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  • When the data drive is SSD, I tried to make a PC HDD -less using 4TB SSD -Akiba PC Hotline!

When the data drive is SSD, I tried to make a PC HDD -less using 4TB SSD -Akiba PC Hotline!

I want to replace the data HDD with SSD more quietly for a quiet work PC

 The PC to be used this time is the following self -made PC.One of the parts used in reviews in the past is mainly used for work.We have three units, so we try to keep them as quiet as possible.


 CPU is Core i9-9900K, memory is DDR4-2666 32GB x 2 sheets, SSD is 1TB (m).2/NVVE) x 1, HDD is 3TB (SATA) x 1, and motherboard is a Gigabyte Z390 I AORUS PRO WiFi.By the way, memory and SSD are made by crucial.

 The most worrisome thing about using this PC is the sound of the HDD, and since the others are quiet, the rotation sounds that swell out are noticeable.In addition, the time to wait for the spin -up of the HDD when starting a PC is a place where the response is poor.

 Getting used to it is a terrible thing, the rotation sound of the HDD is smaller than the noise of the high -spec gaming PC, and the spin -up waiting time is a few seconds.How nervous!It may be a level that is said to be, but I knew that if I tested it in the past and changed the data HDD to SSD, it will be resolved, so I have been waiting for a chance to change.

CPUCore i9-9900K(8コア/16スレッド)
メモリDDR4-2666 32GB×2枚
OS用ストレージ1TB NVMe SSD
データ用ストレージ3TB SATA-HDD
OSWindows 10 Pro 64bit

 In the first place, if you use SSD for data driving, you will go from where you will find out how many TBs you have.In the case of my environment, the original is 3TB HDD, so if it is 4TB or more, it can be replaced reliably, depending on the capacity of 2TB, it may be enough.

 The following is the total capacity of the data currently used in the work PC, the total of 1,87TB.


 HDDs and SSDs have a beautiful amount of 1,000B = 1KB, 1,000KB = 1GB, 1,000GB = 1TB, and more.When actually using it and using it, the unit that can be divided into a feeling of 1,024B = 1KB = 1KB, 1,024KB = 1GB, 1,024GB = 1TB, is different from the indications, so the area that can be actually used even if you purchase a 1TB SSD.The value is about 10 % decreased.

 The following is the situation when CRUCIAL MX500 2TB is formatted in NTFS format, but the area that can actually be used is 1..81TB.The amount of data in the author's environment is 1.Because it is 87TB, it does not fit at the very end, and it is not possible to replace the data drive with 2TB SSD in this environment.

2TB SSDもデータ用ドライブとしては候補に入ります。フォーマット後に使用できる空き領域は1.81TB。筆者環境の場合はギリギリ容量が足りない結果に。

 Since the data does not fit in 2TB SSD, I chose 4TB SSD this time, but if you format 4TB SSD, the available capacity is 3..It will be 63TB.The data of the author's environment is 1.Although it is 87TB, it seems that it can be used for a long time because it remains nearly half of the space even if this is put in.

MX500 4TBのフォーマット後の空き容量、3.63TBが利用可能。