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How to start programming learning (1) Elementary school programming education, what are you doing specifically? | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

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It doesn't appear in the timetable and there is no textbook!?

When you hear that programming education has begun in elementary school, you may be given a programming textbook at school and take a "programming" class every week.However, in fact, programming does not appear in the timetable as a new subject, but is implemented in a style that can incorporate programming activities in a certain subject time.

For example, the subject of the subject, such as drawing a figure in the program when learning "positive polygon" by arithmetic, or controlling the device that runs on the motor when learning "electricity use" in science.It is to connect the learning content and programming activities.In addition, you can program songs and rhythms with music, create works that run in programs with drawing work, and combine them with the learning content of any subject in any subject.

In addition, you may experience programming from a comprehensive learning time.For example, there are various learning methods depending on the school, such as working on a project to make something by programming to solve schools and regional problems, and experiencing programming while interacting with real engineers in business trip classes.

It's not a technician training course, so don't worry!

In this way, the programming education that starts in elementary school is to experience programming in connection with subject learning and familiar issues.Currently, many convenient tools and mechanisms that are surrounded are running on computers, and their functions are made by programs.It is an important opportunity to be interested in such a mechanism and become a program creator.

Especially in elementary schools, we are not trying to train programming technical skills, but one of the aims is to nurture logical thinking named "programming thinking."It is important to actually try repeatedly, because you can learn as a result in the process of trial and error to create your own program and move something.You don't need to memorize your knowledge and measure it in the test, and you don't have to worry about the burden on the children because you don't have a performance -only performance.

Rather, elementary schools can only handle only the only entrance of programming, so if your child is interested, please find a place to deepen programming outside the school.Like sports and music, it will encounter things that are enthusiastic, increase your experience, and expand your field of success, and some children will get into the future with strong interest and passion.increase.

Elementary school programming is the basis that leads to middle and high schools

It is a programming education in elementary school, which is a rich experience, but it is not just an experience, but an important basis that leads to learning ahead.Following the compulsory compulsory at elementary school in 2020, junior high schools have increased the content of programming learned in technology and home technology since 2021.In high school, programming has been entered within the range of information essentials from FY2022, and the content handled by selection is also advanced.Furthermore, in the university enrollment common test, it was decided that information became a new subject subject from the selection of enrollment in 2025.

Currently, there are schools in elementary schools who are active in aggressive programming, but some schools are only very limited.There is no rule on the grade and the number of hours of programming, so it is easy to make a plan for each school.

In FY2020, when programming education was compulsory, it was started in a big confusion due to corona disasters and infection measures, and the development of each person in elementary and junior high schools planned by the government proceeded ahead.Annual schools continue to respond to new habits and environments.Therefore, there are some frank voices that they can not get enough programming activities.The reality is a little stall and the implementation status varies, but as the use of PCs in the future, programming activities will be very easy to proceed.

Next time, I will introduce the PC environment of schools that have changed so much that there is no precedent in the past two years, based on the relationship with programming.


Professional writer, web designer / After graduating from Waseda University, he studied media design in San Francisco, USA and changed his career.After returning to Japan, he worked as a web designer, and after freelance, he jointly established Studio947.He has written a lot of articles on the use of education and programming education as a professional writer as a professional writer.The latest information is sent on his own site "I want to know! Programming tool picture book" and "ICT TOOLBOX".His book, "Introductory manga inspired!"Programming World" (Shogakukan) "Introduction to Jimdo, which is particular about the appearance" (Technical Review Company).
