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  • Is the nursery school a nuisance facility? I think about noise trouble again through the nursery school problem (Norihisa Hashimoto) --Apers -Yahoo! News

Is the nursery school a nuisance facility? I think about noise trouble again through the nursery school problem (Norihisa Hashimoto) --Apers -Yahoo! News

Funeral home and nursery school commonality?

 Before the Corona's evil, a company that was planning a lecture mainly for local government officials, etc. was asked for a lecture.Three instructors, including the author, were planned, but the overall lecture theme was specified,

"Location and precautionary measures of" so -called annoying facilities "such as funeral homes, nursery schools, etc."

That was.I was surprised at the clear expression of funeral homes and nursery schools as a nuisance facility, but on the other hand, I thought that such consciousness may have already become established in local governments.No, that may not be the case.There are local funeral services with crematoriums, but recent crematoriums usually have no smokerless, expensive chimney and no smoke or smell.Some people may find it annoying than the funeral home because the child's voice is noisy from the nursery school or the nursery school.If it becomes annoying than the crematorium, this is exactly the age of nursery schools.

 Then, if you don't have noise, the nursery school will be welcomed, so I don't feel like that.Just as the crematorium is not welcomed even if the crematorium is smokerless, it seems that nursery schools are cultivating social consciousness that is not welcomed even without noise.The reality that the funeral home, nursery school, and the place where the elderly and children, which make up both ends of life, are gone is not enough.I would like to think about a nursery school really a "nuisance facility".

Annoying and annoying acts

 When I was traveling in Finland, I got on the train from a small town called Salo to Torque, but there was a play space for children at the top of the vehicle.There were a few children playing happily, and they were quite lively, such as playing on the floor, those hanging down on luggage shelves, but passengers sitting nearby.Nobody, including me, didn't seem to be a nuisance, so they spent a long time to read books and manipulate personal computers.

 Annoying is annoying if you think it's annoying, and if you don't think it's annoying, it won't bother.It seems natural, but this is an important point.In Japan, some people feel annoying if children are making noise on the train, and it is annoying just to put a stroller on the subway.On the Wien subway, you can put a bicycle as it is, but no one gets angry if it's a nuisance.Annoying is just a subjective being.

 So what exactly is a nuisance facility?First, a nuisance facility is a facility that performs a nuisance, not a facility that feels annoying.Don't mistake this.The child's voice may resonate from the nursery school, but this is not a nuisance.The point of the annoying facility related to noise is that "continuously occurs in a situation where excess noise is reached in the neighborhood due to the inadequate design plan and the lack of significant nearby consideration."In that case, it can be said that it is a nuisance facility, but normal nursery schools do not fall under this.

Real reason for the construction of nursery school construction

 However, in reality, there is a situation that opposes the construction of nursery schools all over the country.What is this reason?Usually, it feels annoying because of frustration behind it, but in the case of nursery school issues, anxiety leads to frustration.Previously, I had a survey of awareness of citizens in my laboratory, which showed clear results.

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 According to the survey, "What if a nursery school construction plan happens next to your house?"We did not disagree and "welcome") and examined the attributes of those who opposed the construction of nursery schools, but the results were surprising.

 Until now, those who opposed nursery school construction had a general tone of "elderly people living in a quiet area", but when the survey results were tested statistically, gender, age (whether or not).There was no clear relationship between the length of the residence, the family structure (whether the single person), the presence or absence of work (whether the time at home is long), and the use area (whether it is a quiet place).。Numerically, it was a result that it had nothing to do with it.The only answer was that the clear correlation was confirmed, as shown in the figure below, the question of whether or not you feel anxious about noise.

 The figure shows the question, "What if a nursery school construction plan happens next to your house?" And "Do you feel anxious about noise if you have a nursery school next to your home?"The answer is a cross -aggregated.This result can confirm a clear tendency.

 90 % of those who strongly oppose the nursery school construction plan are very anxious about noise, and it is 100 % in combination with those who feel a little.And if the anxiety decreases, the opinions against construction decrease accordingly, and those who do not feel uneasy will respond to the construction of a nursery school.Whether you oppose the construction of a nursery school is not related to whether you live in a quiet residential area or whether you are the elderly, and if you are worried about the noise of the child's voice from the nursery school.It is decided.Such a clear tendency can be considered as indicating the strength of the causal relationship.

 The opposition to the construction of a nursery is because the only reason for the change in the environment is not because of the recognition that nursery schools are annoying facilities.By the way, at the time of the awareness survey, we also ask direct questions, "Do you think nursery schools are annoying facilities?".1 %, "I think" is only 1.The result was 5%(the rest is "I can't say either").Rather than avoiding as a nuisance facility, if it is due to anxiety, it is thought that the construction of the nursery school will proceed smoothly if the anxiety is fully eliminated.It is necessary to make an effort for that, but in fact there are already cases where it is not so easy.

From inconvenience to intolerance

 I planned to rebuild the garden at a nursery school in Kansai.In consideration of the noise problem of children in nursery schools these days, new nursery schools have plans to take great care so that children's voices do not resonate in the neighborhood.The three -story garden located on the west side of the site has a long flat plan to the north and south, so that there is no opening on the wall facing the nearby residence on the west, so that the building itself becomes a 9m tall soundproof wall.Did.On the north side is a three -story apartment owned by a nursery school, which also works as a soundproof wall.There is no problem because the east side is a large park across the road, so on the south side, place the garden on the north side to the north side and release the distance from the neighboring house, and the height is 2 on the south side of the garden garden..A 4m concrete soundproof fence was installed.

 Even from the viewpoint of sound experts, it can be said that it is a perfect design that has no more consideration for the neighborhood, but still not convinced by the neighbors, and the child's voice is measured with a noise meter after completion.He said he was strongly demanding that if it exceeds the reference value (although the child's voice actually has no reference value), it will be memorized to take measures to improve.From the perspective of neighboring residents, I think this is natural because it can be annoying.

 My opinion is that "moderation, tolerance and communication" is needed to solve the noise problem.It is a tolerance of the side that is heard to the side that makes the sound, and communication that allows each other to feel it, but this case is a situation where even if you do moderation, you will no longer be tolerant.I don't think.In the rebuilding problem of this nursery school, the neighborhood has a perfect plan to take into account, and it can be said that it is a good facility rather than a nuisance facility, but I think that nearby residents are still annoying facilities.This is no longer a nuisance, but an intolerance.These should be clearly distinguished.

 Several noise lawsuits have been filed with nursery schools, but in my knowledge that the nursery has not yet been defeated.According to a lawsuit in a certain city in Kansai, although the child's voice is certainly loud, the equivalent noise level in 16 hours is slightly lower than the environmental standard value, and the complaints of soundproofing and damages have been rejected.。The plaintiffs were appealing to the Supreme Court, but the results did not change.In the lawsuit in Tokyo, a ruling was sentenced after eight years of a complaint, and claims for damages were dismissed.

 In any case, it is probably because the court has determined that the child's voice does not exceed the ninja limit, which does not meet the requirements of the annoying facility described earlier.In many cases, the nursery school problem develops into a lawsuit because the facility side has been poorly responded to due to poor response to the facility side, but one of the causes of the confusion between the inconvenience and the perception of the inhabitants.I have to say it.

 In the future, you must start by correctly judging whether it is annoying or intolerant.On top of that, we have to aim for the status of "moderation, tolerance and communication", but in reality, the sound is accused of intolerance, and the person who is heard is annoying no moderation.The opposite of the opposite situation that there is only communication that swears and senses the other person's malice.If you are in the middle of trouble, calmly look at the problem again.