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  • JX Telecommunications Company's American Shigehiro | Change Japanese news by "automation"!| Standing notebook for entrepreneurship / founding / financing

JX Telecommunications Company's American Shigehiro | Change Japanese news by "automation"!| Standing notebook for entrepreneurship / founding / financing

The era when newspapers and television monopolized information are over!The reason why the news agency of "Reporter Zero" was able to raise funds of 2.2 billion yen

Unlike the era when newspapers and television monopolized information, the era is now "100 million photographers".In such an era, if an incident occurs, the SNS of the general public can be a breaking news than the reporter.He was interested in the aviation industry when he was a junior high school student, and asked Mr. Yone Yone, a representative director of JX News Agency, who had decided to start a business after graduating from high school, about his business content, the history of entrepreneurship, and attitude.

米重 克洋(よねしげ かつひろ)株式会社JX通信社 代表取締役社長、CEO、報道研究者 @kyoneshige​​1988年8月、山口県生まれ。2007年、私立聖光学院高等学校(横浜市)卒業後、学習院大学経済学部に進学。2008年1月に当社設立。中学・高校時代に航空業界専門のニュースサイトを運営した経験から「ビジネスとジャーナリズムの両立」という課題に着目。出演等:AI防災協議会理事、Yahoo!ニュース個人オーサー、共同通信コラム『デジタルジャーナリズム研究』連載、「『2021 Forbes JAPAN 100』選出」、「『MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 2021』選出」、WIRED Audi INNOVATION AWARD 2018受賞、Business Insider Game Changer 2019グランプリ受賞。インタビュアー 大久保幸世創業手帳 株式会社 代表取締役大手ITベンチャー役員で、多くの起業家を見た中で「創業後に困ることが共通している」ことに気づき会社のガイドブック「創業手帳」を考案。現:創業手帳を創業。ユニークなビジネスモデルを成功させた。印刷版は累計200万部、月間のWEB訪問数は起業分野では日本一の100万人を超え、“起業コンシェルジェ“創業手帳アプリの開発や起業無料相談や、内閣府会社設立ワンストップ検討会の常任委員や大学での授業も行っている。毎日創業Tシャツの人としても話題に。創業手帳 代表取締役 大久保幸世のプロフィールはこちら

* In the "Founding Handbook" that writes this article, more fulfilling information is also explained in the thick "Founding Handbook / Printing Version".Please order it because you can get it for free.

Contents of this article

SNS is more important for news breaking news than reporters

Okubo: What kind of business is it?


We analyze big data gathering on the Internet, which have relyed on analog sea tactics by newspapers and television, using AI, and realizes faster news bulletin than anywhere else.

Okubo: The media so far has a big part that rely on the reporter's power.You need knowledge and labor costs.

Yonju: That's right.I wondered if it would be difficult for the news organizations to continue to do it in the conventional way, and I wondered if technology could be used to solve the problem, and I wonder if there was a place to automate.

Okubo: I'm originally from an e -commerce that handles data, so when I wrote an article, I remember that the process was complicated and so troublesome.By converting information into data, it also leads to improvement in the quality of articles.


Okubo: There is also a problem that a human writing will take some bias.It is likely that they will unconsciously take up the facts that are in line with their own claims.


Okubo: No matter how much the reporter at the newspaper is, it is clearly the number of smartphones of people walking around the city.

Okubo: When I was in a live door, I remember being shocked that the internet news was faster than the press.The power of the net is amazing.That means that it is becoming more and more systematic.


Okubo: As a news organization, it seems that there is a feeling of exhausting at the site.In the bubble era, television was doing a budget and attacking, but now I can't use much budget.


Since I was a junior high school student, I wanted to start a business someday

Okubo: I heard that you wanted to make a company since you were a child, is that true?




Okubo: That's early.Why did you start a business in the news field?

Yoneshige: The result of thinking that it is where you can continue to have a sense of assignment.Originally, it was a news geek.At that time, online news media has been crushed in a few years.How do you feel that the news media of that type of news media is no longer?As a result, I was inspired to see if I should create content.It was when free paper such as "R25" became a hot topic, and the creation of content in cross media began to be in the spotlight.

Okubo: There aren't many cases where the company stands up and runs all the time, and it's the impression that everyone is changing the business content and direction, but how was that area?

JX通信社 米重克洋|日本の報道を「自動化」で変える! | 起業・創業・資金調達の創業手帳

Yonju: That's right.It's not a smooth sail from the beginning, but it's pivot about twice.

Around 2011, I launched a news app called Vingow.If you follow the news with a tag, the news that you are interested in will be displayed automatically, but there is a drawback that the news will not be displayed unless you tag yourself, and later Gnossy and Smart News.I was overtaken by.I regretted that it was a selfish product of the news geek.


After that, we received a consultation from Kyodo News, "Fastalert (Fast Alert (Fast Alert (Fast Alert (Fast Alert (Fast Alert), can you create a system that prompts disasters, accidents, and incidents as soon as you use the technology that enables the bulletin of Newsdigest.") Is born.With this release, we have a capital and business alliance with Kyodo News, and then NHK, including NHK, has adopted Fastalert for all commercial key stations.

In addition, the situation has been conducted in the election, and it has been well received.

Okubo: I was 33 years old, but I was surprised that I was experienced in various ways.It's an open innovation with Kyodo News.What kind of technology is used?



I will let the machine learn such cases and find them out.

Okubo: What is the accuracy?


I want to deliver news for companies and individuals

Okubo: How many organizations are now?

Yonju: It's about 70 people.The engineers are less than half and there are no reporters.Half is sales and marketing.You can use flex and remote systems, and I think that the degree of freedom is high.

Okubo: It's innovative that there is no reporter despite being a news agency.I heard that you raised 2.2 billion yen by financing, but what do you use for the money you raised?


In the future, investors and business companies who have agreed how much advance investment can be made to scale the business will be funded.

Okubo: I see.Please tell us your future prospects.



It is also important how to analyze the published information and how to delve under news ethics.I think there will be a reason to be selected when excluding fake news and how to convey information by judging information.


Since this situation has been around for many years, newspapers come to the conclusion that when they think, "Why newspapers can't sell", "let's improve content" or "look for themes that can be read more."I tend to be.

Okubo: You have such a head.The problem is not there.


Okubo: Do you have a message that you want to be careful for readers who are just thinking about entrepreneurship or just starting a business?


Okubo: There are really many things when you are a company.Something problem always comes out.

Yonju: That's right.I'm already assuming that it's like that.I'm not angry at the problem.


冊子版の創業手帳では、様々な起業家についてのインタビュー記事を多数掲載。インタビュー記事以外にも、起業に向けて知っておくべき内容が盛りだくさん。無料でお届け致しますので、あわせてご活用ください。関連記事LinkedIn日本代表 村上 臣|日本人の転職事情は今まさに変わっている【村上氏連載その1】メディアに露出し認知度をアップせよ【西村氏連載その6】

(Cooperation of coverage: JX News Agency CEO Katsuhiro Yone Shige) (Edit: Founding Handbook Editorial Department)

このカテゴリでみんなが読んでいる記事1位起業家インタビューブライトン 伴 照代|日本にない「産後ケア施設」を作りたい! 元CA起業家のゼロイチ起業ストーリー2位起業家インタビューcotobox 五味 和泰|商標ってどんな権利?大企業じゃなくても取ったほうがいい? 弁理士起業家に聞いた3位起業家インタビュータイミー 小川 嶺|2年間で30億円超えの資金調達! 独占インタビュー