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What if I was rejected by job change activities?6 solutions

If you are rejected by job hunting that you have been preparing for a long time, you will be shocked.

According to "Glassdoor", only one of the 250 applicants applied for the job is hired.In other words, 249 people have to be rejected.

However, rejected does not necessarily make you feel terrible.

If you are ready to be rejected, it is relatively easy to deal with.

This time, let's take a look at how to deal with job hunting.

1.Stop being depressed and clarify the cause

Think logically after sadness and depression.

It reveals what was the cause.Despite having worked hard for the job and recruitment, it was rejected, so it is natural to tell me a little reason.

Ask the person in charge or recruitment to email or call and ask if you can tell me the reasons for rejected.Please listen directly to you.

If there are several steps in the recruitment process, look back on your response at each stage and think about when you have reached the level of recruitment.

Ask yourself if you could not respond different.

After collecting and analyzing all feedback and reflection materials, you will find out what caused it.All you have to do is work on that issue.

If you have it, learn the skills that might have been adopted and stretch it.

Also, as time permits, you will be offline classes, and if not, acquire the necessary skills in online classes such as "Udemy", "Coursera", and "The Great Course".

2.Extend the abilities and characteristics necessary for your career

Even if you do a great job, you may be rejected.

You may think, "Why?", But the cause may be because of your personal personality, or lack of communication skills and abilities you need for your job.

For example, if you apply for a manager of the Human Resources Department, it may not be adopted if you lack empathy or have low management capabilities.

If you apply for such a position, make a perfect plan to understand the essential characteristics of the job and acquire or extend it.

Here are some resources that are likely to be useful.

3.Improve job hunting methods

If you've been looking for a job for a long time and your results are not good, consider whether you can improve your job hunting.This is especially true for new graduates and people who have become members of society.

Perhaps the job you are looking for and the job you really want to do is far away.

   転職活動で不採用になったら? 6つの対処法

If you're not excited about the job, you'll know immediately.Aside from believing or not, the interviewer sitting beyond the table in an interview sniffs such feelings and atmosphere.

In such a case, change the way you find a job.

4.I do not receive it personally

No matter how cruel you feel, it's not personal.

Humans tend to think that being hurt is bad.The same is true for rejected.It really hurt and thinks negatively.Sometimes it goes too much and begins to doubt your abilities.

That's why you need to understand that you are not always the cause.

For example, interviewers often change their thoughts, or want the company to work with locals or find a person who share personal hobbies and interests.

This has nothing to do with yourself or your work.

So don't blame yourself.

Please work on what you can change yourself and improve yourself.

If you have sent a wrong resume, you haven't investigated the company in advance in advance, or you are late for an interview, and you are rejected by your own failure.

5.Do not have negative reactions or excessive expectations

Everybody becomes negative when any trivial things happen to you.

Everything in this world seems to be a conspiracy that encounters themselves in a miserable eyes, and they behave like that.But as everyone knows, the reality is not.

So don't say vague words such as "I'm always like this", "I will never work", "Why am I?"

Instead, paraphrase it in words that show a new direction and results.For example, it looks like the following.

Also, even if you work hard in the interview, don't just sit and wait for the results.

Continue to apply for jobs.If you expect excessively, it will be dangerous if the result is not expected.

So don't expect too much.Be 5 % in the case of 95 % positive, but in case the result is not.

6.Prepare your heart

After all, you have to deal with the current situation that is still rejected.

The best way to deal with rejected is to prepare your mind.Even if you are rejected, admit that it is better than those who did not even apply.

Being rejected means going out of your comfort zone and taking a step toward your goal.

You can fail.Find a constant failure and search for the name of a successful person who is now taking over the world or in his era.

Just because you have been rejected does not mean you have been denied.One company or one person does not determine your success or ability in the industry.

There is also a method of using a smartphone to become mentally strong.

Rejected is only part of the process

After all, it is important to be mentally, physically and strongly.

Each person has their own way to deal with stress and difficult situations.

So, for a while, do whatever you want, and don't come.

Please use the method introduced this time to deal with rejected well.