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  • If you use "PayPay", SoftBank Y -Mobile is recommended for 10 reasons -IT is closer.Soft Bank News

If you use "PayPay", SoftBank Y -Mobile is recommended for 10 reasons -IT is closer.Soft Bank News

Convenient cashless payment "PayPay".If you purchase with "PayPay", you will get a PayPay bonus.Even if you buy the same product at the same store or online shop, the PayPay bonus given by people may be different.Maybe because the communication carrier is not Softbank Y -Mobile ...

This time, I will explain the 10 reasons why SoftBank and Y -Mobile smartphone users can use "PayPay" more.

① Because it is a SoftBank Group

Now the number of registered users of "PayPay" has exceeded 40 million!"PayPay" is used by about one in three Japanese people, but smartphone users of SoftBank and Y -Mobile have benefits such as a high payPay bonus grant even if they do the same shopping.The reason is that "PayPay" is a service provided by a SoftBank group company (PayPay Co., Ltd.).I want the SoftBank Group's SoftBank Y -Mobile Smartphone users to use it more conveniently!With that in mind, we have many benefits.

A cashless payment service that can be paid using the QR code and barcode that started in October 2018.In order to promote the spread of cashless payments in Japan, we aim to realize highly convenient services for both users and merchants.

There are also articles that introduce the mechanism of cashless payment, basic knowledge, merits, etc.

It is a type of "PayPay balance" that can be obtained in benefits and campaigns.It cannot be used with a function that sends out the withdrawal and PayPay balance, but it can be used indefinitely.You can use it for everyday payments or easily perform a pseudo -operation experience with "bonus operation".

② Bulk buying on Sunday


Let's enjoy online shopping in your spare time!

③ Get a lot of PayPay bonuses at the “Super PayPay Festival”!?

In the past, the Super PayPay Festival, SoftBank and Y -Mobile smartphone users have received a lot of PayPay bonuses for shopping at PayPay.We look forward to the "Super PayPay Festival" which will be held from February 1 to March 31!

See the super PayPay festival in detail


For SoftBank and Y -Mobile smartphone users, there may be a campaign that increases the coupon and a payPay bonus grant for shopping at a specific shop.

Until now, it has been implemented at UNIQLO (up to 10 % PayPay bonus given) and LOHACO PayPay Mall (500 yen off coupon).I'm just looking forward to what kind of campaign will start next!

If you read a book, there are definitely e -books.Because it does not take up space, the room is refreshing and it is convenient for reading on a train!


Softbank and Y -Mobile smartphone users will have free membership fees for Yahoo! Premium, where you can use Yahoo!

「Yahoo!プレミアム」の会員は、Yahoo!ショッピング、PayPayモールでのお買い物で、いつでも最大3%相当(PayPayボーナス2%+Tポイント1%)が戻ってきます。さらに、ZOZOTOWN PayPayモール店なら、最大10%のPayPayボーナス(つまり、日曜に買えば、日曜日特典と合わせて最大30.5 %) will be granted.If you buy clothes, shoes, bags, accessories, etc., Sunday is a great deal.

The shipping cost is more to get more!Coupons that allow free shipping will be distributed for members of "Yahoo! Premium"!

In addition, "Plewards" may be held, which will return up to 5%of the target amount (product price) for members of Yahoo! Premium only!It's like a time sale.