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[Mac Info] Do you understand?The merits/disadvantages of the Mac format "APFS" -PC Watch

Appearance and benefits of APFS

 The file system "APFS" provided for iOS in March 2017 was released in September of the same year..It was also introduced to Mac in 13.Currently, it is used as a standard format for all Apple devices such as Mac, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and Apple TV.

 To understand the background of APFS, you need to know your previous format.On the Mac, "HFS" and the successor "HFS+(Mac OS extension format)" have been used for a long time since 1998, and the HFS+format is still left to ensure compatibility with past models.

 This HFS+is a format formulated more than 20 years ago, so it is optimized for use on HDD and has many disadvantages now.First, because of the 32 -bit file system, there are restrictions on the number and capacity that can be handled at the same time.In addition, since it is assumed that the physical data of the HDD is read and writing, there is a problem that modern SSDs cause useless reading writing and shorten the life of semiconductors.

【Mac Info】理解してる?Macのフォーマット「APFS」のメリット/デメリット - PC Watch

 APFS, which appeared to solve these problems, has a lot of advantages, such as 64 -bit compatible, file copy efficiency and speeding up, and partition sizes can be freely changed, and support for native and powerful disk encryption.。The biggest feature is that they are optimized for semiconductor data management such as flash memory and SSD.

 At the time of APFS, the external HDD used in Time Machine could only be used, but with MacOS Big Sur 11 or later, it supported external storage formatted in APFS, achieving the speed of long -awaited backups.。

 Those who have begun to use from recent Macs may not be aware of the change, but one of the reasons why Mac performance has dramatically improved in the last few years is adopted based on a modern file system.You should know that there is.

Time Machine対応macOS Big Sur以降で対応

 The main differences between HFS+and APFS have been organized.Basically, APFS is MacOS Sierra 10 for upward compatibility with HFS+..12 There is almost no merit to choose HFS+except when using earlier

APFSではファイルコピーが一瞬で終わることに驚く人もいるでしょう。その秘密は「コピーオンライト」という仕組みです。簡単に言えば、コピー元とコピー先の内容が同じであれば共通の領域を参照するという技術で、操作の高速化とストレージ使用の節約を実現できますmacOS Big Sur 11以降の環境では、Time MachineバックアップのボリュームにAPFSを選ぶことができます。ファイルコピーの高速化のほか、ファイル破損の危険性も低くなるメリットがあります