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  • How do you deal with lack of storage with built -in iPhone that can't use "microSD"?[April 2021] --Fav -Log by ITmedia

How do you deal with lack of storage with built -in iPhone that can't use "microSD"?[April 2021] --Fav -Log by ITmedia

 A smartphone that is actually divided into "iPhone" and "Android smartphone".In the world, the share of Android smartphones, which has a large number of models and the number of models, is higher, but Japan is also a “unusual” market with high iPhone share.

 The iPhone has more than one built -in storage capacity in the same model.If possible, I want to buy something with a large capacity, but the main unit price will be higher.Many people will buy a small model with a budget.

 However, unlike Android smartphones, the iPhone does not support storage.What should I do if the storage capacity runs out?

 This article introduces "insufficient storage capacity" measures in iPhone that cannot add more storage.


 The content of the data that presses the storage is different for each person, but I think that many people have photos, videos, and music data.

 Of these, if you add a habit of backing up (online) storage on the cloud (online) storage with your smartphone, you can save the backed up by deleting the backed up from the main unit.Even if you delete it from the main unit, you can download and play it via the Internet when necessary.Another advantage is that it is easy to share data with other smartphones, tablets and personal computers.

 Data communication occurs when uploading data to cloud storage or downloading from cloud storage.Some people may say "I'm worried about the communication amount ...", but if you set it to upload only when connected to Wi-Fi (wireless LAN), you can save the communication amount.

 If you have a contract with an unlimited plan of a major carrier, you can ensure high convenience by setting it to automatically upload even during mobile (mobile phone) data communication.However, compared to Android smartphones, there are many cases where automatic uploads using apps do not go well.If you use services other than "iCloud", we recommend that you start and check the app regularly.


 I think some people say, "What cloud storage is there?"Therefore, I will introduce the main services that can be used on the iPhone.

 Apple genuine cloud storage service.Anyone can use it if you have an Apple ID, so the advantage is that iPhone users are the easiest to use.Also, since the function is integrated on iOS (iPhone OS), it is also attractive that the application is unnecessary.

 Storage can be used for free up to 5GB.If this is not enough, you can increase the capacity by upgrading the storage plan for a fee or joining the Apple's main paid subscription (regular contract) service.These charges can be paid by the payment method registered in the Apple ID.

 The lineup of the capacity and the price including tax are as follows.With a plan with a capacity of 200GB or more, the storage capacity can be distributed by the family.

[ICloud storage (additional capacity plan)]

[Apple One]


 A cloud storage / album service provided by Google.Anyone can use it if you have a Google account (Gmail account).The Google Drive and Google Photos are separate, so if you want to save photos and videos, prepare Google Photo apps, and if you want to save other files, prepare a Google drive app.

 The storage capacity is common to other Google services, including Gmail ( * 1), and can be used for free up to 15GB.In Google Photos, you can save the data capacity while maintaining the original photo / video image quality as much as possible by setting "high image quality" ("saving in the original image quality" can save the original data.)

( * 1) The photos / videos uploaded in the “Save in high quality” settings by May 31, 2021 will not be counted into the capacity.Photos / videos uploaded in Google's Android smartphone "Pixel Series" with "high quality" settings will not be counted in capacity after June 1, 2021.

 If the capacity of 15GB is not enough, you can increase the capacity by contracting the paid "Google One".You can pay the annual amount (excluding some capacity) or monthly by the payment method registered in the Google Pay (Google Account).

 The capacity lineup and price (including tax) of Google One are as follows.

 The monthly payment is also supported by Google Play / App Store's "in -app billing", so depending on your career, you can pay for your mobile phone fee.However, be aware that the price setting may differ from the above.


 It is a pioneer in cloud storage services, and is characterized by relatively high -speed data uploading / downloading.It is also attractive that files that have been accidentally deleted or overwritten are "restored".

 The storage capacity that can be used for free is 2GB, but if you invite the user, you will get 1GB of capacity per person.If you want to automatically upload your smartphone photo / video in a free service, you need to install a desktop app on your computer.

 If you have enough capacity or use a photo / video upload without using a personal computer, you need to sign up for the paid plan "Dropbox Plus" or "Dropbox Family".In both plans, if you sign a contract, you will be able to use 2TB (2000GB) storage capacity, and you will be able to use "smart sink" (settings that download and use data only when necessary) on your computer.In the case of the Family plan, up to 6 users can share storage capacity.

 Dropbox Plus / Family can be contracted on a monthly basis or annual.The fees (tax included) when contracting on the Dropbox website are as follows.

 The monthly payment of Dropbox Plus also supports Google Play / App Store's "in -app billing", so depending on your career, you can pay together as a mobile phone fee.However, the price may differ from the case where you sign up directly on the Dropbox website.

 In addition, the source nexten will provide a "3 -year version" (36 months license).If you use it for 3 years, you can consider it because it is better than paying the annual plan three times.

iPhone版DropboxアプリDropbox Plus(3年ライセンス)の詳細をチェック!

 Microsoft's cloud storage service features a high affinity with Windows.

 The storage capacity that can be used for free is 5GB.If the capacity is not enough, you must sign up for the paid "OneDrive Standalone" or "Microsoft 365 Personal".

 The former is an option to add only OneDrive capacity, and can add 100GB capacity for 224 yen per month (including tax).The latter can add 1TB capacity for 1284 yen (tax included) or 12,984 yen per year (including tax), and also includes the right to use PC / smartphone / tablet apps included in "Microsoft Office 365".

 Both are supported by Google Play / App Store -in -app -in -app, so depending on your career, you can pay together as a mobile phone fee (Microsoft 365 Personal is only monthly).However, the price may differ from the case where you sign up directly on the Microsoft website.

 People who use the apps contained in Microsoft Office on a personal computer are attractive because they can be used as "cloud storage that can be used without additional charges".


 If you have a Windows computer or Mac, you can back up photos and videos with an iPhone and USB cable.I think that you can back up quickly and more easily than backups using cloud storage such as iCloud.

 However, please note that if the storage of Windows PCs and Mac is not enough, you may not be able to back up.

 Windows PCs can back up photos and videos in the following steps:

  1. WindowsパソコンとiPhoneをUSBケーブルでつなぐ
  2. 「エクスプローラー」を開く
  3. 「PC」の中にある「Apple iPhone」のアイコンを右クリックする
  4. 「画像とビデオのインポート」をクリックしてしばらく待つ
  5. 「すべての新しい項目のインポート」にチェックを入れて「次へ」をクリックする
  6. しばらく待つ

 The backed -up photos and videos are saved in the "Picture" folder or "capture" folder.There is a way to manually back up using Explorer, but this time I will omit the explanation.

 In addition, if you want to back up the iPhone data, you need a "iTunes" app.However, since this backup cannot be confirmed individual photos / video files, if you want to check each file, operate without using iTunes even if it is troublesome.

Windows 10でのインポート画面(画像は英語表示時のものです)

 On a Mac, you can back up photos and videos with the "Photo" app that is installed as standard in Macoos.The procedure is as follows.

  1. MacとiPhoneをUSBケーブルでつなぐ
  2. 写真アプリを開く
  3. ウィンドウ上にある「読み込み」をクリックする
  4. 「すべての新しい写真を読み込む」をクリックする
  5. しばらく待つ

 If you want to back up the iPhone data, use the "Finder" or "iTunes" app depending on the MacOS version.However, this backup cannot be checked for individual photos / video files, so if you want to check each file, make sure to back up with the photo application.


 If you want to backup but don't have a computer, you can use a flash memory connected to ILightning.However, please note that unlike Android smartphones, you need an app dedicated to each memory.

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