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Google "Privacy Sandbox", can it be an alternative to cookies -Understand visuals: Nikkei Crostek Active

 We don't have a day when we don't use web browsers on PCs and smartphones.In addition to reading a variety of articles, emails, music, videos, SNS, shopping, chatting, chatting, video conferences, and documents, you can now do many things that can be done on the OS on the web.In this special feature, we will explain the latest technologies of such Web.

 If you look at various sites or search by searching on a web browser, you will see online advertisements.For example, if you search for a chair on a certain EC site, look at the product, and then browse another site, the products you have checked on the site often will be displayed again.


 This is realized by tracking the user (web browser) behavior history in various ways.Cookies are mainly used for this tracking.Cookies issued from website A, which are directly accessed by users, are called "First Party Cookie", and cookies issued from web server X, which performs tracking, are called "third -party cookies".

 While looking at Web Site A, a cookie is issued to the web server X by the javascript embedded in HTML.This allows users to track the user's movements beyond the site when they go to another site (Web server B).By collecting user IP addresses, you can track the rough location information and the situation where you moved.

 I personally find it very uncomfortable to display product advertising and recommendations beyond the site.Also, it is not very pleasant to issue cookies from a website that you have not visited.

 Recently, instead of automatically acquiring cookies, we have often seen sites that display dialog boxes for permission.This is because it is necessary to provide cookies and personal information under the permission of the user after presenting the purpose of use.This also has the effect of GDPR (general data protection rules).


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