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Is Windows 11 a role in drawing an old PC or Windows once (1/2)?

 Windows 11 has been announced.Android and MacOS are already version 11 in 2020, so it's an "eleven" one year later.Considering that Microsoft was planning to ship Windows 10X, which seems to be closely related to this Windows 11, with Surface NEO at the end of last year, Windows 11, that is, the plan as as of 2019, Windows 11 is the spring this spring.I think it was planned.

The conditions for whether or not you can upgrade to Windows 11 is quite strict

 In other words, that's why there was almost no new feature in the Windows 10 update this spring.Since Windows 11 was scheduled to appear, it is thought that Windows10 was only planning to fix a bug.

 By the way, at the 21H1 timing, which is the spring update, the distribution of "news and interest" began, but it is also distributed to 20H2, etc.Moreover, this "news and interest", Windows 11 will be abolished as soon as possible.Instead, the ones with similar contents will be installed as "gadgets".

 By the way, there are various articles about Windows 11 details, so please refer to them.Here, I would like to talk a little deeper into Windows 11.

Why does Microsoft need Windows 11 in the first place?

 The reason why Microsoft is Windows 11 and why Windows is different from Windows 10 is that we need to restart Windows.Windows 8, the previous version of Windows 10.The mainstream support of 1 has ended, and all Windows for general users has become Windows 10, except for the paid extension service.

 Of course, even if the support is expired, some users continue to use old Windows, but since there is no support, it is as good as Microsoft.Also, Windows 7 and 8 will not be installed on the latest hardware because Windows 10 will not be supported by new hardware (no processor driver etc.).

 However, Windows 10 has a lot of old hardware left due to the free upgrade from Windows 7.It seems that one of Windows 11 is one of Windows 11 to draw a line once to a PC in these worlds.

 As far as the Microsoft page looks like the Windows 11 system requirements, it doesn't seem to be so expensive, so it seems to be able to move on a slightly older PC.In fact, however, in the Intel CPU, the 8th generation Core series shipped from the end of 2017 to 2018 is the minimum line.A rough estimate is that only PCs after 2018 can be upgraded to Windows 11 (it is possible only).

● Windows 11 specification https: // www.Microsoft.COM/JA-JP/Windows/Windows-11-Specifications ● Windows 11 Supported AMD Processors https: // Docs.Microsoft.Com/EN-US/Windows-Hardware/Design/Minimum/Supported/Windows-11-Supported-AMD-PROCESSORS ● Windows 11 Supported Intel Processors HTTPS: //.Microsoft.Com/EN-us/Windows-Hardware/Design/Minimum/Supported/Windows-11-Supported-INTEL-PROCESSORS

 PCs in the world are divided into those that can be upgraded to Windows 11 and those that are not.And PCs that cannot be upgraded will continue to use Windows 10.Windows 10 (HOME and PRO edition) for general users will be available twice a year (half -year channel) until October 14, 2025 (four years later).

Windows 11は古いPCやWindowsと一旦線引きするのが1つの役目か (1/2)

● Windows 10 Home and Pro https: // docs.Microsoft.COM/JA-JP/LIFECYCLE/PRODUCTS/Windows-10-HOME-And-PRO

 Windows 11 is only for PCs after 2018, and the PCs shipped before that will support Windows 10 up to 2025.This eliminates the need for old PCs in Windows 11, ending Windows 10 support in 2025, and Microsoft does not need to take care of the old PC before 2018.

How far did Windows 11 inherit the Windows 10X specifications?I gave up moving the desktop app with a virtual machine!?

 Windows 10X, which did not appear in the end, has been announced, and it is interesting how far it is included in Windows 11.The abandonment of Windows 10X has been abandoned, and Windows 10X will not be Windows 11 as it is.Then what came in and what was abandoned?

 The most worrisome thing is that Windows 10X operates the desktop app with "Win32 Container" (virtual machine).

Windows 10X said that the Win32 application operates in the virtual machine "Win32 Container" and displays the screen using RDP.

 For this area, please refer to the previous article.

● Windows 10X seems to end up in 90 seconds https: // ASCII.JP/ELEM/000/004/003/4003881/● Is it possible to recover the tablet market with Windows 10X, which was reborn while maintaining app compatibility https: // ASCII.JP/ELEM/000/004/004/4004590/

 Windows 10X may be a problem with Windows 10 variations, such as Windows 10S, so it may not be a problem, but I felt that it would be compatible as a widely used Windows.The reason why Windows 10X was abandoned may have lurked because there were a large number of apps that did not move due to this area.

 Windows 10X operating all apps with virtual machines was also related to the function of updating Windows in a short time.This is because Windows and applications can be completely separated by operating in a virtual machine.On the other hand, applications that work as part of the system may not be able to move at all.

 If you give up the operation in the virtual machine of the desktop app, it is highly likely that Windows Update will end in 90 seconds or less.For Windows 11's announcement video, Windows Update

Let's Just Windows Updates ARE 40% Smaller, and they More Efficient as the Happen in the background.

(Translation) Windows Update is 40% smaller (40% Smaller), so let's say it is more efficient.

I am.It is unknown what "40% Smaller" has become smaller.In Windows 10X, the update was "90 seconds or less" in the video, but when it became 40 % smaller, it would not be less than 90 seconds considering the update time of Windows 10.Then, the improvement of Windows Update is limited, so it seems that the high -speed update, which is one of the features of Windows 10X, has given up, that is, to move the desktop app with a virtual machine.