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  • How much is the electricity and water bill for the washing machine per month? The difference of the longitudinal drum type? Explain calculation methods and saving techniques-how much is it replaced by electrical appliances? (4) | my navigation news, my navigation news, my navigation.

How much is the electricity and water bill for the washing machine per month? The difference of the longitudinal drum type? Explain calculation methods and saving techniques-how much is it replaced by electrical appliances? (4) | my navigation news, my navigation news, my navigation.

How much is the electricity and running water on the washing machine?

How much is the electricity and water charge for laundry?

The electricity and water charges of the washing machine are not the same as "how much at a time", depending on the type and model of the washing machine. This is because different washing machines have different structures and use different amounts of electricity and water. The type of washing machine is roughly divided into vertical type and drum type, so calculate how much electricity and water charges are needed for general washing machines.

< condition of vertical washing machine >

The first is the electricity bill of the vertical washing machine. For example, suppose you have a vertical washing machine of specifications, such as:

Washing dehydration capacity: 10 kg drying capacity: 5 kg power consumption during washing: 400W maximum power consumption during drying: 1000W power consumption: rated 60Wh during washing, rated water consumption for 2200Wh during washing drying (20 ℃): 110L for rated washing, 132L for rated washing and drying

When rated washing, it refers to the situation of washing once with the standard method of use. Rated washing and drying refers to the situation of washing and drying once according to the standard method of use.

The electricity cost of the washing machine for one washing can be calculated by "electricity consumption (Wh) / 1000 × electricity unit price (Japanese yen / kWh)". Apply to this formula to calculate the electricity charge of the washing machine of the above specifications. For example, if the unit price of electricity is 27 yen, "60 Whtimes 1000 × 27 yen / kWh=1.62 yen", the electricity charge for each washing is 1.62 yen.

Next, let's calculate the electricity bill when washing and drying with this washing machine. If it is also applicable to the formula, "2200 Whitworth 1000 × 27 yen / kWh=59.4 yen". Just washing clothes at a time is less than 2 yen, which costs 37 times the electricity bill until it is dry.

And then there's the water bill. The water charge for one use of the washing machine can be calculated as the unit price of tap water with water flow rate × 1L. The Tokyo Metropolitan Waterway Authority says the unit price for every 1L of tap water is 0.24 yen. In other words, the water charge for one washing is "110L × 0.24 yen = 26.4 yen". In the case of washing and drying, "132L × 0.24 yen = 31.68 yen".

To sum up the electricity and water charges, in the case of washing only clothes with the above-mentioned vertical washing machine, "electricity charge 1.62 yen + water charge 26.4 yen = 28.02 yen". In other words, only washing clothes costs about 28 yen at a time. In the case of drying, "electricity charge 59.4 yen + water charge 31.68 yen = 91.08 yen", one calculation is about 91 yen.

For example, in the washing machines of the above specifications, the electricity and water charges for washing only for one month add up to 868.62 yen. In one month, the electricity and water charges for only washing and "washing + drying" add up to 1877.58 yen. Then, when washing and drying every day for one month, the electricity and water charges add up to 2823.48 yen (all used once a day).

< condition of drum washing machine >

Below is the drum washing machine. The specifications of the drum washing machine calculated here are as follows.

Washing and dewatering capacity: 9 kg drying capacity: 4 kg power consumption during washing: 240W of electric motor, 1000W of electric heating device, 1170W of maximum power consumption when warm water: rated 65Wh during washing, rated 880Wh during washing and drying (standard mode), rated water flow for 600Wh during washing and drying (energy saving mode): 80L for rated washing and 55L for rated washing and drying

Like a vertical washing machine, let's calculate the electricity bill first. If the unit price of electricity is 27 yen, it is "65Wh / 1000 × 27 yen / kWh=1.755 yen", and the electricity charge for each washing is 1.755 yen. Secondly, when washing and drying with the washing machine, the standard mode is "880Wh / 1000 × 27 yen / kWh=23.76 yen" and the energy-saving mode is "600Wh / 1000 × 27 yen / kWh=16.2 yen".

Water charge

Next, calculate the water charge of the drum washing machine of the above specifications. As in the case of vertical washing machines, the unit price of tap water per 1L is 0.24 yen, it is "80L × 0.24 yen = 19.2 yen", and the water charge for each washing is 19.2 yen. For washing and drying, it is "55L × 0.24 yen = 13.2 yen". The water charge per time is cheaper than just washing clothes.

Plus the electricity and water charges of the drum washing machine, it is only washed once "1.755 yen for electricity + 19.2yen for water = 20.955 yen". In the case of washing and drying (energy-saving mode), "16.2 yen for electricity + 13.2 yen for water = 29.4 yen" each time. If you only do laundry every day for a month, the electricity and water bills add up to 649.605 yen. It's 784.725 yen if you only do laundry and dry laundry. Moreover, if you wash and dry every day, the electricity and water bills add up to 911.4 yen. Use them all once a day.

Comparison between Vertical washing Machine and Roller washing Machine

Comparing the electricity and water charges of vertical washing machines and drum washing machines, we can find that drum washing machines are much cheaper, especially in washing and drying. Comparing the above two specifications, in the case of washing and drying every day for one month, the difference is actually 1912 yen. Drum washing machine is more economical if dry operation is often used at ordinary times.

How to save the electricity and water charges of the washing machine

On days when there is little laundry, the next day cleaning will reduce the number of times you use the washing machine and save on electricity and water bills. However, if you put too many clothes, the dirt will not fall off easily, so the amount of detergent should be controlled at about 80% of the specification capacity of the washing machine.

The washing machine uses a lot of electricity in its dry operation. When the weather is sunny and there is time to dry clothes, try to dry outside and dry naturally.

If you put heavy clothes under the washing machine, you can improve the rotation efficiency of the washing machine, thus reducing the electricity bill.

As long as it is not serious dirt, the usual washing, rinsing process and speed process is enough. Save electricity and water bills than standard packages.

Using the remaining hot water from the bath water when washing clothes can save the water bill. However, the amount of hot water left in the bathroom increases with time, so use it only if you can use it that day.

We spent a lot of time

Due to the excellent energy-saving performance of the new washing machine, if you use the one from more than 10 years ago, you can consider replacing it. Because washing clothes is a daily thing, I want to make more efforts to control the electricity and water bills a little bit.

Financial planner (AFP), a staff member of an online entrepreneurial consulting firm, felt the need for money knowledge and obtained the qualification of AFP (recognized by the FP Association of Japan). Write seminars and currency columns as financial planners in two-legged straw sandals. After independence, while conducting online entrepreneurial consultation, we should focus on writing and personal currency consultation.
