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Laurin Hill, tax evasion and theft, have many litigation issues

Rolin Hill (C) Bang Media International, who has been charged with tax evasion for three years

Rolin Hill was charged with tax evasion for three years.Rollin was accused by the New Jersey Federal Court that he had earned a total of $ 1.6 million (about 126 million yen) in three years from 2005 to 2007, but had not filed an appropriate income.It is said that it is done.


Rollin, who was charged on June 7, could be imprisoned for a maximum of $ 300,000 in prison or fined a year in prison.TMZ.According to COM, she is scheduled to appear on June 29.

Laurin was stolen last year by his fashion consultant.In the 2007 European tour, she was sued by the company that Via Davia Vintage did not return most expensive costumes and accessories she agreed to provide.

In addition, she was asked for damages from the guitarist Jay Gore, who was on his tour band, for damages, because of insults to the band and unpaid salary."Every time the tour performance is over, Rollyn gathered the accompanying musicians and tour staff to hold meetings, and spent personal criticism and insult."

(C) Bang Media International