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  • [Sherlock Holmes] what is the total cost of buying an apartment? Explain the details and calculation methods of various fees | useful information about residence

[Sherlock Holmes] what is the total cost of buying an apartment? Explain the details and calculation methods of various fees | useful information about residence

The total purchase cost of the apartment is calculated according to "purchase cost + various expenses".

When buying an apartment, in addition to the cost of buying the property, there will be a variety of fees, such as taxes and handling fees. These expenses are called various expenses, and the total amount of the apartment needs to be calculated according to the "purchase cost + various expenses".

The standard of various fees is 30.6% of the property price of a new apartment and 6% or 9% of the property price of a second-hand apartment.

Therefore, for example, if you buy a new apartment with 40 million yen, the standard of various fees is about 1.2 million to 2.4 million yen. A second-hand apartment with 25 million yen can be calculated at about 1.5 million-2.25 million yen.

When drawing up a rough budget, calculate various fees according to this benchmark ratio, plus property prices to consider.

A breakdown of the expenses required for the apartment contract

As explained just now, although there are certain standards for various fees and charges, the specific amounts will vary from case to case. Therefore, it is important to know the details and calculation methods of various costs when you want to know the correct costs.

When purchasing a new apartment, the following fees will be incurred:

The cost of the project.

Content: content.

Calculation method / amount standard

Stamp duty

The cost of printing affixed to the contract of sale

10,000 to 30,000 yen

Real estate acquisition tax

Local tax arising from real estate acquisition

0 yen ~ 3% of the fixed assets tax valuation

Registration licence tax

National tax required for registration of transfer of ownership

0.3% of fixed assets tax valuation

Commission fees for judicial scribes

Entrustment fee of registration agent

About 100000 yen

Apply for a deposit.

Fees paid to a real estate company at the time of purchase application

20 to 100000 yen

Deposit (deposit)

Money paid to the seller at the time of the sales contract

5-10% of the purchase price

購入時には、Stamp dutyやReal estate acquisition tax、登記を行うためのRegistration licence taxといった税金がかかります。これらの税額は、物件の取引金額やFixed assets tax.評価額によって計算され、住宅であればそれぞれ軽減措置が適用されます。

なお、Apply for a deposit.やDeposit (deposit)はどちらも一時的に預けるお金であり、最終的には購入代金の一部に充てられるのが一般的です。

When buying a second-hand apartment, you need to spend the following fees.

The cost of the project.

Content: content.

Calculation method / amount standard

Stamp duty

The cost of printing affixed to the contract of sale

10,000 to 30,000 yen

Real estate acquisition tax

Local tax arising from real estate acquisition

0 yen ~ 3% of the fixed assets tax valuation

Registration licence tax

National tax required for registration of transfer of ownership

0.1% of the tax assessed value of fixed assets 2%

Commission fees for judicial scribes

Entrustment fee of registration agent

About 100000 yen

Intermediary service fee.

Reward for success paid to real estate companies

Property price x 3% + 60,000 yen + consumption tax ceiling

Fixed assets tax.

Settlement fund

売主(不動産会社含む)へ支払うFixed assets tax.の負担金

Fixed assets tax.の日割り金額

Apply for a deposit.

Fees paid to a real estate company at the time of purchase application

20 to 100000 yen

Deposit (deposit)

Money paid to the seller at the time of the sales contract

5-10% of the purchase price

新築マンションとの違いは「Intermediary service fee.」と「Fixed assets tax.Settlement fund」が発生する点にあります。

Intermediary service fee.とは、物件の仲介をしてくれたReward for success paid to real estate companiesです。

Second-hand apartments are sold from individual sellers to individual buyers in almost all cases, so real estate companies as experts are generally sandwiched to prevent disputes.

At this time, the fee will be capped at "property price x 3% + 60,000 yen + consumption tax" as the handling fee.

Fixed assets tax.Settlement fundとは、年間の途中で物件の引き渡しが行われた場合に、売主が負担したFixed assets tax.を精算するための費用です。

Fixed assets tax.は毎年1月1日時点の所有者に課税されるため、1年の途中で引き渡しがあった場合は、その時点から12月31日までの負担分を買主が負担する必要があります。

たとえば、年間で12万円のFixed assets tax.がかかる住宅を5月1日に取引し、5月1日以降の所有権は買主に移転したとします。年間12万円のFixed assets tax.を5月1日以降から8ヶ月分負担するため、買主が負担すべきFixed assets tax.Settlement fundは8万円となります。

Because second-hand apartments have to add these fees, they are generally more expensive than new apartments.

When using a house loan when buying an apartment, in addition to the various expenses required by the property, it will mainly incur the following expenses:

The cost of the project.

Content: content.

Calculation method / amount standard

Stamp duty

The cost of printing on a loan contract.

Twenty thousand to forty thousand yen

Registration licence tax

The national tax required for the registration of mortgage establishment

0.1-0.4% of the loan amount

Commission fees for judicial scribes

Entrustment fee of registration agent

40,000 to 80,000 yen

Loan handling fee.

Fees paid to financial institutions

30,000 to 50,000 yen

Loan guarantee fee.

The guarantee fee paid to the guarantee company

About 0.5-2% of the loan amount

The cost of object investigation.

Commission fee for investigating whether the property meets the loan criteria

About 40,000 to 60,000 yen

Fire insurance premium.

In many cases, the use of a mortgage is necessary

契約Content: content.によって異なる

The specific amount varies according to the conditions, but about 30% of the loan amount is taken as the standard.


A breakdown of the cost of buying an apartment

When buying an apartment, you should not only know the cost at the time of purchase, but also know the cost after moving in. Here, let's take a look at what items are spent after the purchase.

不動産を所有しているときには、毎年Fixed assets tax.が発生します。

また、物件が市街化区域(すでに市街化している、もしくはおおむね10年以内に優先的に市街化を図るべきエリア)内に物件がある場合は、都市計画税も課され、Fixed assets tax.の納付書に追記されます。

これらの税金は「Fixed assets tax.評価額」を基に計算され、Fixed assets tax.は「Fixed assets tax.評価額×1.4%(標準税率)」、都市計画税は「Fixed assets tax.評価額×0.3%」で算出します。

However, in the case of housing, while accepting mitigation measures respectively, the calculation method is also different according to the number of years of housing construction, etc.

Unlike single-family houses, apartments generate monthly management fees and repair provident funds. The management fee is necessary for cleaning and equipment management of the common part, with a standard of 10, 000 to 20, 000 yen a month.

The repair provident fund is the accumulated cost for large-scale repairs, which is based on about 5000-15,000 yen per month.

However, the specific cost is generally higher than the construction life, and in some cases, when the provident fund is insufficient, it needs to be paid separately at the time of large-scale renovation.

If you own a private car, motorcycle, etc., you need to pay parking fees. The amount varies according to the presence of the roof and the area, so it's better to check in advance.

Is there any way to control the cost of the apartment cheaply?

There are a variety of items for the purchase of apartments, and the total amount can never be said to be cheap. Therefore, when discussing the budget, we should also focus on ways to control various costs.

Here, I would like to introduce the main points that can be saved according to the various expenses.

Mortgage, depending on which financial institution and commodity you choose, the burden will also vary greatly. Therefore, it is very important to choose the most suitable one while comparing the interest rate, service fee, guarantee fee and other conditions.

On this basis, special attention should be paid to the relationship between interest rates and other costs. At first glance, even if the interest rate looks cheap, it will become very expensive for reasons such as handling fees and guarantee fees.

Therefore, if we want to control the various costs a little bit, let's conduct an overall inspection of these three costs.

Fire insurance premium.や地震保険料は、加入するプランや補償Content: content.によって変動します。プランのContent: content.を確認して、必要のないものを削るだけで費用が安くなることもあります。

In addition, for the method of payment, choosing the longest 10-year lump sum payment, rather than monthly or annual payment, can result in significant total savings.

中古マンションを購入するときには、諸費用のなかでIntermediary service fee.はもっとも大きなコストとなります。そのため、Intermediary service fee.の安い不動産会社を見つけるのも有効な手段といえます。

Intermediary service fee.は上限が法律で決められているものの、下限については特に決まりがありません。そのため、選定次第で費用を安くできる可能性があるのです。


Notes on various expenses

The various expenses for the purchase of an apartment are paid in principle in cash. Because, the house loan always takes the purchase price as the object. Therefore, when discussing the purchase budget of an apartment, you need to consider whether you can prepare more than a certain amount of your own funds.

In addition, if cash is not available, there are ways to use "various cost loans" that can be used for various costs, or to choose housing loans that include various costs.

ただし、通常の住宅ローンと比べて金利は高く設定されており、別途で手数料も発生します。また、諸費用のうちDeposit (deposit)やReal estate acquisition taxは組み込むことができないのが一般的であり、現金をまったく用意せずに購入計画を立てるのは現実的ではありません。

So don't think about borrowing easily, but make a plan to prepare a minimum amount of your own money.

Summary (summary)
