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  • How do you connect employees who work away?How do you protect it?How to increase productivity in the "hybrid work era" that you want to know now: Work style reforms to enhance security

How do you connect employees who work away?How do you protect it?How to increase productivity in the "hybrid work era" that you want to know now: Work style reforms to enhance security


 "Go to work to work."What was natural was no longer obvious.

 Looking back, it was in 2019 that the country issued a business improvement order named "work style reform".An unexpected corona attacked in a poor working environment, such as overtime regulations and duty to digest paid leave.Although it was a remote work that began halfway, many people were released from the common sense of going to the company, and work style reform accelerated at once.We have given the importance of work -life balance.

 And now that aftercorona is approaching, "Hybridwork" is trying to take root.

 Home, office, co -working space and scattered members work together.This is the basis of hybrid work.If Corona converges, people can return to the office, but remote work has an advantage that it cannot be ignored, and it should no longer be a transient thing.

 So what do you need to keep your business safely, productivity and business in a mix of diverse ways of working?NTT Business Solutions, which continues to provide corporate support with multifaceted products, supports "security", which is essential for work, "PC use environment", and reconstruction of both hard and soft sides.That is to support the next generation of work style.

 First of all, the virtual desktop "AQSTAGE virtual desktop" is prepared for the reconstruction solution for the "PC usage environment".Kimihiko Susa pointed out the issues when using a PC away from the office.

バリューデザイン部 コアソリューション部門 クラウドインテグレーション担当 主査の須佐美公彦氏。AQStage 仮想デスクトップチームとして導入支援をする

 "Until now, the IT department has been responsible for the safety management of the line and updating the security software, but in the remote work, we have to leave it to the person.There are concerns about information leakage. "

 A virtual desktop is an OS on a server located in a remote place and generates a "virtual machine (PC)".The desktop screen is displayed on the net via the Internet to make it possible to operate.

 But why is it a virtual desktop?If you just increase the security level, it seems that it is faster to adjust the terminal at hand.Mr. Kizami Terakoshi, the director in charge of the team, explains the difficulties of seeking a high security level to PCs outside the office.

AQStage 仮想デスクトップチームで担当課長を務める寺越喜多美氏(バリューデザイン部 コアソリューション部門 クラウドインテグレーション担当)


 "If you are working on a personal PC, how far can you go to the company to respond? This is a very difficult issue.Is difficult to manage in detail, so it is difficult to make security governance work. "

 In the virtual desktop, the terminal at hand is just a display.All data is managed in a robust data center.AQSTAGE virtual desktop is a service that provides such virtual desktops in a more secure environment.

 AQSTAGE virtual desktops have greatly contributed to hardware, such as loss, theft, or BCP measures in the event of a disaster, as well as software security measures.The point is the "Master OS".By creating one master OS that is a standard desktop environment and copying it, you can build more than one of the same environment.

 Kenta Ogino, the team, says, comparing this copy of the virtual desktop environment into a "room."

寺越氏、須佐美氏と共にAQStage 仮想デスクトップチームに所属する荻野健太氏(バリューデザイン部 コアソリューション部門 クラウドインテグレーション担当)

 "The copied room is attached to the master OS. Therefore, when the vulnerability is found, only patch the master OS and reflect it in the copied room. This is a virtual desktop deployment method.Instant clone method is characterized by being able to apply all setting changes easily and easily.

 The room is entered from the connection application "VMware Horizon", but the key is the ID and password.If the ID and password are the same for any device, you can put them in the same room, so you can keep a high security level even for personal PCs.It is safe even if the connection application is installed on the terminal when lost, theft, or the terminal is installed when logging in. "

 You can also set the application to be installed and the restrictions on the server, such as "do not copy the data on the terminal or USB memory" for each master OS or room.If the business content is different between departments A and department B, you can create different master OSs and give different restrictions.This is to "balance the security level required by the company and the feeling of use that the site seeks" (Mr. Terakoshi).

離れて働く社員をどうつなぐ? どう守る? 今知りたい「ハイブリッドワーク時代」のセキュリティレベルと生産性の高め方:セキュリティ強化から取り組む働き方改革

 Nevertheless, viruses and malware continue to grow and evolve every day.I think that the virtual desktop is the same as being in danger as long as it connects via a network, but Mr. Susami is confident that "the countermeasures are perfect."

 "As a prerequisite," agentless anti -virus "is installed in preventing and sensing infection. This has the advantage that" the operation does not become heavy during search processing "because it operates outside the virtual desktop, but first.This will monitor the occurrence of incidents.

 Even if an infection is found, it is isolated by isolation to the infected room by "Distributed Firewall" to block the expansion.For example, if there are 100 rooms, even if one room is infected, the remaining 99 rooms can be protected.One infected room can be refreshed to an immediate clean environment by the instant clone method described above, so the infection itself is not "" itself.If you copy a new room from the master OS, you can return to the state before infection. "

AQStage 仮想デスクトップのセキュリティ機能

 Another interesting feature is "electronic watermark".This means that when an employee screens the screen, puts a "watermark" in the image that shows user information (it can be turned off).Electronic watermarks can track the leaked source, even if there are employees who are abusing the environment that are out of sight and take out information, and also helps them to suppress them themselves.

 "AQSTAGE virtual desktop is not only a security function, but also a high customizability and a generous support system. Master OS can change the specifications according to the business content. Specifically, like a PC, memory capacity.It is an image of increasing and improving the performance of CPUs.

 There are some parts that you can not understand unless you use it, so we also have a POC (concept verification) that can be performed in advance.Before the introduction, you can do your own work on a virtual desktop, or you can adjust the specifications after actually experiencing it, so you can introduce it with confidence (Mr. Ogino).

 AQSTAGE virtual desktop that can create a governance work environment without stressing the user.In the future, it will aim to further evolve as a service by "shortening lead time until the introduction and strengthening operation support" (Mr. Susami).

チーム「elgana」の担当課長である大西洋平氏(コアソリューション部門 マネージドIT担当 ビジネスプロダクトグループ(elgana))

 On the other hand, the business chat "Elgana" is responsible for "communication" for employees who work away from the office and home.Difficulty in communication is one of the new tasks that have been raised due to remote work.Mr. Yohei Onsai, the director of the ELGANA team, and Tomomi Wada, the chief of the ELGANA team, said, "Just chatting can lead to creating ideas, and the content you have seen casually can lead to a knowledge sharing."。

 Many people have experienced remote work and realized how important they were casual conversations and exchanges.ELGANA is now widely introduced to companies with such a sense of issues.

 Business chat features a easier and quicker exchange than emails, without taking away the other person's time like a phone call.It seems that the spread of the corona has progressed at a stretch, but Mr. Onishi speculates that "the penetration rate is less than 20 %."

 "The chat has been completely established as a private communication means, but the main reason why this cannot be used in business is because of the security aspects of" cannot be managed by the company ". In private communication means.Customer information and internal information cannot be exchanged. The business chat is prepared there "(Mr. Onishi)

 In ELGANA, the company can manage the ID of each employee.Therefore, the administrator can all be able to communicate, such as the range of communication, and all available communication methods such as talks and files attachment.The log of the talk can also be recorded, which is also useful for verification in the event of trouble.

 Access method is PC browser or smartphone app.In the case of a browser, it can be controlled to access only from the IP address approved by the administrator, and in the case of a smartphone app, there is also a function to approve the use of the terminal by the administrator, so that the administrator has not allowed a connection.Say.

 "ELGANA can only be used in PCs and smartphones from the environment recognized by the company. For example, if there is a loss or theft of a smartphone terminal, if you apply to the administrator, you can identify the applicable terminal, so it is remote control.Immediate access can be blocked to reduce the risk of information leakage.

 You can also control the upload and download of files on Elgana.If you set it to get a file on the server through the net, you will not have to leave data on the terminal side.This is the same as the AQSTAGE virtual desktop "(Mr. Onishi)


 For screenshots, there is no function to prohibit it as "if too much restrictions will impair convenience" (Mr. Onishi).However, when the file is opened in a viewer, it is possible to set a alert by stacking electronic watermarks on the screen like AQSTAGE virtual desktops.

 "If you take a screenshot in the talk room, you will have a function to be notified to the talk room. The log of" when and who shot "will remain on the server, so it will be spread unnecessarily.You can follow the route.

 It is not desirable to strictly restrict the functions and reduce productivity.For this reason, ELGANA also emphasizes the balance between security and usability, such as taking the form of alertness without banning functions. "(Mr. Onishi).

大西氏とelganaの提供支援に努める主査、和田知美氏(コアソリューション部門 マネージドIT担当 ビジネスプロダクトグループ(elgana))

 ELGANA is one of the charms of simple UI.Business chat is a tool that makes communication smooth and improving operational efficiency, so it is not possible to expect the original effects of tools that make it troublesome and troublesome every day.Therefore, operability is a major selection point.

 Mr. Wada said, "In some cases, I feel the burden of learning the operation and hesitate to introduce a new tool. ELGANA is particular about intuitive operability that is easy to use regardless of age, so I have to actually evaluate it.There are many opportunities to do it, "he said and smiled.

 In the sense that the entrance of the introduction is easy, a free plan with enhanced functions is also provided.No matter how good the security functions and UIs are, there is no point if the feeling of use is not suitable in the company and is not established.The desire to actually use it after actually using it and then proceed to this introduction should be common in any company.

 "There was a story about POC on the AQSTAGE virtual desktop, but ELGANA expands the range that can be used for free to remove the first anxiety factor. There is an upper limit on the number of group talks, but there is no limit on the number of IDs.There is no expiration date.

 If you want to use a free plan and want to provide more detailed restrictions or receive generous support, switch to a paid plan.By making such a design, we hope that we can expand the frontage of business chat and support many companies' communication and new ways of working. "(Mr. Onishi).

 Finally, Mr. Terakoshi says, "As a Japan leading telecommunications carrier, we will create and hone the value that makes use of existing backbones.

左からAQStage 仮想デスクトップチームの寺越氏、須佐美氏、荻野氏。そしてelganaチームの和田氏、大西氏

 Aqstage virtual desktops and elgana are not limited to the provision of tools, such as consulting and technical support.By combining both sides, the work style can be transformed without lowering the security level from both the hard and software.The synergistic effect is a value that can only be created by the company, which continues to solve corporate issues with multifaceted products.

 It sounds good to say "a flexible way of working", but on the other hand, if you start without taking any measures, it may lead to a serious security accident.Hybrid work is established as a sustainable work style reform.For that purpose, it is the responsibility of the company that will be required in the future to focus on useful ICT introduction and create a safe and comfortable working environment.

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