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"1 slide 105 characters, If you strictly adhere to "3 colors or less" Transfer rate increases by 20 % It is transmitted online, Effective PowerPoint's secret

How to keep producing results in a highly uncertain era?

Mr. Maeda Kamiri (Maeda): So, I go every time, "Den x Den".I would like Tomoe -chan to introduce today's guests again.

Tomoe Horiguchi (hereinafter Horiguchi): Thank you.Today's guest is Shinji Koshikawa, President of Cross River Co., Ltd.Mr. Koshikawa, thank you.

Shinji Koshikawa (hereinafter Koshikawa): Thank you.Now, it was a solid praise for the expected value, so it was hard to get out (laughs).

Participants 1: I'm really happy!

Koshikawa: Thank you.Thank you for calling PowerPoint (earlier).


Maeda: Hahaha (laughs).

Koshikawa: I apologize first.I was the person in charge of PowerPoint, I'm sorry it's hard to use (laughs).It's a pretty tough state to give a presentation in front of the Presentation Association, right?

Maeda: No (laughs).

Koshikawa: I hope you can see it with warm eyes.Let's share PowerPoint.

Horiguchi: Thank you.

Koshikawa: I want everyone to learn that "I want you to have a leadership that continues to produce results when uncertain."This can be broken by individual power.It continues to produce the top 5 % of the 170,000 clins.

It's not "achieving results."In front of Corona and with Corona, "keep putting out".Looking at the commonalities of those who continue to produce results, it was quite similar.If the other 170,000 people did a reproduction experiment, we were able to imitate 91 %, so I would like you to imitate everyone.