the age of 60 for vaccines developed by Astrazenka and others.In accordance with the recommendations of the Making Committee, it was announced that in principle, in vaccination will be advanced only for those aged 60 and over.

Regarding this vaccine, in March, there were cases where blood clots were confirmed after vaccination, and there were a number of movements in Europe in European countries, but the EMA = European Pharmaceutical Agency, which was investigated, "Safe and effective.The benefits of protecting people with vaccines exceeded the risk, "he said, and Germany and France have resumed vaccinations on March 19.

Prime Minister Merkel states that "Transparency is the best way to have transparency", and he responds flexibly while listening to the opinions of experts, and asks for understanding.rice field.

As Astrazenka's vaccines are limited in vaccinations over the age of 55, Italy has been divided in European countries, including those over 18 years old.

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Africa aims to strengthen the relationship by providing "Vaccine Diplomacy" in Africa (3/31)

March 31, 2021

With the issue of "vaccine gaps", which have been secured and vaccinated in developing countries compared to developed countries over developed countries, in Africa, China aims to strengthen relationships through vaccines through the provision of vaccines.Is active.

On February 10, 100,000 vaccines developed by the state -owned pharmaceutical company "Sino Farm" were delivered by the Chinese government on February 10, and the welcome ceremony was welcomed by senior government officials at the capital of Malabo.It was opened.

The equatorial Guinea, which has been infected with a new colon virus out of 1.4 million population, has become the first country in Africa, which provided vaccine free of charge from China, and Prime Minister Obamaasue said, "Thank you for the vaccine assistance.I am. "

After that, in vaccination that prioritized medical and elderly people in various parts of the country began, and according to the health authorities, nearly 10,000 people have completed the first vaccination by March 27, including President Nugema.It means that more than 2400 people have finished the second vaccination.

A 28 -year -old man who received the vaccination said, "I got a vaccine and the image of China has improved."

China is approaching the African's leading oil -producing equatorial guinea, importing large amounts of oil, and building a close relationship, building a building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the support of the government.

For China, which is increasingly expanding to Africa through the Giant Economic Area Concept, the African economy, the African economy, which has been hit by the expansion of the new colonovirus, can be gained.It is believed that there is a decision, and China has been working on vaccine to 35 countries in Africa and has been activating "vaccine diplomacy."

In response to an interview with NHK in the capital city of Malabo, Nuzemilan Health Minister of Equatorial Guinea, "China has been cooperated in various fields such as infrastructure development as a friendly country as a friendly country.The provision is on the extension of that, "he welcomed.

He also negotiated as an equatorial guinea, saying, "We have negotiated with Brazil and Russia in addition to China.I revealed it.

On the other hand, Nuzemilan Health Minister Nuzemilan Health, which was provided free of charge for 100,000 times, and said, "I want to purchase more 2 million times in the future, but we are proceeding with negotiations for purchasing 500,000 times at the beginning."He said that he would buy vaccines from China in the future.

In some cases, there is a skeptical view of the safety and quality of Chinese -made vaccines, saying, "The skeptical voice of the vaccine is not only for Chinese made in China. President and President.Mrs. and others are taking the initiative and will continue to appeal the need for vaccination. "

China is promoting a large -scale vaccination of the new colonavirus vaccine in Japan, and the Chinese government has more than 110 million vaccinations until the 29th.

On the other hand, China is developing vaccine to each country, and the state -run media reports that vaccinations have begun in developing countries and emerging countries every day.

As of March 30, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China will help three international organizations with 80 countries, export it to more than 40 countries, and to become an international framework "COVAX Facility" aiming for fair distribution of vaccines.It also provides 10 million times.

China has been providing mainly in countries such as Southeast Asia, Africa, Latin America, Central and Eastern European European countries, and Foreign Minister Wang Kijiki at a press conference on March 7, "35 in Africa.We are starting to provide vaccines to the country. "

Chinese media reports that China -made vaccines can be stored at a temperature of two to 8 degrees, so it is easy to transport and store, and it is provided to countries where Western -made vaccines have not spread.It seems that there is also an aim to increase the influence.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister of King argues that there is a political speculation in the background of this cooperation, saying, "I oppose any of the spectacles to make vaccine cooperation into political issues."

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WHO and 25 countries have called for the "Pandemic Convention" (3/31)

March 31, 2021

The World Health Organization and the EU = European Unions, etc., the new treaty, "Pandemic Pandemic", which aims to effectively cooperate in the future when global infections occur in the lessons learned about the spread of new colonavirus.We called for the establishment of "Treaty".

On March 30, WHO's Secretary -General Tedoros contributed to the media jointly with leaders in 25 countries, including the EU, Europe and Asia, and said, "In the future, an emergency related to pandemic and people's health will occur. These threats.The government and institutions cannot confront it alone, "he called for the establishment of a new treaty, Pandemic Convention, which aims to work hard in the international community in preparation for future global infectious diseases.

The new Coronavirus reflects on the fact that each country has not been able to respond to the coordinates, suggests infectious disease data promptly in the new treaty, and creates a mechanism to cooperate in the development of vaccines and therapeutic drugs.。

At a press conference held jointly with the EU President Michele Michelle, who had appealed for the need for the treaty, WHO said on March 30 that "the treaty will be a framework for international cooperation and solidarity."I emphasized.

The new treaty will be discussed at the WHO's Annual Meeting in May, and the challenge is how to do the specific cooperation and how much the country can be supported.

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New Jersey College College Class Vaccination is required (3/29)

March 29, 2021

In the United States, where the new colonavirus vaccine is inoculation, universities in the eastern New Jersey have announced a policy that students who take face -to -face classes from the new autumn semester will need vaccination, and other universities will be the same.Interest is gathering whether to respond to.

Ratgars University in New Jersey, where about 70,000 students are enrolled, announced on March 26 that in order to take a face -to -face class, it would be necessary to inoculate a new colonavirus vaccine.

If universities cannot be vaccinated due to health or religious reasons, students who take classes online are not eligible.

In the United States, in the fall of 2020, several universities that resumed face -to -face classes were reported.

For this reason, some universities have taken measures against infections, such as combining face -to -face and online classes, and regularly testing viruses, but students are increasingly calling for complete face -to -face classes.。

Local media reported that this is the first time that a major American university requires a new colonovirus vaccine inoculation, and it is said that several other universities are also considering de facto obligations.。

President Biden has set a goal of allowing everyone to be vaccinated, regardless of priority by May 2021, and is expected to expand to the younger generation.

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Expected to be delayed in WHO -led vaccine -led vaccine in India (3/26)

March 26, 2021

While the number of new colonovirus infected people in India increases, the WHO = fair distribution of vaccines led by World Health Organization is expected to be delayed in vaccines such as Astrazeneca manufactured in India.I revealed that.

In India, the number of new colonovirus infected people has been increasing again since late February, and the number of infected people announced on March 25 has been more than 53,000.

Under these circumstances, "COVAX Facility", which aims for fair distribution of vaccines led by WHO, is a vaccine of vaccines such as Astrazeneka manufactured by Serum Institute of India on March 25.We have revealed that the supply will be delayed from March to April.

For the reason, COVAX states that the demand for vaccines is growing in India, and will continue to cooperate with the Indian government.

On the other hand, we do not disclose specific prospects for delays.

COVAX plans to supply 337.2 million vaccines to 145 countries and regions by the end of June 2021, of which more than 70 % of the Serum Institute of India is "Serum Instute of India".Relying on the vaccine produced, there is a concern that it will lead to a significant delay in distribution.

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Check the importance of strengthening the EU summit vaccine export management (3/26)

March 26, 2021

The EU -European Union held a summit on March 25, confirming the importance of strengthening export management in new colonovirus vaccines, and rushing to introduce vaccine certificates.

At the online summit, we discussed the new Coronavirus vaccines that are delayed.

The EU has introduced measures that require permission when exporting vaccines manufactured in the region, and on March 24, the EU executive organization, European Commission, will strengthen this measure.Was suggested.

In response, the leaders of each country agreed to confirm the importance of strengthening export management and to supply pharmaceutical companies as contracted.

In addition, we have confirmed that the vaccine certificate, which aims to introduce it until the summer sightseeing season, is urgently improved in order to realize free movement in the region.

The U.S. President Biden, invited by the EU, also participated in the summit, and agreed with the cooperation of global issues, such as supporting new colonaviruses and rebuilding the economy.

The U.S. president participated in the EU summit since the time of President Obama in 2009, and once again showed his attitude to strengthen cooperation.

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Astrazenka vaccine clinical trials Announced new analysis results (3/25)

March 25, 2021

イギリスの製薬大手アストラゼネカは、新型コロナウイルスワクチンの臨床試験の新たな分析結果を発表し、有効性が当初の発表より3ポイント低い7I revealed that it was 6 %.

Astrazenka announced the provisional results of clinical trials conducted in the United States and other countries on the new colon virus vaccine on March 22, and the effectiveness was "79 %"., NIAID = US National Infection Research Institute pointed out that "old data is included and the valuation of effectiveness may be incomplete."

In response to this, Astrazenka announced new analysis results on March 25, stating that "the original announcement was based on data by February 17."

As a result, the number of new colonoviruses confirmed in clinical trials was 190, 49 more than the original announcement, and the effectiveness of preventing the onset is 76 %, 3 points lower.。

On the other hand, for the age of 65, the effectiveness of preventing the onset is 85 %, 5 points higher than the original announcement.

In the United States government, high -ranking officials involved in new colonavirus measures were held on March 24, stating that "transparency and trust are important" in the series of astraseneca vaccines, and in the United States.In the permission of the use, the regulatory authorities judged based on the submitted data, indicating that there was no problem.

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Pfizer vaccine transport "Refrigation is limited in unavoidable cases" (3/25)

March 25, 2021

Regarding the new colonovirus vaccine, a major US pharmaceutical company has viewed that it is only necessary to transport frozen in principle, saying, "I hope that the transportation in the refrigerated state will be unavoidable if the local government is unavoidable."It turned out that it was posted on a website for local governments.

Before the vaccination for the elderly began on April 12, Pfizer has posted his views on the handling of vaccines on March 22 on a website for local governments and healthcare professionals.

Among them, the vaccine is easily disassembled and needs to avoid shocks and vibration, and it is said that the principle is to frozen and transport it when divided into clinics that perform vaccination.

In addition, the transportation in the refrigerated state of two to eight degrees is requested that "it is necessary to avoid vibration from the viewpoint of quality control, so I would like to ask only if it is unavoidable in local governments."

Regarding refrigerated transportation, it was revealed that the Pfizer had been told to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in December 2020 that it would be acceptable if the local government was determined to be unavoidable.It is more stable to manage quality control by transporting it to local governments.

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Announced policy for enhancing EU vaccine export conditions (3/25)

March 25, 2021

The EU -European Union has announced a policy of stricter conditions for exports of vaccines manufactured within the region following the delay in supply of the new colon virus vaccine.

The EU is obliged to obtain permission when exporting vaccines manufactured in the region from January after the supply of the new colon virus vaccine is later than originally planned.

The EU announced on March 24 that it will strict the conditions for the permission of this export.

According to the fact, ▽ the exporting country does not restrict vaccines and raw materials exports, but also considers the transmission status and the progress of vaccination in the country.

The EU is increasingly doubting that vaccines developed by British pharmaceuticals, astrazeneka, etc. may be given priority to the United Kingdom, and this is believed to be behind this.

If this policy is officially approved, it may affect vaccine supply to countries outside the EU, including Japan.

At a press conference, the EU's Vice Chairman Dombrovskiss emphasized the reason for launching this policy, saying, "We need to secure vaccines for EU citizens."

According to the EU, the export of about 43 million vaccines for 33 countries and regions outside of the region has been exported to Japan the third largest to Japan.

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President Putin Russian vaccine and published Russian Presidential Office (3/24)

March 24, 2021

The Russian President's Office has revealed that Putin has inoculated the new Coronavirus Russian vaccine on March 23, and is likely to emphasize the safety of vaccines in Japan and overseas.

Peskov spokesman in Russian Presidential Office said on March 23 that Putin had vaccinated a new Coronavirus Russian vaccine.

Putin is in good shape and is going to do public affairs on March 24.

However, among the three types of vaccines, including Russia's "Sputnik V", it is not clear which vaccine has been inoculated, and no vaccination photos or videos are released.

President Putin showed that Russian vaccines were "safe and reliable," but they were not in vaccination and were interested in when they would be vaccinated in Russia.

In Russia, a large -scale vaccination began in December 2020, but 30 % of those who were "ready to inoculate the vaccine" in a public opinion poll conducted in February is safe.It is stuck.

The Putin administration is also focusing on vaccines to European countries in addition to Latin America and the Middle East.

President Putin seems to have the aim of emphasizing the safety and efficacy of Russian vaccines in Japan and overseas by inoculation.

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"Old Data" U.S. Research Institute (3/24)

March 24, 2021

The United States NIAID = National Allergy and Infectious Diseases Institute of Infectious Diseases, "Includes old data and efficacy," regarding the results of clinical trials in the new Coronavirus vaccine, etc. announced by Astra Seneca in the United Kingdom on March 23.The evaluation may be incomplete, "he called for the latest data.

On March 22, British pharmaceuticals, Astra Seneca, published a provisional result of 79 % of the new colon virus vaccines in the United States and elsewhere.

Regarding this, NIAID was pointed out on March 23 that an independent committee that monitored Astrazeneca clinical trial data "contains old data and may have incomplete effectiveness."The statement has been announced.

NIAID calls Astra Seneca to reconfirm the validity of the effectiveness and publish the latest and accurate data as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Astrazenka will publish the latest data within 48 hours.

NIAID's director Faut said in an interview with the US media, saying, "I think Astrazeneka vaccines are good vaccines, but inadvertent mistakes that are suspicious can distrust the vaccine."

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More than 50,000 women who are pregnant in the United States have been vaccinated (3/24)

March 24, 2021

In the United States, more than 50,000 pregnant women have been inoculated in the United States, which are likely to be more likely to become more severe if they are infected.Information on safety is still limited, but several research on pregnant women are underway, and it is expected that further information will be obtained in the future.

Regarding the vaccination of new colon viruses for women during pregnancy, the US CDC = Diseases Countermeasures Center has limited information on safety and effectiveness, but "pregnant women have a high risk of becoming more severe if they are infected.It is unlikely that the vaccine currently inoculated in the United States has a specific risk. "

According to the CDC, more than 51,000 pregnant women have already been vaccinated as of March 15, but have not been reported on vaccines related to pregnancy.

In addition, a survey of about 1,800 pregnant women published by the CDC has not been vaccinated among the percentage of vaccinations that affect mothers and fetuses, such as pregnancy complications and premature birth.The result is that it does not change compared to people.

Regarding the impact of women during pregnancy, pharmaceutical companies that developed a new colonavirus vaccine have started clinical trials to check safety and effectiveness, and several research institutions are also conducting research.It is expected that more detailed information will be obtained, such as when to receive and how much antibodies due to vaccine will be transferred to the fetus.

Mai Uchida, who works as a psychiatrist at a hospital at Harvard, USA, was pregnant (38) and received two new colonavirus vaccines from January to February.

The pregnancy was found in the United States in May 2020, when the spread of the new colon virus was increasing, but Mr. Uchida, who had been supporting medical treatment at the hospital at the time, said, "In the spread of infections.I had a lot of anxiety about what I had to go to the hospital and what kind of experience I would have if I became infected during pregnancy. "

After that, Mr. Uchida, who wanted to avoid the impact of pregnancy due to infection and the fetus, gathered scientific information about the new colonavirus vaccine, and decided that it was unlikely to be the effects of the tummy child.It is said that it was decided.

Mr. Uchida said, "The decision not to be vaccinated because the vaccine is scary can also take another risk of infection to the virus.It was hard to imagine, so we decided that the profits gained by vaccination exceeded the risk. "

"I think pregnant women are full of new colonaviruses, but also a lot of burden and anxiety. People who become more anxious due to vaccination have thoroughly taken other infection measures.There is also an option to receive inoculation after giving birth. Each is determined to be inoculation, but it is convinced that it is possible to collect as much information as possible from information on reliable medical workers and public institutions for the safety of yourself and the child.I want you to make a decision. "

Regarding vaccination for pregnant women, WHO = World Health Organization has a high risk of infection, or other people who have high risk of infection or those who have basic diseases that increase the risk of severe illness.We do not recommend vaccination for pregnant women.

On the other hand, Israel, where the inoculation is progressing, recommends vaccinations as "there is no evidence of pregnancy or fetus."

Although the UK does not recommend it, he acknowledges that he consults a doctor and inoculates it.

According to the analysis of the US CDC = Disease Control Center, a pregnant woman has about three times the risk of being treated in the intensive care room compared to a woman who has not done it, and the risk of death is 1..In addition to seven times, studies at Utah University Hospitals and other places have also pointed out that the risk of premature birth rises, and it has been pointed out that it is important to prevent infection and onset of pregnant women.

Dr. Maya Yasukawa, who worked in obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Georger Town Hospital, USA and is treating a lot of pregnant women infected with the new colon virus, said, "Pregnant women have a heavy burden on respiratory organs such as lungs.He pointed out that the function of immunity is often weakened. In the United States, many pregnant women have a risk of severe illness such as hypertension and obesity, and the risk of infection with new colon viruses, including after childbirth, is great. "。

Dr. Yasukawa said, "Despite the data so far, it has been known that it is a highly safe vaccine for ordinary people, but it is true that the impact on pregnant women and fetuses is limited at this time. Pregnant women.In vaccination, I would like you to consult with a reliable doctor in consideration of your occupation, living environment, and risk of severe illness. "

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WHO "Developed countries provide vaccines after the end of vaccination to the elderly" (3/23)

March 23, 2021

While the disparity of developed countries where vaccination of the new colon virus is vaccinated and the inhabitable country where the supply is not progressing is a problem, WHO = World Health Organization has finished inoculation against developed countries with high -risk people.Wanted to provide a framework for a fair distribution of vaccine.

According to "COVAX (Kobax) Facility", which aims for fair distribution of vaccine, it is about one month until March 22, and 57 countries since the first vaccine was supplied to Ghana in West Africa on February 24.It means that you delivered more than 31 million times to the area.

However, the plan is to supply more than 330 million times by the end of June, and the current supply is less than one -tenth.

At a regular press conference on March 22, "The problem is that we can't get enough vaccines," said WHO's assistant director of the WHO.

Regarding vaccination, the gap between developed countries and developing countries has become a problem, and WHO Secretary -General Tedoros said, "While there are countries where supply cannot be received at all, some countries compete to inoculate all the people.There is a concern about the current situation.

He asked developed countries to provide vaccines to COVAX after vaccinations for high -risk people, such as medical workers and the elderly.

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Clinical trials in Astrazenka vaccine "79 % effectiveness" rice, etc. (3/23)

March 23, 2021

Astrazeneka, a major British pharmaceutical, has announced a provisional result of 79 % of clinical trials in the United States and elsewhere in the new colonovirus vaccine.

Astrazenka has been conducting a provisional analysis on March 22, on March 22, on March 22, the United States, Chile, and the last phase clinical trials on the vaccine of the new Coronavirus, which is being inoculated in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

According to this, 141 of the 32,449 people who were subject to clinical trials were found in new colonovirus.

As a result of comparing and analyzing those who actually vaccinated and those who did not, the effectiveness of preventing the development of new colonavirus was 79 %.

It means that no one was severely ill.

Approximately 20 % of clinical trial participants were over 65, and in this age they had 80 % effectiveness.

Regarding this vaccine, there were cases where blood clots were confirmed after vaccination, and some countries such as Europe have temporarily prevent vaccination, but EMA has been investigating in detail.= The European Pharmaceutical Agency has announced that it is safe on March 18, and France and Germany have resumed vaccinations.

As a result of the independent agencies of the clinical trial data, the risk of thrombosis, etc., was not confirmed as a result.

Astrazenka will soon apply for an emergency use to the US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau.

Dr. Anthony Fouch, a US government's leading medical advisor to the new Coronavirus measures, said, "It has high effectiveness through a wide range of ages. It is a good news."

Regarding this vaccine, there were cases where blood clots were confirmed after vaccination, and some countries such as Europe have temporarily prevent vaccinations.

"In this clinical trial, there was no evidence that the risk of thrombosis would increase in the inoculated group."

He said, "The US FDA = Food Pharmaceutical Bureau will also conduct a strict screening from all perspectives," he said, and said that it would be allowed to be used in the United States after reconfirming safety.

In the United States, three types of vaccines are currently used, and this is the fourth type if the astrazena vaccine is allowed.

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Vaccine EU authorities developed by Astrazenka, etc. "Safe and Effective" (3/19)

March 19, 2021

The EU -European Pharmaceutical Regulation Authority published the survey results for the confirmation of blood clots after vaccination in the new colon virus vaccine developed by Astra Seneca and others, and said that it was a "safe and effective vaccine."Showed me.

Regarding vaccines developed by Astrazenka and others, there are cases in which blood clots have been confirmed after vaccination, and in Europe, such as Germany and France, in vaccination as preventive measures.

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency, who has been conducting detailed surveys in response to this, published the results at a press conference on March 18, saying, "The benefits of protecting people from new colonovirus with a safe and effective vaccine.He said that it was better. "

On the other hand, he stated that "the causal relationship between a rare case where a blood clot is formed cannot be completely eliminated," he said.

In response to this, France and Italy will resume vaccination on March 19 as early as March 19, and in Europe has moved to the inoculation again.

Regarding Astrazenka vaccines, the WHO = World Health Organization has shown that the benefits of vaccination exceed the risk, saying that it is not necessarily related between blood clots and vaccines.

In the United Kingdom, which has been vaccinating astrazenka vaccines, regulatory authorities have once again stated that there is no basis for this vaccine to produce blood clots.

As a result of reviewing 11 million data in vaccinated in the United Kingdom, there were 5 or less than one in 1 million people in the United Kingdom, and naturally one in 1 million, even if they are not inoculated.There is a possibility that it can be done.

At a conference on March 18, Prime Minister Johnson emphasized the safety of the vaccine and stated that "it is not safe to infect a virus."I revealed that I would receive it.

Following the announcement of EMA's survey results, France, Italy, and Germany, which have suspended vaccinations developed by Astrazenka and other places, have announced plans to resume vaccination one after another.

French Prime Minister Castex said at a press conference that he would "inoculate himself to indicate that this vaccine is reliable," and said he would resume astraseneca vaccination on March 19.。

In a press conference, German Health Minister Spann Health also stated that "our goal is to resume vaccination of Astrazeneca's vaccine in the morning."

In addition, the Italian government will resume vaccination from March 19 as early as March 19 and next week.

Astrazenka announced the statement of EMA's survey, and issued a statement on March 18, welcoming the EMA's views on vaccine safety and saying, "For appropriate use of the vaccine, we will continue to use it.We will work closely with health authorities. "

He emphasized that "safety is a top priority, and Astrazeneka has reported and analyzed its adverse events and share information with regulatory authorities in each country."

The Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare Tamura said to the reporters after the Cabinet meeting, "EU's pharmaceutical regulatory authorities evaluated" OK ", resumed vaccinations in France, and the Prime Minister will also inoculate.In Japan, he is in the process of judging, but if approved, he will respond to the vaccination system, including astraizenka vaccines. "

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President Biden Corona Vaccine to the early realization of 100 million times (3/19)

March 19, 2021

US President Biden has announced that 100 million vaccinations on the new Coronavirus vaccine, which aimed to achieve it in 100 days after the administration was launched, could be achieved in about 60 days, much faster than planned.

The United States President Biden has set measures against new Coronavirus, which has more than 530,000 deaths in Japan, as the biggest issue for the time being, and 100 million times in 100 days after the government was launched in January.I've been aiming for vaccination.

President Biden at this on March 18 said that it could achieve 100 million vaccinations on March 19, which is about 60 days after the establishment of the administration, and said, "A warrant system literally to overcome the virus.I emphasized the results as "laid".

According to the U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center, 66 % of 65 years old and over have performed at least one vaccination, and 38 % completed the necessary vaccine, so President Biden is the President's authority.It was said that accelerating the production of vaccine raw materials based on the "National Defense Production Law", which calls for cooperation from private companies.

On the other hand, some states in the United States have moved to abolish the duty of wearing masks because the situation has improved, and President Biden said at a conference that it was not time to relax, and continued to wear the mask.I called for not neglecting measures, such as taking a distance from people.

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The effects of vaccination for the elderly in Europe and the elderly (3/19)

March 19, 2021

In Europe, where vaccination of new colonovirus vaccinations began in December 2020 in December 2020, the number of infected people and deaths among the elderly who were preferentially vaccinated were decreasing, and governments and experts are vaccine.He pointed out that the effect of vaccination is starting to appear.

Among them, in France, as of March 15, more than 40 % over the age of 75 was in vaccination.

Among them, 89 % of the 700,000 residents of facilities nationwide have finished the first vaccination, and 68 % have finished the second vaccination.

According to the summary of the health authorities, the number of infected people in the elderly facilities was more than 9,000 in January, but in early March decreased to 3025 to one -third.In addition, the number of deaths has decreased to nearly one -third.

Looking at the tendency of the entire France during this time, the number of infected people has been slightly increased, and the number of dead is almost flat.

At the conference on March 4, Prime Minister Castex said, "The first effect of vaccination for people with high risk of infection has been confirmed."

Persons who have died in facilities for the elderly have been more than 1/4 of France over 25,000 people since the spread of 2020 in the spring of 2020, so that residents go out and their families.The visits have been restricted and have been forced to live in an isolated life.

Eric Fregona, an executive of a group of elderly facilities nationwide, said, "It was a catastrophic year that extremely many residents died.I'm looking forward to it. "

In Germany, the new colon virus vaccine began in December 2020, and about 6.8 million people, which are 8 % of the population, received at least once by March 16, of which about 3 million are the second time.We have finished vaccination.

In vaccinations, people over 80 years old and residents of the elderly are the highest priority, and among them, 52 % of those over 80 years of age have received the first vaccination.It is 91 %.

In Germany, in December 2020, most retail stores were banned, and the number of new infected people has decreased once in January, but it has been increasing again in February.。

According to the Roberto Koch Research Institute, a government research institution that is a countermeasure against infectious diseases, the infections were particularly expanded among people over 80 years old, especially for those who were infected by age.The expansion of infection is that infections of those over 85 years old are declining, mainly for children and young people.

On the other hand, the number of deaths per day was more than 1,000 in January, but recently it has fallen less than 100.

At a press conference on March 12, Roberto Cocoh Research Institute's director Rotar Wheeler said that it was a great success to decrease among elderly people with high risk of severe illness."Vaccination is the most powerful way we have. It's definitely the effect of vaccination that the number of deaths is continuing and decreasing."

In the United Kingdom, vaccination began with priority in the elderly in December 2020, and about 25.2 million people, about 38 % of the population, received the first vaccination.

In England, London, about 90 % of those aged 65 and over have finished the first vaccination, and are now in vaccination for those over 50.

England's health authorities have analyzed the cases of hospitalized cases and deceased people by February 21.

According to the fact, it seems that the death of the elderly aged 80 and over was reduced by 83 % for vaccines developed by Pfizers.

Also, at the age of 70, the onset of the new colon virus was reduced by 57 % to 61 % after four weeks of the first vaccination.

Health authorities have stated that vaccines are highly effective for the elderly, but do not know how much they will reduce the spread of infections.

According to the Spanish government, the Elderly Facilities in Spain had just begun vaccination, and in January, 4463 people were infected in one week (January 18-24).It was said that the number was reduced to 44 people in the first week (1st to 7th) in the early March.

In addition, the number of deaths at the same time has decreased from 715 to 33.

In Spain, people with high risk of severe illness are given priority in vaccines, and 97 % of residents such as facilities for the elderly have been inoculated for the first time, and 87 % have been vaccinated for the second time.。

The Spanish Minister of Health in Spain said at an international conference on the vaccine on March 16, "Vaccines have brought hope.He highly evaluated the effect of the vaccine.

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Announcement of a common certificate of vaccination to relieve movement restrictions within the EU area (3/18)

March 18, 2021

The EU -European Union has published a system for issuing a common certificate to those who have vaccinated a new colon virus vaccine to alleviate the movement restrictions in the region.

The EU has restricted "free movement" in the region as a countermeasure against the new colon virus, and has been discussing the introduction of a common certificate issued to those who have vaccinated to those who have been restricted.

The European Commission, the EU executive organization, announced on March 17 a "digital green certificate" system that proves vaccination.

As a result, the certificate also includes a PCR test and antibody test result so that people who are not inoculated do not receive discriminatory treatment in addition to the presence or absence of vaccination.The certificate is a mechanism to read the QR code described on a smartphone or printed paper, and it can be moved freely in the area by presenting it at the airport or border.

The EU chairman Fondareen said at a press conference that it was "to regain freedom to move in a safe and reliable way," he would like to introduce the system by the approval of the member states and the European Congress by the summer vacation season.Is shown.

On the other hand, Chairman Fondareen said that the export of vaccines from the EU area said, "Vaccines come out of the EU, but they do not come. There are all options."。

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Started vaccine clinical trials for 6 months or more for those under 12 years old (3/17)

March 17, 2021

US pharmaceutical company modela has announced that it has started clinical trials for children under the age of 12 to check the effectiveness and safety of the new colon virus vaccine.In the United States, there are opinions that children need vaccination for the secure resumption of school facing classes, and pharmaceutical pasters are expected to start clinical trials for children under the age of 12 from April.

The US Pharmaceutical Company Modela announced on March 16 that it had started clinical trials for children in the United States and Canada and had been in vaccination.

The target is to gather about 6,750 participants 6 months or 12 years or 12 years or 12 years old.

Modela vaccines are in vaccinations for 18 years and older, and clinical trials for those 12 and 18 years old are already underway.

In the vaccination in the United States, pharmaceutical pases are expected to start clinical trials for children under 5 years and 12 years of age from April.

In the United States, there is an opinion that vaccination for children is needed to reach the safe resumption of school face -to -face classes and the so -called "group immunity" state.

Higher officials in the United States government have indicated that if there is no problem with the results of clinical trials, children under the age of 12 will be the target of vaccination next year.

In the United States, where remote lessons using the Internet and other areas are still being conducted at many local schools due to the continuation of the spread of new colonovirus, if vaccination for children and students progresses, facing classes.It is expected to be able to resume safely.

It is also necessary to inoculate children in order to reach the so -called "group immunity" state, which gains immunity to the new colon virus and does not spread the infection.

Dr. Saki Ikeda, a Department of Baylor University of Medical University, said, "Children tend to be severe, but some are still severe and have died. In infected children, they infect parents and grandparents in their homes.Because it can be expanded, vaccination can be expected to prevent such a situation. "

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Astrazenka vaccine EU authorities "The benefits are more risky" (3/17)

March 17, 2021

In response to the confirmation of blood clots after the vaccination of the new colonavirus vaccine developed by Astrazenka and other events, the EU = European Union's Pharmaceutical Regulation Authority is scheduled for March 18.A press conference before the announcement of this, we have revised the view at this stage, "The benefits of vaccination exceed the risk."

Regarding vaccines developed by Astrazenka, etc., it has been reported that blood clots have been identified after vaccination, and has announced that at least 15 countries in Europe, such as Germany and France, will be in vaccination as preventive measures.。

On March 16, the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency emphasized the results at this stage, saying, "There is nothing indicating that vaccines have caused blood clots".

In addition, he said again that the benefits of vaccination exceed the risk.

EMA is conducting a detailed investigation of examples of blood clots after vaccination of Astrazene Kawaccine, and will publish results on March 18.

Currently, many countries that have been suspended from Astrazenka vaccination are waiting for EMA's judgment, and each country is paying attention to the contents of the results.

French President Macron and Prime Minister Italy have held a telephone talk on Tuesday to see the vaccination developed by Astrazenka and others.

According to the statement of the Italian Prime Minister, the two -headed brain welcomed the EMA as "reassuring" to show that the benefits of vaccination exceeded the risk.

And the current vaccination is emphasized that EMA is a temporary and prophylactic measure until March 18, when the survey results are published, and "If the survey results are positive, we will resume inoculation promptly.There is. "

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UAE New Corona Vaccine Inoculating measures to forcibly promote (3/17)

March 17, 2021

While each country hurries the vaccination of the new colon virus, in the UAE UAE = Arab Emirates in the Middle East, the Population has already finished at least one vaccination, and vaccination has been in vaccination at a fast pace worldwide.increase.At the same time, we have begun to take priority in vaccination to those who are in the hospitality business, and have begun to promote inoculation.

In the UAE = the United Arab Emirates with a population of about 9.8 million, from December 2020, the vaccination developed by Chinese pharmaceuticals and the US pharmaceutical giant "Pfizer" was March 16.At the time, more than 6.5 million times were done.

According to "Awa World In Data", which summarizes the status of vaccination in each country, researchers at Oxford University, UK are already 35 as of February 23..It is the third fastest pace in the world after Israel and the United Kingdom, as 2 % have finished inoculation at least once.

UAE also includes priority vaccinations, in addition to medical workers and the elderly, as well as those who are in charge of the customer service business.

Government -related Emirates is being in large scale in vaccination, mainly for large companies that are closely related to the government, such as positioning 80,000 people, including ground staff, as essential workers.

In addition, those who do not vaccinates are strongly encouraged by obligating regular PCR tests.

Of these, Charja in the northern part is obliged to have a PCR test once every two weeks for people at restaurants and grocery stores who are not vaccinated from food and drinks.

Similar measures are also eligible for civil servants, and for those who are not vaccinated, regular inspections are also required, which promotes vaccination.

The UAE develops with foreign business customers and tourists as an economic hub in the Middle East, and in October 2021, the International Expo "Dubai Expo" will be held, and will be initiatives for infection.We are proceeding.

In the United Kingdom of UAE = the Emirates of the UAE = the United Arab Emirates, which occupies most of the population, large -scale vaccination is promoted by major government companies and universities, leading to acceleration at the pace.increase.

Among them, the government -affiliated airline Emirates Airlines will position about 80,000 employees in combination with related companies as an essential worker for priority vaccination, and will be inoculation at the venue established in Dubai International Airport.I am.

At the venue, ground staff and mechanics were visited one after another between businesses, and was vaccinated by Chinese pharmaceutical companies.

A Filipino man who received the vaccination said, "The suspension of urban blockade and international flights has already been decided for the safety of customers and families."

A major government -affiliated company has announced that telecommunications companies and state -owned oil companies will be vaccinated by employees, and large -scale vaccinations are being promoted for each company.

The vaccination was also held at universities, and a venue was set up on the campus on the 7th at a private Ajuman University in northern UAE.

In this university, 70 % of faculty and staff have already been inoculated and are now strongly demanding students to be vaccinated.

A large number of people were visiting at universities because graduates could receive free vaccinations.

"In the case of architecture, there is a limit to teaching and learning in architecture. As many people as possible in the case of architecture.I want to resume. "

Hisham Mutanawi, a person in charge of the vaccination venue, said, "I would like to have many people come and aim for a 100 % vaccination rate because the facilities on the university premises are good."

The UAE = UAE Emirates has begun to take part in a partial mandatory PCR test for those who are not vaccinated, and are taking measures to promote inoculation in the middle.

These measures began in multiple areas of UAE, of which Charja in the northern part of February, if they are not vaccinated for employees working in restaurants and stores that handle foods, once every two weeks.It was announced that it would oblige PCR testing.

Some restaurants in the city have said that there are no options other than vaccination.

Of these, Palestinian restaurants in the city work while replacing the store manager and five employees, but continuing their business because they require waiting at home until the result is found when they are tested.Is difficult.

According to the owner of the store and Palestinian Ahamad Museni, "Regular inspection is a heavy burden on management and there is no option other than vaccination. Foreigners like us are to protect the work in the UAE.The government cannot refuse to recommend it, so we have employees get vaccine. "

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Astrazenka vaccine in Europe temporarily spreads in vaccination (3/16)

March 16, 2021

In Europe, a new colon virus vaccine developed by Astra Seneca and other countries will be announced one after another that the blood clots have been reported after vaccination, and the vaccine center will be temporarily closed.The vaccination plan has been affected.

As for vaccines developed by Astrazenka, etc., it has been announced that 15 countries such as Germany, France, and Italy will be in vaccination by March 16, as there are cases where blood clots have been confirmed after vaccination. did.

Of these, in Italy, more than 30 places in Lazio, located in Rome, are closed from the morning after a vaccine center, which was set up near the station in the center of Rome, on March 16, was closed from the morning.It means that it is closed.

Citizens say, "It is good to stop vaccination in the survey, but you should proceed with vaccination afterwards."I have lost my trust. "

In France, vaccination developed by Astrazeneca and other places has just begun at pharmacies nationwide on March 15, but in response to the government's decision, vaccination has been interrupted, and vaccination has been suspended.It has an effect on the plans of each country that hurry.

The EU -European Union's Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authority states that "the case where the vaccine has been inoculated is not more likely to have a blood clot compared to those who are not inoculated."The effects that can be obtained exceed the risk of not being vaccinated. "

On the other hand, WHO = World Health Organization has called for continuing to be in vaccination in which vaccination developed by Astra Seneca has led to death.

In Europe, there are a number of countries that temporarily match the vaccination as a blood clot has been reported after vaccinating astrazena vaccines.

On March 11, Denmark in Scandinavian announced that it would be a precautionary measure for two weeks, and Norwegian and Iceland were also suspended.

After that, Bulgaria, Ireland and the Netherlands followed.By March 16th, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovenia, Latvia, and Sweden have announced vaccination, and have so far in at least 15 countries.

In Indonesia, which was developed by Astrazenka and others, about 1.1 million times arrived on March 8, he revealed that this vaccine would be reviewed.

In Indonesia, vaccination developed by China's pharmaceutical company "Shinback" has begun to prioritize medical workers, but in addition to this, urgent use of vaccines developed by Astrazenka and others.The company was allowed on the 9th of the month, and was planning to decide the start of vaccination after waiting for the "Haral Certification" by Islamic organizations in Japan.

Under these circumstances, it was reported that blood clots were confirmed after vaccination developed by Astra Seneca and others, so Indonesian Minister Budy's Minister of Health said to the Congress on March 15, "The EU = European Union.We have also confirmed information such as pharmaceuticals. It is not yet clear whether it is related to vaccination. "The Minister of Health, Budy, has revised the vaccination plan developed by Astrazeneca, based on the survey of the WHO = World Health Organization.

The Thai government had quickly postponed the vaccination of Prime Prime Minister Prof. Prime, which was scheduled for March 12, and had been suspended to the people.

However, the Thai government said, "The Thai medical team in response to the statement of Astrazenka that can be used with peace of mind based on scientific evidence and the WHO's view that it is not related to vaccination.We decided on safety comprehensively. "

Prime Minister Playut said, "I hope the people will increase the trust of vaccination among the people."

In Thailand, vaccination of vaccines developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company "Shinback" has begun in February, but the vaccination of vaccination developed by Astrazenka and others has been postponed, and there are voices worried about the vaccination itself.It was up.

Currently in Japan, Pfizer vaccinations are being vaccinated, but Astrazenka has also signed a contract with the Japanese government to supply 60 million people.

Prime Minister Kan, who was asked by the reporters in Tokyo, "Is there any effect on the Japanese vaccination plan in some European countries?"I think it will be a judgment after collecting it and scrutinizing it. "

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The vaccine problem EU developed by Astrazenka will be set up at the meeting on March 18 (3/16)

March 16, 2021

Germany and France have announced that Germany and France will be in vaccination, such as the confirmation of blood clots after vaccination over the new colonovirus vaccine developed by Astra Seneca.The company emphasizes safety, and the EU -European Alliance Pharmaceutical Regulation Authorities will hold a meeting on March 18 and decide on future response.

As for vaccines developed by Astrazenka and other places, some countries in Europe have suspended vaccinations, such as cases where blood clots were confirmed after vaccination, and on March 15, Germany, France, Italy, and to it.The Spanish government has announced that it will match vaccination as a preventive measure.

In each country, the EU's Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authority will wait for the EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency to decide to resume vaccination.

The EMA has opened a temporary safety committee on March 18 and announced its policy to announce the future response.

Until now, EMA has stated that "the effects obtained by vaccination exceed the risk of not inoculation."

The United Kingdom also states that it will continue to be vaccinated.

Astraseneca, who developed a vaccine in collaboration with Oxford University, has stated on March 14 that the vaccine can be used on a scientific basis.

According to the statement, there have been no evidence of more than 17 million data in the EU = European Union and the United Kingdom so far, and there is no basis for increased risks such as thrombosis due to age, gender, and vaccine production time.I am.

In addition, the company will continue to look closely at the situation as the safety is the top priority.

On March 15, the United States NIH = National Health Research Institute, Francis Collins, stated that an interview with Reuters was expected to start in the United States in the United States.

On the other hand, Collins Director said that some European countries had a blood clot confirmed after vaccination, such as when they were forced to vaccinate in Astrazena vaccination.Is not clear yet. "

WHO = At a regular press conference on March 15, the Secretary -General of World Health Organization reported that a thrombus had been confirmed after vaccination such as Astrazenka, and multiple countries have prospective vaccinations.He said he knew he was.

"The survey is conducted on a daily basis, not necessarily related to vaccination in vaccines," said Tedoros.

The international advisory committee, which investigates the safety of vaccines, has evaluated reports from each country, and announced that a meeting will be held on March 16 and further discusses.

In addition, the chief scientist, Swaminasan, said, "The safety of the vaccine is the most important," and "100 %, no completely safe vaccines, and one in 1 million people occur.He said, but he needed to think about the benefits of protecting people from a disease that has lived in millions of lives, "he emphasized that the benefits of vaccination exceeded the risk.

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Transportation measures for patients with severe sick beds due to the expansion of French mutant virus (3/15)

March 15, 2021

In France, the transmission of severe patients to a relatively plenty of rooms has begun to transfer severely ill patients to a relatively room, as the infection of the new colon virus mutated in Paris and the surrounding areas has increased.

In France, the first mutant virus in the United Kingdom accounts for about 70 % of new infections, especially in Paris and surrounding areas, and the intensive care rooms are being scratched.

For this reason, the French government has decided to transfer a part of severe patients to hospitals in the western or southwestern part where the beds are relatively affordable, and on March 14, two patients from the airport near Paris.The aircraft left.

According to the government's Atal, the government, said, "Some people should be left untouched without entering the hospital. It must maintain a condition in which hospitals are required to be accepted."In order to do so, he has stated that the government will take all means.

The government plans to transfer about 100 patients in the next week using high -speed railway, in addition to aircraft.

In France, in order to stop the spread of infection, it restricts night out after 6:00 pm, and is limited to areas where mutant virus infections such as the southern Nice and Dunkirk in the northern part have expanded remarkably.We restrict the outing of residents during the day.

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Astra Zene Kawakuchin Inoculation EU Survey British and French continue inoculation (3/12)

March 12, 2021

The EU -European Pharmaceutical Authority has announced that some countries have been investigating the vaccines developed by Astra Seneca and others in response to the decision to vaccine as a preventive measure.According to a blood clot has been confirmed after vaccination, regulatory authorities do not have any information indicating that vaccination has caused these symptoms.

On March 11, the EU's Pharmaceutical Restricted Authority has been investigating in the EU and its surrounding countries that there have been several reports that blood clots have been confirmed after vaccination developed by Astrazenka and other places.Was revealed.

Denmark announced on March 11 that it will match two weeks as a preventive measure.Norwegian and Iceland are said to be in vaccination in response to this.

The EU's Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authorities stated that the number of cases, such as thrombosis after vaccination, is not particularly large, and "no information has shown that vaccination has caused these symptoms at this time.At this time, the profit obtained by vaccination exceeds the risk. "

Regarding this vaccine, France has shown a policy of continuing to be vaccinated, and the United Kingdom, where more than 11 million people have been vaccinated so far, have naturally reported the examples of blood clots reported so far.It does not exceed the number, but will continue to be vaccinated.

Under these circumstances, Canadian health authorities say on March 11, "We are aware of health cases reported in Europe, but the benefits of vaccinating Canadian people will be higher than risk.I want you to recognize it. "

According to Reuters, Australian health authorities have stated that there is no evidence that the vaccine is the cause of the thrombus, and will continue to be vaccinated.

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94 % prevention of Pfizer vaccine "asymptomatic infected person" (3/12)

March 12, 2021

An analysis result that the US pharmaceutical company in the United States showed 94 % of the new colonavirus vaccines developed on March 11, from large -scale inoculation data in Israel to prevent asymptomatic infected people.Was announced.Pfizers have said that asymptomatic infected people have said that they may expand the virus without awareness, "it has an important meaning in stopping the spread of infections worldwide."

On March 11, a major American pharmaceutical Pfizer announced an analysis of vaccine effects based on the data of the new Coronavirus vaccine of the Pfizer in Israel.

As a result, the health status of 2 weeks after receiving the second vaccination of the Pfizer vaccine between January 17 and March 6, 2021 is compared with people who are not inoculated.The effect of the onset, hospitalization, and death of the new colon virus has been at least 97 %.

In addition, asymptomatic infected people also showed a 94 % prevention effect.

The announcement does not find out the detailed value, such as how many people compared, but it has been pointed out that asymptomatic infected people may expand the virus without awareness.It has an important meaning to stop the spread of infection. "

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The idea of providing a vaccine made in China to the IOC Bach chairman and stakeholders (3/12)

March 12, 2021

The IOC = International Olympic Committee's general meeting will be held online online, and Bach's willingness to provide Chinese -made vaccines to the desired players and stakeholders for the Tokyo Games and Beijing Games.I revealed that.

The regular general meeting of the IOC began on March 10th, and on the 11th of the second day, the Olympic Organizing Committee was reported on the preparation status of the Olympic Organization Committee from this.

Prior to this, Chairman Bach asked for his remarks and found that the Chinese Olympic Committee had offered to provide a Chinese -made vaccine to players and stakeholders of the Tokyo Games and Beijing Games.

Mr. Bach said, "IOC will pay for the cost," and said that there was an intention to provide Chinese vaccines to players and stakeholders participating in the Olympics and Paralympics.

Participants say that they can secure as many vaccines that can be vaccinated twice.

After this, the Tokyo Games Organizing Committee reported that Seiko Hashimoto, who was appointed in February, reported three emphasis measures, including the promotion of new Corona and gender equality, and Secretary -General Muto last week.Based on the content of the agreement in the consultation, we reported that the acceptance of the audience from abroad was decided before March 25, when the torch relay began.

After this, IOC members asked questions about overseas spectators, and Corporation Adjustment Chairman said that if he abandoned the acceptance, he would have a wide variety of issues, such as refund of tickets and cancellation of accommodation, and said, "We will discuss these things quickly.I would like to be able to tell you by next week. "

After the IOC General Assembly, the Tournament Organizing Committee had a press conference and found that the IOC chairman Bach has decided to provide Chinese -made vaccines to the players and stakeholders who want in the Tokyo Games and Beijing Games.The secretary -general said, "I haven't heard any of the stories in advance. The vaccination is what the Japanese government is doing, so the organizational committee is not in a position to comment."

On the other hand, regarding the acceptance of spectators from overseas, Public opinion may spread infection both in Japan and overseas, although the secretary -general Muto has not yet concluded questions from the committee members at the IOC General Assembly.He explained that he was very cautious and explained that it was a difficult situation, and when he did not accept the acceptance, he also clarified the refund of the ticket.

Mr. Hashimoto said at a conference, "We are still discussing, and it is not a conclusion. I would like to judge again by March 25."

In addition, Chairman Hashimoto said, "Contribution to reconstruction is the source for the Tokyo Games.For everyone, I thought again that we had to make a tournament where hope and dreams would be in our hearts again through the Tokyo Games. "

The Minister of the Marukawa Olympic and Paralympic Games at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting said that there was no prior adjustment from the IOC side and said, "I think it will be judged in a country that has been approved by China.I do not know if I have applied for the approval, "he said at this time that Japanese players are not subject to vaccination.

"The Tokyo Games are going to take comprehensive infectious diseases in order to be able to accept and accept them with peace of mind even if they are not vaccinated."

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Astrazenka vaccine in Europe (3/12)

March 12, 2021

Regarding the new colon virus vaccine developed by Astra Seneca, Denmark in Scandinavian, although there were multiple reports that blood clots were confirmed after vaccination, we do not know the relationship with vaccines, but we temporarily examine the vaccination and conduct a survey.Was announced.Astrazenka commented that vaccine safety is widely verified in clinical trials.

The Ministry of Health in Denmark reported on March 11 that the vaccine developed by Astra Seneca and others reported that blood clots have been confirmed after vaccination, and that it will conduct a survey for two weeks.

The report says that one case has died, but the relationship with vaccination is unknown.

In response to this, Northern Europe will suspend vaccinations until the results of Denmark's survey became apparent.

Astrazenka commented that "the safety of vaccines is widely verified in clinical trials."

Meanwhile, the EU -European Pharmaceutical Authorities reported on March 11 of about 5 million in vaccination of Astrazenka vaccination in the EU and their surrounding countries, as a case such as thrombosis after vaccination.I revealed that there was.

In each case, the relationship with vaccination is not known, and the investigation is proceeding, and emphasized that "the effect of vaccination at this time exceeds the risk of not being vaccinated." did.

In addition, in Europe, in Austria and Italy, there has been a temporary match for astraseneca vaccines manufactured at a specific period of serious health after vaccination.

At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "I know that the vaccination has been temporarily discontinued following a case reported that blood clots have been reported in Denmark etc..The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency has already issued a statement that there is no evidence of the relationship between thrombosis and vaccine, "he said.

In addition, "Astraseneca's vaccine for Astrazeneca's vaccine will be requested for special approval on February 5, and in March, major data including domestic trial data will be submitted, and the approval screening will be conducted.It is a place. We know that the effectiveness and safety will be confirmed based on the submitted data and the latest scientific knowledge. "

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Available for vaccines developed by EU Johnson End Johnson (3/12)

March 12, 2021

The EU -European Union has given permission to use the new colonavirus vaccine developed by John Song Johnson, a major pharmaceutical.This is the fourth kind of new coronovirus vaccine that the EU gave permission.

The European Pharmaceutical Agency in the European Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Agency made a vaccine developed by Johnson End Johnson on March 11, and suggested that it would be permitted to sell, and the European Commission of the EU's executive organization was on the same day.I got permission.

The EU has given permission from vaccines such as Pfizer and Astrazena, and this is the fourth type of vaccine.

According to the European Committee Chairman Fondareen, in the statement, "This vaccine is only in vaccination and inoculum 70 % of adults by the end of 2021, which is approaching our goal.], Expected to be booming in vaccinations in the region.

However, in the EU, the supply of vaccines has been delayed so far, and some member countries have independently promoted vaccinations such as Russia, which are not allowed by the EU, and stopped exports outside the area.I'm awake.

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South Korea Astra Seneca Vaccine 65 years old or older (3/11)

March 11, 2021

The South Korean government has announced a material that indicates the effects of the new Coronovirus vaccine developed by the British pharmaceutical major astrazeneka and others, for elderly people over the age of 65 or older who have not been in vaccination so far.We have revealed that we will proceed with vaccination in the future.

It has been pointed out that the Korean government has lacked efficacy data on the vaccine of the new Coronavirus developed by the British pharmaceutical major astrazeneca, which has also signed a contract to supply Japan.The elderly over 65 were not subject to vaccination.

On March 11, Prime Minister Jung Seegun (Chosei) said, "Recently, materials that fully indicate the effects on the elderly have been announced in the UK, and each country has expanded the target of vaccination."It has been revealed that we will proceed with vaccination for those over 65.

In Korea, where vaccination began on February 26, vaccines developed by astrazeneca and major US pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals are now used, and more than 500,000 people have been in vaccination so far.It's over.

On the other hand, in the early 2021, more than 1,000 people per day had fallen to 300 people per day, followed by about 300 people, and the trend of declining in the 400 levels continued to stop.In the future, how to reduce the number of infected people is an issue.

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How far has the French vaccination?(3/11)

March 11, 2021

Following the United Kingdom, the United States, etc., the EU -European Union, which began in late December 2020, after the new colon virus vaccination.Of these, nearly 60 % of the respondents answered that they would not be vaccinated in a poll conducted in late December 2020.I was worried that vaccination would proceed, but what happened?


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Primander announcement about wearing masks after vaccination (3/9)

March 9, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center has announced the first guidelines for wearing masks for those who have vaccinated.If you are in vaccinated, the risk is low even if you gather indoors without a mask, but in public places, it is necessary to wear masks and secure distance.

On March 8, the CDC announced the first guidelines for wearing masks for those who completed vaccination and securing distance.

According to this, the risk is low for those who have been vaccinated without a mask indoors.

Also, in mind that the elderly visit children and grandchildren's families, even if they meet people who are not inoculated, if the other party is a single household, you can meet without wearing a mask.increase.

On the other hand, when multiple households who have not been vaccinated are gathered, or when they are in contact with people with high risk of severe illness, it is necessary to wear masks and secure distance in public places, and participate in large -scale events.He should also avoid it.

For this reason, the CDC director Warensky Director said that even if the vaccination was completed, there was a slight possibility of infection, and it could not be denied the risk of spreading infection due to asymptomatic symptoms, and based on the risk of the other side, "I am inoculation.Contacts with those who are not should be carefully judged. "

At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "The government has been asking the people to wear masks thoroughly, and at this time, people who have vaccinated with the vaccine have begun wearing masks.We are asking for thorough basic infection prevention measures. I would like to keep listening to the opinions of experts, based on the latest scientific knowledge in the future, and I would like to conduct necessary consideration mainly to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. "I mentioned.

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Vaccine international framework is also highlighted (3/6)

March 6, 2021

Regarding the vaccine of the new colonovirus, the supply by an international framework for fair distribution throughout the world, including developing countries, has begun, but it takes time to reach each country and the amount of vaccine is not enough.The challenges are highlighted.

The COVAX Facility, led by the United Nations, aims to contribute funds by 190 countries and regions, contributing funds, and distributes vaccines to countries, including developing countries.

On February 24, the vaccine was delivered to Ghana in West Africa on February 24.Later, by March 5, more than 20 million countries were supplied for 20 countries, including the Democratic Republic of Africa, Angola, and Cambodia in Asia.However, many countries are still waiting for the vaccine to arrive, and it takes time to supply.

In addition, this framework is supplied up to up to 20 % of the population of each country, and it is necessary to acquire a so -called group immunity that many people have immunity to spread infection.There is not enough to inoculate more than 70 % of the world's population.

In addition, it is said that it will take 20 % of COVAX to achieve 20 % supply to developing countries.

It is not easy to eliminate the "vaccine disparity", which is delayed in developing countries, and the United Nations, regardless of the country's economic power, each country is vaccinated to healthcare professionals and the elderly.We are calling for further support so that we can prioritize.

In African Cabi Verde, COVAX will provide the supply of vaccines developed by major American pharmaceutical pasters, but the supply is delayed.

Since this vaccine is required at low temperatures during transportation and storage, according to the WHO = World Health Organization, 13 countries wanted in Africa, but they were recognized in consideration of management.Was in four countries in Rwanda, Tunisia, and South Africa, in addition to Cabberde.

A special freezer that can handle minus 80 degrees in preparation for the vaccine supply has been imported in the pharmaceutical warehouse managed by the government in the capital of Priia.

The person in charge of the site said, "I'm looking forward to the vaccine."

However, the supply to Cabberde has been delayed from the initial scheduled late February, and the government is now in mid -March.

In an interview with NHK, Bareto, who is in charge of securing and supplying the vaccine in the Ministry of Cabberde Health, said in an interview with NHK, "While managing it at a low temperature, we have been preparing for vaccinating medical professionals first, but the schedule is clear.Do not. I want you to supply it quickly. "

The Kabo Verde, an island nation in the Atlantic Ocean in the western part of Africa, has a warm climate throughout the year, with nearly 1 million tourists visiting Europe, mainly in Europe, and the tourism is about 25 % of GDP = gross domestic product.It is a pillar.

At Cabberde, the border has been closed for more than half a year since March 2020, and international flights have been restricted since March 2020.Even after the operation of international flights has been resumed, the tourists have hardly returned, and the beach, which has a pure white sandy beach, is quiet.

Beno Santos, 42, who runs a hotel in the center of the capital of Pria, expanded its sales in 2008 to renovate nearly 130 million yen in Japanese yen, and has been steadily increasing sales.It is said that the number of hotel passengers has dropped dramatically, and sales in 2020 fell 90 % of the previous year.

"In the government's plan, people who work in the tourism industry can be given priority in vaccination, so we want to be vaccinated quickly. Compared to Europe, vaccination is delayed in Africa.I'm sorry and I think it's unfair. "

Regarding the "COVAX Facility" for a fair distribution of vaccine, WHO = "World Health Organization Kabo Verde Office" said, "There is an issue in the actual speed of supply."He has begun to arrive, but he is still waiting in Cabberde, etc., "he said, and emphasized that it was necessary to proceed earlier.

Regarding the delay in supply, Director Agudelo said, "Some countries have secured four or five times the vaccine. Pandemics are influenced not only by specific countries but also by all countries in the world.It is necessary to face each other at once, "he criticized that some developed countries were excessively purchased.

Aiming for fair distribution of the new colon virus vaccine, the COVAX Facility, an international framework led by WHO = World Health Organization and UNICEF = UN Children's Fund, has 190 countries and regions around the world.

In this framework, 98 developed countries have invested in 10 vaccines in the world, contributing funds, and supporting development and manufacturing.Vaccines such as Astra Seneca and Modela have been developed in response to these funds.

The country that contributes funds can purchase up to 20 % of the population of the people on its own funding.

On the other hand, developing countries that are difficult to secure purchase funds can be supplied to up to 20 % of the population of the people based on the contributions of other countries and organizations.On February 24, the first vaccine was delivered to Ghana in West Africa on February 24, and in vaccinations for medical workers on March 1 were started.

According to the WHO, over 20 million vaccines have been supplied for 20 countries, including Africa and Asia, through COVAX.

COVAX plans to supply 336 million vaccines such as astrazeneca and 1.2 million vaccines to 145 countries and regions in the first half of the year.

UNICEF -UN -UN Children's Fund, Benjamin Schlever, in charge of supply to developing countries in COVAX Facility, points out that although the supply has begun in an interview with NHK, the supply has been piled up.

According to Schriver, "The supply of vaccines that need transportation and storage at extremely low temperature is very complicated, and even developed countries are delayed. If the medical system is a weak country, the difficulty is the difficulty.It will increase further, "he pointed out the issues in developing countries.

Before the expansion of the new colon virus, UNICEF has set up 40,000 refrigerators in developing countries to supply vaccines such as pneumonia that needs refrigerated storage.

Schriver said, "Many vaccines will be supplied in the future, so it is necessary to prepare for accepting. It will further strengthen the low temperature transportation system by the summer."

On the other hand, there is a difference in the speed of supply between developed and developing countries.Nevertheless, he should be vaccinated by high -risk people, including developing countries, "he said, regardless of the country's economic power, giving priority to vaccinations for medical workers and the elderly.

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To expand WHO vaccine production "To suspend the protection of intellectual property rights" (3/6)

March 6, 2021

WHO = Secretary -General Tedoros, World Health Organization, has complained that the supply of the new colonovirus vaccine is still not enough and should temporarily stop the protection of vaccines on vaccines so that they can be widely produced around the world.rice field.

At a regular press conference on March 5, WHO's Secretary -General Tedoros, through "COVAX Facility", which aims to fairly distribute the new Coronovirus vaccine, 20 million times in 20 million countries, including Africa and Asia.We have revealed that the vaccine beyond the exceeded.

However, Secretary -General Tedoros said, "It's a great progress, but the number of vaccines supplied through COVAX is relatively small," and said that it was necessary to significantly increase vaccine production.

He said that it was necessary to temporarily stop the protection of intellectual property rights related to the vaccine of the new Coronavirus and to be able to produce wider in the world.

The handling of intellectual property rights related to vaccines has been discussed by WTO = World Trade Organization, and South Africa and India have proposed temporary stops to attract the support of developing countries, but developed countries with pharmaceutical companies are technology.Discussions have been difficult, opposed to this, such as interfering with innovation.

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Foreign Minister Ide for stopping vaccine exports "The reason is delayed to the EU" (3/6)

March 6, 2021

Foreign Minister Dimaio in Italy has been delayed in the future, saying that the export of vaccines in Australia, a major pharmaceutical company manufactured in Japan, is due to a delay in the vaccine supply to the European Union.He showed the idea of stopping exports.

The EU has been introducing a pharmaceutical company since January, taking measures to obtain permission from a factory when exporting a new colon virus vaccine manufactured in the region.

Based on this, the Italian government has stopped exporting the Astra Seneca vaccine for the first time in the region, about 250,000 times.

According to a press conference on March 5, Foreign Minister of Italy said, "The supply promised by pharmaceutical companies is delayed not only in Italy but also in all EU member countries. These delays are not allowed."I emphasized that it was due to the delay in supply to the EU.

He pointed out that the entire European infection was a concern that the transmission of the variable virus was expanding, and said, "As long as the vaccine is delayed, the EU has the right to stop exports to a weak country."

The EU has exported Pfizer vaccines to Japan, which are manufactured in Belgium, etc., but all exports have been approved so far.

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Stop exporting the new Corona vaccine of Italy for the first time in the EU (3/5)

March 5, 2021

The Italian government announced on March 4 that it has stopped exporting the vaccine of Astrazenka, a major pharmaceutical company manufactured in Japan, to Australia.This is the first time that the European Union is based on the vaccine exports required for member states, and the export has been suspended.

The EU has been introducing the EU since January, taking measures to declare a factory in advance and oblige permission when exporting a new colon virus vaccine manufactured in the region.

The Italian government announced on March 4 that it has stopped exporting the vaccine of Astrazenka, a major pharmaceutical company manufactured in Japan, to Australia.

This is the first time that vaccine exports from the EU have been stopped.

For this reason, the Italian government continues to be about 250,000 vaccines exported to Australia, compared to the amount supplied to Italy and the EU member countries, and the shortage of vaccines and delays in Italy and the EU.I'm giving what I'm doing.

At a press conference after the Cabinet meeting, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "It is important that the vaccine from the EU's area to Japan is smooth, and it is working constantly through local public halls.He said that all exports exported from the EU area to Japan have been approved, and will continue to work hard to secure vaccine stable supply. "

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President Biden "Secured by the end of May required" (3/3)

March 3, 2021

The United States President Videnium supports the production of the third new, new colonavirus vaccine, and secures the vaccines necessary for those who are subject to vaccination by the end of May.I showed a prospect.

In the United States, in addition to the two new colonavirus vaccines that have already been vaccinated, the vaccination of Johnson End Johnson's large pharmaceuticals has begun, and it is expected to accelerate once in vaccination.

Regarding this vaccine, President Biden said in a speech on March 2 that another major pharmaceutical company Merck would cooperate with production, and based on the "National Defense Production Law", which demands cooperation from private companies with the authority of the president.He has shown a policy to support the maintenance of.

In addition, President Biden states that the vaccines needed to the person who are in vaccinations will be "expected to supply the amount of vaccines to all adults in the United States by the end of May" and secure by the end of May.I showed a prospect.

In addition, President Biden has given an instruction to all school teachers to high school to the state at least once in March to receive vaccination at least once, and the US government has been vaccinated to expand the school.I emphasized that I would try to spread it.

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Vaccine of J & J also ahead of the supply goals that start inoculation in various parts of the rice (3/3)

March 3, 2021

The new colonavirus vaccine of the US pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson began in various parts of the United States.President Biden stated that Merck, a major pharmaceutical company, would cooperate with the production of the vaccine, and said, "This will provide a vaccine for all adults by the end of May."

The U.S. FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau issued an urgent permission to use the new coronavirus vaccine of Johnson End Johnson on February 27, and began transportation of vaccine on March 1.

A vaccine arrived on March 2 at a hospital at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, and vaccinated began.

This is the third type of vaccine that is allowed to be used in the United States, which can be stored in one vaccination, and it can be stored for 3 months at the temperature of 2 to 8 degrees, making it easier to transport and store.It is expected that the pace of the vaccination will accelerate.

President Biden has revealed that another major pharmaceutical giant Merck will cooperate with the vaccine production.

Until now, Johnson End Johnson had to supply 100 million times by the end of June, but the U.S. government is based on the "National Defense Production Law" that seeks to cooperate with private companies under the authority of the president.Production is accelerated by supporting the development of production equipment.

President Biden said, "This will provide a vaccine that spreads to all adults in the United States by the end of May," and stated that it would be able to move forward with the supply goal at the end of July.

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To submit a vaccination certificate bill for the EU movement limit (3/3)

March 3, 2021

The EU -European Union Chairman Fondareen, chairman of the European Union, issues a bill to issue a common certificate for the EU to those who have vaccinated to relieve the movement restrictions in the area as a new colonovirus measure.We announced that it will be submitted to.

In the EU area, as a measure to prevent the spread of infection, the country prohibits movement across unnecessary and urgent borders in principle.

On March 1st, EU's Fondareen chairman of Fondareen announced on Twitter that it will submit a bill to issue a common digital certificate for vaccination in March.

Regarding the certificate, we emphasized the significance as the economy in the region fell due to movement restrictions, saying, "It is for step -by -step safe movement inside and outside the EU."

Regarding the common certificate of the EU, Greece and others, which have a thriving sightseeing, have been discussed and discussed at the February Summit.

The EU keeps the introduction of the summer sightseeing season in mind, but it will take three months to develop technical aspects, such as sharing information in the certificate and securing security, and some member countries such as France.Some say, "It's too early while the vaccination is not enough."

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Acknowledged in vaccination 65 years old or older in France Astra Seneca (3/3)

March 3, 2021

The French government will promote vaccination as a new Coronavirus vaccine developed by a major pharmaceutical pharmaceutical as Astrazeneka and others who have been removed from the target of inoculation.Is shown.

As Astrazeneca and Oxford University's vaccines have signed a contract to be supplied in Japan, people over 65 years old have been removed from the target of inoculation because of lack of efficacy in France and Germany.。

In France, the top of the institution that evaluates pharmaceuticals and the like held a press conference and reported that it was effective in preventing hospitalization if a person over 65 years old was inoculated in Scotland, northern UK."You can expand the vaccination of Astrazenka vaccines over 65 years old," he said.

The Minister of Health, Bellan Health, has revealed a policy of inoculating this vaccine for people with basic diseases between 65 and 74 years old from the age of 65 to 74 for local media.

In Germany, local media also report that experts may recommend vaccination to those who are nearly 65 years old.

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Beginning of vaccine made in China with the new Corona Philippines (3/1)

March 1, 2021

In the Philippines, a new colon virus vaccine developed by a Chinese pharmaceutical company has begun.President Duterte is likely to have an impact on future diplomacy, including visiting China later this year and showing his intention to thank him.

In the Philippines, 600,000 vaccines provided by the Chinese pharmaceutical company "Shinback" have arrived, and vaccinations began on March 1.

The vaccination began in six hospitals in the capital, Manila, and the Filipino ministers and hospital medical professionals were being vaccinated one after another.

In the Philippines, in addition to Sino Bags, vaccinations developed by American Pfizers and Astrazeneka in the UK are also planned, and we aim to prioritize medical professionals and aim for at least 50 million people in vaccination.increase.

In the Philippines, the infection status has not been improved, such as around 2,000 new people per day, and some of the people and parliament criticizes that vaccination is delayed compared to other countries in Southeast Asia.Was out.

President Duterte said in a speech on February 28, "I would like to visit China later this year and shake hands with President Xi Jinping and convey my gratitude personally."is.

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Approximately 30 % of the new Corona vaccine population is inoculated at least once (3/1)

March 1, 2021

In the United Kingdom, at least more than 20 million, at least at least once in vaccination of the new colon virus vaccine, was about 30 % of the population.By the end of July 2021, we plan to vaccinate everyone over the age of 18.

In the United Kingdom, where vaccination has progressed since December 2020, the first vaccination is given to the vaccine as possible, and the second time will be done by 12 weeks later.

The British government announced on February 28 that more than 20 million people, about 30 % of the population, have been vaccinated at least once.

Prime Minister Johnson thanked everyone involved in the vaccination plan, such as medical staff and volunteers, on his own Twitter.

The government aims to be in vaccination for everyone over the age of 18 by the end of July 2021.

In the United Kingdom, the spread of mutant viruses has expanded, and in January 2021, there were more than 60,000 people per day, but due to severe measures such as restrictions on going out, the infected people were on a decrease in the government.Is a plan to gradually relieve regulations.

On the other hand, on February 28, a mutant virus, which has been spreading in Brazil, has been confirmed for the first time in Japan, and is becoming more vigilant.

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Thailand's new Corona Vaccin Inoculation is also delayed compared to the surrounding countries (2/28)

February 28, 2021

In Thailand, the vaccination of the new colon virus developed by a Chinese pharmaceutical company began on February 28, but some of the people criticized that the vaccination is delayed compared to other countries in Southeast Asia.Also comes out.

The vaccination began in a vaccine developed by the Chinese pharmaceutical company "Shinback", and on February 28, an Antin Health was first vaccinated in Japan at a hospital near Bangkok.

Antin Health, who has finished vaccinations, emphasized the safety of the vaccine and said, "I hope it protects the Thai people from the virus."

In Thailand, in addition to Shinbacks, the vaccines developed by British pharmaceuticals, astrazeneca, etc. are also allowed to be used, and the government procures 63 million vaccines within the year and has medical care and chronic illness.It is a policy of giving priority to people.

Although Thailand has relatively reduced the infection of the new colon virus, some people have criticized the vaccination, such as being delayed compared to Indonesia and Singapore.

On the other hand, the Thai government will continue to declare an emergency that has been extended due to infection measures until the end of March.

The Thai government has explained that the number of military coups in neighboring Myanmar has increased the number of illegal entry of Myanmar and may spread infection, but the emergency declaration will continue for one year.

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U.S. FDA Emergency use permit a new colona vaccine (2/28)

February 28, 2021

The US FDA = Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau announced on February 27 that it has approved urgent use of the new colonavirus vaccine developed by John Song Johnson, a pharmaceutical pharmaceutical.It is expected that the vaccination will accelerate in vaccination because this vaccine is only in vaccination.

FDA announced on February 27 that it has permitted urgent use of a new type of coronavirus vaccine, which was developed by John Song Johnson, a major pharmaceutical.

This vaccine has been effective in preventing moderate symptoms from moderate symptoms from 28 days after vaccination as a result of about 40,000 people around the world..1 %, effectiveness is 85 only for severe symptoms.It is said to have shown 4 %.

Initial reports stated that almost the same effects were shown in South Africa and Brazil, where mutant virus infections have been confirmed.

In terms of safety, FDA states that there is no serious concern.

In the United States, the vaccine of a major pharmaceutical company and a pharmaceutical company modela has been granted urgent permission, and this is the third vaccine.

The Pfizer and Modela vaccine require two vaccinations, whereas Johnson End Johnson vaccine can only be vaccinated and can be stored for 3 months at the temperature of two to 8 degrees.The pace is expected to accelerate.

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Does the vaccine work for a mutant virus?(2/27)

February 27, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization has stated that the mutant virus found in the United Kingdom has no significant effect on the effects of Pfas, Modelna, and Astrazenka vaccine.On the other hand, the variants found in South Africa and Brazil have been pointed out that the effects of the vaccine may be weakened due to the mutation that escapes antibodies, and each manufacturer is investigating the effects of vaccine.。

US pharmaceutical pasters have announced that the variant virus found in the United Kingdom and South Africa has obtained experimental results of vaccine effects.

The company has already been experimenting with cells using the antibodies of the person who has vaccinated, and has gained experiments that show that the mutant virus found in the UK is effective.

Regarding the mutant virus found in South Africa, the experiment said that the effect of neutralizing the virus was one -third, but the company said there was no evidence that this mutant virus would escape the vaccine attack.We will continue to conduct detailed verification.

In addition, Pfizer and Bion Tech announced on February 25 that they will begin a third clinical trial to check the effects of vaccines.

American pharmaceutical company models are also conducting similar experiments about their own vaccines.

According to this, although there was no noticeable change in the effects on the mutant virus found in the UK, the value indicating the function of antibodies for mutant virus found in South Africa has decreased to about one -sixth.。

However, the company states that the function of antibodies for any mutant virus has exceeded the required level as a vaccine.

Modelna announced on February 24 that it has been sending a vaccine candidate for a variable virus found in South Africa and shipping it to the United States National Health Research Institute to conduct clinical trials.

The company will consider ways to enhance the effect by performing the third vaccination using a conventional vaccine.

Regarding the vaccines developed by the UK's leading pharmaceuticals and Oxford University, a group of Oxford University and other groups have published a survey that has had the same effect on the mutant virus found in the UK.

There is information that the mutant virus found in South Africa has significantly reduced the effect of preventing mild to moderate symptoms as a result of early clinical trials, while the company says that it has the effect of preventing illness.I am convinced. "

Both vaccines are often unknown that the effects on mutant viruses are often unknown only by experiments in the laboratory or small clinical trials, and WHO needs to analyze more in more data.

Many viruses cause a very small mutation in genetic information as they repeat the infection.

The new Coronavirus has shown that small mutations will occur at about one place every two weeks, and in most cases these variants do not affect the nature of the virus.

However, the variable virus confirmed in the United Kingdom, the variable virus spread in South Africa, and the variable virus found in Brazil from Brazil are believed to have changed the nature of the virus due to mutations.

What is common to these three is that a mutation called "N501Y" has changed in the genetic information of "spike protein", which is a scaffold when the new colon virus infects human cells, and the amino acid is changing.is.

According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, the mutant virus confirmed in the UK may have a maximum of about 70 % higher.

According to a report from the UK, there is no difference in hospitalization or mortality compared to ordinary viruses, but some research points out that it is related to the rise in death risk.

Another mutation has recently attracted attention.

The mutant virus confirmed in South Africa and the variable virus spread in Brazil have confirmed a mutation called "E484K" in addition to the "N501Y" mutation.

It has been reported that the "E484K" mutation is thought to make the virus easier to escape from the antibody attack, and the effects of antibodies have weakened even in cells using cells.

Furthermore, recently, there is no mutation of "N501Y" in Japan, and new mutant viruses with "E484K" mutations have been confirmed, and it is thought that it has entered from overseas, but the detailed origin is unknown.

There are concerns about the fact that the benefits of the current vaccine are not affected and that there is a risk that once infected may be infected again, but in detail.I don't know.

Detailed surveys and research are currently underway on the impact.

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50 million times earlier than planned to be in the United States vaccination (2/26)

February 26, 2021

The United States President Biden will continue to work on the development and enlightenment of the new colonovirus vaccination in Japan earlier than planned, reaching more than a month in over a month, and will continue to develop and raise awareness.I emphasized.

On February 25, US President Biden held a conference on February 25, revealing that the vaccination of the new colon virus has reached 50 million times in 37 days since last month.

President Biden was aiming for 100 million in vaccination in 100 days from his inauguration, and he said at the conference that it was "a few weeks earlier than planned," and appealed that he could achieve his goals.

According to President Biden, almost half of the people over the age of 65 have been inoculated at least once.

In addition, President Biden said that it would be expected to secure the vaccination required for all adult vaccinations by the end of July 2021, and is promoting the place to be inoculated and securing medical workers.

In addition, he said, "Some people cannot go to a place to vaccinate even if the vaccine is fully supplied, and do not want to be vaccinated, so we will conduct large -scale awareness -raising activities about the safety of the vaccine."He emphasized that he will strengthen and spread the vaccine.

According to the U.S. CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center, the population is about 14 % by February 25, at least one vaccination in the United States.

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US FDA Pfizer Vaccine Preservation approval in a general medical freezer (2/26)

February 26, 2021

The FDA -American Food and Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau acknowledges that the US Food Pharmaceutical Bureau, which requires storage at ultra -low temperature, will store or transport for up to 2 weeks for up to 2 weeks from minus 25 degrees to minus 15 degrees.rice field.It is expected that this will make it easier to distribute and inoculate.

The new colon virus vaccine developed by a major pharmaceutical company and a German Bion Tech requires an ultra -low -temperature freezer from minus 80 degrees to minus 60 degrees to save up to 6 months, making it an issue in supply and vaccination.I am.

On February 25, the FDA revised the rules of handling based on the data submitted by the Pfizer, and saved up to 2 weeks from minus 25 degrees to minus 15 degrees, which is a general medical freezer temperature., I acknowledged that I would transport it.

Also, once, it can be returned to an ultra -low temperature freezer.

Until now, FDA had a 5 -day storage period for 5 days when it was taken out of the frozen of the Pfizer from an ultra -low -temperature freezer and moved it from two to 8 degrees, but it can be stored in a general medical freezer for a certain period of time.It is expected that transport will make it easier to transport and make the schedule for vaccination more flexible.

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Approved two types of corona vaccines developed in the Chinese government (2/26)

February 26, 2021

The Chinese government has announced that it has newly approved two types of new colonovirus vaccines developed by domestic pharmaceutical companies, and has four types of vaccines approved by China.

The Chinese National Pharmaceutical Director Management Bureau, which is based on clinical trials on the vaccine of the new colonovirus developed by the domestic pharmaceutical company "Kansino Biologies" and "Sino Farm", and reports the results to the authorities.All announced that they were approved on February 25.

The Chinese government has already approved two types of vaccines developed in Japan, and there are four types of vaccines that have been approved.

Among them, the "Sino Farm" vaccine developed at the Institute of Wuhan is the second type following the approval, and a kind of "inactivated vaccine" that uses viruses that have lost infected ability. Thing.

The vaccine of "Kansino Biology" is a type called "virus vector vaccine", which is developed in collaboration with a military laboratory and uses another virus as genes.

The Chinese government is promoting large -scale vaccinations in Japan, mainly the vaccine approved in advance, and is providing more than 50 countries, and will further focus on supplying abroad in the future.It is thought.

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[The current situation of the vaccine supply contract world] Movement of enhancement of supply power due to increased demand (2/25)

February 25, 2021

According to a summary of the United States Duke University, more than 1.5 billion times, over more than 40 countries and organizations, over the new colon virus vaccines developed by US pharmaceuticals and German corporate Biontech.Contracts and agreements are connected.

The breakdown is ▽ EU = European Union up to 600 million times, 300 million in the United States, ▽ 144 million times in Japan, ▽ 100 million times in China, ▽ World Health Organization for World Health Organization, etc.The framework "COVAX Facility" launched is 40 million times.

The Japanese government has signed a contract to receive 144 million vaccines this year with Pfizer.

Vaccines for Japan are to be built in manufacturing facilities in Germany and manufacturing facilities in Belgium, and up to 838,000 times have been shipped to Japan from a Belgian facility to Japan.I did it.

Pfizer has supplied 4 million to 5 million vaccines a week in the early February, but will increase this amount to 13 million times by mid -March.

On the other hand, we do not disclose specific prospects for countries around the world.

At a public hearing of the U.S. Council on February 23, Pfizer executives said, "In order to meet the urgent demand of vaccines, the world's overall production in 2021, at least 1.3 billion times, at least 2 billion times.It is increasing, and emphasizes that it is investing in production equipment to strengthen its supply.

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The first supply with "COVAX Facility" aimed at the vaccine fair distribution (2/25)

February 25, 2021

While the vaccination of the new colon virus is focused on developed countries, the disparity with developing countries is a problem, and the first supply of 600,000 vaccines, which is the first supply of the international framework "COVAX Facility" aiming for fair distribution.Arrived in Ghana, West Africa.

Regarding the vaccine of the new colon virus, inoculation is proceeding mainly in developed countries, while many countries have not been in vaccination, and "vaccine gaps" has become a problem.

In the international framework "COVAX Facility" aiming for fair distribution of vaccine, the vaccine has been secured based on the contributions from each country, but on February 24, the first supply of this framework.600,000 times have arrived at the international airport in Akura, the capital of Ghana.

Vaccines are developed and manufactured in India, such as the UK pharmaceutical giant Astrazeneka, and the UNICEF -Children's Fund, which is responsible for "COVAX", "the only way to get out of the crisis is that all people are all.A statement stating that the vaccine is available. "

"COVAX" plans to secure nearly 2 billion vaccines in 2021 and supply it to developing countries, but "COVAX" alone does not produce the required amount, and the United Nations is funding to each country.We are calling for strengthening support, including contributions.

In response to the beginning of the vaccine supply by the "COVAX Facility", WHO, who led the framework, published a statement on February 24, "We share a fair distribution of vaccines on February 24.Today is a very big first step toward realizing a vision. "

In addition, "but this is only the beginning", and in the early April, we need more cooperation in countries and pharmaceutical companies for the goal of starting vaccinations between medical workers and the elderly in all countries.I emphasized the idea that it was.

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A certificate indicating the new colona vaccination in Europe (2/24)

February 24, 2021

In Europe, where vaccination of new colonovirus vaccines is progressing, there has been a movement to issue a certificate indicating that the number of times has been completed in order to make it more free to move through the country.increase.

Of these, Greece, whose tourism is a major industry, has issued a certificate in February that indicates that it has finished in vaccination.

It is an initiative that cares for exemption from PCR tests and voluntary isolation when entering the country.

The certificate can be printed, the name, date of birth, the date of vaccination, and the type of vaccine are described, and a QR code that leads to a site that proves that it is genuine is also displayed.

In Europe, Nordic Iceland has already issued a certificate of vaccination, and even if it is a certificate of other countries, it will be exempted from testing and isolation measures when entering the country.I am.

Greece has called for a common certificate to EU countries, and Denmark and Sweden have a policy to issue these certificates.

France and Germany, on the other hand, are currently cautious about the introduction of certificates, stating that vaccination is not sufficiently progressing.

It has also been pointed out that the certificate may lead to discrimination against people who are not in vaccinations or those who are not inoculated.

In this regard, Greece's Tourism Minister of the Greek states, "I can't travel without a certificate. I just want to create options other than the negative certificate for PCR tests."

Even in the aviation industry, which has been hit historically due to the spread of the new colon virus, it has been creating a mechanism that can present vaccine history with smartphone apps for safe operation.

The IATA Travel Pass is developed by the IATA = International Air Transport Association, which has about 290 airlines around the world.

The user registers your passport information in the smartphone app.

Then, when vaccination is vaccinated at a specified medical institution or undergoing a PCR test, if you ask for a certificate, that information will be data into a QR code or the like and will be sent to the app.

When a user travels to another country by plane, it is a mechanism that can be found by "yes" or "no" whether it meets the residence of staying in the country of travel by inquiring using the app.

If you meet your stay qualifications, you can share information with the airline or show that the conditions are met when boarding.

IATA says that it will take at least a few months before vaccination is widely widespread around the world, but wants to start traveling from the results of a PCR test, and Singapore Airlines and UAE = Arab Emirates.It means that multiple airlines, such as the Federal Emirates Airlines, will participate in the demonstration experiment.

"Our ultimate goal is that the aviation industry will recover from the Corona crisis. Travel pass has become a global standard, and airlines and passengers and passengers and passengers and passengers and passengers, said," Our ultimate goal is the Corona crisis.He emphasized his significance, saying that the same path could be used around the world. "

Also, the fact that governments and private companies in each country are embarking on the same mechanism, "The important thing is to create one world standard, no matter how many companies or organizations there are.The path is developed in an open standard that makes it compatible with other systems. All apps are smoothly operated so that passengers do not become confused or inconvenient for airlines and government governments.He said that it is indispensable to increase compatibility with apps and the like.

He added, "I understand that some people can't receive vaccination for various reasons. Even if you don't use a travel path, we want to prepare other options so that all passengers can board."He said he would incorporate other methods, such as additional inspections.

According to the website "Awa World In Dedication" operated by researchers at Oxford University, England, which summarizes data published by governments in each country, at least 9 in the world or regions in more than 80 countries.Some new colon virus vaccines are inoculated.

Among them, the number of people who have been vaccinated at least once in the world is 123.42 million as of February 22, except for countries and regions where specific breakdowns cannot be confirmed.

The most common in the United States is 44.14 million, the United Kingdom is 17.72 million, India is 10.31 million, and Brazil is 5.86 million.

In addition, at least one person in vaccinated persons account for the population 51 in Israel..5 %, ▽ 26 in the UK.1 %, ▽ 13 in the United States.It is 2 %, 1 in the whole world.It is only 6 %.

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Pfizer 11 years old Corona vaccine clinical trial start (2/24)

February 24, 2021

A major American pharmaceutical company, which has developed a new colonovirus vaccine that has begun in Japan, has revealed that he wants to start a clinical trial for children under the age of 11.

On February 23, the U.S. Council committee invited five pharmaceutical companies to hold a contract to supply new colonovirus vaccines with the U.S. government to hold public hearings, and about the latest development status.I asked for a testimony.

Among them, Pfizer executives said, "We will continue to study safety and effects for those who are not covered by the current emergency use permit."In addition to clinical trials, he said that he wanted to start clinical trials for the age of 11 or younger.

Pfizer vaccines are currently subject to inoculation in the United States and Japan for 16 years or older.

Modela has also announced that he is currently considering responding, such as gradually conducting clinical trials under the age of 18, which is not subject to vaccination in the United States.

Traditional unions made by American faculty members are urging children to start vaccination early.

It is also related to the time when school facing classes resume in earnest in the United States, and are increasingly interested in the effects, safety, and vaccination for children.

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Israeli vaccination certificate "Green Pass" issued (2/24)

February 24, 2021

In Israel, where vaccination of new colonovirus is advancing at a fast pace in the world, Israel issues a certificate "Green Pass", which indicates that it has been vaccinated, obliges presentation at sports gyms and event venues, further improving the inoculation rate.I am aiming for it.

In Israel, vaccination of new colonovirus began in mid -December 2020, and 4.37 million people, who have been more than 40 % of the population so far, have received the first vaccination, of which 2.99 million are about 70 % of them.After the vaccination, vaccinations are progressing at a fast pace in the world.

Since the number of new infected people on the day has been declining since mid -January, some expansion restrictions have been relaxed on February 21, and shopping malls and other places have resumed.

In addition, Israel issued a certificate of Green Pass, which indicates that it has been more than a week after receiving two vaccinations, and obliged to present at a gym and event venue.

The woman who visited the gym said, "I'm happy to be able to return. Even if I vaccine, it could be infected or may be infected with someone, so I would like to take measures as before.That's it. "

"I couldn't open the gym for five months for five months. There is no risk of infection, so be careful about the distance between masks and users.I will operate it. "

Israel is aiming to further improve the inoculation rate by spreading green passes in the future, with the goal of vaccinating all the people aged 16 and over by the end of next month.

"Green Pass" is a certificate issued by Israel, indicating that it has been vaccinated with the new colonovirus, and anyone who has received two vaccination from February 21 can receive a certificate.increase.

In Israel, it will be issued by entering your ID card number and phone number on the official website of the government, and will be able to display it with a smartphone app developed by the government.

In addition, those who are called "super -orthodox" who strictly protect Jewish teaching that do not use the Internet can be received at public insurance institutions.

Green Pass is required to be presented at a sports gym, pool, and event venues, and when using it, the facility side reads the QR code listed in the user's green path with a dedicated app, so that the vaccine is vaccinated.You can check the time.

In Israel, medical services are digitizing and databases, and medical information such as vaccination is shared between the government and public insurance organizations, so issuing a green pass in simple procedures. I can.

In addition, those who have already infected with the new Coronavirus will be issued a "recovery certificate" and can use facilities by presenting them in the same way as Green Pass.

On February 22, a popular Israeli singer concert was held on February 22 at Jewish in the East Jerusalem, which is occupied by Israel and treats it as its own territory.

At the entrance of the venue, the staff asked the visitors to present the green path, checked whether they were in vaccination, and then take measures against infections, such as wearing body temperature.

A man from near Jerusalem said, "I've been going to the event for the first time in a year, and I've been looking forward to going to a concert with my friends.I think it makes sense because it is allowed to go out. "

On the other hand, one of the women said, "It seems that my first concert has been a dream since March 2020.I don't know, and I'm worried. "

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What is the actual "vaccine disparity" in the world?What are the measures?(2/22)

February 22, 2021

Vaccination of the new colon virus that started in Japan.However, there are many countries in the world that have not been able to hit any vaccines yet.The "vaccine disparity" that spreads between rich and poor countries is a major issue.(Johannesburg Bureau Beppu Shoichiro, New Delhi Bureau Ota, Europe General Akiko Furuyama)

As of October 10, WHO = World Health Organization has exceeded 130 million vaccinations.

However, they point out that the majority of them are concentrated in high -income countries.

The disparity between the nations is directly led to the disparity that can be obtained / cannot be obtained.

In January 2021, WHO's Secretary -General Tedoros said, "The world is on the verge of making catastrophic and ethical failures. The price is the lives and lives of poor countries."I am.

The reason why vaccines do not spread to developing countries are the difference in funding.Some countries, mainly developed countries, are buying and buying up a lot of vaccines that greatly exceed their population.

The amount of vaccines for the population of each country, which is compiled by the international NGO "Oxfam", is the largest in Canada and is five times the population.This is followed by the United States and the United Kingdom.

On the other hand, it is expected that only one in 10 people will be able to receive vaccinations in 67 countries centered on developing countries in 2021.

According to Secretary -General of Seth Berkeley of the GAVI Vaccine Aliens, who is working on a fair distribution of vaccines in cooperation with the WHO, said, "I don't know which vaccine is good in many abundant countries at first.I bought it. I'm working on it to get a part of it. "

In developing countries, the impact on medical workers at the forefront, which prevents the spread of infection, is particularly serious.

The Congo, a country in central Africa, with a population of 5.4 million, is one of the countries where there is no specific outlook on obtaining and vaccination.

In the inspection site in the capital, Brother Building, the sample collected by a PCR test brought in, medical staff had a high risk of infection risk, wearing gloves and masks in addition to protective clothing.

All staff have a PCR test every month.

One of the medical staff who is working every day, while there is no vaccination, said, "As an infectious researcher, we are proud of our current work, but inoculated in Africa compared to developed countries.I feel that it is unfair to be late. I want to be inoculated in the same way. "

As large -scale vaccinations are progressing in developed countries, medical workers and the elderly in developing countries are postponed.

WHO and UNICEF = UN Children's Funds are working to correct the gap through the international project "COVAX Facility".

In the project, 190 countries and regions such as Japan will participate, and if you wish, you can provide a vaccine that covers up to 20 % of the population.

Of the participating countries, 98 middle and high -income countries pay the contributions, and funds are exposed to vaccine development and manufacturing.

The remaining 92 low -income countries can participate without contributions, reduce the gap, and aim for fair distribution.

It takes time to confirm the safety of the vaccine, and the problem of buying up by developed countries has not yet begun to provide vaccines through the framework.

By the end of March, we will supply the first 150 million vaccines, and will supply 2 billion times, covering all the world's healthcare professionals and the elderly by the end of the year.

Even after vaccine is delivered to developing countries, there are a lot of challenges.

For many people in vaccination, a transportation network and medical staff that can manage low -temperature management are indispensable, but many developing countries lack these infrastructure.

Vaccinations began in January in India, which had a population of 1.3 billion, but in rural areas in West Bengal, there were no refrigerated facilities for storage, and power supply was unstable, such as causing power outages.

Furthermore, at the hospital, two doctors provide medical services to 13,000 local residents, and if vaccination is to be used, it may affect normal medical care.Was talking.

COVAX plans to provide support for developing these facilities, but we need a huge amount of money for that, and we are calling for cooperation in each country.

No matter how much vaccination progresses in developed countries, pandemic cannot be suppressed unless you work all over the world.

It is a common task for the whole world to correct the "vaccine disparity" and keep the "vulnerable vaccine".

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Two vaccines "Death is non -inoculated 98.9 % decrease "Israel (2/21)

February 21, 2021

The Ministry of Health in Israel, whose vaccination is progressing at a fast pace in the world, has died after two weeks after two weeks after two weeks after a new colon virus vaccine developed by Pfizer and others., 98 compared to the case where it is not inoculated.It has been announced that it has decreased by 9 %.

In Israel, more than 40 % of the people have received the first vaccination, and more than 2.6 million of them have already finished the second vaccination, and vaccinations have been vaccinated in the world. is.

The Ministry of Health in Israel has analyzed the person who received the vaccination of the vaccine twice by the Pfizer based on the data from February 13 and published it on February 20.

Rather, comparing people who did not inoculate and those who were inoculated twice, the number of people who had heat or respiratory system after infection is 96 in the second vaccination..9 %, two weeks later, 98 %, less than those who did not vaccinate.

Also, the number of people who died after being infected is 94 one week after the second vaccination..5 %, 2 weeks later 98.9 %, less than those who did not vaccinate.

The government has been partially alleviated in Israel from February 21, and those who have been inoculated twice are allowed to use a gym or pool, so the government is inoculated to all the people over 16 years old.I am prompted.

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Announced the start of clinical trials of Corona vaccine for pregnant women (2/19) for pregnant women (2/19)

February 19, 2021

The US Pharmaceutical Pastry has announced that it has started clinical trials to check the effects and safety of the new colon virus for pregnant women.

Vaccines developed by Pfizer are in vaccination in multiple countries, such as the United States and Japan, but there are no clinical trials to confirm the effects on pregnant women and the safety of the fetus.

Pfizer announced on February 18 that it has launched a clinical trial for about 4,000 pregnant women in several countries, including the United States.

As a result, the target is a healthy woman aged 18 and over, and is a vaccine or a comparison of saline with no harm to the body between 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnant women who participate in clinical trials will examine the effects of the body's immune reaction and health for 7 to 10 months, and also examine whether the antibody made in the mother's body will be transferred to the fetus by vaccine.I am.

Pfizer states that animal examinations have not been able to affect reproductive ability.

In the United States, some people have been inoculated because of the limited safety data on vaccination for pregnant women, but because of the high risk of becoming severe if they are infected.。

In Israel, there is no evidence that the fetus or pregnancy has been impacted, and although the UK does not recommend it, it is not recommended to the United Kingdom.I admit.

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Astrazene Kawakuchin WHO view is (2/18)

February 18, 2021

In Japan, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has signed a contract with three Western pharmaceutical companies, including vaccines developed by Pfizer and others.Of these, we have contracted with 60 million people with Astra Seneca in the United Kingdom, but the effect of preventing mild to moderate symptoms for mutant virus confirmed in South Africa over this vaccine is limited.There is also a view.WHO = The latest views of the World Health Organization and the advisory body (as of February 10).(European general reporter Akiko Furuyama)

As of February 10, Swaminasan, more than 130 million vaccines have already been vaccinated around the world.

Vaccinations have begun in many countries, but in high income and low -income countries have occurred.

The vaccines developed by Astra Seneca and others are the main "COVAX Facility" launched by WHO and others to distribute vaccines fairly to the world.

It will be mass -produced and will be delivered to many countries in the latter half of February.

The feature of this vaccine is that it can be stored in a general refrigerator.

Therefore, even in countries where ultra -low -temperature and cold freezers cannot be prepared, handling is convenient.

As a sage committee (sage), Klavioto's Advisory Committee (Sage) recommends hitting twice and the first and second intervals for four to 12 weeks.

This vaccine clinical trials contained only a small number of elderly people over 65 years old.

However, the immune reaction of the elderly seems to be the same as the young age group.

We recommend vaccination to people over the age of 18, including the elderly.

Clinical trials in the early stages of Kravioto showed that the effects of preventing mild to moderate symptoms in South Africa, which were significantly reduced, but can only evaluate the effects of preventing severe illness.The number of samples was not obtained.

In light of these things, even if there is no complete prevention effect, there is no reason not to recommend vaccination in countries where mutant viruses are spreading.

Swaminasan several countries have purchased vaccines from multiple companies and have options.

In such a case, you have the option of choosing which type to use.

However, the overwhelming majority of the world is still waiting for the vaccine to be distributed.

The first vaccine that is distributed through COVAX is likely to be a vaccine of Astrazena.

To be clear, the benefits of promoting vaccination as planned exceed the risk.

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Solidarity focuses on resolving concerns about the "vaccine disparity" (2/18)

February 18, 2021

The United Nations Security Council held a ministerial meeting over the support of the new Coronavirus, and Secretary -General Gutless stated that the vaccine was biased in some countries.The United States and China emphasized the attitude of cooperating with the international framework aimed at fair distribution, but the focus is on whether the international community can solidify the disparity.

The meeting was held online on February 17 by the UK Foreign Minister Labb online.

At the beginning, Secretary -General Gutless shows concerns about the "vaccine disparity" as the vaccination is biased to some countries, and the WHO etc. leads to an international framework aimed at fair distribution of vaccine, to COVAX Facility.Called for support.

On the other hand, the US Secretary of State Brinken in the United States, along with the withdrawal of the previous administration's policy that he would withdraw from the WHO, was over $ 200 million in February and more than 21 billion yen in Japanese yen.He stated that he would contribute and said, "We are planning a considerable funding for COVAX."

China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that it provides 10 million in China -made vaccines and provides free of charge to 53 countries, including developing countries.

The United Nations has stated that as the mutant virus has expanded, the medical system should rush to supply vaccines to developing countries, and the focus is on whether the international community can solidify with developing countries.

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New Corona Vaccine is brought into the Palestinian Gaza area for the first time (2/18)

February 18, 2021

In Palestine in the Middle East, Israel had stopped transporting a new colon virus vaccine to the Gaza area, but on February 17, transportation was allowed and the vaccine was brought to the Gaza area for the first time.

In Palestine under Israel, vaccination has begun in the west coast of the Jordan on February 2, while the vaccine has been delayed in the Gaza area where the Islamic fundamentalist organization Hamas is effective.

Under these circumstances, on February 17, a truck with 1,000 Russian vaccines provided by the Palestinian provisional autonomous government passed the Israeli checkpoint from the West Bank of the Jordan River, and the new colon virus vaccine arrived for the first time. Did.

In the Gaza area, where 2 million people live, more than 50,000 people have been infected and the medical system has been weak, and concerns about the spread of infections have continued, and the Ministry of Health has been for medical professionals since February 21.It is said that we will start vaccination.

Regarding this vaccine, on February 15, transportation from the west coast area to the Gaza area was scheduled, but the Israeli side did not allow the checkpoint to pass the checkpoint and accused the Palestinian provisional government violation of international law.rice field.

The Israeli government has not officially commented, but the parliament also opposed the transportation of vaccines to the Gaza area where Hamas effectively dominated.

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South Africa Johnson & Johnson vaccination started (2/18)

February 18, 2021

Vaccination has begun in South Africa, where the transfection of the new colon virus spreads.The South African government has started using the framework of research, and the vaccination is not a vaccine developed by the initially planned British pharmaceutical Astraseneca, but from the American Pharmaceutical Gyon -Song Johnson.I use a vaccine.

In South Africa, in December 2020, a mutant virus different from the United Kingdom was confirmed, and the peak of the second wave has passed, and the infection is still spreading, and the number of infected people has so far 1.49 million in the African continent.It is beyond people.

Under these circumstances, on February 17, a hospital in Cape Town in the southern major city, Johnson End Johnson's vaccination began, and medical professionals and President Ramaposa were also vaccinated.

The South African government has started inoculation using the framework of research, and will proceed widely in the future.

The WHO = World Health Organization has added it to the list of emergency use over vaccines developed by Astrazenka, but the South African government has founded a mutant virus confirmed in South Africa as a result of early clinical trials.We have been suspended from the start of vaccination, as the effect of preventing mild to moderate symptoms may be low.

The South African government is aiming to secure a vaccine for about 40 million people, 67 % of the population, but Johnson End Johnson's vaccine imported this time is 80,000 times, and it is time to secure the target.It is a prospect.

In the world, "vaccine gap", which secures vaccines and delayed vaccination in developing countries, is an issue.

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Approved new Corona research "artificially infected" to healthy people (2/18)

February 18, 2021

The British Ethics Committee approves and begins research on research called "human challenges", which artificially infect a healthy person with a new colonovirus and examine the effectiveness of vaccines under development. became.

This study was planned by Imperial College London, etc., with the goal of developing effective vaccines and treatments, and the British government has approved the research on February 17.I did.

In the first stage, a healthy person between the ages of 18 and 30, up to 90 people are artificially infected with a new colon virus in a safe place, and how much viruses are infected with a virus.Check how the immune system reacts to the virus.

During this time, doctors and others will check their health in 24 hours.

Also, since the mutated virus has not yet been known, the research is to use a conventional new colon virus.

Next, based on the first stage, based on the results of the first stage, in order to verify the effectiveness of the new colon virus being developed, it is artificially vaccinated to a very small healthy person.It means to infect a virus.

The British government has announced that it will support the study of £ 33.6 million and about 4.9 billion yen in Japanese yen.

The research team is recruiting subjects, and research is expected to begin within a month.

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[Vaccination] What is the situation in the world? Where is Japan's delayed background? (2/17)

February 17, 2021

According to the website "Awa World In Data" operated by researchers at Oxford University, UK, which summarizes data published by governments around the world, inoculation in more than 70 countries and regions in the world.It has begun, and at least seven new colonavirus vaccines are actually used.

On the other hand, Japan, which began in vaccination on February 17, was delayed, with the slowest inoculation in the G7.Here are the status of vaccination in each country and the background of Japan's delay.

As of 10:00 am on February 17, Japan time, the new colon virus vaccines in vaccinated worldwide are about 178 million times.At least once, the number of people who have been vaccinated is 91.57 million, though not containing data such as China.

Looking at the number of vaccinations by country, the United States is the largest at 5.288 million times, then China is 40.52 million times, the United Kingdom is 15.84 million times, India is 8.72 million, and Israel is 6.6 million times.

In the percentage of people who received the population, about 46 Israel.It is the highest of 1 % and the UK is 22.5 %, the United States 11.It is 5 %.

In addition, the percentage of the whole world population is only about 1 %.

In December 2020, in the United Kingdom, where vaccination developed by Pfizer and others began, more than 15.5 million people have been vaccinated at least once, and the proportion of population is about 23 %.I am.

In the UK with more than 66.6 million population, more than 4 million people have been identified so far, and the number of deaths is the largest in Europe, exceeding 110,000.

In December 2020, the mutant virus expanded rapidly in December 2020, with more than 60,000 people per day in early January.

However, it has been declining since then, with 1625 infected people reported on February 16.

It has been pointed out that the background has the effect of strict measures, such as prohibiting businesses other than those dealing in out -of -go and daily necessities.

The infection status of the person who inoculated the vaccine is expected to be announced soon, and the data indicating the effect of the vaccine has not been revealed at this time.

In vaccinations, the medical system operated by the government, NHS (National Health Service), was out of vaccination, and first of all, the residents and staff members of the elderly, the elderly and healthcare workers over the age of 70 were given priority.

The group is almost over in mid -February, and is now in vaccination to the elderly aged 65 and over.

Since the vaccine developed by the Pfizer etc. requires severe temperature control, the vaccination at the facility of the elderly was initially delayed for several weeks, but after that, it proceeded smoothly, and from January, the vaccine developed by Astrazenka etc.Recently, about 420,000 people have been inoculated on average per day.

The British government is promoting vaccination at a rapid pace, with severe infection measures, as the infection is serious and the influence of the mutant virus, and the government will be eligible for all people who will be eligible by autumn.He wants to end the vaccination.

In the United States, where vaccination of the new colon virus began in December 2020, more than 39 million people have been vaccinated at least once.Although the pace of vaccination is accelerating, there are some situations where supply speed cannot keep up with those who want inoculation.

In the United States, with more than 27 million new colonavirus infected people in the world, the number of infected people per day has recently decreased, peaking at about 300,000 in the early January.The average of the per day has decreased to about 88,000 in the past week.

Vaccinations began in December 2020, but according to the US CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center, 39.67 million people have received at least one vaccination, and 15.01 million people have finished twice.However, the proportion to the population is 4.It is less than 5 %.

For this reason, many experts have indicated that vaccination has not yet reached a major impact on infection.

In addition, issues have been pointed out about vaccine supply and vaccination pace.

According to the CDC, the number of vaccines supplied to the United States on February 16 is about 71.6 million times, and about 1.5 million times per day, per day.

Pharmaceutical companies that supply vaccines will be supplied for 200 million times by the end of March, and by the end of July, for a total of 400 million times, 600 million times in total.The contract to supply with the U.S. government, and President Biden states that "300 million Americans will be able to supply enough vaccines by the end of July 2021."

Higher officials in the United States government have indicated that the supply will increase in March, but it is necessary to accelerate the vaccination pace, which is necessary to secure a place to be vaccinated and to secure medical workers.

In Israel, which is in vaccination at a fast pace in the world, the new colon virus vaccine began in mid -December 2020, and more than 40 % of the people have been in the first vaccination.2.61 million of them have received the second time.

By age, 87 % have already been vaccinated at least once in the age of 60.

The government is calling for vaccinations to all the people over the age of 16, but at least one vaccination is 33 % in teens and 44 % in their 20s, and inoculation to the younger generation.The challenge is how to proceed.

In Israel, the third severe outing restriction that has been continuing since late December 2020 has been partially relaxed in February, and the government has been vaccinated twice since next week, sports gyms and hotels.We are proceeding with discussions so that it can be used.

In mid -January, the average of more than 8,000 people, which had exceeded 8,000, has now decreased to about 5,000 people, and Prime Minister Netanyahu will be 16 years or older by the end of March.We are aiming to vaccinate all the people.

According to the website "Awa World In Data" operated by researchers at Oxford University, the United Kingdom, the vaccine of the new colonovirus has already begun in more than 70 countries and regions.

G7, in seven major countries, it started in the UK on December 8, 2020, and began in December in various countries, and Japan was the slowest in the G7.

Experts have said that there are differences in the way of thinking about vaccines and awareness of crisis management.

Specifically, in some countries, there are cases in which data is approved by overseas data without conducting clinical trials in Japan to accelerate vaccination, but in Japan, the vaccines of overseas manufacturers are also available.A small clinical trial was conducted in a law -based procedure, and carefully confirmed that Japanese people could ensure safety and effectiveness.

Nobuhiko Okabe, director of the Kawasaki City Health and Safety Research Institute, said, "In addition to the results of clinical trials in Japan and abroad, the effects of the effects and side reactions after actually begun overseas due to the delay.There are also aspects that can proceed with vaccination while referring to. Vaccine safety is also affected by how the vaccination is performed, so avoid being impatient in the field, such as competing for the local government to regain the delay.You should be. "

On the other hand, securing a vaccine production system in Japan has become an issue for Japanese infectious diseases, and it was difficult to secure the vaccine in 2009, which looked back on government measures after the popular new influenza at the time.From his experience, he said, "We should support manufacturers and strengthen the vaccine production system in order to secure the vaccine for all the people from the viewpoint of national security."

However, in Japan, at least 10 groups are developing a new colon virus vaccine, but there are many relatively small manufacturers, and the clinical trials that are actually administered to people are in Osaka bio.The venture company "Anges" and the pharmaceutical company, Shiono, are two other companies, and they are at the stage of experiments in animals and cells before entering clinical trials, and are left behind in European and American manufacturers.

"The Japanese vaccine industry is weak compared to a very competitive company in Europe and the United States compared to the world, compared to the world's very competitive companies. To the new colonovirus.He pointed out that the difference in the world's worldwide competitiveness in the vaccine industry was the essence. "

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What is the British vaccination situation?What are the tasks?(2/17)

A new colon virus vaccine that has begun precipitation for medical workers in Japan.It started in December 2020 in the UK.How is the British government actually vaccinating?And what are the issues?Mari Mukai of the London bureau interviewed.


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Hungary China's vaccination for vaccination for the first time in the EU member (2/17)

February 17, 2021

This is the first time in the EU -European Union's member of the European Union if the new Coronavirus vaccine developed by a Chinese pharmaceutical company arrives in Hungary and the vaccination of China begins.

In Hungary, on February 16, an airport with a new colon virus vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Sino Farm arrived at the airport in the capital, Budapest.

This time, the vaccines have arrived 550,000 times, and the Hungarian government plans to purchase 5 million vaccines in total.

China's vaccines have been used in Serbia since January in Europe, and is the first time in the EU if vaccinated in Hungary.

Vaccinations developed by major US pharmaceutical pasters have begun in the EU's member of the country in December 2020, but the supply of vaccines has been delayed and there is a concern.

Under these circumstances, Hungarian Prime Minister Orban has indicated that it does not depend on the vaccines allowed by the EU authorities, but also purchases vaccines from close -related China and Russia to promote public vaccination.

Regarding China's vaccines, on January 9, China's President Xi Jinping met with the leaders of 17 Central and Eastern European countries, emphasizing the aggressive attitude.

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"Inoculation is once" J & J vaccine permission to the EU authorities (2/17)

February 17, 2021

Regarding the new Coronavirus vaccine, the US Pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson applied for permission to use to the European Pharmaceutical Authority.

The US pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson vaccine is expected to accelerate in vaccination if it is permitted, and the company will be FDA = American Food Pharmaceutical Bureau on February 4.On the other hand, we applied for urgent permission.

Under these circumstances, the EU's Pharmaceutical Agency, EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency, announced on February 16 that Johnson End Johnson has received an application permit for a new colon virus vaccine.

EMA states that in mid -March, we will conclude in mid -March whether the deadline will be a "conditional sales permit".

If permission is obtained, it will be the fourth case in the EU.

Regarding the new colon virus vaccine, the EU has introduced measures that require prior declaration and permission when exporting out of the area from January because the supply is delayed than planned.

There are concerns that this will lead to export restrictions, but the EU has not allowed exports to each country.

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President Biden "Vaccine almost all over the national people until July" (2/12)

February 12, 2021

The United States President Biden has completed a contract to purchase 200 million vaccines in order to promote the vaccination of the new colonovirus, and by the end of July 2021, almost all citizens have been inoculated twice.He said he could secure enough vaccines to receive.

On February 11, US President Biden visited the NIH = National Institute of Health, which is responsible for the new Coronavirus, and announced to the staff.

Among them, President Biden stated that he had signed a final contract for 200 million vaccines, which stated that they would buy additional for 400 million times already contracted.。

It also agreed with the pharmaceutical company as soon as the vaccine supply time was earlier than the original.

In addition, President Biden said, "It is expected that 300 million Americans will be able to supply enough vaccines by the end of July 2021," and by the end of July 2021, earlier than the conventional plan.It has shown that almost all the people can secure enough vaccines for receiving twice.

In January, President Biden stated that it was "the end of summer or the beginning of autumn" to secure almost all national vaccines.

Furthermore, President Biden, in order to support vaccination in the vaccine, the federal government has provided funds to each state and dispatched more than 1,000 staff in the United States to 100 million times by the end of April 2021, 100 days.He emphasized that we could achieve the goal of vaccinating.

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The effect of the vaccine "Effective 93 %" Announcement of Israel's insurance organization (2/12)

February 12, 2021

The Middle East Israeli insurance agency, which is vaccinated at a fast pace in the world, has announced that the effect of preventing the vaccine of the new colon virus developed by Pfizer and others is "93 %".

In Israel, the vaccination of the new colonovirus vaccine began in mid -December 2020, and nearly 40 % of the people have finished the first vaccination, and 2.22 million of them have finished the second.。

One of the public insurance institutions in Japan, McCavi, announced on February 11 about the infection status after vaccination of the Pfizer vaccination, and more than a week has passed since the second vaccination.Of the 3,000 people, 544 people had a positive reaction in the inspection.

On the other hand, after examining 628,000 people who did not vaccine in a similar population structure for comparison, 18,435 positive reactions appeared.

In addition, McCavi pointed out that the effectiveness of the vaccine 7 or 8 days after the second vaccination is estimated to be 93 % at present. It is a data that is encouraged by showing the effectiveness of the vaccine. doing.

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Supply directly to pharmacies and supermarkets to expand US vaccination (2/12)

February 12, 2021

In the United States, the government has begun directly on February 11 so that more pharmacies and supermarkets can be vaccinated to receive vaccination from February 11 to increase the vaccination pace of new colonovirus.

According to the CDC = Disease Control Center, as of February 10, more than 33.78 million people have been inoculated with the new colonavirus vaccine at least once, about 10 % of the population.I am.

President Biden is aiming for 100 million vaccination in 100 days since the establishment of the government, and from February 11, the government has begun to supply directly so that more pharmacies and supermarkets can receive vaccination.I did it.

Of these, the major pharmacy chain stores in East Chester, New York are accepting reservations for inoculation via websites and telephones, and pharmacists will be inoculation on local residents since February 12.。

A 86 -year -old man living near the pharmacy said, "My wife was using a wheelchair and it was helpful to be able to vaccinate in the neighborhood of my house."

The U.S. government is rushing to create a system that makes it easy to receive vaccinations by directly supplying 1 million vaccines for about 6,500 stores in the United States, and increasing the supply to about 40,000 stores.。

In New York City, new colonovirus vaccine for restaurants employees has also begun, and sales in the store will be resumed for the first time in about two months from February 12.

In the city of New York, the supply of vaccines is expected to increase, and on February 2, in addition to medical workers and elderly people aged 65 and over, to taxi drivers and restaurants, etc.The vaccination has begun, and the vaccination has begun.

From February 12, the restaurant's in -store business will be resumed for the first time in about two months, assuming that the situation of the infection is calm, and the owners of the famous steak shops, "Not only protect yourself and your family.I was glad that the employees were able to vaccine because they would prevent infection with customers. "

On the other hand, it is required to limit the number of seats to one -quarter of the normal number of seats when resuming in -store business, so many stores continue to use terrace seats using sidewalks and roads at the storefront.It seems to be a thing.

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New US Corona Vaccinator also provides a shortage of 10 % of the population (2/11)

February 11, 2021

According to the US CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center, at least 33.8 million people received the new colonavirus vaccine in the United States, at least 33.8 million, reached 10 % of the population.However, in some states, it is difficult to make reservations for vaccination due to lack of vaccine, which is a challenge for accelerating vaccination.

According to the CDC summary, as of February 10, at least once, more than 33.78 million people received a new colon virus vaccine, about 10 % of the United States population.

The daily pace of vaccination is gradually accelerating, about 1.96 million times on February 3.

On the other hand, in the summary of the US leading newspaper New York Times, as of February 10, (92 % of the western Utah states have already been inoculated in the western and 91 % of North Dakota.On the other hand, there are 68 % in the eastern New York State and 65 % in the Western California.

In New York State, we are promoting vaccinations by making major league stadiums and schools at temporary venues, but it is still difficult to make reservations, and the number of people seeking vaccinations is supplied.The issue is that there is a shortage of medical professionals who are inoculation.

At a conference on February 10, the US government's new Coloronavirus team is approaching each state, even though it is steadily approaching the goal of being inoculated 100 million times by President Biden.He emphasized again that the supply will be increased and funding will be strengthened.

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WHO Advisory Committee Emphasis WHO Advisory Committee (2/11)

February 11, 2021

WHO = World Health Organization's advisory committee states that there is no reason not to recommend vaccination, and the effects of the new Coronavirus vaccine developed by a major pharmaceutical company Astraseneca and others.While some view that was limited, he emphasized that the benefits of vaccination exceeded the risk.

Regarding vaccines developed by British pharmaceutical major Astraseneca, South Africa, as a result of early clinical trials, may be less effective in preventing the mutant virus confirmed in South Africa.The government temporarily suspends the start of vaccination.

The Advisory Committee, who advises the WHO for vaccination, held a press conference on February 10, and Klavioto chairman Klavioto, as a result of clinical trials, has mild to moderate symptoms to the mutant virus confirmed in South Africa.While the effect of preventing was significantly reduced, the number of samples could not be obtained to evaluate severe risk.

He said, "Even if there is no complete prevention effect, there is no reason not to recommend vaccination in countries where mutant virus infections spread," he said.

In addition, there are a lot of efficacy data for the elderly aged 65 and over over this vaccine, and there are a lot of movements in Europe, but Dr. Honbuck, who manages the secretariat of the Advisory Committee, is the Dr. Honback.He pointed out that the elderly should be inoculated, saying that the immune reaction of the elderly is almost the same as the young age group.

Furthermore, as the chief scientist, Swaminasan, emphasized that in many countries, astraseneca vaccine could be the first vaccine to be supplied, the benefits of vaccination exceeded the risk.。

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The intention to cooperate with Japan to the Russian new Corona vaccine production (2/11)

February 11, 2021

In response to the announcement of an intermediate report on the new Coronavirus Russian vaccine exceeding 90 %, the Russian side cooperated with Japan for the production of vaccines.Shows the intention to proceed.

Regarding the new colon virus vaccine "Sputnik V", which has been inoculated in multiple countries such as Russia, the Russian laboratory in the Russian research institute is 91 in the final clinical trial..An interim report stating that 6 % of the effectiveness was shown was published in the UK's medical magazine Lancet.

Putin said on February 10 at a government online conference as "increased our vaccine reliability."

In an interview with a national television broadcast on February 10, Russian Ambassador in Japan, "I hope Japanese partners will fully consider the opportunity to cooperate with Japan in the manufacturing aspects of the vaccine."" He said that he would like to cooperate with Japan for the manufacturing of vaccine.

According to the Russian government funds in charge of selling vaccines overseas, this vaccine is progressing in South America and the Middle East, and some countries are discussing local manufacturing.The Russian side has been focusing on working on countries in the wake of publication in medical magazines in the UK.

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WHO Secretary -General "Approximately 130 countries have not begun vaccination" (2/6)

February 6, 2021

World Health Organization Secretary -General Tedoros, the country where vaccination has not begun in the world where vaccination of the new colon virus has not begun, is in its own medical professionals in countries where inoculation has begun.When the vaccination for the elderly was over, we called for a vaccine to an international framework.

At a regular press conference on February 5, the WHO Secretary -General Tedoros has begun the vaccination of the new colonovirus in multiple countries, but more than three -quarters of the total is concentrated in 10 countries.I pointed out that it was.

Approximately 130 countries in the world, 2.5 billion people have not vaccinated once.

According to Secretary -General Tedoros, "All governments are obliged to protect the people, but when they end vaccinations against medical workers and the elderly in their own country, they are the best way to protect their people."An international framework "COVAX" so that high -risk people, such as medical workers and elderly people in all countries, including developing countries, can be given priority in order to converge global infection.We called for "facility" to provide vaccines.

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Out of more than 7.16 million British vaccination, 114 "intense allergy" (2/6)

February 6, 2021

By late January 2021, more than 7.16 million in the UK has published a report stating that 114 reports of intense allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis were reported.Anaphylaxis is an extremely rare side reaction found in other vaccines, and the advantage of vaccination is far exceeding these side reactions.

In the United Kingdom, vaccines developed by Pfizer and others in December 2020, and vaccinations developed by Astrazeneca in January 2021 are underway.

The regulatory authorities in February 5, 2021, of which more than 7.16 million were inoculated at least once by late January, and during this time, 22,820 analysis reported as suspected of a side reaction.The result was announced.

As a result, many of the arm pain, influenza -like symptoms, headaches, chills, neglect, muscle pain, etc., were just after vaccination and subside within two days.

In addition, 114 reports of intense allergic reactions such as anaphylaxis, and the report states that Anaphylaxis is an extremely rare side reaction found in other vaccines.

It is said that other symptoms occur without vaccination and does not indicate that the vaccine is involved.

In addition, the report concludes that the advantage of vaccination, such as preventing diseases caused by the new colon virus, is far exceeding these side reactions.

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NY Yankee Stadium also became a vaccination venue (2/6)

February 6, 2021

At the Yankee Stadium, the home of the major league Yankees in New York, USA, it is expected that the vaccination of the new colonovirus will begin, and a large -scale vaccination venue will accelerate.

As of February 4, about 28 million people in the United States have been inoculated with a new colon virus vaccine at least once, and the population is 8..It is only 3 %.

Under these circumstances, in various parts of the United States, inoculation with large -scale facilities such as stadiums and inoculation by driving -through methods that are in vaccinated while riding in a car, the major league in New York on February 5.・ Inoculation has begun at the Yankees home, "Yankee Stadium".

Inoculation requires a reservation, and it will be held every day from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm for local residents, and will be inoculated to 15,000 per week for the time being.

The person who visited the vaccination immediately said, "I couldn't make a reservation so far, but this venue was easy to get."

In the United States, the way of evacuation of vaccinations has varied, and in New York State, the number of applicants has not been able to keep up with the vaccine, and the reservation has been suspended or canceled, and the Biden administration has occurred.We have revealed the policy to speed up the vaccine.

In the future, in addition to the Yankee Stadium, the home base of the major league Mets is expected to be used as a vaccination venue, and it is expected that the pace of inoculation will accelerate by using large -scale facilities.

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Vaccine approval of the Chinese pharmaceutical company "Shinback" New Corona (2/6)

February 6, 2021

The Chinese government has announced that it has approved a new colon virus vaccine developed by the domestic pharmaceutical company, Shinback.It is the second case that the Chinese government approved the new colon virus vaccine.

The Chinese National Pharmaceutical Director Management Bureau has announced that it has approved on February 5 on February 5, on the condition of continuous clinical trials and reports on the new colonovirus vaccine developed by the domestic pharmaceutical company Shinback. did.

This is the second case that the Chinese government approved the new colon virus vaccine following the vaccine developed by the state -owned pharmaceutical company Sino Farm.

Sino -back vaccines have already been recognized for urgent use in China, have been inoculation since July 2020, and are being inoculated in Indonesia, Turkey, and Brazil.

In China, large -scale vaccinations on this vaccine and Sino Farm vaccines are being promoted for those with high risk of infection, and as of February 3, the number of vaccinations has exceeded 31 million. is.

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J & J "Inoculation is once" Vaccine emergency use permission to US FDA (2/5)

February 5, 2021

On February 4, the US Pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson applied for an emergency use to the FDA -American Food and Pharmaceutical Bureau for the new colonavirus vaccine under development.This vaccine is expected to be one vaccination, so it is expected that the pace of the vaccination will accelerate if permitted.

US Pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson announced on February 4 that it has applied to the FDA -American Food and Drug Administration for permission to make urgent use before formal approval.

Regarding this vaccine, an interim report of clinical trials in various countries, including the United States and South Africa, where mutated viruses are spreading, were announced on January 29, and according to the middle, the new Coronovirus, which is severe from the middle.The effectiveness of infection was 66 % and 85 % for severe cases.

He also states that there is no serious concern about safety on health.

Urgent use permit is different from formal approval, and is specially issued by regulatory authorities in the event of an emergency in public health, and FDA will consult an expert committee based on the data applied in the future.You will have to judge and make a decision on permission.

If FDA permission is obtained, there will be three types of vaccinations in the United States, and two types of vaccines that have already begun in vaccination require two vaccinations, but this vaccine is this vaccine.It is expected that the pace of the vaccination will accelerate because it is only one vaccination.

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Plan to issue digital certificates to those who have been vaccinated in Scandinavian countries (2/5)

February 5, 2021

Scandinavian Sweden and Denmark have announced a series of plans to issue digital certificates to those who have been vaccinated with the new Coronovirus.

Vaccinations have begun in Europe, where new colon virus infections are spreading.

On February 4, the Swedish government plans to introduce a digital certificate that proves a vaccine in vaccination by the summer of 2021.

Neighbor Denmark has also announced on February 3 that it will issue a similar certificate.

Details will be decided in the future, but we will be able to confirm that they have been vaccinated on the website by the end of February, and we plan to develop smartphone apps in several months.

Vaccination certification has been welcomed by the business community as needing to resume economic activity in earnest in the future.

However, in many cases, it is not known how much the effect of the vaccine will last, so there is a temperature difference in each country in the EU = European Union, which is considering introducing a certificate common to member countries.I am.

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To conduct two different types of vaccination clinical trials in the UK (2/4)

February 4, 2021

Clinical trials in the United Kingdom will be conducted in the UK to check safety and effectiveness by inoculation of different types of new colon virus vaccines to the same person, and it is clear that the British government will support more than 1 billion yen in Japanese yen. Did.

Currently, vaccinations are being in vaccinated colon virus vaccine twice, but securing the supply is an issue.

Under these circumstances, in the first and second time, clinical trials that are inoculated with different types of vaccines to confirm safety and effectiveness are started by Oxford University in the UK.The British government has stated that these studies are the first in the world and will support more than £ 7 million and more than 1 billion yen in Japanese yen.

The clinical trial period is 13 months, and the first vaccine developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University, the second vaccination developed by Pfizer and Germany Bion Tech to verify what kind of immune response will occur.It means that the participants who are expected to exceed 800 are divided into eight groups by replacing the order of vaccination or changing the interval.

With the permission of the Ethics Committee and regulatory authorities, vaccinations have begun in mid -February, and the first results are expected to be known around summer.The British government plans to review future vaccination plans, depending on the results.

"If two types of vaccines can be used together, the vaccine will be supplied flexibly."

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Indian pharmaceutical companies have been in a global distribution framework for 1.1 billion vaccines (2/4)

February 4, 2021

In the "COVAX Facility", which distributes the new colon virus vaccine to the world, the UNICEF -UN Children's Fund, which is involved in operation for the supply of the vaccine, will receive 1.1 billion vaccines from major Indian pharmaceutical companies.We announced that we agreed.

"COVAX Facility" is a framework launched by WHO = World Health Organization, etc., in order to fairly distribute the new colon virus vaccine to the world, and 190 countries and regions, including developing countries, participate.UNICEF and others are involved in the operation with international organizations for vaccine supply.

UNICEF's Secretary -General of Fore, UNICEF, at a press conference on February 3, a long -term provision of vaccines developed by Astrazenka and Novabucks from the major Indian pharmaceutical company "Serum Institute of India".He announced that he had agreed to receive it for 1.1 billion times.

In India, the production of vaccines is thriving, and the pharmaceutical company has signed a contract to mass -produce astraseneca and Novabucks vaccines.

COVAX aims to supply more than 2 billion vaccines around the world by the end of 2021, assuming that medical professionals around the world and those with high risks, such as the elderly, should be given priority to those with risks.In the first half of 2021, we plan to distribute to 145 countries and regions, mainly developing countries.

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WHO (2/3) in the UK's first transformation virus 75 countries and regions (2/3)

February 3, 2021

According to the WHO = World Health Organization, the first new Coronavirus mutant virus, which was first reported in the United Kingdom, is in 75 countries and regions in the world, including Japan, Europe and the United States, and the Middle East.In addition to being confirmed, it is being confirmed in five countries and regions.

In addition, another mutant virus, which was first reported in South Africa, has been confirmed in 34 countries and regions, including Japan, China, Australia, and Europe and the United States, and is being confirmed in six countries and regions.

In addition, the mutant virus, which was reported by Japan and Brazil, was confirmed in 10 countries and regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany.

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Russian research institution "Effective Russian vaccine 91.Announced as 6 % (2/3)

February 3, 2021

Russian research institutions developed for new Coronavirus vaccines, which have already begun in vaccinations in multiple countries such as Russia, are 91 in the final clinical trial..An interim report that 6 % of the effectiveness was indicated was announced on the Lancettop in the UK medical magazine.

The Lancet also commented on the comments that "the development of this vaccine has been criticized for being extremely urgent and lacking transparency, but this result is clear."

According to the interim reports of Russia's National Gamareya Epidemiology and Microbial Research Institute, clinical trials are conducted for about 20,000 people aged 18 and over, and for three -quarters of those who chose it for randomly.We were vaccinated twice, and the remaining people were inoculated with a placebo called "placebo" to compare the percentage of new colonovirus infections, respectively.

As a result, those who were confirmed to have a new colon virus infection are 16 for about 15,000 people in vaccination..While it was 1 %, about 62 out of 5,000 in the Plasebo group, 1.It was 3 %, so 91.It is said that 6 % of the effectiveness has been shown.

45 out of the vaccination, about 0.It has been reported that 2 % had a serious effect on health, but this ratio is half the placebo group, and it is not likely to be related to vaccines.

This vaccine has been approved in August last year that Russia has succeeded in developing the world, and has already begun in vaccinations in multiple countries, but clinical trial data is insufficient.There was a point out.

The Lancet also commented on the comments that "the development of this vaccine has been criticized for being extremely urgent and lacking transparency, but this result is clear."

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The side reaction ratio of the vaccine is 0.Israel (2/3) with about 30 % of the people in the 24 % citizen

February 3, 2021

The Israeli government, which is in vaccination of the new colon virus vaccination at a fast pace, has a side reaction of about 30 % of the people in vaccinated people by late January..We announced that it was 24 %.

In Israel, vaccination of new colonovirus has begun in mid -December last year, and has been in vaccination mainly for vaccines developed by major American pharmaceutical pasters.

The Israeli government summarized and published the side reactions of the person in vaccinated by January 27.

As a result, among the 2768,200 people who inoculated the first time, 6575 people had a side reaction, 0 per ratio..It was 24 %.

Also, out of 1,377,827 people in the second time, 3592 reports were 0..It was 26 %.

Most of the side reactions were lighter and temporary side reactions such as pain and swelling, while 1 million were required to be hospitalized, 17 in the first time and about three in the second time. about it.

Furthermore, the report pointed out that young people and women tended to have side reactions.

In Israel, vaccination is progressing at a particularly fast pace in the world, while the number of new infected people per day continues to be around 6,000, and the third time is strict outing restrictions.

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Astrazenka vaccine "Effective 3 months after the first time" (2/3)

February 3, 2021

Oxford University in the United Kingdom has announced research results that the new Coronavirus vaccine developed with Astra Seneca, a major pharmaceutical company, is 76 %, even after the first vaccination, and that it will continue to be effective for a certain period. Did.

The British government has decided to extend the second intervals to up to three months to increase the number of people who are in vaccinations at least one time, and the research team has supported this policy.

Oxford University announced the results of the additional clinical trial of this vaccine for about 17,000 people in the UK, Brazil, and South Africa by December last year.

This vaccine is usually two times, but according to the announcement, the effectiveness was 76 % from 22 days to 90 days, even in one vaccination, and during this time there was no decrease in effectiveness.

Also, when the interval between the second vaccination is changed, the effectiveness of the second vaccination within 6 weeks is 54..It was 9 %, but the effectiveness of the second time after 12 weeks for more than 12 weeks is 82..It is said that it has increased to 4 %.

The British government has decided to extend the second interval to up to three months to increase the number of people who are vaccinated at least once.

Regarding the results, the research team said, "It has been found that one vaccination will maintain high effectiveness for a certain period of time. We support the British Expert Committee's policy, which has up to three months in vaccination.The result was the result. "

On the other hand, a different vaccine, with a vaccination interval of three weeks, said that the US Pharmaceutical Pfizer said that the British government's policy was "how effective it would be after the first clinical trial.It is not recommended to change the interval at a different interval.

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Digital management India (2/3) of "vaccine for 300 million people"

February 3, 2021

In India, which has begun a large -scale plan to inoculate the new colon virus vaccine into 300 million people by summer, the government has developed a digital platform that centrally manages personal vaccination and other things, making it a smooth vaccination.It is a policy to connect.

In India, the second largest in the world with new colonovirus infected people in the world, vaccination began in January, the government gives priority to medical workers, people over 50, and those with basic diseases, 3 by summer.It is a plan to inoculate hundreds of millions.

To implement this large plan, the government has developed a new digital platform called "Co-Win".

Those who wish to be vaccinated will have an Indian version of the Indian version of the dedicated app, "Ardar", etc., and enter the phone number and the presence or absence of basic diseases.

When you are ready, you can select the venue or date and time by the app, you can make a reservation, manage the number of vaccinations, etc., and also issue a certificate that has been vaccinated, and use transportation and restaurants as needed.It can be presented when you do.

The government says that people who are not prioritized in vaccinations can prevent them from being vaccinated, and can properly grasp the overall status of vaccination and the stock status of vaccines in various places.

Former President Charma of the Indian Telegraph and Communications Agency, who is involved in the operation of this mechanism, emphasizes the effectiveness, saying, "It is essential for recording vaccination, and both the government and individuals have benefits."

In India, the Indian version of the Indian version, called "Ardal," plays a major role in digitalization of various administrative services.

"Udar", which means "foundation" in Hindi, was made about 10 years ago with a 12 -digit personal identification number.

The user registers information such as fingerprints and the pattern of the eyes called iris, and puts individuals and numbers.

Originally, the introduction has begun to distribute benefits to the poor, and now various procedures such as identity verification, electronic signatures, electronic payments, etc. can be done with smartphones and personal computers, and the population is 1.3 billion.Over 90 % are registered.

"It's very convenient to be paperless, cashless, and a mechanism that does not have to meet in pandemic," said IT Companies Infosis chairman Nandan Nirkani, which created a digital administration mechanism using "Ardal."

"The government has different ministries and stations, each of which is a unique system, and the system is often not connected. Since Asar has a sidewalking mechanism, it can be convenient and easy to use.Many people use it, "he emphasized convenience.

In India, digital technology was also used for cash benefits to the poor, such as the new colon virus.

In March last year, the Indian government paid cash to the poor and unemployed, due to severe effects of the economy due to severe restrictions throughout the country.

The target was 420 million, and the total was 980 billion yen in Japanese yen.

The benefits use a system to send money online to an individual deposit account on the Ardal, and that the government has quickly identified the need for support and has been able to pay quickly.

Ratonesh Cashap, who lives with her husband and two children in the poor area of New Delhi, is one of the benefits, and the husband who made a living at a stall loses his job due to restrictions on going out, and is 10,000 a month.The income that had more than the yen was gone.

One week after the government decided to pay the benefits, the first transfer was paid three times in total, and we were able to continue living with other support, such as food distribution. Says.

Mr. Cashap said, "I was very helpful to buy daily necessities with benefits."

The Indian government plans to promote digitalization in the medical field, but there are also concerns from the protection of personal information.

Prime Minister Modi stated in a speech on the Independence Day last year that "Start" National Digital Health Mission, which will bring a revolution in the health field. It will solve problems such as consultation and payment. "But we have revealed the policy to promote digitalization.

In the plan, a medical ID is granted to each citizen, and the illnesses and prescribed drugs, the doctor and consultation content of the consultation are recorded, and a database.

With the consent of the patient, data is shared with doctors and medical institutions, patients can receive quickly and efficiently, and governments and private companies also determine the policies that are necessary based on vast amounts of data.It will be possible to develop and develop new services.

Examination has begun in some areas, and the government is planning to expand nationwide, but experts have been concerned about the protection of personal information.

"India has no appropriate data protection law, and personal information on health is not only government but also private companies, saying," India has no appropriate data protection law.It is a big concern that it is provided and used. "

On top of that, it is an individual before promoting digitization quickly, saying, "We are collecting huge amounts of data but there is no independent surveillance agency with the government. Opened discussions by independent organizations that protect data and privacy."He pointed out that the creation of mechanisms such as information protection should be promoted.

Professor Ichikawa of Hitotsubashi University, who is familiar with the digitalization of the government, said that Japan can learn from India's case, "In the case of India, create a new ministry in creating a personal identification number and are a very powerful private company that is familiar with digital.He said that human resources were set to the top. It is important to create a system to work together with the business in consideration of the government, rather than simply outsourcing the system to build the system. "

He also pointed out that the current status of administrative digitalization in Japan is that it is a major issue, saying, "It is not easy to say that it is easy to use in a system that is easy for the people to use in the eyes of users.。

Regarding the digitalization of information on the new colona vaccine inoculation, "In the world, there is a discussion of creating a digital certificate indicating that vaccination has been received, so in the future, it can be used as a certificate.It is important to add vaccination information and My Number properly, and it is an issue to promote such development. "

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Development vaccine such as Astra Seneca Elderly Recommendations for the elderly (2/3)

February 3, 2021

In Europe, the company will refrain from vaccinating the elderly for the time being over the new colon virus vaccine developed by British pharmaceuticals and Astrazeneka, etc. for the elderly aged 65 and over.Recommendations are coming one after another.

On January 29, the officials of the EU = European Unions are less than 55 years old over the EU -European Alliance, over the vaccine of the new colonovirus developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University, which are also signed by Japan and Oxford University.We have issued permission to sell on the condition of using it for 18 years or older.

In response to this, EU's member states have issued recommendations on vaccination in vaccination in each other, of which France at the top of the company that evaluates pharmaceuticals and the like on the 2nd, "65.There is a shortage of data about subjects over the year. For the time being, we recommend that you use it under the age of 65. "

Effective data for the elderly will be obtained in the future, and will be evaluated again at that stage.

The French government is likely to refrain from vaccinating the elderly over 65 years old in line with this recommendation.

Sweden has also issued a similar recommendation on Tuesday, and the German government has stated that it will refrain from vaccinating the elderly over the age of 65 with an expert's recommendation.

On the other hand, in the United Kingdom, astraseneca vaccinations are also held for the elderly, and in Italy, the government's specialist committee has concluded that the elderly should also be vaccinated.

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EU "Astrazeneka is the additional supply of 9 million Corona vaccines" (2/1)

February 1, 2021

The EU -European Union Chairman Fondareen said that it would add 9 million new colonavirus vaccines from the UK pharmaceutical giant Astrazena.The vaccine was expected to be significantly lower than the schedule for the initial supply to the EU, and the EU was strongly opposed.

As for the new colon virus vaccine of Astrazenka, the company has informed the EU to be less than half of the schedule, but the EU strongly repelled and asked to supply as scheduled.。

As a result of the continuing discussion, the EU chairman Fondareen posted on Twitter on Tuesday that Astrazeneca would strengthen its production in Europe and receive additional 9 million services.

The vaccine that Astra Zenka supplies to the EU will be 40 million times by the end of March.

Fondea Rien welcomed that "one step forward", but the initial supply has not yet reached a schedule.

EU introduces measures that require prior filing and permission when exporting vaccines produced in the region in response to delays in supply to the area, including the vaccine of other companies.Although it has been announced, there are many concerns that this measures will lead to export restrictions.

At a morning press conference, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato said, "While gathering information, we offer to the EU so that there is no problem in supply Japan.Among them, information such as the quantity manufactured at the EU factory has been concluded with a confidentiality contract with each company, but we will continue to make adjustments with each company to secure the necessary quantities.Tai, "said.

He also stated that the vaccine manufactured by Astra Seneca in Japan was "I know that it will be produced for domestic, not for overseas, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has been reported to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare."

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An interim report of 66 % vaccine under J & J (1/30)

January 30, 2021

US pharmaceutical Johnson End Johnson has announced an interim report that the new Coronavirus vaccine, which is being developed, has shown 66 % of clinical trials in clinical trials.

Johnson End Johnson announced on January 29 a final clinical trial for the new colonavirus vaccine under development around the world.

According to this, 468 of the 43,783 people who were subject to clinical trials were confirmed with new colonovirus infections.

And as a result of comparing and analyzing a person who actually was vaccinated and the person who was inoculated with a placebo called "placebo", the effectiveness in severe cases was 66 %, limited to severe cases.And 85 %.

The virus in South Africa, where the mutated virus was spreading, was 57 %, and about 95 % of the infection was mutated.

In addition, the committee of experts examining safety has not been reported, and there is no sudden allergic reaction "Anaphylaxis".

The company will apply for urgent permission from the FDA = American Food and Drug Administration in early February.

While vaccinations in the pases and modela, which have already begun in vaccination, require two vaccinations, this vaccine is expected to accelerate the vaccination pace.

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WHO "Declaration" will call for a world -class fair distribution of a one -year vaccine (1/30)

January 30, 2021

One year has been one year since the WHO = World Health Organization declared an "public health emergency situation that is concerned internationally" following the expansion of the new colon virus infection.Secretary -General Tedoros has called for a country that has begun vaccination, giving priority to medical workers and the elderly, and also providing a framework for fair distribution to the world.

On January 30, 2020, the WHO declared a "public health emergency situation that is internationally concerned" that the infection of the new Coronavirus, which has been expanding mainly in China, may spread in other countries. did.

At a regular press conference, Secretary -General Tedoros, one year ago, there were less than 100 people who were infected outside China, but this week the total of 100 million infected people worldwide.He said that the infection is still spreading beyond people and at a fast speed.

On top of that, the countries where vaccination has begun has begun, "We gave priority to medical workers and the elderly, so that the other countries can do the same way," COVAX Facility "is a vaccine for fair distribution to the world.I want you to provide it. I want people with low risk to wait for their turn. "

While vaccinating is in vaccination mainly in financial developed countries, it has not begun in most developing countries, and Secretary -General Tedoros states that "Pandemic will not end unless it ends in the whole world."We are calling for cooperation.

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Aiming to "Group Immunity" by November of the Korean vaccination plan announcement (1/28)

January 28, 2021

The South Korean government has announced a new colonavirus vaccine inoculation plan, has begun vaccination for medical workers in February, and has become less likely to spread infection by many people by November.It is a policy to aim for the state.

This was announced by the Korean government at a press conference opened on January 28.

According to this, South Korea has signed a contract to provide 56 million vaccines than the entire population from American pases and Astrazeneca in the UK, and from February, first inoculate medical workers.I'm going to start.

In March, we plan to make a reservation for vaccination in March, and we plan to expand the target of vaccination to elderly people aged 65 and over, and to adults under 65 after July.

In addition, the company plans to vaccinate more than 70 % of the people by November, and aim for a so -called "group immunity" condition that many people have immunity to spread infection.

Inoculation is free, but the type of vaccine cannot be selected.

Eventually, the environment will be provided by each region to provide an environment that can be vaccinated in more than 10,000 places nationwide, and the Korean government will support it as needed.increase.

In addition, if there is some abnormality in the physical condition after vaccination and a causal relationship with the vaccine is found, the government will compensate.

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Astrazenka UK to start vaccine production in Japan (1/28)

January 28, 2021

Astrazeneca, a major British pharmaceutical company, which has signed a contract to supply the new colon virus vaccine with the government, plans to create a system to manufacture vaccines in Japan and start production soon.

Astrazenka is expected to impose 30 million times by March, with a contract to supply a new colon virus vaccine to the country in December 2020.

According to the company, in order to quickly supply vaccines to Japan, the company plans to outsource the production of vaccines to pharmaceutical manufacturers in Hyogo Prefecture and start production.

Astrazenka vaccines are currently undergoing clinical trials, and if the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's approval is obtained, it is expected that up to 90 million times will be supplied from Japan's manufacturing base.

The supply of vaccines is later than planned in Europe, etc., and the company wants to strive for stable supply by preparing a system to manufacture vaccines in Japan.

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Vaccine rice Modela is 200 million times for the end of June (1/27) by the end of June (1/27)

January 27, 2021

The US Pharmaceutical Company model, which has developed a new colon virus vaccine, has announced that it will be able to supply 200 million times in the United States by the end of June 2021.Pharmaceuticals also have stated that Pharmaceutical Pfizers can supply 200 million times by the end of May 2021, which is earlier than the original outlook.

On January 26, the US Pharmaceutical Company Modela announced that it has supplied more than 30 million times in the United States for the new Coronavirus vaccine, which has begun in December 2020.

In addition, the supply is expected to reach 100 million times by the end of March and 200 million by the end of June.

Meanwhile, the Pharmaceutical Firer's CEO Albert Burla said that the US media could supply 200 million vaccines with the US government with the US government by the end of May, which is earlier than the original outlook.

U.S. media has officially acknowledged that the amount of vaccines contained in the Pfizer vaccine per bottle is larger than the initially assumed assumed five times, and that US regulatory authorities can inoculate six times.

In the United States, some states and large cities have a lack of vaccines, and vaccinations have occurred, which is an issue to expand vaccination with quick supply of vaccines.

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UAE major airline employees Corona vaccine priority vaccination started (1/26)

January 26, 2021

The UAE -Arab Emirates, which is the airport in the Middle East, has begun vaccination of priority vaccines for employees of major airlines working at airports and other places, and the economy is severe due to the expansion of the new colon virus.We are in a hurry to take measures while being affected.

The UAE government started vaccinating vaccinations with priority in the government -related airlines, Emirates Air, and the ground staff and pilots, and about 80,000 subjects.is.

The vaccination began on January 18, and the venue at Dubai International Airport had a long line of employees and received vaccinations developed by Chinese pharmaceutical companies, Sino Farm.

The UAE has supported the development of Dubai international airports in the center of logistics and business in the Middle East.

The government has begun priority in vaccination for medical workers and the elderly since last year, but it seems that there is an aim to achieve both airline employees in these objects and to achieve both infection measures and economic measures.increase.

An executive of Emirates said, "In Dubai in an international city, employees are working at the forefront while being exposed to the risk of infection. We want to reduce the risk of infection and restore depressed operations."

UAE has resumed tourists in July 2020, but in addition to the global spread of infection, the number of infected people per day has been increasing in 2021, and the economy has been the largest ever.Is a serious blow.

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In Europe, there are also legal measures that are delayed of Corona vaccine (1/26)

January 26, 2021

In Europe, the country has been raising the pleasures, including the supply of a new colon virus vaccine from the pharmaceutical company, and the Italian government has shown a posture to keep pharmaceuticals in a way that does not quit legal measures.

In the EU -European Union, vaccination developed by US pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals and Germany's bion tech began in December 2020, but according to researchers websites, at least once on January 24., Citizens in the vaccinated area are less than 2 %.

While EU countries have pointed out that vaccines from pharmaceutical companies are delayed, Pfizers and others have changed their production due to the expansion of production at Belgian base that produces vaccines.It explains that the supply is temporarily reduced.

In the near future, the EU is expected to give permission to use the vaccine of Astrazenka in the UK, but Astra Seneca also commented that the initial supply was lower than the schedule, and the EU was January 24, the company.I sent a document that strongly requested the supplier as contracted.

In such a situation, Foreign Minister Dimaio in Italy said on the 24th that he would "do all means to fulfill the contract," and showed a strong infectivity, such as showing a posture to prevent legal measures.As the mutant viruses are expanding, EU countries are raising irritation.

In the United Kingdom, where the transformation of viruses has been severely infected, vaccination is being promoted at a rapid pace, and about 6.5 million people have received the first vaccination, and about 78 % of the elderly over 80 years old.You have been inoculated.

The government is aiming to vaccinate 15 million people, including residents and staff members, staff, elderly people aged 70 and over, by February 15th, and has been on steady for now.I say there.

However, the British government is often concerned about the supply of vaccines, and Minister Hancock Health on January 25 states that "there is no room for vaccine supply," and planned inoculation as planned.I emphasized again the view that supply is a major issue.

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Announced as an effect on the vaccine mutant virus of a US pharmaceutical company model (1/26)

January 26, 2021

The US pharmaceutical company modela has announced that the vaccine has been effective in the newly mutated colon virus found in the United Kingdom and South Africa.However, for mutant viruses found in South Africa, the value of the antibody that suppresses the function of the virus has decreased to one -sixth, and it will start an additional test to enhance the effect and a new vaccine clinical trial.increase.

On January 25, the US Pharmaceutical Company Modela uses the blood of the person who received the modela vaccination to find out how much vaccine found in the UK and South Africa, and all of the vaccines show the effects.We announced that the results were obtained.

However, for the British mutant virus, there was no noticeable change in the values of the antibodies that suppress the function of the virus created by the vaccine, but for the South African mutant virus, the value of the antibody was about 6 minutes.It means that it has decreased to 1.

Modela will perform tests to make sure that additional vaccination will increase the effect of the South African mutant virus, even though the values of all antibodies exceed the required levels.He says he will start a new vaccine clinical trial.

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Vaccination location on the map ... Transition of US IT popular spread support (1/26)

January 26, 2021

On January 25, the US IT General Google announced that it will start a service that displays the vaccination location for the new colon virus on the Internet.Amazon also has a series of trains to support the spread of vaccines, such as providing a clinic for vaccination at the headquarters.

Google announced on January 25 that it will start search results on the Internet and a service that displays places where vaccines can be vaccinated on a map to spread the vaccine widely.

It is said that information from related organizations will be gathered to display detailed information, such as whether it is necessary to make a reservation, and will be used from some states in the United States and expand it to other areas and countries.

In addition, as a subsidy for WHO = World Health Organization and US CDC = Disease Countermeasures Center, it will invest more than 15 billion yen in Japanese yen.

Amazon has opened a temporary clinic for vaccination at the headquarters in Seattle, Washington, West, and Microsoft will also open the company's facilities as a vaccination location in Seattle, Washington, Western.Movement is coming one after another.

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How is the world's fastest pace of Israeli vaccine?(1/25)

January 25, 2021

Vaccination of new colon viruses has begun around the world, but many countries are facing issues when they are smoothly vaccinated.Meanwhile, Israel is in vaccination at the fastest pace in the world.What kind of method is taken is the commentary by the Director of Israel.

(Reporter) In Israel, vaccination developed by Pfizer and others began on December 19, 2020.

About a month later, more than 2.3 million people have completed the first vaccination, with about 30 % of the population.

If you are over 60 years old, where vaccinations are being held preferentially, it is already over 70 %.

According to the "Hour World In Data" compiled by researchers at Oxford University in the UK, at least once, the percentage of vaccinations occupies the population is Israel as of January 21.Is the most most 33.93 %.2nd place UAE = 21 of the United Arab Emirates 21.85 % and 3rd place Bahrain 8.It is far away at 44 % and proceeds at the fastest pace.

The second vaccination has already begun in Israel, and the government wants to end all of the people aged 16 and over by the end of March.

(Reporter) There are multiple reasons, but there are two main reasons.

● Reason 1 All the National Insurance System

The first is the foundation of the well -maintained medical system.

In Israel, like Japan, the universal insurance system has been introduced, and the people are obliged to join the "Medical Insurance Organization".It is an organization like the "health insurance union" in Japan.

In the case of Israel, the provision of medical services with insurance has been unified into the “Medical Insurance Organization”, and this organization is responsible for the work in this vaccination.

The place to be vaccinated is all prepared by the mechanism, and the hospital and clinics are operated by the venue, as well as in vaccinations on drive -through and sports facilities.

In facilities where human resources are not enough, they hire nurses and rescue emergency staff temporarily and respond.

The operating hours of each venue vary depending on the size of the local government, but the Jerusalem basketball facilities interviewed were accepted for 14 hours a day from 8:00 am to 10 pm.

In addition, about 30 people worked per day, saying that it could be inoculated to 2,000 people.

● Reason 2 Promotion of digital health

And "Digital Health", which supports the medical insurance mechanism, is "digital health" that incorporates IT.

In the 1990s in Israel, as the population increased and the population, medical expenses were increasing.

For this reason, we have promoted "digital health" and have been trying to improve work efficiency.

By IT, the mechanism is currently centrally managing a huge amount of personal information, such as the medical history of the people.

Based on such data, inoculation is performed in order from people with high risk due to infection, such as the elderly and those with underlying diseases.

Contact the target person directly in a mobile phone message.

The person who conveys the date and time and the venue to go, and those who agree are registered in a dedicated application, etc., and inoculate.

The Organization has been working to avoid congestion by grasping the congestion status of each venue in one hand and guiding to the venue that is lingering the subject.

Aial Zime Richiman, the leader of business reform at the largest government hospital, Cheva Medical Center, says, "I can instruct the venue to be the subjects based on the data, and the vaccine is left.Then you could contact the next subject and have them come immediately. The Israeli system is very suitable for these operations. "

(Reporter) Israel has agreed to purchase 8 million vaccines from Pfizers.

In January, Prime Minister Netanyahu said in January that he had a 17th meeting with his friend Pfizer CEO, and agreed to receive further vaccines, and appealed that he was proceeding with his personal relationship.increase.

The press also reports that contracts are highly expensive than other countries and hurried early economic resuming.

On January 17, the government revealed some of the agreement with the Pfizer.

Among them, the fact that the Israeli side regularly published data such as vaccination, but also the fact that the Pfizer provided the vaccine immediately.

Experts point out that the information obtained from prompt vaccinations is great for pharmaceutical companies, and that Israel is an advantageous position in competition with each country.

According to Deputy Secretary -General Arnon Afek, Deputy Secretary -General of the Cheva Medical Center, "information, such as pain, headaches, and extremely small but serious side reactions after vaccination, is very important for Pfizer.The Pfizer conducted a clinical trial to 40,000 in the final stage of the development, but Israel has been inoculated to 1.9 million in three weeks. It is better for the Pfizer to provide a vaccine to Israel. "I was.

(Reporter) So far, there is no serious side reaction that is life -threatening and death.

On the other hand, the results of the vaccine have not been specifically shown yet.

When the vaccination progresses, when does the infection go to converge?The world's fastest pace, the way of vaccination in Israel, and the data obtained from it are attracting attention from each country and pharmaceutical companies.

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Modelna's vaccination of 4 million people intense allergic reactions (1/23)

January 23, 2021

The U.S. CDC = Disease Control Center was in vaccination of a new colon virus vaccine developed by a US pharmaceutical company model on January 22, and 10 people showed a fierce allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.The report was published.All those who were able to track them have already recovered.

According to the report, the vaccination developed by the US pharmaceutical company modela was about 4.04 million in the United States from December 21, 2020 to January 10, 2021, and 61 % of gender was women, 36.% Are men and the rest are unknown.

Of these, 1266, 0, including those who do not know whether they are related to vaccines..0It was 3 %.

In addition, 10 people who showed the symptoms of anaphylaxis, which are intense allergic reactions, 2 million per million..Five of them, nine of them had an allergic reaction in the past with drugs and foods.

All 10 symptoms are women, and nine people have symptoms within 15 minutes after vaccination.

Of the 10 people, all eight who could track the subsequent progress have already recovered.

The CDC states that "anaphylactic symptoms after the vaccination of the modelna appear to be a rare event", and in order to be in vaccinated in case of intense allergic reactions, we will carefully verify the effects of health. is.

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Experienced vaccination experienced Japanese medical professionals living abroad (1/22)

January 22, 2021

Overseas, the vaccination of the new colon virus has begun, and Japanese living in the site have begun to be vaccinated.How do you inoculate it?How do you change your body after vaccination?We talked to two medical professionals who lived in the United States and were given priority.(International Department of International Department, Genki Kitai Misaki Fujii)

(Mount Sainai Medical University Hospital, New York Dr. Yuji Yamada, covered January 16th)

Q.When did you inoculate?(Dr. Yamada) The first time on December 21, and on January 11, three weeks later, we were inoculated.

Q.Is vaccination obligatory in the United States?(Dr. Yamada) It is completely entrusted to the individual's will, not duty, but not to be vaccinated.

Q.Why did you decide to be vaccinated?(Dr. Yamada) As a physician, he is in the medical treatment of the elderly, so if you become infected, you may spread the infection to the patient."I must take it once the vaccination started."

Q.Is there anyone around you who refused to be vaccinated?(Dr. Yamada) There was no such person around the medical workers around, but some patients did not inoculate them because of the problem of vaccines that occurred before in the United States.Some people said that they did not want to believe and do not want to believe in non -ground information on SNS.

Q.Is vaccination done at medical institutions?(Dr. Yamada) It is also held at medical institutions, but is also held at nursing homes and pharmacies in the city.Unlike Japan, pharmacists and pharmaceutical students can use a syringe to be vaccinated.It seems that vaccinations with facilities where local people gather as the venue and drive -through type vaccination are also planned.

Q.How did you vaccinate?(Dr. Yamada) An email that informed that the vaccination would begin was arrived from the university, and we selected the location and date and time via the Internet and made a reservation.The current situation (as of January 16) seems to be full of reservations until February.

I couldn't choose the type of vaccine, and I was inoculated the vaccine developed by Pfizer.

My vaccination venue was one of the elderly welfare facilities, one of my workplace.One person in order in the consultation room of about the size of a general hospital room.

When I arrived in front of the room, I first gave a questionnaire.After filling out, I entered the consultation room after signing the consent, disinfect with alcohol like an influenza and other vaccines, and injected into the left shoulder muscles.In just 1-2 seconds, there was no pain, and when I noticed it was over.

Perhaps it was a bit "tingling", but it was so fast I didn't remember.I don't think there is a big difference from other vaccines.

Q.What did you look around during the vaccination?(Dr. Yamada) In my case, my colleagues were coming because only medical workers were still in vaccination.I took pictures of each other in vaccination and posted it on SNS, and felt something like a sense of expectation or a sense of mission.

I think that the behavior of having many people look at photos had the meaning of sending a message "inoculation".

Q.After vaccination?(Dr. Yamada) The room next to the consultation room was in the waiting area, and I watched the body for 15 minutes to see if there was any abnormal body.Doctors and nurses were also resident.To prepare for heavy allergic symptoms.Fortunately, I didn't have any allergic reactions, and after 15 minutes, I came home.

Q.Did you have any symptoms like a side reaction?(Dr. Yamada) The next morning, there was a little discomfort in the left arm.It wasn't painful, but when I moved it, I felt something strange.The discomfort continued the next day, but it was gone three days after the vaccination.

Q.Did anyone have complained of symptoms around?(Dr. Yamada) My boss and some of my colleagues had a fever of more than 38 degrees the day after the vaccination, and complained of the body.Some people took a break from work.

One of them had previously been infected with a new colon virus, saying, "The symptoms like infected were lighter and in a short period of time."

Q.How was your second vaccination?(Dr. Yamada) I was inoculated on the same left shoulder as the first time.The symptoms were exactly the same as the first time, and there was nothing immediately after hitting, and the left shoulder appeared for about two days from the next day, and three days later, there was no discomfort.Speaking strongly, the second time was a little more painful.

Q.Who is around?(Dr. Yamada) I felt that the individual differences were large depending on the people.

Some people were sick in the first time, but did not have anything in the second time, or those who felt a little sick in the second time, although there was nothing on the first time.

Even at the second time, there were some people who had to rest after the vaccination and had to rest, and I went into another work with such a cover.

Q.What is the effect of the effect and the change in your feelings?(Dr. Yamada) In the first place, vaccine is not like a drug that suppresses painful symptoms, but rather prevents sick or severe symptoms.I think there is a difficulty in a vaccine that is different from the treatment, which is difficult to realize the effect.

On the other hand, we continue to take measures against infection, but there is a sense of security for ourselves, or that we are wearing another "invisible mask".

Q.What do you want to convey to Japanese people who are starting to be in vaccination?(Dr. Yamada) I responded to the interview with the hope that my own experience would be helpful for Japanese people who are vaccinating the vaccine.

In the United States, there are many people who are worried about vaccines.I believe that vaccine is one of the most effective means to protect my family and friends and to approach the end of this pandemic.

(Mount Sainai Hospital, New York Hospital New York Tokio Marine Memorial Clinic Director Yuichiro Kuwama, covered January 14)

Q.When did you inoculate?(Director Kuwama) We were inoculated the first time on January 5th.

Q.How did you decide the vaccination?(Director Kuwama) In mid -December, there was an explanation from the hospital that the vaccination began soon.The highest priority in the hospital was emergency, intensive care rooms, and doctors and nurses who handle new colona patients, and did not have members of me and other clinics.It was January 4 that I received an email from the hospital to reserve in vaccination.

Q.How did you make a reservation?(Director Kuwama) I was guided to a website dedicated to reservations from the email I received, and selected the medical facilities and time zones that will be the venue on that site.

The clinic at the workplace had no equipment to store vaccines at a very low temperature, so the procedure was to go to a facility in a group with such equipment.

The site answered many questions about allergic history and recent physical condition.

Q.Did you have any hesitation in the vaccination?(Director Kuwama) The effective efficiency of the influenza vaccine is said to be about half.In comparison, the vaccine of the new colona developed by the Pfizer is said to be much more effective.

I was looking forward to vaccinations because the danger of dying in the new colona was overwhelmingly higher than the danger of a side reaction in the vaccine.

Q.What was the flow on the day of vaccination?(Director Kuwama) A vaccine developed by Pfizer and other places was vaccinated at a hospital about one kilometer from the clinic of work.

The hospital uses the entire floor on the third floor for inoculation, and for those who are on the reception, the floor is marked at 6 feet intervals, and if you wait, the distance between the people will be maintained.Such a device was done.

At the reception, in addition to identity verification, I asked verbally questions that were similar to answering on the site in advance.

After that, this vaccine was urgently allowed to be used, and after giving a pamphlet with information about the risk of vaccine, the consent of the vaccination was confirmed.

Q.What did the venue look like?(Kuwama) The floor was divided into about 10 booths, and when I was waiting, I heard a voice from one of them.

When I got inside, there was a nurse, I was asked again about allergic history and health, and answered them one after another.The nurse was driving my answer into the computer.

After that, I was inoculated by my shoulder.

Q.After vaccination?(Principal Kuwama) At the end, I was instructed to go to the observation room near the exit of the floor.When I told my name in the observation room, I was guided to sit on one of the things I wanted to be placed every two meters.

So, for 15 minutes, I observed if there was any abnormalities in my physical condition, confirmed that nothing had changed, and left the hospital because I was told that I could go home.At 6:15 pm, I arrived at the hospital at the vaccination venue, and I left at 6:45.

Q.After that, how was your physical condition?(Kuwama) There was no pain at all, but after that, the shoulders occurred and remained two days after the vaccination.

Other vaccines had similar pain, but I felt it was strong.It seems that many people around me complained of shoulder pain.

In my case, three days after the vaccination, the symptoms disappeared.

Q.Are there people around you who are cautious about vaccination?(Director Kuwama) It seems that some medical professionals do not want to be vaccinated in the mother's hospital to which the clinic belongs.After a week after the began was started, a few staff members were refusing to be vaccinated, and hospital executives had an opportunity to explain the vaccine.

Since the hospital cannot be enforced, the staff who are still inoculated will be filled out in the dedicated form and submitted.

As of one week after accepting reservations for vaccination, as a result of a sample survey of employees who respond to outpatients, more than 90 out of about 400 people and one in four are hesitant.It was shown.

Q.What is the reason for that?(Director Kuwama) I don't know the specific reason, but I personally ask a lot around.

When I heard early December, I heard a voice saying, "Safety has not been fully established. I am worried and I do not want to receive it."。

Also, in a medical department, all four, including the receptionist and the nurse, said, "I don't want to receive it. I don't know it's safe."This was unexpected to me, and I felt that many people had anxiety about unknown things.

Q.Would you like to hit the vaccine for the second time?(Director Kuwama) We have already booked the second time.What I hear from the surroundings is that many people are worried about their first vaccine.

I feel that it is important to strive to solve those people's anxiety by carefully explaining.

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Vaccination made in Brazil has started in South America and Russia expanded in South America (1/20)

January 20, 2021

As the vaccination of new colonovirus vaccines in each country is progressing, in South America, where vaccines developed in the United States and the United Kingdom have not been ensured, the use of vaccines made in China and Russian is spreading.In Brazil, the third largest in the world, the vaccination of Chinese -made vaccines began this week.

In Brazil, a vaccine developed by Chinese pharmaceutical company Shino back on the 17th, and urgent use of vaccines developed by British pharmaceuticals Astraseneca, were approved.

Of these, Shinback vaccine began throughout Brazil this week, and about 1,000 medical professionals per day are inoculated at hospitals in the center of Sao Paulo, the largest city.

One of the vaccinations said, "The vaccine is our hope for living. I hope the situation will improve."

In Argentina, Russian vaccination has begun in December 2020.

It has been pointed out by European and American media that the results of clinical trials performed in humans and Russian vaccines for human and Russian vaccines to confirm safety and effectiveness are not fully disclosed.

However, in South America, where vaccines developed in the United States and the United Kingdom have not been secured, the price is relatively cheap and easy to manage, and the use of vaccines made in China and Russian is spreading.

In Brazil, infection is expanding mainly in the poor area, the cumulative number of infected people is the third largest in the world and the number of deaths in the world, which is the second largest in the world.。

Meanwhile, President Bolsonaro, who prioritized economic measures, stated that the vaccine developed in China, where clinical trials were being conducted in Brazil, "I do not inoculate."

Also, on the 1st of this month, he has repeatedly posted on the Internet, such as posting the sea bathing on the Internet in a large number of people.

But then the situation changes.

Despite the government's request for self -restraint, the infection expanded again after many people continue to go to the city.

On many days, the number of new infected people per day exceeded 80,000 and the number of deaths exceeded 1500, and medical treatment began to be forced in many cities.

Above all, in the northwestern Amazonas, where the Amazon, which is often infected, is located in the northwestern Amazonas, the lack of oxygen and beds required for treatment has become severe, and the state government has a 100 % bed use in many hospitals.As a result, patients are transported to other states.

The Brazilian government relied on the use of China, which was reluctant to use, without any effective measures.

In Brazilian clinical trials, the effectiveness was about 50 %, and citizens were concerned about safety, but the Brazilian government met the WHO = World Health Organization standards on the 17th.Approved as.

Meanwhile, the Chinese government is also accelerating support to Brazil.

In addition to the provision of a shortage of oxygen to hospitals in the Amazon region, where medical conditions are being tight, Sao Paulo has also cooperated in the construction of a factory that manufactures vaccines developed by Shinback.

However, Brazil has secured a Chinese -made vaccine at the moment, about 10 million times, and is not enough in the population of more than 200 million, and the Brazilian government wants to buy an additional vaccine from a Chinese pharmaceutical company. is.

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"Start in vaccination in all countries by early April" WHO Tedoros (1/19)

January 19, 2021

WHO = Secretary -General Tedoros, World Health Organization, shows strong concerns that the new colon virus vaccine will not reach the low -income country, and in all countries by early April, medical workers and the elderly are inoculated.He complained that each country should cooperate so that it can be started.

The WHO Secretary -General Tedoros, which began online on January 18, has been inoculated about 39 million times in a high -income country in a high -income country.He said that in a low country, he could only get it for only 25 times.

WHOs and others have a framework for distributing vaccines around the world, including developing countries, but Secretary -General Tedoros has independently contracted with a pharmaceutical company outside the framework.He pointed out that the price of the vaccine is rising.

He said, "The world is on the verge of making catastrophic and ethical failures. The price is the lives and lives of poor countries."

"It is incorrect for young and healthy adults in high -income countries to inoculate vaccines before medical workers and elderly people in poor countries."By early April, all countries have appealed to countries that medical professionals and the elderly should cooperate to start vaccination.

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Vaccination to all people over 18 years old Russia begins (1/18)

January 18, 2021

On January 18, Russia began a large -scale initiative to inoculate a new Coronavirus Russian vaccine for all the people aged 18 and over.There is also an aim to emphasize the effectiveness of Russian vaccines.

In Russia, the vaccination of the new colonovirus vaccine, Sputnik V, developed in Japan, has begun in December 2020 for medical workers and teachers.

Putin instructed Putin to expand the size of the vaccination, and on January 18, a large -scale vaccination began, expanding the target to all applicants over the age of 18, except for pregnant women.

Among them, those who applied in advance to medical institutions in Vladivostok in the Far East were visiting one after another and receiving vaccinations.

A woman in her 50s said, "I was tired of independent isolation and was inoculated for safety. I trust Russian science."

In Russia, the number of infected people has exceeded 3.5 million and has not expanded infection, but the public's anxiety is strong in the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.

Russian state -owned media significantly conveys the expansion of vaccination, and the Putin administration may aim for the effectiveness of Russian vaccines due to large -scale vaccinations.

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Vaccination of Chinese pharmaceutical companies begins in Brazil (1/18)

January 18, 2021

On January 17 in Brazil, South America, two types of vaccines from China and the United Kingdom pharmaceutical companies were approved, and in Sao Paulo, the largest city, Chinese vaccine began in vaccination.

In Brazil, two types of vaccines, two types of vaccines, including the Chinese pharmaceutical company "Shinback" and the UK pharmaceuticals "Astra Seneca", were approved, and in Sao Paulo, the largest city, the vaccination of Shinback vaccines was in other areas.Prior to it, it began for medical workers.

According to the Brazilian government, Sino -back vaccines are cheaper than Western vaccines, the Chinese side cooperates in providing data, and is secure.

Brazil had a cumulative number of infected people and more than 200,000 dead, and there were growing calls for early vaccination.

The Brazilian government wants to expand vaccination in the future, but has not yet secured a vaccine that only has reached over 200 million population, and has become a major issue for future vaccinations.

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India's new Corona vaccination starts 300 million people (1/16)

January 16, 2021

With the vaccination of new colon virus vaccinations in each country, inoculation has begun on January 16 in India, and the government says it is the world's largest plan for 300 million people by summer.

The Indian government began vaccinations on the 16th, in the early January, for two types of urgent use, developed by British pharmaceutical leaders Astraseneca and vaccines developed by local companies.

In a hospital in New Delhi, the government and hospital officials were watching, and vaccinations were vaccinated by medical workers, causing great applause.

"This vaccine will be wonderful in the fight against viruses," said Baldan Health and Family Welfare Minister of Health and Family.

In India, which has a population of 1.3 billion, the government will prioritize vaccinations from medical professionals and will be in vaccination to 300 million people who are 50 years or older and those who have basic diseases by summer.increase.

Prime Minister Modi concluded a video with the venues in various places and spoke, stating that "the world's largest vaccination plan has begun. It shows the ability of Indian science."

As the number of India's cumulative infected people exceeds 10 million and the largest in the United States, the effects of vaccines are attracting attention.

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What is the view of the new Corona vaccine world situation and the effects of the WHO? (1/13)

January 13, 2021

Vaccination of new colon virus that has begun around the world since December 2020.Can everyone hit the vaccine?How long will the effect last?The WHO summarizes the points of the online conference on January 7 with the chair of the Expert Advisory Committee.

(Q) Approval and vaccination of vaccines have begun around the world.What is the overall situation of the world about the new colon virus vaccine?

Mr. Katherine Oblien, a WHO vaccination division, "The situation is changing every day. There are many vaccines that show the effects on this disease. And multiple vaccines are approved in different countries. The vaccine is now the Lord. Inoculation has begun in developed countries, but it will begin in low -income countries and middle -income countries in the future. There are at least three types of vaccines that have been evaluated by regulatory authorities with the highest screening levels. Regulations in each country. Authorities check data on safety and effects to prevent disease, and check the quality of manufacturing. Three types of vaccines are astraseneca, modela, and at least the standards are met, at least. It is approved in one country. In addition, there are several vaccines that have publicly announced the results that are effective, and we are seeing data on those vaccines. China Sino Farm. It is a Sino -back vaccine. There is also a vaccine developed by the Russian Gamareya Research Institute. The most important thing is that there are many vaccines that have passed clinical trials, and I approve for the vaccination to ordinary people. We will look at the data over a few weeks and months to see if the data is enough. "

(Question) In the world, mutant stocks are now spreading.Is the vaccine effective for mutant stock?

Catherine Oblien: "These vaccines have been evaluated for whether they are effective in multiple different variants in development and exams. The virus is always changing, which is natural for viruses.The problem is whether the virus mutation affects the disease itself, the treatment method, or the vaccine. Several mutual mutatures have been confirmed to spread infections around the world. It has already been developed.Whether it will affect the effect of the vaccine, we are now verifying it, but with strong confidence is that it is necessary to proceed with existing vaccines as soon as possible.It is thought that mutation does not change the effect of the vaccine. "

(Q) Can I inactive a vaccine for those who have a history?

Chairman Alejandro Kravioto "It depends on the situation. Surely, those who have had serious reactions and allergic reactions in other vaccines should not be accepted. For those who have allergies for food and other things.There is no need to avoid it. However, it is recommended that vaccination should be done in a place where you can treat it immediately if you have severe allergic symptoms. "

"People with basic diseases, people with heart and lung diseases, people with diabetes or obesity are more risky than other people if they are infected with new colonovirus. I know. Those who have these illnesses are those who want them to be vaccinated. There is no data on how they have an effect on pregnant women, but they want to emphasize. There is no reason to believe that vaccines may be harmful to pregnant women and fetuses. For those who are pregnant women who belong to high risk groups, especially medical professionals, If you talk to the people on the inoculated side and judge that the risk is high, you may want to be inoculated. Hiv -infected people should be inoculated, and severe illness by infection with the new colon virus. People with high risk to be converted should be vaccinated. "

(Question) Should people who have become infected with the new colon virus and have already recovered?

Chairman Alejandro Kravioto: "That's what we particularly recommend. People who have become positive in PCR tests and antigen tests should not be excluded from vaccination. How long the person infected will not be infected again.I don't know yet. Yesterday (January 6), the data announced that it would not be infected until 8 months, but it should not be excluded from the vaccination. On the other hand, the person who has been infected once himself.First of all, if you think that the elderly should take priority and wait for them to be inoculated, it should be judged. "

Mr. Katherine O'Brien "As Alejandro says. Vaccination has just begun in the world, and each country has started vaccinating the most priority. At least 6 people have already been infected in the future.The possibility of transmitting again during the month will be extremely low, but it is not recommended that WHO is not eligible for vaccination or delayed because of the infection. "

(Question) The vaccine to be vaccinated is the first and second vaccine created by another manufacturer?

Catherine Oblien "In some countries, more than two types of vaccines have begun. There is no data about this whether to vaccine different from the first vaccine as the second time.At this stage, we recommend that if you inoculate a vaccine such as a Pfizer for the first time, it is recommended that the same vaccine should be inoculated for the second time. In some countries, the second vaccination is different from the first time.I know that I use vaccines. This is a very important field to study, and I will give priority to research to make recommendations. "

(Question) How long will the vaccine effect last?

Catherine Oblien "The clinical trial has just begun in the spring of 2020 and the day is still light, so if you continue to look at those who participated in clinical trials, you will see how effective it will be.So, I don't know yet. I hope I can get a sustainable immunity. I see how long the immunity of those infected with the new colonovirus will last, maybe inoculated the vaccine.It may be related to the immunity period that can be obtained. It is too early to explain how much the vaccine effect will last at this stage. "

(Q) Regarding vaccines such as Pfizer, it is said that you can receive inoculation over 16 years old. What should children under 15 years old do?

Catherine Oblien "The research is still continuing. Clinical trials have been excluded for those who are not 16 years old, but research to see the effects of children from 12 to 16 years old is progressing.So, so in the future, information should come out. As an advisory committee has no data, we recommend that people who are not 16 years old not to be vaccinated. WHO.In accordance with the situation, there is a possibility that vaccination workers may fall into a very severe illness by consulting with their families about children with chronic illness.I think you can choose to be inoculated. However, I do not recommend it. I do not say yes in any environment. "

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British bed -The crucial growing government vaccination promoted at a rapid pace (1/12)

January 12, 2021

In the United Kingdom, where the transformation of new colon viruses continues to spread, the situation is becoming more severe, and the government is calling for the rules such as going out, and is promoting vaccination at a rapid pace.

In the United Kingdom, the transformation of the newly transformed colon virus, which is considered to be infectious, is still expanding, and there are more than 60,000 people per day.

In England, London, the patients have grown more than 30,000 since the entry in 2021 and over 30,000 people.

In an interview with a public broadcasting BBC on January 11, Witty has been alert to the collapse of medical care, saying that "the next few weeks will be the worst."I called out strongly.

On the other hand, the British government has been in a hurry to vaccinates, and about 2.3 million people have been in vaccination so far, of which nearly 390,000 have completed the second vaccination.

On January 11, Prime Minister Johnson visited a newly installed large -scale facility for vaccination and said, "We will expand our posture so that 15 million people can be vaccinated by February 15."He emphasized the idea of rushing priority in vaccination to the elderly over the age of 70.

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WHO "Group immunity" "It is difficult to acquire in 2021" (1/12)

January 12, 2021

The WHO = World Health Organization has difficulty acquiring a so -called "group immunity" state in 2021, where many people in the world have immunity to spread infection over vaccination of new colonovirus.Showed the perception.

According to the WHO, vaccination and preparation have begun in 42 countries, mainly in developed countries as of January 8.

WHO's chief scientist, Swaminasan, said at a regular press conference on January 11, it would still take some time to spread the vaccine to the world, and the world could get "2021".I can't reach. "

Regarding the state of "group immunity", the WHO showed that in a conference on January 7, more than 70 % of the world's population, but more than 70 % of the world's population, need to be vaccinated.rice field.

Swaminasan said that it would be important to continue to take infection measures, saying that even if the number of immunity in some countries increased, it would not help protect the whole world.

Secretary General Tedoros welcomed the Chinese government to accept the WHO's international research team on the 14th, and stated that he would watch whether the coordination with the Chinese side would go smoothly.

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Pfizer "Results of showing vaccine effects to corona variable viruses" (1/9)

January 9, 2021

A major US pharmaceutical company has announced that it has also obtained an experimental result of the vaccine for the newly mutated colon virus found in the United Kingdom and South Africa.In addition, the results are based on experiments in the lab, and it is necessary to continue to examine the effectiveness of mutant viruses.

A major American pharmaceutical company announced on January 8 that it has gained an experimental results that shows that the new Coronavirus vaccine developed with German companies is also effective against the mutated virus found in the UK and South Africa. Did.

According to the experiment, the new colon virus, which plays an important role in infection with human cells, is artificially transformed a virus in the same way as Britain or South Africa.I made it and used it.

Then, using the blood of a Pfizer vaccination to find out if this virus would be neutralized, the same result as the conventional virus was shown.

Pfizer states that the changes that are common to the UK and South Africa mutant viruses are "indicating that they are not resistant to vaccines."

In addition, the results are based on experiments in the lab, and have not yet been verified by external experts, and it is necessary to continue to examine the effectiveness of the virus that has been mutated.

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Fierce allergic reaction to 21 out of 1.9 million in Corona vaccine (1/7)

January 7, 2021

Of the about 1.9 million people in vaccinating the new colon virus vaccine, the US CDC = Diseases Countermeasures Center announced on January 6, a report that 21 people had a fierce allergic reaction called anaphylaxis.Did.All those who were able to track them have already recovered, and CDC executives say, "Anaphylaxis is rare, but will continue to investigate."

According to the report, the number of vaccines developed by a major pharmaceutical factor etc. was about 1.9 million in the United States by December 23, 2020, with 62 % of gender, 34 % of men, and the rest remaining.Was unknown.

Of these, 4393 cases, including those who do not know if they are related to vaccines, are 0..It was 2 %.

In addition, 21 people showed the symptoms of anaphylaxis, which were intense allergic reactions, and 17 of them had an allergic reaction in the past with drugs and foods.

The median age of the person who indicated the symptoms is 40 years old, 90 % of women, the time to get symptoms is 2 to 2 and a half hours, but 70 % are within 15 minutes after vaccination, and the later progress.All 20 people who were able to track are already recovering.

According to CDC executives, "Anaphylaxis caused by the new colon virus vaccine is rare, but we will continue to conduct safety tracking surveys in the future", in addition to the inoculation, preparing for a certain amount of time and intense allergic reactions after vaccination.It is important for those who are allergic to the vaccine to be careful not to be vaccinated.

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U.S. Medical Magazine Corona Vaccine Intense Allergic "1 in 100,000" (1/7)

January 7, 2021

The proportion of the new colon virus vaccine in Europe and the United States has a fierce allergic reaction in the United States has published an article in the United States that it has been about one in about 100,000 so far.It is said that such events related to safety are almost inevitable when inoculation on large -scale, and it is necessary to continue to disclose information while carefully determining safety.

Experts such as Harvard University in the United States have a percentage of about 100,000 people in vaccination, about vaccinations developed by major US pharmaceutical pasters, which indicate the symptoms of the intense allergic reaction "anaphylactic".The overall theory that he is a person has been published in "New England Journal of Medicine".

In this information, some people have become anxious about new vaccines, while the symptoms of anaphylaxis will rarely occur in other vaccines, and treatment will not continue to be affected.

In addition, if the events involved in safety are inoculated to millions of people, it is almost inevitable, and information is carefully determined to prevent people trust and vaccinate.It is necessary to proceed while publishing.

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EU is Modelna's new Corona vaccine sales permit (1/7)

January 7, 2021

The EU -European Union has given a sales permission to use the new colon virus vaccine developed by the US pharmaceutical company modela.This is the second case that the EU gives permission to the new colon virus vaccine.

The EMA -European Pharmaceutical Agency, the EU's Pharmaceuticals, on January 6, advised me to give a "conditional sales permit" for one year, for the Vaccine of the models I was judging.

In response, the EU's executive organization, the European Committee, immediately proceeded and gave permission on this day.

The European Commission allows the new colon virus vaccine after the vaccine designed by American Pfizers and others, and in total, 160 million times are sequentially supplied to the EU member countries by around the fall of 2021.It is said that it will be done.

The European Committee Chairman Fondareen, chairman, said in a statement that the mutant was found one after another, saying, "I will get enough vaccines to protect people," expressed hope to suppress the spread of infection.

However, vaccines such as the pases that began in vaccinations at the end of December 2020 have been delayed in supply, and have been criticized by the EU and governments.

In addition, it has been pointed out that the permission of the Modela's vaccine has been limited in Europe, and it is unclear whether the vaccination will proceed as expected.

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Development vaccination such as Astrazenka, the second type of UK (1/5)

January 5, 2021

A new colon virus vaccination developed by Astrazeneca, a major pharmaceutical in the UK, began in the UK on January 4.This is the second type following vaccines such as pharmaceutical pharmaceuticals in the United States.

In the United Kingdom, a new colon virus vaccination developed by Astrazeneca and Oxford University began on January 4.

The first 82 -year -old man, who was first vaccinated at an Oxford hospital, said that the vaccine could return to normal life.

In the United Kingdom, vaccination developed by a major pharmaceutical company has begun in December 2020, and Prime Minister Johnson stated that "it is wonderful to have two types of vaccines."

Vaccinations are given to residents of the elderly, facilities, and elderly people over 80 years old.

The second vaccination is held at intervals of 4 to 12 weeks, but the government will make the second vaccine into the first time as much as possible, and more people have the effect of the vaccine.It is a policy to get it.

The advantage of the Astrazena vaccine is that it can be stored in a normal refrigerator from 2 to 8 degrees and is easy to manage.

The government will be ready for retired doctors and nurses, and will be in vaccination in more than 1,000 locations nationwide.

In the United Kingdom, more than one million people have already been vaccinated by Pfizer.

This time, the vaccine of Astrazena, which has begun inoculation, and the Pfizer vaccine that has already begun inoculation requires two vaccination, but the British government has 2 to increase the number of people who can receive the first vaccination as much as possible.If the inoculation time is the slowest, we have launched a new strategy to be 12 weeks later.

The first vaccination is to give the vaccine effect to a certain extent, but it has been discussed in the UK.

According to a letter for medical professionals published by the leader of England, such as England, the shortage of the second vaccination is pointed out that the shortage of vaccines is a task worldwide.By 12 weeks later, it is said that it will be the first vaccination, and more people can get the vaccine effect.

As a result of the government's advisory committee analyzing clinical trial data, the first vaccination has gained a certain level of effect on the new colonavirus infection, and the second vaccination will last a long time.In the short term, we concluded that there is no significant difference in the effectiveness.

In addition, considering the current situation where the spread of infection continues, many people have called for understanding that they are inaccessible and have a risk of becoming more severe.

In this case, Pfizer, who performed clinical trials in the second vaccination three weeks later, needed twice in vaccination to maximize the effect of the vaccine, and the vaccination after the first vaccination.He commented that there is no data indicating that the effect is kept after three weeks.

The British Medical Association also criticized those who have been inoculated in December 2020, and have already decided on the second schedule, and that cancellation of the reservation just before will cause psychological damage.

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WHO Urgent Use List development for the first time in Corona Vaccine Pfizer (2021/1/1)

January 1, 2021

WHO = World Health Organization has announced that a new colon virus vaccine developed by a major US pharmaceutical company has added it to an emergency use list, and a standard for developing countries without a screening system to approve emergency use in its own country.I can now.

The WHO announced on December 31, 2020 that the new Coronavirus vaccine, which has been developed by a major US pharmaceutical factor and has begun inoculation in the United Kingdom and the United States, has been added to an emergency use list.

This is the first time that the new colon virus vaccine has been added to the WHO emergency use list.

As a result, it can be a guideline for developing countries where the examination system is not in place to approve emergency use in their own country, and the UNICEF = UN Children's Fund can be delivered to countries that require vaccine. about it.

According to the WHO Secretary -General Shimao, "We continue to evaluate vaccines that confirmed safety and effectiveness. It is extremely important to secure the vaccines required by all countries and stop pandemic."In the future, we have expressed the intention of adding more vaccines to the emergency use list.

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Navigation Lists

Secretary -General of WHO, "A fair distribution is delayed in the whole world," (12/23) Provision to African countries approval of Turkish Corona vaccine (12/23) The idea of starting vaccination for the fourth time to be 60 years old or older (12/22) Added WHO Povabucks vaccine to an emergency use list (12/22) Modela 3 times inoculated "The neutralization antibody effect on Omicron strain has significantly increased" (12/21) Pfizer vaccine additional inoculation Omicron stock WHO view (12/19) U.S. CDC Expert Committee "MRNA vaccine is desirable to prevent Corona" (12/17) U.S. Fautu Dr. Omicron stock vaccine effect increases with additional inoculation (12/16) Effect on the onset of about 70-75 % in the additional Omicron stock inoculation (12/11) Effect of vaccine on Omicron stock "Improved in the third" Pfizer (12/9) Effect on Pfizer Vaccine Omicron Stocks or Dissemination of South Africa (12/8) Tanabe Mitsubishi Pharmaceutical Subsidiary During the Vaccine During the Vaccine this year (12/8) All companies in New York City "Vaccination obligation" (12/7) A contract for securing 114 million vaccines in preparation for additional British (12/2) WHO risks are distributed to vaccination countries as soon as possible (12/2) Vaccine Development Germany Bion Tech CEO "Prevention of Omicron Stocks" (12/1) UK 2022 By the end of January, 18 years old or older additional vaccination termination policy (12/1) Modelna CEO Current vaccine "Lacks on Omicron stocks are less effective" (12/1) Vaccine additional vaccination "Should be received" US CDC Omicron stock expansion (11/30) Pfizer CEO New vaccine "It will be possible within 100 days" (11/30) Corona vaccine in Africa, Corona Vaccine, will also provide more than 1 billion times (11/30) Strengthening countermeasures such as expanding vaccine inoculation by re -expanding French infection (11/26) ECDC "Available in vaccination should be considered early" with a sudden expansion of European infection (11/25) US CDC Corona Vaccine 3rd was expanded to all over 18 years old (11/20) US CDC New Corona Infection Re -enlargement concern "Additional vaccination" (11/18) South Korea's third vaccination, 60 years old or older, 4 months later (11/17) Citizens that are obliged to present Russian vaccination certificates are confused (11/12) German Corona newly infected 50,000 more than 50,000 people who have not vaccinates (11/12) In France, the target of additional vaccination is transmitted to expand (11/10) From April 2022 (11/10) to the vaccination obligation of medical professionals in the UK (11/10) Temporary stop order for vaccination obligations for a country company in the southern United States (11/7) Vaccination delayed in some Europeans, etc. WHO "All efforts" (11/5) WHO Indian company -developed vaccines are listed for developing countries (11/4) Pfizer's vaccine "Recommended for 5-11 -year -old child vaccination" US CDC (11/3) Expert "The choice is necessary to consider whether everyone is inoculated." Approximately 9,000 unprofessional city staff who are in vaccination obligations are treated as leave (11/2) Preparing for full -scale vaccination for US government 5 to 11 years old (11/2) G20 Summit Vaccine "To 70 % of the world's population by mid 2022" (10/31) U.S. FDA Pfizer Vaccine "Expanded to 5-11 years old" permission (10/27) "Green Pass" (10/26) behind the vaccination in Italy Announced the target of the US CDC Modela and the J & J Corona vaccine additional inoculation (10/22) Pfizer vaccine 3rd time inoculation "95.6 % "Clinical trial results (10/22) WHO Advisory Committee (10/12), which should be standardized three times from medium to heavy immunodeficiency (10/12) Dear Nordic youth modeling vaccination, such as insanitis myocarditis (10/8) Application for permission for 5 to 11 years old for Pfizer vaccine (10/8) U.S.An to dismisses 593 employees who have refused to vaccine (9/30) President Biden Vaccination for the third time in vaccination to the public (9/28) Singapore vaccination is more than 80 % more than 80 % of the infection increased again (9/28) For the third time in the US FDA Pfizer Vaccine, permission to permit 65 years or older (9/23) U.S. Pharmaceuticals J & J 1 Vaccination -type vaccine "High effectiveness in additional inoculation" (9/22) Pfizer 5-11 years old applies for vaccination nearly expanding (9/21) To all workers for all workers such as vaccination certificate (9/17) 80 % vaccination of the Singapore population has also increased with the increase in infected people (9/15) One vaccination for 12-15 -year -olds in the UK (9/14) Started vaccination made in China for children over 6 years old (9/14) Contributing to the request for presentation of the US NY vaccination certificate is a fine (9/14) Brazil's 3rd vaccination started to take measures against "Delta shares" (9/7) "Possibility of vaccination 3 times in vaccination is also a standard" US Fautu Medical Advisor (9/3) The third of Israel's 3rd vaccination is expanded to 12 years old or older (8/30) Although it reaches 5 billion in the world's vaccination, it has a disparity (8/25) Officially approved the US FDA Pfizer vaccine (8/24) Started vaccination at a vaccine developed by a pharmaceutical company in Taiwan (8/23) Vaccination Movement Movement In the world of "delta stock" infection (8/19) New York Vaccination Certificate to Mandate (8/18) Inoculation of Chilean European and American vaccines "The effects of Chinese vaccines decreased" (8/12) Rebound up from citizens who have begun to present the French vaccination certificate (8/10) To all soldiers to all soldiers to the obligation to inoculate a new colona vaccine (8/10) Modelna "Additional vaccination required" "Delta shares" expanded (8/6) Opening of the mandatory mandatory, such as European vaccination certificate (8/2) The third Vaccination of Israel's re -expansion begins (8/2) Warning to FDA J & J Vaccine Information Additional Gillan Valley Syndrome (7/14) French Pharmaceutical Giant Sanofi's Final Pharmaceutical Vaccine Clinical Trials Started in Japan (7/14) Israeli vaccine prevention effect 64 % pointed out with a mutant stock (7/6) For the third vaccination elderly and healthcare professionals since September UK (7/1) Modela vaccine is also effective for "Delta shares" (7/1) "A strong immune reaction with different types of vaccination" English research group (6/29) CDCociocyotitis "Possibility of Inoculation and Related" "Benefits are higher than risk" statement (6/24) Israel is almost gone without a mask without a mask (6/15) G7 Tonight's opening vaccine Aiming to agree with the agreement with 1 billion times (6/11) President Biden Vaccine to Announcement of Provision Plan to 500 million times (6/10) Taiwanese new Corona infection confirmation 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 急 WHO China "Sino Back" vaccine is added to an emergency use list (6/2) Corona vaccine at least 10 % in the world who was vaccinated once (5/27) US CDC New Corona Vaccination Infection is about 0.01 % "high effect" (5/26) Voice of concern that Indonesian companies are in unfair sensation (5/18) EU Pharmaceuticals Regulatory Authority "Pfizer vaccine 1 month can be stored" (5/18) Resuming for the first time in 5 months indoor business of restaurants (5/18) EU vaccination progress The Euro Area Economic growth rate forecast is revised upward (5/13) Adjusted with an international framework distributed by about $ 700 million (5/12) Own Corona Vaccine in the United States "Occupation of Vaccination" is divided (5/12) Pfizer etc. Available for 12-15 years old for Pfizer, etc. U.S. FDA (5/11) The outlook for expanding domestic vaccinations EU Astrazenka Vaccine No additional order after June (5/10) With the spread of New York Vaccine, the city is lively (5/8) Astraseneca's vaccine is not recommended for the British Advisory Committee under 40 (5/8) WHO China Sino Farm vaccine is added to an emergency use list (5/8) Modela's own vaccine 12-17 -year -old clinical trials announced 96 % (5/7) 40 % of the entire vaccine export outside the EU area is the largest for Japan (5/7) Review the policy to expand the supply of support for the suspension of vaccine patents (5/6) Available for children aged 12 to 15 years old (5/6) Denmark Johnson & Johnson's vaccine use (5/4) How do you support the surplus corona vaccine?Overseas initiatives (5/2) Added to WHO Modela Corporation Vaccine Urgent Usage List (5/1) Raise Tsutsuka is an injured list with a side reaction of the new Corona vaccine (4/30) U.S. Pharmaceutical Company Modela "Cost Procedure to increase vaccine production" (4/30) Plans to gradually release all of the restrictions on outings and sales (4/30) Secure 60 million vaccines in preparation for British government mutation virus (4/29) U.S. vaccination pace pace Delicious person Approximately 40 % of people who are negative (4/29) President Biden President India shows the idea of providing vaccine (4/28) Rice "New guidelines that do not have to be worn outdoors outdoors" (4/28) Securing a vaccination syringe is to secure a 1 billion support plan UNICEF (4/25) Announced that the vaccination will be resonated with US pharmaceuticals J & J (4/24) Vaccination is in vaccination Israel's first day of 10 months to zero (4/24) India's new Corona new Corona Infected 300,000 people, the world's largest (4/22) President Biden Vaccine 200 million times ahead of the inoculation EU authorities J & J vaccine "Should be described as a very rare side reaction" (4/21) No discussions on the U.S. CDC J & J vaccine whether the emergency committee continuation continuation (4/15) J & J vaccine South Africa and Sweden policy to suspend inoculation (4/15) Denmark Astrazenka, etc. has been discontinued using the developed vaccine (4/15) The first time to extend the first time to the second time of the Buddha vaccine (4/15) In multiple reports of "thrombosis" to suspend US J & J vaccination (4/14) The target of British vaccination in the 40s or younger (4/14) Iran Tokyo Olympics/Para Players planned to participate in the vaccine priority in vaccination (4/14) The policy of promoting vaccination to Israel 15 years old (4/13) New Corona Vaccine World World more than 400 million people are inoculated once (4/12) South Korea Astra Seneka Vaccine over 30 years old To resume vaccination (4/11) Improvement of British infection that promotes vaccination and activates the activity of the elderly (4/10) Paper published in medical magazines "blood clots in vaccination of Astrazenka" (4/10) J & J's vaccine "Check multiple blood clots after vaccination" EU started survey (4/10) Apply for expanding the Pfizer vaccine to an emergency use permit from 12 to 15 years old (4/10) Response to countries in each country due to "development vaccine and blood clots such as astrazena" (4/9) Astrazene Kawakucin "profit" and "risk"?(4/8) Vaccine immunity effect "at least six months lasting" Dr. Fauchi (4/8) Astrazenka vaccine "Related to blood clots after vaccination" EU regulation authorities (4/8) Reduction to the introduction of "Vaccin Passport" (4/7) Clinical trial suspension of Astrazenka's vaccine 17 years old (4/7) U.S. vaccine goal ahead of 18 years old and over by April 19 (4/7) Competing the policy of strengthening cooperation with allies in the US Secretary Vaccine (4/6) Reduced vaccination to 45 years old or older by re -expanding Indian infection (4/1) The Middle East Yemen New Corona Vaccine, which is the long -term of the Corporate War, has arrived for the first time (4/1) US Pfizer Vaccine 12 years old to 15 years old "Safety and Effective Confirmation" (4/1) Prime Minister Slovakia resigned from purchasing Corona vaccine made in Russian (3/31) Astrazenka's vaccine principle of vaccination policy over 60 years old German government (3/31) Africa aims to strengthen the relationship by providing "Vaccine Diplomacy" in Africa (3/31) WHO and 25 countries have called for the "Pandemic Convention" (3/31) New Jersey College College Class Vaccination is required (3/29) Expected to be delayed in WHO -led vaccine -led vaccine in India (3/26) Check the importance of strengthening the EU summit vaccine export management (3/26) Astrazenka vaccine clinical trials Announced new analysis results (3/25) Pfizer vaccine transport "Refrigation is limited in unavoidable cases" (3/25) Announced policy for enhancing EU vaccine export conditions (3/25) President Putin Russian vaccine and published Russian Presidential Office (3/24) "Old Data" U.S. Research Institute (3/24) More than 50,000 women who are pregnant in the United States have been vaccinated (3/24) WHO "Developed countries provide vaccines after the end of vaccination to the elderly" (3/23) Clinical trials in Astrazenka vaccine "79 % effectiveness" rice, etc. (3/23) Vaccine EU authorities developed by Astrazenka, etc. "Safe and Effective" (3/19) President Biden Corona Vaccine to the early realization of 100 million times (3/19) The effects of vaccination for the elderly in Europe and the elderly (3/19) Announcement of a common certificate of vaccination to relieve movement restrictions within the EU area (3/18) Started vaccine clinical trials for 6 months or more for those under 12 years old (3/17) Astrazenka vaccine EU authorities "The benefits are more risky" (3/17) UAE New Corona Vaccine Inoculating measures to forcibly promote (3/17) Astrazenka vaccine in Europe temporarily spreads in vaccination (3/16) The vaccine problem EU developed by Astrazenka will be set up at the meeting on March 18 (3/16) Transportation measures for patients with severe sick beds due to the expansion of French mutant virus (3/15) Astra Zene Kawakuchin Inoculation EU Survey British and French continue inoculation (3/12) 94 % prevention of Pfizer vaccine "asymptomatic infected person" (3/12) The idea of providing a vaccine made in China to the IOC Bach chairman and stakeholders (3/12) Astrazenka vaccine in Europe (3/12) Available for vaccines developed by EU Johnson End Johnson (3/12) South Korea Astra Seneca Vaccine 65 years old or older (3/11) How far has the French vaccination?(3/11) Primander announcement about wearing masks after vaccination (3/9) Vaccine international framework is also highlighted (3/6) To expand WHO vaccine production "To suspend the protection of intellectual property rights" (3/6) Foreign Minister Ide for stopping vaccine exports "The reason is delayed to the EU" (3/6) Stop exporting the new Corona vaccine of Italy for the first time in the EU (3/5) President Biden "Secured by the end of May required" (3/3) Vaccine of J & J also ahead of the supply goals that start inoculation in various parts of the rice (3/3) To submit a vaccination certificate bill for the EU movement limit (3/3) Acknowledged in vaccination 65 years old or older in France Astra Seneca (3/3) Beginning of vaccine made in China with the new Corona Philippines (3/1) Approximately 30 % of the new Corona vaccine population is inoculated at least once (3/1) Thailand's new Corona Vaccin Inoculation is also delayed compared to the surrounding countries (2/28) U.S. FDA Emergency use permit a new colona vaccine (2/28) Does the vaccine work for a mutant virus?(2/27) 50 million times earlier than planned to be in the United States vaccination (2/26) US FDA Pfizer Vaccine Preservation approval in a general medical freezer (2/26) Approved two types of corona vaccines developed in the Chinese government (2/26) [The current situation of the vaccine supply contract world] Movement of enhancement of supply power due to increased demand (2/25) The first supply with "COVAX Facility" aimed at the vaccine fair distribution (2/25) A certificate indicating the new colona vaccination in Europe (2/24) Pfizer 11 years old Corona vaccine clinical trial start (2/24) Israeli vaccination certificate "Green Pass" issued (2/24) What is the actual "vaccine disparity" in the world?What are the measures?(2/22) Two vaccines "Death is non -inoculated 98.9 % decrease "Israel (2/21) Announced the start of clinical trials of Corona vaccine for pregnant women (2/19) for pregnant women (2/19) Astrazene Kawakuchin WHO view is (2/18) Solidarity focuses on resolving concerns about the "vaccine disparity" (2/18) New Corona Vaccine is brought into the Palestinian Gaza area for the first time (2/18) South Africa Johnson & Johnson vaccination started (2/18) Approved new Corona research "artificially infected" to healthy people (2/18) [Vaccination] What is the situation in the world? Where is Japan's delayed background? (2/17) What is the British vaccination situation?What are the tasks?(2/17) Hungary China's vaccination for vaccination for the first time in the EU member (2/17) "Inoculation is once" J & J vaccine permission to the EU authorities (2/17) President Biden "Vaccine almost all over the national people until July" (2/12) The effect of the vaccine "Effective 93 %" Announcement of Israel's insurance organization (2/12) Supply directly to pharmacies and supermarkets to expand US vaccination (2/12) New US Corona Vaccinator also provides a shortage of 10 % of the population (2/11) WHO Advisory Committee Emphasis WHO Advisory Committee (2/11) The intention to cooperate with Japan to the Russian new Corona vaccine production (2/11) WHO Secretary -General "Approximately 130 countries have not begun vaccination" (2/6) Out of more than 7.16 million British vaccination, 114 "intense allergy" (2/6) NY Yankee Stadium also became a vaccination venue (2/6) Vaccine approval of the Chinese pharmaceutical company "Shinback" New Corona (2/6) J & J "Inoculation is once" Vaccine emergency use permission to US FDA (2/5) Plan to issue digital certificates to those who have been vaccinated in Scandinavian countries (2/5) To conduct two different types of vaccination clinical trials in the UK (2/4) Indian pharmaceutical companies have been in a global distribution framework for 1.1 billion vaccines (2/4) WHO (2/3) in the UK's first transformation virus 75 countries and regions (2/3) Russian research institution "Effective Russian vaccine 91.Announced as 6 % (2/3) The side reaction ratio of the vaccine is 0.Israel (2/3) with about 30 % of the people in the 24 % citizen Astrazenka vaccine "Effective 3 months after the first time" (2/3) Digital management India (2/3) of "vaccine for 300 million people" Development vaccine such as Astra Seneca Elderly Recommendations for the elderly (2/3) EU "Astrazeneka is the additional supply of 9 million Corona vaccines" (2/1) An interim report of 66 % vaccine under J & J (1/30) WHO "Declaration" will call for a world -class fair distribution of a one -year vaccine (1/30) Aiming to "Group Immunity" by November of the Korean vaccination plan announcement (1/28) Astrazenka UK to start vaccine production in Japan (1/28) Vaccine rice Modela is 200 million times for the end of June (1/27) by the end of June (1/27) UAE major airline employees Corona vaccine priority vaccination started (1/26) In Europe, there are also legal measures that are delayed of Corona vaccine (1/26) Announced as an effect on the vaccine mutant virus of a US pharmaceutical company model (1/26) Vaccination location on the map ... Transition of US IT popular spread support (1/26) How is the world's fastest pace of Israeli vaccine?(1/25) Modelna's vaccination of 4 million people intense allergic reactions (1/23) Experienced vaccination experienced Japanese medical professionals living abroad (1/22) Vaccination made in Brazil has started in South America and Russia expanded in South America (1/20) "Start in vaccination in all countries by early April" WHO Tedoros (1/19) Vaccination to all people over 18 years old Russia begins (1/18) Vaccination of Chinese pharmaceutical companies begins in Brazil (1/18) India's new Corona vaccination starts 300 million people (1/16) What is the view of the new Corona vaccine world situation and the effects of the WHO? (1/13) British bed -The crucial growing government vaccination promoted at a rapid pace (1/12) WHO "Group immunity" "It is difficult to acquire in 2021" (1/12) Pfizer "Results of showing vaccine effects to corona variable viruses" (1/9) Fierce allergic reaction to 21 out of 1.9 million in Corona vaccine (1/7) U.S. Medical Magazine Corona Vaccine Intense Allergic "1 in 100,000" (1/7) EU is Modelna's new Corona vaccine sales permit (1/7) Development vaccination such as Astrazenka, the second type of UK (1/5) WHO Urgent Use List development for the first time in Corona Vaccine Pfizer (2021/1/1)
