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How can I get a small loan?Introducing recommended apps | Wealth Engine


There are surprisingly many cases where you need a sudden expense and face a small amount of money right now.If you need 50,000 yen right now or want to prepare only tens of thousands of yen in a few days, add the use of consumer finance to your options.

Consumer finance is compatible with loans on the same day, and you can easily apply from the app.Here, we also explain the services that can be used when you need money, focusing on reasons why you can recommend consumer finance, so please take a look.

table of contents

  1. To get a small amount on the same day
  2. Why is consumer finance recommended?
    1. 5万円程度の少額融資なら審査に通りやすい
    2. コンビニで5万円借りられる
    3. 無利息期間
    4. 在籍確認の電話連絡なし
    5. 即日
    6. 少額融資おすすめランキング
  3. Introducing carefully selected recommended consumer finance
    1. プロミス
    2. レイクALSA
    3. SMBCモビット
    4. アコム
    5. アイフル
    6. au PAY スマートローン
    7. J.Score
    8. メルペイスマートマネー
  4. In bank card loans, online banks are recommended for small loans
    1. 楽天銀行カードローン
    2. セブン銀行カードローン
  5. Credit card caching
    1. ACマスターカード
    2. エポスカード
  6. Use the public loan system
  7. You can make money with your smartphone
    1. メルカリ
    2. CASH
    3. ヤフオク
  8. Apps that can be paid postpaid
    1. バンドル
    2. ペイディ
    3. atone
  9. Still people who want a small amount
    1. 質屋
    2. 家族や友人に借りる
    3. 生命保険の契約者貸付
  10. FAQ about small loans

To get a small amount on the same day

Some people may find it difficult to get money on the same day.However, there are surprisingly many ways to get a small amount immediately.

Among them, the amount of money you need is a consumer finance or a bank small loan, but banks cannot make a loan on the same day, so we recommend consumer finance.

Why is consumer finance recommended?

There are five reasons why consumer finance can be recommended when you want to get a small amount on the same day.

Let's explain below.

It is said that the less you want to borrow, the easier it is to pass the examination.The reason is simple, and if the borrowing amount is small, there is little risk of being unable to repay.

Card loan contracts are based on the trust relationship between the lender and the borrower, so if you want a large loan amount, the hurdle of screening will increase, and if it is small, the hurdle of screening will also be reduced.。If it is a small loan of about 50,000 yen, the passage rate will be high.

However, you need to be careful because it is not borrowed without examination.If there is any problem with credit information, such as debt consolidation within the past 10 years or experiencing delinquent within the past five years, it cannot be borrowed at any small amount.

For major consumer finance, there are plenty of affiliated ATMs.When the card is issued after the contract, you can easily pull it out with a nearby convenience store ATM.

Even with the same card loan, bank card loans may have limited ATMs that can be used, so consumer finance is more convenient.

Most consumer finance provides services for interest -free periods.The period varies depending on the consumer finance, but you can use 30 or 60 -day interest -free services.

The service during the interest -free period is applied only to those who use it for the first time, but if it is about 50,000 yen, it is very advantageous because if you repay it in bulk within the period, you will not pay any interest.

The worrisome thing about applying for a card loan is the telephone contact for enrollment confirmation that comes to the workplace.Although he calls without claiming the company name, it may be that the use of consumer finance in the workplace may be lost.

In the case of consumer finance, if you are a major company, you may be able to avoid the enrollment confirmation phone by consulting in advance.It is necessary to submit documents such as a health insurance card where the company is described as an alternative, but if you want to avoid confirmation of your enrollment, we recommend that you consult before applying.

Consumer finance supports the shortest on the same day, so if you want money right away, you can borrow at least 30 minutes and at least one hour after applying.

However, be careful if the application time is late, so it will be treated as the next day.If you want a loan on the same day, it is important to apply as early as possible, and it is safe to apply during the day if possible.

2位5万円以内の借入なら無利息期間は最大180日※3 Webで最短60分融資も可能申込はこちら
5位50万円以下なら収入証明書原則不要(※1)(WEB申込の場合)最短25分 (※4)申込はこちら
※このランキングはカードローンの公式サイトの情報、当サイトからの申込数を総合的に判断し、順位をつけています。※1 アイフルの利用限度額が50万円以下、且つ他社を含めた借入総額100万円以下の場合。※3 21時(日曜日は18時)までのご契約手続き完了(審査・必要書類の確認含む)で、当日中にお振込みが可能です。一部金融機関および、メンテナンス時間等を除きます。※4 お申込みの状況により、ご希望にそえない場合がございます。参照元: プロミス、 レイクALSA、 SMBCモビット、 アコム、 アイフル

Introducing carefully selected recommended consumer finance

Consumer finance tends to associate major companies such as Aiful and Acom, but J.Emerging consumer finance, such as Score and au Pay smart loans, is also popular.Here are some of the recommended consumer finance, so please refer to it when finding consumer finance that is easy to use.

少額融資を受けるにはどうすればいい?おすすめのアプリなどを紹介 | Wealth Engine


SMBC Consumer Finance Promise has a maximum interest rate 17.8 % is characterized by lower interest rates than other companies consumer finance.It has a 30 -day interest -free service, so it is also recommended for those who want to reduce interest rates.


Lake ALSA has a 60 -day interest -free service when you apply on the web, but you can also choose a 180 -day interest -free service for a small amount up to 50,000 yen.It is a great attraction that a small amount can be borrowed without interest for a long time.

※ 初めてなら初回契約翌日から無利息 ※無利息期間経過後は通常金利適用。 ※30日間無利息、60日間無利息、180日間無利息の併用不可。 ※ご契約額が200万超の方は30日無利息のみになります。融資限度額 1万円~500万円 貸付利率 4.5%~18.0% ご利用対象 年齢が満20歳以上70歳以下の国内に居住する方,ご自分のメールアドレスをお持ちの方,日本の永住権を取得されている方 遅延損害金(年率) 20.0% ご返済方式 残高スライドリボルビング/元利定額リボルビング ご返済期間・回数 最長5年、最大60回 必要書類 "運転免許証 ※収入証明(契約額に応じて、新生銀行フィナンシャルが必要とする場合) 担保・保証人 不要 ※商号:新生フィナンシャル株式会社 ※貸金業登録番号:関東財務局長(10) 第01024号 日本貸金業協会会員第000003号レイクALSAのお申し込みはこちら(引用:SMBCモビット公式サイト)

SMBC Mobit has no interest -free services, but provides services that can be linked to T points.T points accumulate in the contract, and 1T points accumulate per 200 yen.You can also use T points for repayment at 1 point = 1 yen.


Acom, a major consumer finance, is a stable and reliable consumer finance belonging to the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group.The customer response is high, so if you have any concerns, it is recommended to apply while consulting.


The only major consumer finance is independent without belonging to a bank group.It has a reputation for the speed of the screening speed, and is also known for conducting a highly flexible screening for users who use it for the first time based on its own screening standards.

アイフルのお申し込みはこちら(引用:au PAY スマートローン公式サイト)

Au Pay smart loans can be applied for those who do not use au if you do not use au ID.The feature is that the borrowed amount can be charged directly to au Pay.If you own a credit card au Pay card, you will not be able to apply for an au Pay smart loan because it will be the same condition as the caching service attached to the card.


J.Score is a loan service operated by SoftBank and Mizuho Bank.We are conducting AI screening, and the credibility is reflected in the score in the form of answering questions.Although it is not a card loan, it supports the shortest on the same day, and is characterized by its high convenience that can be loaned even at night or on weekends and holidays.


Melpace Mart Money is a small loan loan product provided by Mercari, known for the flea market app.It supports borrowing from 1000 yen to 200,000 yen, and the shortest same day loan is possible.There is no interest -free service, but it comes with a service that returns the interest equivalent at the time of the initial repayment as a point.

In bank card loans, online banks are recommended for small loans

Some people may be worried about the high interest rate in consumer finance.In that case, you have to choose a small loan from the bank, but if you are considering using a bank, we recommend a fast screening online banks.


Speaking of a card loan that represents online banks, it is well known that it can be described as a "Rakuten Bank Card Loan".14.The highest interest rate of 5%is a low interest rate like a bank card loan.It is also attractive that you can get Rakuten points by joining and used, and the examination will be given preferential treatment according to the Rakuten member rank.

However, because it is a bank card loan, it does not support loans on the same day, and even if the Rakuten member ranks are high, it may fall into the screening.


Seven Bank Card Loan is a card loan specializing in a small loan with a maximum of 1 million yen.There are five types of 100,000 yen, 300,000 yen, 500,000 yen, 700,000 yen, 1 million yen, but the 500,000 yen type cannot be used without a contract results for more than two months.The circular type cannot be used without the use of 6 months or more for the first borrowing.Because it is a bank card loan, it does not support the same day loan, and it takes at least 2 business days.

Credit card caching

Consumer finance is attractive to the shortest same -day loan, but if you are reluctant to use consumer finance, there is a way to use cashing services with your credit card.

If the credit card is already issued, if the cashing service is already attached, you can borrow it immediately if you do not need to apply again and about 50,000 yen.If you do not have a caching service, you can apply for a cashing service again.

If you do not have a credit card, you can immediately use the cashing service by applying for a credit card that can be issued on the same day.


The AC Master Card is a credit card of Acom, a consumer finance giant, and is issued in the shortest day.If it is within the usage limit, you can shop using the credit card function.Shopping use will be revolving.

Of course, interest rates differ between card loans and shopping.Annual rate for card loans 18.0 % interest is generated, but shopping is 14 for shopping..It drops to 6 %.

When buying things, use the credit card function as much as possible, and if you can use a card loan only when you need cash, you can effectively reduce the interest rate burden.


Epos cards are also popular as a credit card that can be issued on the same day.However, in order to get Epos cards on the same day, there is a condition that there is a nearby Marui store.

In order to receive Epos cards at the store, you need to enter the necessary items by applying from the web, select "Receive at stores and facilities" by receiving them, and select any store.If you do not do this, you will not be able to receive issuance on the same day.If there is Marui in the neighborhood, there is also a way to issue it directly at the store's Epos Card Center.

Use the public loan system

If you are in trouble with daily living expenses, we recommend that you rely on the public loan system of the national and local governments instead of borrowing in consumer finance.

Typical ones are the "Life Welfare Fund Lending System" and "Emergency Small Funds" conducted by the Social Welfare Council of each municipality.You can borrow without interest, and there is a stationary period of about one year before repayment, so you can repay with plenty of time.

In addition, for elderly people, various systems such as "real estate -funded living funding" or "pension -collected loan", "Mother and Child and Doman and Son -Son Wife Welfare Funding System" for single -parent families, and "job seeker -supported financing system" for job hunting.Is prepared.

However, it takes several weeks for a public lending system or a loan system to make a loan on the same day.If you really need money right now, you have to consider a private loan system such as consumer finance.

You can make money with your smartphone

If you have failed to judge consumer finance or do not want to use consumer finance, you can use a smartphone app to make money.


In Mercari, which is popular as Japan's largest flea market app, it is attractive that you can easily get money because you can sell unnecessary clothes and accessories in Mercari.

However, it does not always sell immediately, and there is no guarantee that you can get the required amount.It is worth using it if you want money because the amount of pocket money is fine.


CASH is an app that can be converted to money immediately, unlike the flea market app.Just shoot the items you want to exchange for money and upload them to the app to display the purchase price immediately.

At first glance, it is convenient, but it is not recommended for those who want a large cash because the purchase price is low.After cashing, there is a need to mail the item from here.


There is an internet auction similar to the flea market app, but Yahoo auction is famous for its net auction.What is different from Mercari is that it may be purchased at an unexpected expensive price because of the auction format.

There is an advantage that the items at hand can be easily converted to cash, but the disadvantage is that it is not always a successful bid.

Apps that can be paid postpaid

Even if you can't borrow money, some apps can use postpayment.If you want to borrow money instead of cash, it is recommended that you use these post -payment apps.


Bundle is a virtual type prepaid card that can be used with a smartphone app.There is an image that prepaid requires a pre -charge, but the bundle has the advantage of paying the charge for the next month.

There will be fees according to the charge amount, but if you are bundle, you can shop at VISA member stores even if you do not have money at hand.


Pedi is a smartphone app that can be used for online payments such as online shopping.The convenience is not so high because there are few member stores, but it can be used on Amazon.

It is possible to register easily, and the amount used for payment is a system that repays from a convenience store or bank by the 10th of the following month.Moreover, it is characterized by the fact that it supports installment payments.


ATONE is a postpaid app for QR code payment operated by Net Protections Co., Ltd., which is familiar with NP postpayment.It corresponds to the charge of up to 50,000 yen, and the charge amount is a system to transfer at a convenience store by the 20th of the following month.

The system is similar to the bundle card, but ATONE does not have an international brand, so it cannot be used like a credit card.It is limited to the use of ATONE member stores only.

Still people who want a small amount

For those who want a small amount of money other than the methods introduced so far, the ultimate solution is to use pawn shops, debt from family and friends, and loan for life insurance.

A pawn shop is a shop that lends money as collateral for items that are valuable, such as branded goods, watches, and precious metals.What is different from a money lender is that you can borrow it without a judging item as collateral.If you repay, you will be able to return the deposited items, but if you can not repay it will be sold as a pawn shop product (quality flow).The advantage is that even if you can not repay, you will not be able to collect.

If you have a small amount of money, you can borrow your head to your family and friends.If you have a relationship of trust, you may be lent immediately.However, absolutely avoid borrowing money for spending money and gambling.Not only does it impair the relationship of trust, but it may be cut off the relationship itself.

If you have life insurance, consider the use of "policyholder lending".Since you can borrow money as collateral with the cancellation of life insurance, the longer you have life insurance, the more you can borrow, and the interest will be only a few percent, so the burden will be lighter.

However, depending on the type of life insurance, there are some that cannot use the loan.There is a disadvantage that the refund at the time of cancellation decreases as much as you borrowed, so if you do not repay as soon as possible, you will lose.

FAQ about small loans

Q.How to get a small amount of loans?A. 消費者金融から借りる、 銀行の少額融資サービスを利用する、 Credit card caching機能を使うなどが挙げられます。Among them, the amount of money you need is a consumer finance or a bank small loan, but banks cannot make a loan on the same day, so we recommend consumer finance.

Q.What are the points when choosing a small loan?A.We recommend that you have a low borrowed maximum amount and a detailed unit.If you borrow more than you want to borrow, you may use more than necessary and have trouble repayment.Depending on the plan, you can borrow it in 1 yen, so let's use it.

Q.What is the recommended consumer finance for small loans?A.The recommended consumer finance for small loans is Lake ALSA.Lake ALSA has an interest -free service for 60 days, but if you have a small amount up to 50,000 yen, you can also choose a 180 -day interest -free service.It is a great attraction that a small amount can be borrowed without interest for a long time.

≪60日・180日共通の注釈≫・初めてなら初回契約翌日から無利息・無利息期間経過後は通常金利適用。・30日間無利息、60日間無利息、180日間無利息の併用不可。・ご契約額が200万超の方は30日無利息のみになります。≪60日間無利息の注釈≫・Webで申込いただき、ご契約額が1~200万円の方。・Web以外で申込された方は60日間無利息を選べません。≪180日間無利息の注釈≫・契約額1万円~200万円まで≪貸付条件≫融資限度額 1万円~500万円 貸付利率 4.5%~18.0% ご利用対象 年齢が満20歳以上70歳以下の国内に居住する方,ご自分のメールアドレスをお持ちの方,日本の永住権を取得されている方遅延損害金(年率) 20.0%ご返済方式 残高スライドリボルビング/元利定額リボルビングご返済期間・回数 最長5年、最大60回必要書類 運転免許証※収入証明(契約額に応じて、新生銀行フィナンシャルが必要とする場合)担保・保証人 不要※商号:新生フィナンシャル株式会社※貸金業登録番号:関東財務局長(10) 第01024号 日本貸金業協会会員第000003号

Q.What is the recommended bank service for small loans?A.The bank service recommended for small loans is the Seven Bank Card Loan.A card loan specialized for a small loan with a maximum of 1 million yen, there are 5 types of 100,000 yen, 300,000 yen, 500,000 yen, 700,000 yen, 1 million yen, according to the amount you wantYou can choose.

・消費者金融でお金を借りるには?おすすめの業者とその特徴も紹介・少額融資を受けるにはどうすればいい?おすすめのアプリなどを紹介・プロミスとSMBCモビット 2社のカードローンサービスの違いを解説・プロミスの評判は?口コミからそのメリット・デメリットを徹底解説・お金がない!そんなピンチを乗り越えるための7つの方法