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Honest reviews by business people! What is the power of dynabook empowerment technology!? | My Navi News My Navi News My Navi

(Left)Mr.Y: 6 years of working experience. She recently moved to a new company and is in charge of business development for overseas expansion. I work completely from home. (Right) R: Six years of working experience. In charge of operations such as business investment and financial analysis at the company he joined as a new graduate. My current work style is to go to work three days a week and stay home two days a week.

How are young business people working?

-Thank you for joining us after work today. Can you tell me if it is?

Mr. Y: I just moved to an IT startup and am currently in charge of business development for overseas expansion. My occupation is...all of them (laughs). Whether it's sales or marketing, I'll do anything within my area of ​​responsibility.

Mr. R: I work for a steel-related trading company. As business development, we are engaged in data collection and data analysis.

――The two of you are both IT startups and a trading company, but what kind of work do you do now?

Mr. Y: I work completely from home. I think it's the same for many startups, but since the business is cloud-based, you can do your work wherever you are without any problems. At home, I work from my laptop on a 27-inch monitor.

Mr. R: The company I work for usually requires me to come to work, but currently I work from home two days a week. I'm halfway to work and halfway from home, so I haven't really set up my work environment at home yet... I don't have a dedicated desk or monitor, so I just work on my laptop. To be honest, I myself want to go to work.

- So you're both using laptops? What kind of work do you do on your laptop?

Y-san: I often use cloud-based business apps. I keep my browser open all the time and work with a lot of tabs open.

Mr. R: I often use spreadsheet software. Data is collected on the software and visualized in cooperation with other tools.

--Do you have any complaints about using your PC?

Mr. Y: It is dissatisfying that the operation sometimes becomes slow. I always have about 20-30 tabs open in my browser, so the processing can slow down over time.

Mr. R: I'm also worried about it getting heavy. Since it handles a fairly heavy spreadsheet file, it may freeze when the software starts up. I'm also not happy with the battery life. When you have an online meeting, it's pretty draining for about 1 hours. Also, don't worry about the size of the screen. The laptop I use is compact and easy to carry, but the display is small at about 12 inches. I don't want the body to be too heavy, but I would be happy if it was a little bigger.

Solve that kind of PC trouble! "dynabook M" series

――Thank you. Summarizing the opinions of the two of you, you are concerned about "processing speed", "battery", and "screen size". In particular, both of them were dissatisfied with the "processing speed". This time, we will introduce a notebook PC that is perfect for such two people. This is the newly released "dynabook M" series from dynabook.

Mr. Y: I like the design! It's clean, simple and classy. Although it is for work, I would be happy if it looked stylish if possible.

Mr. R: It sure is a stylish design. It's not bulky and gives a good impression.

Mr. Y: The screen is large and easy to see.

-Yes. The dynabook M series is equipped with a 14-inch LCD.

Mr. R: Good. It's completely different from my laptop. Since we are dealing with detailed data, it would be helpful if the screen was a little larger.

Mr. Y: Not only is it big, but it's bright and the colors are really pretty.

――Full HD, wide viewing angle Non-glare liquid crystal reduces glare even under sunlight or fluorescent lighting, and the screen remains easy to see regardless of the lighting position in the room.

Mr. Y: I haven't touched it yet, but I already like it (laughs).

The two of you actually experienced it!

――Now, let's actually use the "dynabook M" series. Experience the processing speed by reproducing the environment you usually use at work.

Business person honest review! dynabook empower What is the power of technology!? | My Navi News My Navi News My Navi

Mr. Y: Also, if you use a normal PC, the main unit will heat up while you are using it, but this PC seems to be fine.

――That's thanks to the "empower technology" installed in the "dynabook M" series.

Mr. R: What is "Empower Technology"?

--The 11th generation Intel® CPU installed in the "dynabook M" series has reduced the TDP (maximum heat dissipation when the CPU is fully operating at 100% usage) from the previous 15W. By increasing to 28W, significant performance enhancement is realized. Even with its powerful processing ability, if the heat inside the main unit is not effectively discharged, the performance cannot be avoided.

In such a case, dynabook's "Empower Technology", which makes full use of the notebook PC cooling and heat dissipation technology and housing design technology that dynabook has accumulated over many years, is useful!

Y-san: I see. It means that the performance of the cooling and heat dissipation system of the PC is also improving.

--That's right. By utilizing "Empower Technology", it is possible to stably maintain high performance of up to about 1.5 times*. *Surveyed by Dynabook Inc. Comparison with the dynabook S series (model without Empower Technology).

Mr. Y: 1.5 times is amazing. Certainly it was comfortable without slowing down or stopping.

Mr. R: Also, as I felt from my first impression, the large screen makes it easy to see fine print. It is very helpful for me who do not use an external monitor.

Mr. Y: I like that it's not too big or heavy. There are lighter laptops, but they have smaller screens and the keyboard is often difficult to type. The larger the screen, the more difficult it is to carry around. I think the "dynabook M" series is just the right balance.

Mr. R: Once you get used to the keyboard, it's very easy to type. There is a solid keystroke feeling.

Mr. Y: The keyboard is nice, isn't it? I just typed and was pleasantly surprised.

Mr. R: How long does the battery last?

—About 15 hours.

Mr. Y: Then you can use it with confidence even when you're out and about!

-Actually, the "dynabook M" series has another function. You can open the screen 180 degrees.

Mr. Y: Huh! Interesting. It seems to be convenient for talking while sharing one screen with a face-to-face person in a meeting or presentation.

Mr. R: It's convenient not to have to turn the screen to the other person or return it to yourself each time.

-How did you feel when using the "dynabook M" series this time?

Mr. Y: I thought it would be very suitable for a business person. The screen size is just right, and above all, the screen display is very beautiful. It works well and has a stylish design. If the "dynabook M" series is provided by the company, I will be very happy!

Mr. R: I agree with you. It's comfortable because it doesn't stop moving or get heavy, and the screen size is exquisite. Whether working from home or going to work, I thought it was a versatile notebook PC.

-Thank you!

The "dynabook M" series, a reassuring ally of business people

The "dynabook M" series was also very popular with two business people who are active in different industries. Empower technology achieves up to 1.5 times faster processing, allowing you to easily handle heavy operations. The screen size is 14 inches, which strikes a balance between portability and usability. With a battery life of about 15 hours, it can be used for a variety of purposes, whether working from home, at work, or on business trips. The gimmick that opens 180 degrees seems to be useful in every business scene.

A notebook PC can be called a companion for modern business people. We recommend the "dynabook M" series as an uncompromising choice.

< td>OS td>
CPU11th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-1165G7 Processor 2.80GHz (up to 4.70GHz) <4 cores>11th generation Intel®Core™ i3-1115G4 processor 3.00GHz (up to 4.10GHz)<2 cores>
SSD512GB PCIe high speed SSD256GB PCIe high speed SSD
Battery life

Learn more about the dynabook M series

[PR]Provided by Dynabook Inc.