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lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Lifehacker Can I leave the PC on the PC?Compare advantages and disadvantages

One of the long -standing discussions on personal computers is, "Is it okay to keep the PC on the PC turned on all the time? Or should I always turn off the power?"

Both methods are reasonable.The answer is different depending on how you use a computer and how much your computer is used.

This time, let's take a look at the pros and cons of keeping the PC on the computer.

The reason why it is better to always turn on the PC

There are some reasons why it is better to put the PC on the computer all the time.However, not only can it be used immediately, but sometimes it improves PC functions.

I think the main reasons that do not want to turn off the PC are convenient.It's better to always use it than to wait for a personal computer to start up.

Normally, the SSD system takes up to 30 seconds to start the OS.

Older hard drive can take a minute or more.The more programs set to launch at startup, the more time it takes.

You can avoid this problem if you leave the PC on the computer.

It takes only a few seconds for a personal computer to start up from the sleep mode, and all the apps that were launched earlier will be in operation.

There are many tasks that are indispensable for personal computers and data maintenance.

Most maintenance should be turned on the computer all night.

Installing OS updates, creating backups, operating virus scans, uploading a large amount of data that transfers music and photos to the cloud, all takes time and system.Use various resources.

If you are scheduled to run away from your computer or at night, you can keep the latest status completely without disturbing your work or other work.

If you always turn on the PC, you can also execute a specific software that is restricted.

It also includes remote access software such as Windows "Remote Desktop".

You don't feel frustrated that an important file is only on your desktop computer at home.

If you have a necessary file, you only need to log in remotely from your smartphone, tablet, workplace computer, etc.

The reason why it is better not to always turn on the PC

However, some people may think, "Is it damaging to turn on the PC?"

Other devices will be turned off when you finish using them, so it's best to do the same on your computer.

It is a matter of course that any hardware has a lifespan.The backlight of the monitor is usually said to be tens of thousands of hours.

Keeping a laptop battery is significantly shortened by 300 charging cycles, and there is an SSD with a maximum of about 3,000 programs / erasing cycle.

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In fact, you should have bought a computer again before reaching such a limit.

However, if you keep the PC on the computer, even if it is a trivial matter, it will always be stressed.

Also, generating heat is one of the largest factors that shorten the life of hardware.

Even when you are not using it, keeping the power on it is naturally a waste of electricity.But how much is it?

The 13 -inch 2018 MacBook Air uses up to 25 watts in normal use.Up to 8 watts in idle state, 0 in sleep mode.It falls to 3 watts.

Therefore, the power consumption of personal computers is very different between active, idols, and sleep.

Turn off the power of the monitor can save a lot of power, and in sleep mode, you can save more.

However, in sleep mode, many of the benefits of keeping the PC turn on the PC, such as being able to access it remotely.

Also, even if the PC is turned off, if you keep it in the outlet, you will continue to use power in small amount, so you should be careful.

So, if you want to reduce the power used on your computer, turn off the power and make sure you pull out the outlet.

Power surge and power outage do not occur frequently, but can easily damage your computer.

Power surge is most likely to be caused by lightning strikes, but it can also be caused by high -powered home appliances like a refrigerator.

If the power surge is large, electrical appliances, especially the delicate parts of personal computers, may be damaged.

You can prevent this by inserting a surge prototector into your computer.It is generally recommended to use it, but it is better to use it even more if you keep the PC on the computer.

In the past, restarting regularly was part of the user's life to prevent the PC from stopping suddenly.

This is not the case.The modern OS is very good for resource management, and even if you decide not to turn on your computer, you will not notice that the performance has dropped so much.

However, restarting is still the most effective way to solve many of the many errors you encounter every day.Whether the app is crashed or the printer does not move, restarting often solves it.

By turning off the PC at the end of the day, you can flash the system, refresh properly, and start using it without a bug the next morning.

Finally, depending on where you put your computer, you may want to turn off the power because you just want to be quiet.

Notifications and alerts can be easily silent, but there are noise like the sound of the fan and the clicking sound of the hard drive.

Of course, this is not a problem with a fans without a fan, equipped with a CPU or SSD with low power recently.

However, in many desktop PCs, you can live a quieter life if you turn off the power.

Can I always turn on my computer?

It is not important to turn on or off your computer several times a day.

There is no doubt that there is no problem even if you leave the power all night while running the virus scan.Restarting a computer occasionally is an effective idea for cooling moderately in hot summer.

So, should I turn on the PC or drop it?After all, it depends on the needs of that person.

If you don't use it for a few days, you should drop the power.

However, if you always need to use it, there is no problem even if you keep the power on during that time.

I want to read it together

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Image: Makeuseof


Original Article: Leaving your Computer on All the time: The Pros and Cons by Makeuseof