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Reverse wind on carbon native?Lack of semiconductor in the automotive industry | Zuu Online

"What is it? It's too expensive to buy"

My husband muttered while looking at the computer screen.He is a hobby of assembling gaming computers, but recently the graphic card has soared, and high -end products are now "untouched."A graphic card is an extended board that plays a graphic processing built into a personal computer.

カーボンニュートラルに逆風? 自動車産業の半導体不足 | ZUU online

For example, the retail price of the GeForce RTX 3090, a graphic card of U.S. semiconductor manufacturers, was $ 1,500 (about 170,000 yen) as of September 2020.However, as of February 12, 2022, it has jumped around 1,995 to £ 1,500 (about 31,500 yen) in the UK.The background is a global shortage of semiconductors.The graphic card for personal computers is equipped with a semiconductor chip (processor) for image processing called GPU (graphics processing unit), but the supply of teleworks and nesting consumption cannot keep up and prices soaring.It is expected to have been invited.

The impact of semiconductor deficiency has also extended to the automotive industry.On September 23, 2021, Alix Partners, an international consulting company, produced $ 210 billion (approximately 24,331.3 billion yen) in 2021 on the impact of the semiconductor shortage of the world's automotive industry.It was predicted that the number was down 7.7 million units.The impact on the automotive industry that requires many semiconductors, from the operation support function to the ECU (electronic control unit) that controls engine, transmission, etc., has been enormous, and each company has been forced to coordinate production.

This time, we will deliver the theme of "Semiconductel Shortage in The Automotive Industry".