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Is it essential to replace the brake pad for vehicle inspection?Introducing the standard of replacement and costs

Brakes are indispensable parts for car safety, but one of the parts is "brake pad".At the time of vehicle inspection, you may be able to change the brake pad, but why?What will happen if you don't replace it?

Including the criteria for the brakes in the vehicle inspection, the role of the brake pads, the dangers of continuing to use the exhausted ones, the timing of replacement and the guideline for the price.

[Points of this article] ✔ Inspection of the brake in the vehicle inspection, there is no provision for the remaining amount of the brake pad. ✔ If you continue to use a brake pad with advanced wear, it will be a major accident.If you feel a burden on the replacement cost, a car sub -school is recommended

What are the criteria for brake pads at the time of vehicle inspection?Is an exchange necessary?

If I can replace the brake pad by the vehicle inspection, should I replace it as told by the mechanic?Here are some of the examinations and reasons for exchanges in the vehicle inspection.

How to measure brake pads and screening standards

In fact, there is no inspection item for the brake pad itself in the vehicle inspection.The brake pad is a consumable that wears it every time the brake is applied, but there is no provision that "it is necessary to replace it when it becomes thick."

In the inspection area, you only need to check whether the brake is good, so you will not check the decrease in the brake pad.So, if you only think about passing the vehicle inspection, you do not need to replace the brake pad if the brakes are used.

Reasons why you can replace the brake pad by estimating the vehicle inspection

The reason why you can change the brake pad at the timing of the vehicle inspection is that you can prevent the replacement of the brake pad by replacing the vehicle inspection period as a guide.

In the vehicle inspection, you only need to check if the brake is good.Just because you have a car inspection does not guarantee the performance of the brake until the next vehicle inspection.Considering the safety of the car, it is better to replace the brake pad early.Depending on the inspection area, from the viewpoint of safety, it is not judged to pass when the maintenance record book is checked.

What happens if you keep using the brake pad as it is?

If the brake is dominant, there is a possibility that you will pass the inspection without replacing the brake pad.However, if you keep using it without replacing it, it is very dangerous that it may lead to an accident.Therefore, we will introduce the risks that can occur if you continue to use the brake pads that are worn based on the role of the brake pad and the mechanism of the brake.

The role of the brake pad and the brake mechanism

The brakes are mainly composed of three parts: disc rotor, brake caliper, and brake pad.The disk rotor is a disk -shaped part that goes in synchronized with the tire wheels, the brake caliper is a part that plays a role in pressing the brake pad against the disk rotor with hydraulic pressure, and the brake pad is sandwiched by the brake caliper with pressure from the brake caliper.It is a part that stops rotation by friction.

By stepping on the brake pedal in the driver's seat, the power is transmitted to the brake caliper through oil called brake fluid, and the pressure is pushed to the disk rotor.At that time, when the disk and the pad are strongly friction, the motor energy of the car is converted into frictional heat and the car decreases and stops.

In this way, the brake pad works by friction with the disk rotor, so the more you use the brake, the worn the brake pad.

Risk to keep riding the car while the brake pad is worn

If you use the brake continuously, the brake pad will gradually decrease, but what are the risks if you keep using the brake pad without replacing it?

● If the frictional part of the brake pad that is damaged by the disk rotor is worn, the metal part that should not be touched on the disk rotor will be exposed and the disk rotor will be damaged.If the damage is severe, you will need to replace it.

● Brake fluid deteriorates. If the heat is transmitted to the brake caliper due to frictional heat of the brake, the brake fluid will be easily boiled and the deterioration will be faster.

● The burden on the surrounding parts, such as damage to the disk rotor that does not work, and the brake fluid deterioration, resulting in a breakdown of the brake.It is very dangerous, as well as drivers, as well as accidents that threaten the surrounding human life.

Click here for how to replace the brake pad regularly without worrying about the cost


Estimated time for replacement of brake pads

In general, the thickness of the new brake pad is about 10mm, but it is better to replace it when the thickness is about 2-4mm.However, due to the structure, it is difficult to check the thickness of the brake pad from the outside, so the mileage is one of the timing of replacement.

It is said that it is generally reduced by 1 mm every 10,000 km, depending on the way of driving, such as the frequency of use of the brake.However, if the brake pad is worn out, it will be easier to hold heat and wear faster, so it will be desirable to replace it from 30,000 to 40,000 km for ordinary cars and 40,000 to 50,000 km for mini vehicles.

How to check the remaining amount of the brake pad

To check the remaining amount of the brake pad, there are other methods other than using the mileage as a guide.

Disassemble and check visually

The most reliable way is to remove the wheel and check visually.However, it is better to ask a shop, except for those who have the skills and experience of car maintenance.

● Procedure to see the remaining amount of the brake pad

  1. ジャッキを使って車を浮かせる
  2. クロスレンチで、ボルトやナットをすべて取り外す
  3. ホイールをハブから抜き取る
  4. ブレーキキャリパーの点検窓から、ブレーキパッドの厚みを確認する

Depending on the wheel, you may be able to see the inspection window even if you put it on.

Use the padware indicator

The brake pad has a function called "Badwear Indicator" that lets you inform the exchange time.There are two types, mechanical and electronic type, each of which is as follows.

In the mechanical type, a piece of metal is contained in the brake pad, and when the wear progresses to that part, the disk rotor is reached and the sound is generated.This mechanical type is the mainstream in domestic cars.On the other hand, the electronic type has an electric wire attached to the brake pad, and when the wear progresses, it is disconnected and the warning light of the instrument panel lights up.It is a method that is common in domestic luxury cars and imported cars.

I guess from the remaining amount of brake fluid

The reservoir tank containing the brake fluid has a line of "min" and "max" (or "low" and "upper"), and there is no problem if the liquid surface is between them.However, since the liquid level goes down according to the wear of the brake pad, it is necessary to replace the brake pad if it is down to the min (or Lower) line.

However, this is a method that can only be used if the brake pad and brake fluid are replaced at the same time.If the brake fluid is replenished after replacing the brake pad, it cannot be confirmed because the height of the liquid will change.

Click here for how to ask a major business operator to maintain it

Expenses for replacing the rake pad

The brake pads are not better to check the remaining amount regularly and replace them early, but how much does it cost to exchange?Here are some ways to reduce costs.

Estimated exchange cost

The price of the brake pad itself varies depending on the model, such as a mini car and a regular car.There are 1 set of left and right wheels, for front and rear, but as a guide, it costs about 7,000 yen per set for mini cars and about 8,000 yen per regular car.Luxury cars, sports cars, and minivans with large brakes may cost more than 15,000 yen per set.

The wage varies depending on the model type, and it costs about 6,000 yen per car and a set of about 8,000 yen per ordinary car, but luxury cars and sports cars are even higher.The exchange costs vary from car models but also vendors, so it is recommended that you estimate in advance.

How to make the exchange cost a little cheaper?

In general, it is cheaper to replace brake pads from car supplies and repair shops than dealers.However, in car supply stores, etc., we use external products only to replace them, while dealers use genuine parts to perform maintenance around the brake.If you want a sense of security, you may want to use a dealer.

In addition, the replacement of the brake pads during vehicle inspection or 12 -month inspection may make the wage cheaper.At the time of inspection, when the body is lifted up and the tires are removed, the brake pads are also replaced.In addition, it is often cheaper to replace it at four places at the same time, rather than performing the front and rear separately.

What is driving that suppresses the wear pads?

Brake pads are important parts for the safety of cars, but replacing them costs a certain amount of money.I would like to make it long if possible, but what kind of driving should I try to do for that?Here are some points.

Do not apply sudden brakes

As mentioned earlier, the brake pads are gradually reduced each time you step on the brake pedal.Therefore, if the brakes are stepped on, or if you apply a sudden brake, the wear will progress quickly.If you drive at a moderate speed at a distance between vehicles, you can often get in time with the engine brake, so you will not be able to step on the brakes or suddenly brake.

Don't drive violently

Rough driving, such as closing the distance between cars or repeating sudden acceleration, is not good in terms of transportation manners.If you drive such a driving, the sudden brake and the brake operation itself will be frequent, which will speed up the brake pad.Safe driving that keeps manners is a gentle driving for brake pads.

Use engine brakes on downhill and mountain roads

It is easier to accelerate than a flat road on downhill and mountain roads, and the number of times you step on the brakes increases.In such a case, shifting to a low gear early will allow the engine brake to work to reduce acceleration due to the slope.It is a good idea to use the engine brake well without relying only on foot brakes.

How to reduce replacement costs for vehicle inspection and brake pads

The brake pad is an important part, so it requires regular checks and exchanges, but it costs a lot of money.However, there is a way to get into a car while maintaining it without worrying about the cost.The method is to use "Calmo -kun, a flat -rate car for a lot of cars."I will introduce why you can exchange brake pads without worrying about spending by using a flat -rate Carmo -kun.

Reasons for reducing the replacement cost of the brake pad with a flat -rate Calo -kun

A flat -rate Calmo -kun is a subscription service of a car that allows you to get into a car by paying a fixed monthly fee.The fixed price includes the statutory cost required for vehicle inspection, but by attaching an optional maintenance plan, it can be compiled into a monthly fee for vehicle inspection and everyday maintenance costs.Parts and labor costs for replacing the brake pads are also eligible, so there is no need to prepare a separate cost.

It can be used at a fixed price by more than 30,000 major companies nationwide

If you subscribe to the maintenance plan, more than 30,000 major companies nationwide will be available for vehicle inspections and maintenance.Of course, the replacement of the brake pads can be left to a reliable trader near your home.In addition, the flat -rate Calmo -kun has the following advantages.If you feel that the vehicle inspection cost is high, why not consider a transfer to a flat -rate Calmo -kun?

*It costs 500 yen per month

For the safety of the car, replace the brake pad regularly

There is no provision for the remaining amount of the brake pad in the vehicle inspection, but continuing to use the brake pads with advanced wear may lead to a major accident.Let's try to check and exchange regular amounts.If you are worried about the cost of replacing or maintenance such as brake pads, etc., why not consider using car leasing?

If you are considering car leasing, we recommend a flat -rate Calmo -kun, which has the lowest service in the industry.You can connect to the flat -rate Calmo -kun's consultation desk, private car concierge.Please feel free to consult for free as many times as you sign up or not.

* By March 15, 2022, you have applied from this link page and then have a contract (the contract date is possible after the period).

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Should the brake pad be replaced at the time of vehicle inspection?

A: In the vehicle inspection, we will examine whether the brake is good, but we do not check the thickness of the brake pad.In other words, even if you do not replace it, if the brake is profitable, it will pass through the vehicle inspection.However, since it is an important part of the safety of the car, it is recommended to replace it at the timing of the vehicle inspection.

Q2: How much is the replacement cost of the brake pad?

A: As a guide for one set, it costs about 7,000 yen for a mini car and about 8,000 yen for ordinary cars.The wage is about 6,000 yen for a mini car and about 8,000 yen for ordinary cars, but sports cars and luxury cars are even higher.

Q3: What happens if you don't replace the brake pad?

A: The brake pads are worn down each time you step on the brake.If you keep using it without replacing the worn brake pads, it is dangerous in the worst case that the brake will not work.It can lead to an accident related to human life.

* This article is produced with information as of January 2022.
