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  • [Mini review] A sound that can only be heard by Kore. Why I bought the earphone "Pinnacle P1"-AV Watch

[Mini review] A sound that can only be heard by Kore. Why I bought the earphone "Pinnacle P1"-AV Watch

Before explaining why I chose the Pinnacle P1, let's list the points I considered in advance when purchasing earphones this time.

(1) Price range similar to that of the conventionally used product that broke the wire.Considering that as a replacement for the conventionally used product, it seemed reasonable to look for something in a similar price range (approximately 30,000 yen). If you can't use earphones, it will affect your work that requires listening to recorded data, so I tried to buy earphones for about 2,500 yen for the time being, but the sound quality was suitable for the price, so it was a big deal for listening to music. I came to think that it is safe to avoid such a class down.

[Mini review] Only for this Inaudible sound.The reason why I bought the earphone

(2) Re-cable compatible if possible In the future, I would like to experience the fun of re-cable. In addition to being able to change the sound quality, it has the advantage of being able to deal with it by replacing the cable in the unlikely event of a disconnection like this time. Also, it is attractive from a fashion point of view, and if you prepare a compatible player and amplifier, you can open the way to balanced connection. I would like to aim for MMCX compatible products, which have a large lineup, but re-cable compatibility was not set so high as a priority.

(3) High-Resolution Support if Possible Since we sometimes listen to high-resolution sound sources, products that cover the playback frequency band equivalent to high-resolution are best. However, the wider the playback frequency band, the higher the sound quality. Since I already own high-resolution compatible headphones (Sony MDR-Z7), I don't need high-resolution compatible earphones. I want to care about gender.

 Based on these, we narrowed down the candidates to some extent based on the information on the internet, and decided to listen to several at the actual store (Pinnacle P1 has not yet been mentioned as a candidate at this stage). So, I tried listening to several products that I had been eyeing in advance at the store, but none of them sounded the way I had imagined. As is often the case with such shopping, one day I started to get my hands on products that were not in the price range I was aiming for, and I felt like I was getting bogged down... However, on a whim, I listened to the Pinnacle P1 and thought, "Wow?"

Pinnacle P1 felt a little different when listening