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  • What is the average amount of electricity in winter? What is the most expensive heating equipment for electricity? Explain the saving method-how much is it for electrical appliances? (8) | my navigation news

What is the average amount of electricity in winter? What is the most expensive heating equipment for electricity? Explain the saving method-how much is it for electrical appliances? (8) | my navigation news

How much is the electricity bill in winter? Introduction combined with saving methods

How much is the electricity bill in winter?

In winter, will you be surprised if you look at the details of the use of the electrical company? The use of heating equipment, in order to protect yourself from the cold, the winter when you spend more time at home is the highest electricity bill of the year. So, how much is the average electricity bill in winter? To compare the winter electricity bill with that of other seasons, let's take a look at the average monthly electricity bill.

According to the Household Expenditure Survey (Household income and Expenditure) conducted by the Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of General Affairs, the electricity charges of more than two households from January to December 2020 are as follows:

It is worth mentioning that in many electrical appliance companies, the electricity consumption last month will be reflected in this month's electricity charges. In addition, in the household survey, it indicates the amount of electricity bill paid in that month. In other words, the electricity bill in January is 12,232 yen, which roughly reflects the usage in December.

Like this, on the basis of a deviation of about one month in the actual electricity consumption time, we can roughly look at the electricity charges of each season in which January to March is "winter", April to June is "spring", July to September is "summer" and October to December is "autumn".

In these four seasons, the most expensive electricity bill is the "winter" from January to March. Considering the electricity bill during the coldest period from December to February, it should be acceptable. Only the electricity bill in winter is over 12000 yen a month.

The difference between February, the highest electricity bill, and July, the cheapest, is about 5000 yen. If the electricity bill is so high, it will be a heavy burden on the family.

Which heating equipment is the most expensive for electricity?

Secondly, the electricity charges of representative heating equipment are summarized. Learn about cheap heating equipment and clever use of electricity, and save electricity.

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In order to warm the whole room, many people also use air conditioning in winter. The hourly electricity charge for air conditioners is 3.2 yen to 33.2 yen per hour for heating (see "CS-220CEX" for Panasonic air conditioners).

The power consumption of the air conditioner will change in the course of operation, and the electricity bill will be in a range, but it will be about 3 yen cheaper.

An electric fan heater that warms part of a room by warm air. No fuel but electricity can be easily used for heating. How much is the electricity charge? The electricity charge of an electric fan heater is about 33.8yen per hour (see: Panasonic fan heater "DS-FKX1205").

The electric fan heater is perfect for warming part of the space at once, but it costs about 10 times the electricity cost of the air conditioner. By the way, the amount of electricity heating oil heaters, fan heaters and rated electricity consumption is also increasing.

There are halogen heaters and carbon heaters in electric furnaces. The hourly electricity rate of halogen heaters that can partially warm your feet is: strong: about 27 yen / medium: about 18.1yen / weak: about 8.9yen (see: Hitachi halogen heater "HLH-HS307", facing 3 tatami). The difference in electricity charges between the strong and the weak is about three times. Inside, it costs about six times as much as the air conditioner and about half the electricity bill compared with the electric fan heater.

The hourly electricity charge for some warm carbon heaters is: strong: about 32.4 yen / medium: about 24.3 yen / weak: about 8.1 yen (see: Shanshan double thermofibrinolytic enzyme "DBC-VK121").

Warm from waist to bottom, the most suitable for relaxing stove. The hourly electricity charge of the stove is: strong: about 4.3yen / weak: about 2.2yen (see: Yamashan leisure EYC-8060). The furnace uses a mattress and the quilt above to make a confined space, which warms the limited space, so the electricity bill can be controlled cheaply.

The hot carpet you want to use when you sit on the floor and lie down. Hot carpet hourly electricity bill, strong: about 8.7yen / medium: about 5.8yen (see: Irish Oyamaya hot blanket "IHC-20-H", 2 tatami). Compared with being heated, it costs about twice as much as electricity.

After comparing the electricity charges of each kind of heating equipment, it is found that the electric fan heater has the highest electricity charge. On the other hand, the cheapest electricity bill is to be heated.

To save the electricity bill brought by the heating equipment, please use the electric fan heater with warm air immediately before the room is warmed, while mainly using air conditioning. In addition, it is also recommended to use the air conditioner and the stove together to reduce the set temperature of the air conditioner.

Make a good distinction between using heating equipment to save money.

To save the winter electricity bill, the key is to understand the characteristics and electricity charges of each kind of heating equipment, and skillfully distinguish the use of them. In addition, let's find some ways to save the electricity bill as much as we can, such as the family spending in the same room.

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