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[Latest in 2021] Apple Music (Apple Music) fee and payment method summary!OK without a credit card!

Do you know Apple's music streaming service Apple Music?This article explains the charges of Apple Music, payment methods, and useful functions.

table of contents

What is Apple Music?

Apple Music is a music streaming service provided by Apple.

Apple Music(アップルミュージック)の料金は、 サブスクリプリョン制になっています。サブスクリプション制とは、 毎月決められた料金を払うことで、サービスが使い放題になるというものです。Apple Music(アップルミュージック)の場合、毎月料金を支払うことで、 全世界の5,000万曲以上の楽曲が聴き放題になります。無料トライアル期間もあるため、お試しでApple Music(アップルミュージック)を使うこともできます。

Apple Music also has a playlist sharing function with friends, for you function, finding functions, search functions, music video viewing, and offline playback.If you use the offline function, you can enjoy music without worrying about the data communication capacity on the go.

Apple Music(アップルミュージック)は、Apple製品(iPhone、iPad、Apple Watch、Mac、Apple TV、CarPlayなど)に標準でインストールされているミュージックアプリから利用することができます。また、Apple製品以外にも、 Android端末や、Windowsパソコン、Sonos**というスマートスピーカーからもApple Music(アップルミュージック)を聴くことができます

What is the price plan for Apple Music?

Apple Music has three price plans.All of the three pricing plans can use all the functions of Apple Music (Apple Music).

There are no free plans in LINE MUSIC or Spotify.You can use it for free for 3 months from the new registration.

Individual membership is a standard plan for Apple Music.It can be used for 980 yen per month.

In addition, there is an annual plan, and the fee is 9,800 yen per year.Annual plan is more advantageous in the total of one year.

Family Membership is a plan that allows you to use Apple Music up to 6 people at 1,480 yen per month.Up to 6 people can be added, so the more people you add, the better.The following is the price per person when used by multiple people.


Students recommend student membership.Normal Apple Music (Apple Music) can be used for 480 yen per month.

Student membership is for students who attend universities and vocational schools.Authentication using your school email address.If you do not have a school email address, you can authenticate with your student ID card.

It is important to note that junior high and high school students are not eligible.If you are a junior high school or high school student, it may be cheaper to share with your family with family membership.

A must -see for students!How to register for Apple Music without Creca

Are you worried that you can't register for Apple Music because you don't have a credit card? "Even such a person is okay with a bundle card!

The bundle card is a VISA prepaid card that anyone can make in one minute and shop immediately.Like a credit card, there is no age limit for issuing cards!You can immediately issue a virtual card (free) that can be used for online payment by simply installing an app on your smartphone and registering (free).

The bundle card

You can charge by various means.A bundle card can be paid with a VISA card even if you do not have a credit card!

When paying with a bundle card, select a credit card for the payment method and enter the card information.

Please refer to here for how to pay Apple Music using a bundle card.

»How do you buy apps and music on the App Store or iTunes Store?

How to register Apple Music?

Apple Music registers online.

If you apply for a student fee plan, you will be authenticated by the school email address.Basically, you do not need to submit a student ID, so the authentication is completed immediately.

【2021年最新】Apple Music(アップルミュージック)の料金や支払い方法まとめ!クレカなしでもOK!

  1. 「ミュージック」を開きます。
  2. 「無料で開始」を開きます。
  3. お支払い画面が表示されるので、Touch IDまたはFace IDで認証します。

You can register Apple Music (Apple Music) from your iPhone.The payment screen will be displayed, but there is a free trial for 3 months, so you can use it at first without a monthly fee.

This section describes how to register on Apple Music (Apple Music) from Windows or Mac PCs.

  1. Apple Music - Apple(日本)を開きます。
  2. 「無料で体験する」を開きます。
  3. Apple IDでサインインします。
  4. 月額料金を決済するための支払い方法を追加し、指示に従って登録します。

This is how to register from your computer to Apple Music (Apple Music).

Apple Music has a free trial

Apple Music has a free trial.In the free trial, you can try Apple Music for the first three months for free.You can use a free trial on any monthly plan of individual plans, student plans, and family plans.Even if you are worried about contracting Apple Music, you can easily try it.

Apple Music (Apple Music) can be used without any charge by canceling before the free period.There is no complicated procedure for cancellation.

For the free period, you can check the following method for iOS (for iOS).

  1. 「設定」を開きます。
  2. 一番上のアカウント名が表示されているところを開きます。
  3. 「サブスクリプション」を開きます。
  4. 「Apple Music」を開くと、無料期間が記載されています。

With the above procedure, you can check the free period.By canceling before the free period ends, you can use only the free trial.

It is important to note that Apple Music (Apple Music) will not be available after canceling before the free period.If you pay a fee, you can use it until the next update date.

Compare the monthly fee of Apple Music with other services

The monthly fees and major functions of Apple Music are summarized in the table compared to Spotify, YouTube Music, and YouTube Music.

項目Apple MusicSpotifyYouTube MusicAmazon Music
その他Siriが使える優秀なレコメンド機能追加料金でYouTube Premiumも利用可能にAmazonプライム会員なら780円に割引

Although there are some differences depending on the music streaming service, it is the same that you can listen to music by paying a monthly fee of about 1000 yen every month.All of them have a free period, so if you are wondering which music streaming service to use, it is recommended that you try some of the worrisome things.

This time, LINE MUSIC and AWA have been omitted from the table, but both LINE MUSIC and AWA have a free period, so you can listen to music for 980 yen per month.In addition, both LINE MUSIC and AWA have student plans, and unlike Apple Music (Apple Music), even junior high school students and above students can apply.

Each music streaming service is explained in detail here, so please see if you like.

»How to use Spotify Premium without a credit card» What is the topic "YouTube Music"?I will explain the price and benefits »What is Amazon Music?I will also explain the differences between Prime and Unlimited »What is the music app you care about?Functions, fees, payments, cancellations!»Can LINE MUSIC be used for free?Thorough explanation of charges and functions

For payment of music streaming service, a bundle card is recommended.With a bundle card, you can pay monthly charges such as Apple Music and YouTube Music without a credit card.Click here to download.

Other payment methods of Apple Music (Apple Music)

Apple Music (Apple Music) can be paid with a credit card.The corresponding brands are as follows.

Please refer to here for how to pay Apple Music using cards.

»How do you buy apps and music on the App Store or iTunes Store?

Payment of Apple Music is also possible with a carrier payment of a mobile phone company.The following carrier payment is available.

The amount used in career payment will be charged with the mobile phone fee at a later date.Those who use cheap SIMs cannot use carrier payments.

The iTunes gift card placed at a convenience store can also be used to pay Apple Music (Apple Music).After purchasing the iTunes gift card, pay the serial number listed on the card and enter it on the screen.

Apple Music (Apple Music) has a three -month free period, but when paying with an iTunes card, the free period cannot be used unless you deposit one month's amount in advance.Since the iTunes card is sold from 1,500 yen, if the balance is 0 yen, you need to purchase 1,500 yen.

How to register from Apple One?

From this year, a new subscription bundle service called Apple One has been born.Apple One is a bundle service that summarizes Appke's four subscription services (Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, iCloud storage).You can use each subscription service cheaper than contracting separately.

Apple One also has a personal plan and a family plan.

The price of a personal plan is 1,100 yen per month.In the individual plan, you can use the four subscription services of Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and iCloud storage, and the iCloud capacity is 50GB.

The fee for the family plan is 1,850 yen per month.In the family plan, you can use up to 5 people and Apple One.Family plans can also use four subscription services: Apple Music, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, and iCloud storage as well as personal plans.For iCloud, you can use 200GB more than individual plans.

I will explain how to register with Apple One.

  1. 「App Store」を開きます。
  2. 右上のプロフィールアイコンを開き、「アカウント」を表示させます。
  3. 「サブスクリプション」を開きます。
  4. 「Apple Oneを入手する」を開きます。
  5. 個人プランとファミリープランのどちらかを選択します。
  6. お支払い画面が表示されるので、Touch IDまたはFace IDで承認します。

The registration of Apple One (Apple One) is completed.

How to check and change Apple Music (Apple Music)

To check the payment method of Apple Music (Apple Music), tap in the following order (for iPhone / iPad).

  1. 「設定」をタップします。
  2. 「[ユーザー名]」をタップします。
  3. 「支払いと配送先」をタップします。

The card displayed at the top is a card currently payment method.

To change the payment method, display the payment method confirmation screen.

Tap "Edit" in the upper right and sort so that the card you want to make a payment method is the top.

How to cancel Apple Music?

This section describes how to cancel Apple Music.Introducing the procedures to cancel from iPhone, PC (Mac / Windows), Android.If you cancel during the free period, you need to be careful as you will not be able to use Apple Music (Apple Music) as soon as you cancel.If you pay a monthly fee, you can continue to use Apple Music until the next update date.

This section describes how to cancel Apple Music from the iPhone.

  1. 「設定」を開きます。
  2. 一番上のアカウントページを開きます。
  3. 「サブスクリプション」を開きます。

  1. 「Apple Music」を開きます。

  1. 「サブスクリプションをキャンセル」を開きます(無料期間中は、無料トライアルをキャンセルと表示されます)。

When the cancellation is completed and the period ends, it will be added to the "Effective period".

Next, we will explain how to cancel Apple Music from a personal computer (Mac / Windows).

  1. ブラウザからApple Musicを開きます。
  2. 右上のアカウントアイコンを開き、「設定」をクリックします。
  3. 「サブスクリプション」の「管理」を開きます。
  4. 「サブスクリプションをキャンセル」を開きます(無料期間中は、無料トライアルをキャンセルと表示されます)。

Finally, we will explain how to cancel Apple Music from Android devices.

  1. Apple Musicのアプリを開きます。
  2. 右上のメニューボタンから、「アカウント」を開きます。
  3. 「メンバーシップを管理」を開きます。
  4. 「登録をキャンセル」を開きます。

The cancellation of Apple Music (Apple Music) is completed.

After cancellation, how long you can use it depends on whether it is a free trial period or during the paid period.

If you cancel during the free period, you will not be able to use Apple Music (Apple Music) when you cancel.

On the other hand, if you cancel during the paid period, you can continue to use Apple Music until the next update date.

At the end

This article explains the charges, payment methods, benefits and usage of Apple Music.It was also compared with other music streaming services such as Spotify, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music.

I would be glad if you could take this opportunity to use Apple Music on the bundle card.