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One year of failure to complete the picture, the third wheel of the quantum is completed, the origin of the original throw | quantum calculation | drawing |

【猎雲网Beijing】February 28th

Three millions of yuan Pre-A loan has been completed, and after 3 months, the domestic premier optical quantum computing company "Design Quantum" will be announced soon. Participated in domestic well-known investment organizations such as the original fund investment, Wuxi Binhu Guo investment, Lao Tongjun's investment, Amber investment, etc. So far, the one-year "drawing quantum" has accumulated over 5 billion yuan.

Understood, the main use of this machine is to create optical quantum calculations and intelligent industrial applications.

"Magazine Quantum" Founder Professor Kim Hyun-min In the 20th century, the first development of computer technology in the 1940s-1970s, basically only in Europe and the United States; Priority given to the presentation of research results in the field of light quantum computing with a certain level of competence. Since the beginning of China, it has been actively participating in the international scientific competition, and has been working with contemporary Chinese science workers. The 2022 Global Invitation Program is expected to be launched soon.

Since the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty management joint labor cost construction, the demand for computational power has risen sharply since the scale of the scale, the demand for the supply of computing power has increased, and the quantum computing society is a new round of technology. Revolutionary industry-changing basic technology. Quantum computing has entered the NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era. Quantum Computing Technology Development Research Team full technical team, Professor Kan Hao Kim Hyunmin and his team have full technical capabilities in the optical quantum field. The era of QPU (Quantum Processing Unit) has arrived.

The year 2021 is the first year of quantum computing, and the industry will call it the first year of photon computing. Reported by China Science and Technology Research Institute, 2021 Quantum Science and Technology Co., Ltd. will complete 49 million yen in funding, and the annual funding will be close to 32 million dollars. ,The loan amount is 26.91 million Yuan. International Mathematical Corporation (IDC) forecasts that the global quantum computing market will grow from 4.12 million yuan in 2020 to 86 million yuan in 2027, with a combined annual growth rate of 50.9%.

Unsuccessful year, figure Quantum Completion Third Wheel Melting,Genhe Origin Throwing | |quantum calculation|picture|fusion_sina technology_sina network

New developments in the quantum area, new theories, new technology concentration, the “second quantum revolution” has launched a new technology and industry. Accompanying the constant rule of thumb to reach the ultimate limit, including super-computational quantum computing, a promising work to be the next generation of breakthrough technology, becoming an important mover in the fourth industrial revolution. Quantum computing is already in the early stages of industrialization, but the industrial industry has entered the first stage of implementation, and the number of documents, government organizations, and the scientific community is increasing rapidly. In recent years, the quantum computing field has been continuously connected, and quantum technology has become the world's leading science and technology nation's strategy.

"Map Quantum" was established in February 2021, the core team has come to Niujin University, Imperial College of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, etc. The only simultaneous core chip controller in front of us, quantum computing, photon computing, and artificial intelligence technology.

Unable to complete for a year,"Material Quantum" has completed the industrialization process from the real room,formed a complete commercial product system,existing photon core chip,for photon computer,photon measuring system,photon EDA Real-world advanced technology excellence in the field of construction and quantum platform. Released core products Comprehensive and integrated commercial optical quantum computer for scientific research—TuringQ Gen 1, Sankei optical quantum core chip and ultra-high-speed programmable optical quantum core chip Completed domestic optical quantum EDA field technology product gap.

Immediately, "Magic Quantum" domestic first-line photon core center laboratory construction, promising to be built in the next two years From the design, the flow, the sealing, to the system integrated sum quantum arithmetic applied all-in-one research ability. Borrowing the power of "hard core", "quantum quantum" is the only family to start a new company in the quantum computing area.

Professor Kim Hyun-min, Self-reliance in science and technology is the strategy for national development, together is the book of entrepreneurship, key core technology must be held on your own, authentic and self-reliant, free from "card" Difficulties, formation technology walls and rivers, Talent growth is a genuine hard-core enterprise.