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  • How to "transfer photos / videos from computer to iPhone"! What are the precautions? (September 21, 2021) --Excite News

How to "transfer photos / videos from computer to iPhone"! What are the precautions? (September 21, 2021) --Excite News

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Have you ever wanted to transfer photos / videos stored on your computer to your iPhone? There are various benefits to transferring photos / videos from computer to iPhone. So, this time, I will explain how to transfer photos / videos from computer to iPhone and notes.

What are the benefits of transferring photos / videos from computer to iPhone?

I will explain the advantages of transferring photo / video data from a computer to an iPhone.

How to "transfer photos / videos from computer to iPhone"! Note ... Click here for images >>

パソコンから「iPhoneへ写真・動画を転送」する方法! 注意点は? (2021年9月21日) - エキサイトニュース

[Advantage ①] You can browse immediately at any time.

The advantage (1) of transferring photo / video data from a computer to an iPhone is that you can check the data immediately at any time. If your iPhone has photo / video data stored, you can check it anywhere, even when you're on the go. Since iPhones are often carried around, even if you want to check and view photo / video data with your friends, you can immediately output the photo / video data.

[Advantage 2] You can easily upload to SNS

The advantage (2) of transferring photo / video data from a computer to an iPhone is that it can be easily uploaded to SNS. When uploading to SNS, it is convenient to have photo / video data on the iPhone. Also, if you have photo / video data on your iPhone, you can upload it immediately when you want to post it on SNS even when you are out.

[Advantage ③] You can easily share it with your friends.

[Next page] Merit ③ of transferring photo / video data from PC to iPhone is a friend ...

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